Hats off to Mayor Khan - Three times triumphant in London - this time beating an actual nazi

At least, bare minimum, my ass isn't in the air for allah. The Muslims want their own political party in the UK so they can vote the natives out of existence.

Poor Britian, to come to such a sad end.
You're bent over for an orange bloated fascist wannabe.
You can use google as well as me. Why dont you clean up this thread from the right wing trash ?

Got it. So the person is not an actual Nazi. You're just so far to the left that anyone to the right of Stalin is a Nazi to you.
He beat her by 11 points, so not exactly close. Nonetheless, he only won with 44% of the vote, so a majority did not want him reelected.

Politics in the UK are defined these days by a lack of enthusiasm.

Not all that many turned out for the Mayor’s vote, resulting in calls for voting to be compulsory, as it is in Australia.

And no postal votes!
There is much about the modern Labour Party to make the stately politicians from its past turn in their graves.

Think of Labour leader Keir Starmer and his deputy, Angela Rayner, embarrassing themselves at the Pride Parade in London in 2022. Gay anthems played as Rayner indulged in a self-conscious shoulder roll, before Keir Starmer followed suit. This was before his current incarnation as ‘Starmer the Statesman’. This was ‘Queer Keir’, a heterosexual sexagenarian with glitter on his cheeks. He even sported his customary Barney Rubble look of confusion as though struggling with two thoughts simultaneously. Perhaps he was trying to remember who the Weather Girls were, and what made them biological women.

But it is London mayor Sadiq Khan who is surely most responsible for sending those regal figures from Labour’s past spinning in their graves. His identitarian posturing is ceaseless, his support for voguish causes tireless. He embodies perhaps all that is wrong with the modern Labour Party.

He was also at Pride on the same day as Starmer and Rayner, rallying the crowds while welcoming his comrades to his fiefdom, his Trumpton. ‘The great thing about London is that if you’re different, you aren’t simply tolerated, you’re respected, celebrated and embraced’, he said. ‘That’s who we are: open-minded, outward looking.’ Yet he was oblivious to just how provincial this outlook is. He seems to assume that those in London, and beyond it, who challenge this fantasy, who don’t share his worldview, are the enemy. And this is the main problem with the current mayor:
he is arguably the most divisive leading politician in Britain today.

There is much about the modern Labour Party to make the stately politicians from its past turn in their graves.

Think of Labour leader Keir Starmer and his deputy, Angela Rayner, embarrassing themselves at the Pride Parade in London in 2022. Gay anthems played as Rayner indulged in a self-conscious shoulder roll, before Keir Starmer followed suit. This was before his current incarnation as ‘Starmer the Statesman’. This was ‘Queer Keir’, a heterosexual sexagenarian with glitter on his cheeks. He even sported his customary Barney Rubble look of confusion as though struggling with two thoughts simultaneously. Perhaps he was trying to remember who the Weather Girls were, and what made them biological women.

But it is London mayor Sadiq Khan who is surely most responsible for sending those regal figures from Labour’s past spinning in their graves. His identitarian posturing is ceaseless, his support for voguish causes tireless. He embodies perhaps all that is wrong with the modern Labour Party.

He was also at Pride on the same day as Starmer and Rayner, rallying the crowds while welcoming his comrades to his fiefdom, his Trumpton. ‘The great thing about London is that if you’re different, you aren’t simply tolerated, you’re respected, celebrated and embraced’, he said. ‘That’s who we are: open-minded, outward looking.’ Yet he was oblivious to just how provincial this outlook is. He seems to assume that those in London, and beyond it, who challenge this fantasy, who don’t share his worldview, are the enemy. And this is the main problem with the current mayor:
he is arguably the most divisive leading politician in Britain today.

He should be easy to beat then in 5 years time.
For all your smirking and giggling, Tommy Tainant, do you know what this is, and the significance of it in present day London?

He beat her by 11 points, so not exactly close. Nonetheless, he only won with 44% of the vote, so a majority did not want him reelected.

He lost much support because of Labours terrible Gaza policy. Labour candidates were beaten by independents in predominatly muslim areas and working class areas. I am glad of that. I hope that they see sense and do the right thing.

In the circs its a decent win. Look at the overall votes and its clearly a progressive city. Libs and greens did very will. Count Binface beat Britain First. The facxists got fucked. Its all good.

Susan Hall Climate Denier

Susan Hall fuck ups

Susan Hall supporting violence and Islamophobia

Susan Hall caught lying about being robbed.

I cant be arsed about looking up any more.
That died a long time ago. They’re as woke as can be.

And Labour is no better. They lost all their decent statesmen many moons ago.
They are still available online to anybody. Tories have been too busy getting locked up by criminal gangs to ban them. Wjy dont you ban them?

Susan Hall Climate Denier

Susan Hall fuck ups

Susan Hall supporting violence and Islamophobia

Susan Hall caught lying about being robbed.

I cant be arsed about looking up any more.

Maybe she was. But she wasn’t a strong enough personality to be mayor.

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