Should Conservative States Try To Secede? Again?

The republicans of today that get their kicks seeing trump separate kicking and screaming children from their parents, sometimes forever...are not in the same class as the people who were in the party of Lincoln. Obama did some separation when the parents were criminals but today's 'modern' republicans were loving the hell out of trump being his typical unforgiving and cruel self mistreating immigrants and their children who came here as refugees.

Oh, shut the fuck up, you ignorant excuse for a human being!
Secession is not an option now. In 1860, neither women nor anyone of color were free citizens in the states that attempted to secede. All were held in some degree of legal subjugation and the only free voting citizens were white males. Now all Americans are free citizens entitled to enjoy the blessing of democracy, and it is very rare to find a state in which the vote totals do not reflect a split of more than a few percentage points around 50/50. The US is not going to go through the sort of mass migration that Indian citizens went through during the creation of Pakistan, which involved massive displacement of millions.

These "different cultures" in the U.S. have to get along as a matter of reality and geography, and there is no reason why they can't. Americans are free to pursue their own chosen lifestyles and will be as long as we ensure that our laws are neutral and not crafted to favor one group or another. Many establish neighborhoods that are populated by like-minded people.

Limbaugh, who is not the brightest light on the porch, thinks its cute to hold a pity party. He's being ridiculous, as usual. you've been told, time and time again..the Democrats in 1860 were the conservative party..and The Republicans..the party of Lincoln..were the liberals.

As we all know..this has changed..if you believe otherwise you are stupid. If you know the truth..but choose to use a lie to are an idiot--either way~

Every time you post this you reveal your ignorance..and open youself up to ridicule...although..i guess you're used to that.


My dog knocked over a lamp and broke it.

When confronted she said "the cat did it." So I showed her the video and she said "that was at 10 Am, back then dogs were cats, and cats were dogs, so you must punish the cat."

In 1860, democrats were big government thugs with contempt for private property rights (to wit the "Small Holders Act" in Georgia that allowed plantations to steal the farms of anyone holding less than 100 acres) contempt for individual liberty, contempt for state sovereignty (fugitive slave act) and proponents of heavy taxation.

In 1860, democrats were exactly like democrats today.

Fuck your big lie technique.
What conservative states?

They are turning blue.

Georgia is a perfect example.

By the end of this century, most Americans will be "liberal."

And the country will be violent, corrupt, & disorganized, IMHO.

I assume that at that time a few so-called conservatives will either emigrate or respectfully ask to be given a safe zone where they can live in peace with their families. (Something along the lines of reservations for Native Americans.)

democrats are not "liberal" by any stretch of the imagination. democrats are Collectivist Totalitarians who deny individual rights and seek the destruction of not only the Bill of Rights but the United States Constitution.

democrats, the Communist Party - because that is what they are - seek to replace individual liberty with group privilege. Gay rights, black rights, LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ rights, pedophile rights.

And course for the Juden, for the scapegoat whites, forced labor camps.

When did the "Parties switch sides"? LOL Was FDR a Conservative? LBJ? LOL


So Conservative supported slavery and Fascist democrats supporter individual liberty?


You're not well. Get Help ASAP

It's the "Big Lie" technique.

The Commies tell a lie so absurd, so outrageous, that they think people will believe it due to sheer audacity.
The republicans of today that get their kicks seeing trump separate kicking and screaming children from their parents, sometimes forever...are not in the same class as the people who were in the party of Lincoln. Obama did some separation when the parents were criminals but today's 'modern' republicans were loving the hell out of trump being his typical unforgiving and cruel self mistreating immigrants and their children who came here as refugees.

states must be divided up as well
West Oregon is with California but east Oregon is not

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
They keep losing, why not? And don't let the door knob hit them in the ass on the way out. Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
They keep losing, why not? And don't let the door knob hit them in the ass on the way out. Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden

We are a truly a lawless society.

The only law is a gun

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....
They keep losing, why not? And don't let the door knob hit them in the ass on the way out. Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden

We are a truly a lawless society.

The only law is a gun
The supreme court ruling has nothing to do with being lawless. And you are too weak and uninformed to prove the decision wrong or lawless. Who are you going to kill? Those people who you failed to make a lawless case against? LOl! dude, you are a sore, sour loser who has shown weakness by suggesting a gun should fix your grievances that have no legs. You really are a pathetic human being.
Conservative states can't secede. Without liberal states, who would pay for their welfare? Even a team of clydesdales can't pull a conservative off the gubmint teat.

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Secession is sedition. So, no.
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