Should Conservative States Try To Secede? Again?

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.

Folks you can't make this shit up.

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.
No, liberals didn't secede -- but I expected that type pathetic revisionism from dumb asses like yourself...
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"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

What do you mean "again?"

It was the democrats who tried to secede in the first civil war, stupid. And it is the democrats who started this civil war.
I understand that you are too stupid to know the difference between political ideologies and political parties...but here is a hint.....

Who were the ones whining about Reconstruction being too progressive and radical that they formed the KKK to oppose it??

Spoiler alert....they were not "liberals"

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This woman was not a "conservative" -- and the fact you have no idea who this woman is proves my point...

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.
The level of just breathtaking here! Calhoun and Clay..are rolling in their graves...laughing their bony asses off!

Slavery is a liberal idea, the GOP has always been against it. Remember that the basis of slavery is people telling other people what to do. If I'm told to wear a mask to go into Walmart, that's a form of slavery.

Modern political thinkers have compared the new lib ideas like Obamacare with Slavery. you've been told, time and time again..the Democrats in 1860 were the conservative party..and The Republicans..the party of Lincoln..were the liberals.

As we all know..this has changed..if you believe otherwise you are stupid. If you know the truth..but choose to use a lie to are an idiot--either way~

Every time you post this you reveal your ignorance..and open youself up to ridicule...although..i guess you're used to that.

That was so idiotic it almost hurt my head. It's painfully obvious that you don't have the first clue as to what conservatism really is. The main aspect of conservatism is honoring the US Constitution as the ultimate law of the land. It is not some dynamic document that changes to suit your will.

Seceding from the Union was an unconstitutional act, therefore those Confederate Democrats were in no way "conservatives."

You zipperheads keep trying to switch political ideologies in your head, I call what you keep doing the old "liberal switcheroo." But it's completely understandable, seeing how you can't figure the difference between men and women, or which bathrooms to use.
You people had better secede before Biden takes office because he's going to take away your guns and then what are you going to do?
You people had better secede before Biden takes office because he's going to take away your guns and then what are you going to do?

Kill them, take their weapons, and use those against them. it worked pretty well in Vietnam and, Afghanistan, didn't it?

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
Those ideas were of liberty and real money.

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
If Biden dies a the Kamel woman becomes POTUS, it's a done deal.
You people had better secede before Biden takes office because he's going to take away your guns and then what are you going to do?
When your Prog Party takes complete control you will be expecting to get "paid". What if you don't?

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.
The level of just breathtaking here! Calhoun and Clay..are rolling in their graves...laughing their bony asses off!

Slavery is a liberal idea, the GOP has always been against it. Remember that the basis of slavery is people telling other people what to do. If I'm told to wear a mask to go into Walmart, that's a form of slavery.

Modern political thinkers have compared the new lib ideas like Obamacare with Slavery. you've been told, time and time again..the Democrats in 1860 were the conservative party..and The Republicans..the party of Lincoln..were the liberals.

As we all know..this has changed..if you believe otherwise you are stupid. If you know the truth..but choose to use a lie to are an idiot--either way~

Every time you post this you reveal your ignorance..and open youself up to ridicule...although..i guess you're used to that.

That was so idiotic it almost hurt my head. It's painfully obvious that you don't have the first clue as to what conservatism really is. The main aspect of conservatism is honoring the US Constitution as the ultimate law of the land. It is not some dynamic document that changes to suit your will.

Seceding from the Union was an unconstitutional act, therefore those Confederate Democrats were in no way "conservatives."

You zipperheads keep trying to switch political ideologies in your head, I call what you keep doing the old "liberal switcheroo." But it's completely understandable, seeing how you can't figure the difference between men and women, or which bathrooms to use.
There is a reason you can't refute a single thing I said...instead, you just keep babbling dumb shit...

Why did conservatives call Re-Construction too radical and progressive and opposed it???


"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
Those ideas were of liberty and real money.
Those ideas were as the constitution has enshrined...

Suggest you read it instead of thinking your feelings trump my rights...

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
Those ideas were of liberty and real money.
Those ideas were as the constitution has enshrined...

Suggest you read it instead of thinking your feelings trump my rights...
Your rights seem to be interfering with mine. Lets cut the taxes in half in all ways and see what happens..."about rights".

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
Those ideas were of liberty and real money.
Those ideas were as the constitution has enshrined...

Suggest you read it instead of thinking your feelings trump my rights...
Your rights seem to be interfering with mine. Lets cut the taxes in half in all ways and see what happens..."about rights".
Nope, they aren't

Taxes are lower than they have ever been and you dic suckers keep whining about it regardless..

You dumb asses keep opining about the so-called good ol' days and your desire to turn the country back to them -- even tho the top marginal tax rate back then was between 70 to 90% which tells me it wasn't about taxes......

But I will let Lee Atwater sum up what you morons are all about it for me....
If you think you can trust our elections, you're a fool. 2024 spoiler alert... Democrats find enough votes hidden under a table to win. At this point we need war because we have lost the peace.

I am prepared to die for this struggle.

But it will be DAMN satisfying to do unspeakable violence before I ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla.

Kill a commie for mommy.

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
Those ideas were of liberty and real money.
Those ideas were as the constitution has enshrined...

Suggest you read it instead of thinking your feelings trump my rights...
Your rights seem to be interfering with mine. Lets cut the taxes in half in all ways and see what happens..."about rights".
Nope, they aren't

Taxes are lower than they have ever been and you dic suckers keep whining about it regardless..

You dumb asses keep opining about the so-called good ol' days and your desire to turn the country back to them -- even tho the top marginal tax rate back then was between 70 to 90% which tells me it wasn't about taxes......

But I will let Lee Atwater sum up what you morons are all about it for me....
View attachment 427372
It has zero to do with race, jack ass. NOTHING.

This is a struggle over property and individual rights. Taxation is simply a means for government to own and control production. How taxes are used determines their character. Taken from one for the sole benefit of another is nothing more than theft by government.
The republicans of today that get their kicks seeing trump separate kicking and screaming children from their parents, sometimes forever...are not in the same class as the people who were in the party of Lincoln. Obama did some separation when the parents were criminals but today's 'modern' republicans were loving the hell out of trump being his typical unforgiving and cruel self mistreating immigrants and their children who came here as refugees.

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.
The level of just breathtaking here! Calhoun and Clay..are rolling in their graves...laughing their bony asses off!

Slavery is a liberal idea, the GOP has always been against it. Remember that the basis of slavery is people telling other people what to do. If I'm told to wear a mask to go into Walmart, that's a form of slavery.

Modern political thinkers have compared the new lib ideas like Obamacare with Slavery.

Oh, shut the fuck up, you ignorant excuse for a human being!

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