Hats off to Mayor Khan - Three times triumphant in London - this time beating an actual nazi

You know that the followers of Islamic beliefs are called Muslims, right?


You do know that "Islam" isn't a person, it's a religion right?

You also know that just because someone is a practicing member of a religion, that they don't necessarily run that whole religion, or represent that whole religion.

There are Muslims in the UK and elsewhere who go into politics to promote Islam, which is the implication being made here. Khan doesn't. He doesn't push his Islamic views onto others. Just like many, many other politicians from many of the religions manage to do.

You do know that "Islam" isn't a person, it's a religion right?

You also know that just because someone is a practicing member of a religion, that they don't necessarily run that whole religion, or represent that whole religion.

There are Muslims in the UK and elsewhere who go into politics to promote Islam, which is the implication being made here. Khan doesn't. He doesn't push his Islamic views onto others. Just like many, many other politicians from many of the religions manage to do.
It's a religion. It's a political process. It's a judicial process. It's a social process. Since Khan is still alive, he is a good Muslim meaning it is his duty to spread Islam. He's doing a good job of it too.
It's a religion. It's a political process. It's a judicial process. It's a social process. Since Khan is still alive, he is a good Muslim meaning it is his duty to spread Islam. He's doing a good job of it too.

There are many, many different ways of being a Muslim. Like there are many ways of being a Christian.

Do you have any evidence of any of his policies having anything to do with spreading Islam?

Or you're just throwing shit?
There are many, many different ways of being a Muslim. Like there are many ways of being a Christian.

Do you have any evidence of any of his policies having anything to do with spreading Islam?

Or you're just throwing shit?
What do the few remaining English have to say
What do the few remaining English have to say

What do they have to say? You just posted a website. If you want to pinpoint some quotes they have to say, do it. If not, then don't bother even replying.
At least, bare minimum, my ass isn't in the air for allah. The Muslims want their own political party in the UK so they can vote the natives out of existence.

Poor Britian, to come to such a sad end.
Where does that racist claptrap come from?
What do the few remaining English have to say
London like most Cities in the world is cosmopolitan, HELLO is there anyone home?

Hopkins is a well known extreme rightwing looney full of bile, the worrying thing is the stupid Cow was an Army Officer, the one thing she is correct about is the rep of many politicians, what comes next if it was up to people like her would be a military coup by Fascists.
Hopkins is a well known extreme rightwing looney full of bile, the worrying thing is the stupid Cow was an Army Officer.

I knew you were going to say thet before you said it. Attacking the messenger. A worn out tactic.

Can’t you come up with something original?
I call bullshit, not sure whats going on but if this was some nutcase shooting Oldham up it would have been all over the news, i never saw anything about it.
Maybe the press owners ordered this little episode not to be mentioned. I don't know...

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