Hats off to Mayor Khan - Three times triumphant in London - this time beating an actual nazi

But look behind the other blowhard headlines about ‘Stunning Labour triumphs’, and this week’s election results also confirmed a less-discussed truth about the Labour Party that many of us have long suspected. Sir Keir Starmer may well be Britain’s prime minister-in-waiting, but few people outside the cliques of Labour apparatchiks and loyalists are waiting for him to take power with any enthusiasm or excitement. Instead, Starmer looks increasingly like the PM-in-waiting who nobody really wants.

The Labour leader who has proved that he stands for no principles beyond his own election is not the man to get voters on their feet. The technocrat who will flip-flop and say whatever he thinks will lose him the fewest votes this week, on everything from Brexit to trans ideology, is not the leader people will shout for. Britain is crying out for political change. Yet who could seriously suggest that Starmer is it?

What genius thought a nazi slag would do well in London ? Another win for Khan and another drubbing for the out of touch tories. I am fucking loving it!!
Is it true that Mohammed is the most popular name in England?
Is it true that Mohammed is the most popular name in England?
Mothin Ali, Green Party councillor shouted 'Allahu Akbar' after being elected to Leeds Council as he declared the victory a 'win for the people of Gaza'.

But look behind the other blowhard headlines about ‘Stunning Labour triumphs’, and this week’s election results also confirmed a less-discussed truth about the Labour Party that many of us have long suspected. Sir Keir Starmer may well be Britain’s prime minister-in-waiting, but few people outside the cliques of Labour apparatchiks and loyalists are waiting for him to take power with any enthusiasm or excitement. Instead, Starmer looks increasingly like the PM-in-waiting who nobody really wants.

The Labour leader who has proved that he stands for no principles beyond his own election is not the man to get voters on their feet. The technocrat who will flip-flop and say whatever he thinks will lose him the fewest votes this week, on everything from Brexit to trans ideology, is not the leader people will shout for. Britain is crying out for political change. Yet who could seriously suggest that Starmer is it?

You know if thats your comfort blanket thats fine. I dont give a shit as long as the tories get fucked. In the UK we are all voting tactically to get tories out.
I would hope that labour have to work with the libs and nats, All of the progressive parties should combine to fuck over the tories. The UK is a progressive country and we deserve better thaan conservatism.
Go and volunteer in Gaza. After all, your party runs on that platform, and not the pressing social problems of Britain.

Bye bye. Safe travels.

Gaza is not safe for anyone with IDF murderers roaming the streets. I might as well sit an an American classroom waiting for the latest GOP nut to turn up.

Another victory for decency. The wretched woman they put up against him was the worst possible individual they could pick.

What genius thought a nazi slag would do well in London ? Another win for Khan and another drubbing for the out of touch tories. I am fucking loving it!!
London's choice. Apparently crime is London is going through the ceiling, but white British are probably the minority in London, so Khan's ilk will have voted him in again.

Thank goodness I'm 300+ miles away.

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