Biden Administration Uses it’s Power to Censor Social Media

Perhaps you should have posted this link to begin with:

Of course I'd have probably still laughed, since it's posted in their own blog instead of a medical journal where others could have checked their work.

I mean, it wasn’t exactly hidden. Of course they didn’t ask for your input. I’m sure a couple of PhDs at Yale would want your input on how scientists don’t ever use estimates.
2000 years ago people thought diseases were caused by evil spirits and turned to their gods for help.
Then they found out about germs, viruses, and medicines.

They weren't lying 2000 years ago.
They did their best with the information they had.
Then they changed when new information came available.

Take off the MAGA glasses and view reality.
I believe we are learning a lot more about the origins of COVID right now.

Republicans in the US House of Representatives publicly grilled infectious-disease specialist Peter Daszak today during a long-awaited hearing on Capitol Hill. In their questioning, they suggested that Daszak and the non-profit organization he heads, EcoHealth Alliance in New York City, knowingly conducted dangerous research by studying coronaviruses in partnership with a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China, the city in which the first COVID-19 cases were reported.


At the start of the hearing, subcommittee chair Brad Wenstrup, a Republican representative from Ohio, announced the findings of a report evaluating EcoHealth’s research activities, which was issued earlier in the day. The interim report, released by the subcommittee’s Republican members, states that EcoHealth failed to disclose high-risk, ‘gain-of-function’ research that it conducted in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Furthermore, the report recommends that the organization should be barred from receiving future federal funds and criminally investigated


Anthony Fauci, who was head of NIAID when EcoHealth received its grant to study bat coronaviruses with the WIV in 2014, will testify before the subcommittee on 3 June.

Former White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci doesn't believe the lab leak explanation of COVID-19's origins is a conspiracy theory. He admitted as much during a closed-door grilling session before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Monday. Legislators did not release a transcript of his testimony, but Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R–Ohio), the chairman of the subcommittee, published some highlights on X (formerly Twitter).

I mean, it wasn’t exactly hidden. Of course they didn’t ask for your input. I’m sure a couple of PhDs at Yale would want your input on how scientists don’t ever use estimates.

Yeah, paint me impressed by blog posters. LMAO

Yeah, paint me impressed by blog posters. LMAO

And you’re going to stack your resume against theirs?

You’ve yet to be correct about anything here.

Are you saying it isn't a blog? It's right fucking there. But hey, you commies are unsurpassed at denying reality. Now run along moron, you've lost your entertainment value and are boring the shit out of me.

DECEMBER 13, 2022

I believe we are learning a lot more about the origins of COVID right now.

Republicans in the US House of Representatives publicly grilled infectious-disease specialist Peter Daszak today during a long-awaited hearing on Capitol Hill. In their questioning, they suggested that Daszak and the non-profit organization he heads, EcoHealth Alliance in New York City, knowingly conducted dangerous research by studying coronaviruses in partnership with a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China, the city in which the first COVID-19 cases were reported.


At the start of the hearing, subcommittee chair Brad Wenstrup, a Republican representative from Ohio, announced the findings of a report evaluating EcoHealth’s research activities, which was issued earlier in the day. The interim report, released by the subcommittee’s Republican members, states that EcoHealth failed to disclose high-risk, ‘gain-of-function’ research that it conducted in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Furthermore, the report recommends that the organization should be barred from receiving future federal funds and criminally investigated


Anthony Fauci, who was head of NIAID when EcoHealth received its grant to study bat coronaviruses with the WIV in 2014, will testify before the subcommittee on 3 June.

Former White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci doesn't believe the lab leak explanation of COVID-19's origins is a conspiracy theory. He admitted as much during a closed-door grilling session before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Monday. Legislators did not release a transcript of his testimony, but Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R–Ohio), the chairman of the subcommittee, published some highlights on X (formerly Twitter).

Conspiracy crapstacks in congress are still conspiracy crapstacks.

The "Origin" has nothing to do with
Shoving a lightbulb up your ass
Drinking clorox
taking horse wormer
vaccine hysteria...

Perhaos you should look at the real world rather than look for reasons for your personal failures
Conspiracy crapstacks in congress are still conspiracy crapstacks.

The "Origin" has nothing to do with
Shoving a lightbulb up your ass
Drinking clorox
taking horse wormer
vaccine hysteria...

Perhaos you should look at the real world rather than look for reasons for your personal failures
I fear it is you that doesn’t understand the real world.

Absolute speculation about how many cases were prevented from becoming fatal . It’s like theorizing about how many birds DIDNT fly over my house today because I set off firecrackers,
Useful only for and to useful idiots
I fear it is you that doesn’t understand the real world.

Any of that got anything to do with shoving a lightbulb up your ass?

How about drinking clorox?

Then maybe "just a cold?"

How about vaccines killing millions?


Well then it appears you just said nothing about nothing resulting on proving nothing.

You could go on, but you'd sound like a crazy person.

Conservatives: Covid was an evil Chinese Bioweapon designed to destroy the One True God, Donald Trump.
Also Conservatives: Covid was an overhyped flu designed to destroy the One True God, Donald Trump.

More evidence is coming out that COVID leaked from the Wuhan Lab. The problem is the Biden Administration is protecting the Chinese. I can’t imagine why he continues to protect them. Maybe he fears they won’t buy any of Hunter’s finger paintings.

Once it is proven that COVID escaped from the lab, we can concentrate whether or not it was engineered and the on intentionality, if any. It opens a can of worms that the Biden Administration and many Democrats don’t want to open.(for some reason)

Classified State Department Documents Credibly Suggest COVID-19 Lab Leak, Wenstrup Pushes for Declassification - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
More evidence is coming out that COVID leaked from the Wuhan Lab. The problem is the Biden Administration is protecting the Chinese. I can’t imagine why he continues to protect them. Maybe he fears they won’t buy any of Hunter’s finger paintings.

What evidence is that? That a report suggests that maybe it happened? A report that didn't talk to a single employee of that lab or took a single sample in Wuhan.

Again, if it was an accidental leak, then why didn't the first cases appear in 1) Lab workers or 2) people living in the blocks immediately around the lab?

Instead, they appeared in a live animal wet market 7 miles away and across the river.

Now, I've been to Chinese markets in this country, and yes, some of the weird stuff I've seen there, I have no problem believing that someone brought some live animal into the market and some germ jumped to humans from a bat or a raccoon dog.

Once it is proven that COVID escaped from the lab, we can concentrate whether or not it was engineered and the on intentionality, if any. It opens a can of worms that the Biden Administration and many Democrats don’t want to open.(for some reason)

The problem is, you guys can't "prove" it, you can just make a shitload of accusations. Part of the reason why coordination was so poor (besides the fact that Trump is grossly incompetent) is that Trump had pretty bad relations with China and closed down the CDC field office in Beijing.

Of course, you Orange Cultists need for this to be a lab leak because you think that somehow exonerates the Orange Shitgibbon from any responsibility for how badly he handled every aspect of this emergency.
Yet you guys have spent five years trying to prove that and the only thing you have is a fake laptop and a guy who turned out to be a Russian Spy.
Ukraine, China, it adds up you know.
makes additional 'parties' entirely plausible too.
Ukraine, China, it adds up you know.
makes additional 'parties' entirely plausible too.

Naw, not really. Kind of hard to whine about doing business in China and Ukraine when our whole government and corporate structure encourages companies to do so.

Maybe you should rant at that fat person riding a rascal at Walmart buying Chinese goods.
Naw, not really. Kind of hard to whine about doing business in China and Ukraine when our whole government and corporate structure encourages companies to do so.

Maybe you should rant at that fat person riding a rascal at Walmart buying Chinese goods.
i'll rant at whomever i choose, thank you very much.
and in this case, that's Biden & co.
corrupt, all of 'm.

and i'm very much against censorship.
Yeah, a supposed "vaccine" that isn't a real vaccine. That's why the CDC had to redefine the term to accommodate it. A "vaccine" that didn't prevent infection, didn't prevent transmission, isn't a whole lot of good.


That's some crock of bullshit you're swimming in there.

The vaccines reduces infections and transmissions, but you continue to choose to believe right wing lies. It's amazing someone so gullible and stupid has lived this long.

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