Should Conservative States Try To Secede? Again?

The republicans of today that get their kicks seeing trump separate kicking and screaming children from their parents, sometimes forever...are not in the same class as the people who were in the party of Lincoln. Obama did some separation when the parents were criminals but today's 'modern' republicans were loving the hell out of trump being his typical unforgiving and cruel self mistreating immigrants and their children who came here as refugees.

Obama only separated families when the parent was a felon mostly. Trump's a sadistic piece of shit. you're just an ordinary piece of shit whom I take off ignore now and then for kicks and giggles.
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The supreme court ruling has nothing to do with being lawless. And you are too weak and uninformed to prove the decision wrong or lawless. Who are you going to kill? Those people who you failed to make a lawless case against? LOl! dude, you are a sore, sour loser who has shown weakness by suggesting a gun should fix your grievances that have no legs. You really are a pathetic human being.

The Supreme Court didn't make a ruling.

The court hid in fear of leftist violence and allowed the utterly lawless left to go unchallenged.

Kim Jong Newsom in California is highly unpopular - no doubt he will declare an emergency due to drought before the 22' election to ensure he isn't booted from power. And why not? Governors and judges can change election law on a whim. Codified laws (that mean "written" for the democrats reading this) and constitutions mean nothing.

The threat of violence (and the very real violence of the democrats 9 month long Kristalnacht) is the only thing the court considered.

What the court ruled is there is no law other than violence. That the violence of the democrat Brown Shirts overrules the Constitution of the United States.

Patriots MUST accept this ruling for exactly what it is.
I am very anti war
I want a peaceful succession

Explain how that would work?
We split up into new nations based on counties
USA will have millions of new dot nations

With Communist and American counties interspersed between themselves?

Like this?
I'm Libertarian,


Libertarianism is based Rand, Rothbard, Browne, et al. That which is based on Chomsky, Chavez, and Castro is not libertarian. The Chomskitarians have no use for the ideal of John Galt, but Che Guevara is the voice of their ideals.

so don't care about those 2 wankers. Just knew it would be more fun if Trump lost and went on to melt down. He hasn't disappointed so far.

The wanker that just stole the election is going to end the Bill of Rights. Real Libertarians care about that. Chomskyites aren't really into that "liberty thing," social justice and redistribution of wealth are more what drive you.
Absolutely time to cut the albatross around the neck of progress loose Good riddance to them. They can cut their taxes all they want with no more sucking off the teat of the blue states to make up the difference.
I'm all for it!

It’s Time for a Bluexit | The New Republic
A declaration of independence from Trump's America

Venezuela awaits you, Comrade. It will be GLORIOUS.
Absolutely time to cut the albatross around the neck of progress loose Good riddance to them. They can cut their taxes all they want with no more sucking off the teat of the blue states to make up the difference.
I'm all for it!

It’s Time for a Bluexit | The New Republic
A declaration of independence from Trump's America
When both sides want out of this loveless marriage it's time to split up the china.
I'm Libertarian,


Libertarianism is based Rand, Rothbard, Browne, et al. That which is based on Chomsky, Chavez, and Castro is not libertarian. The Chomskitarians have no use for the ideal of John Galt, but Che Guevara is the voice of their ideals.

so don't care about those 2 wankers. Just knew it would be more fun if Trump lost and went on to melt down. He hasn't disappointed so far.

The wanker that just stole the election is going to end the Bill of Rights. Real Libertarians care about that. Chomskyites aren't really into that "liberty thing," social justice and redistribution of wealth are more what drive you.
Joe Biden barely knows what day it is, let alone end the Bill of Rights.

Do you think that Trump should declare Martial Law?
The supreme court ruling has nothing to do with being lawless. And you are too weak and uninformed to prove the decision wrong or lawless. Who are you going to kill? Those people who you failed to make a lawless case against? LOl! dude, you are a sore, sour loser who has shown weakness by suggesting a gun should fix your grievances that have no legs. You really are a pathetic human being.

The Supreme Court didn't make a ruling.

The court hid in fear of leftist violence and allowed the utterly lawless left to go unchallenged.

Kim Jong Newsom in California is highly unpopular - no doubt he will declare an emergency due to drought before the 22' election to ensure he isn't booted from power. And why not? Governors and judges can change election law on a whim. Codified laws (that mean "written" for the democrats reading this) and constitutions mean nothing.

The threat of violence (and the very real violence of the democrats 9 month long Kristalnacht) is the only thing the court considered.

What the court ruled is there is no law other than violence. That the violence of the democrat Brown Shirts overrules the Constitution of the United States.

Patriots MUST accept this ruling for exactly what it is.
LOl! The court didn't need to hide in fear. It was such an embarrassing case for the supreme court to even hear, a court isn't that stupid to rule on a non-case. Get your fucking head out of the sand. What an embarrassment.
I'm Libertarian,


Libertarianism is based Rand, Rothbard, Browne, et al. That which is based on Chomsky, Chavez, and Castro is not libertarian. The Chomskitarians have no use for the ideal of John Galt, but Che Guevara is the voice of their ideals.

so don't care about those 2 wankers. Just knew it would be more fun if Trump lost and went on to melt down. He hasn't disappointed so far.

The wanker that just stole the election is going to end the Bill of Rights. Real Libertarians care about that. Chomskyites aren't really into that "liberty thing," social justice and redistribution of wealth are more what drive you.
Joe Biden barely knows what day it is, let alone end the Bill of Rights.

Do you think that Trump should declare Martial Law?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:And you want to talk about others not "knowing what day it is?" "Martial law?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.
Nope...the Democrats were con-servatives in the 1860s...surely you don't think the Dems were always liberal and the Republicans were always con-servative? :heehee:

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.
The level of just breathtaking here! Calhoun and Clay..are rolling in their graves...laughing their bony asses off!

Slavery is a liberal idea, the GOP has always been against it. Remember that the basis of slavery is people telling other people what to do. If I'm told to wear a mask to go into Walmart, that's a form of slavery.

Modern political thinkers have compared the new lib ideas like Obamacare with Slavery.
"slavery is a liberal idea" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
If you think you can trust our elections, you're a fool. 2024 spoiler alert... Democrats find enough votes hidden under a table to win. At this point we need war because we have lost the peace.

I am prepared to die for this struggle.

But it will be DAMN satisfying to do unspeakable violence before I ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla.

Kill a commie for mommy.
It's keyboard komando time.

"Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence. Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures."

Well, its usually that time of year again; when conservatives opine about seceding and having second Civil Wars and such -- and it always seems to come right after another election loss because of how patriotic they are and all.....

Sounds more like white nationalist fascism talk to me -- where they talk about how there should be only one culture centered around a dominant race; headed by a dictatorial leader with forcible suppression to any opposition -- cool, have at it guys...and I guarantee you, within a matter of years, you will be wanting to secede from that because even that isn't culturally pure enough....Seems conservatives hate America when Americans forces it to live up to its ideas instead of paying it lip service thru empty symbolism and jingoism....

Actually, it was the liberals who seceded in the 1860's, not conservatives.
The level of just breathtaking here! Calhoun and Clay..are rolling in their graves...laughing their bony asses off!

Slavery is a liberal idea, the GOP has always been against it. Remember that the basis of slavery is people telling other people what to do. If I'm told to wear a mask to go into Walmart, that's a form of slavery.

Modern political thinkers have compared the new lib ideas like Obamacare with Slavery.
"slavery is a liberal idea" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

What is the essence of the idea of "Slavery"? Easy question- Slavery is about people telling other people what to do. Whether its buying a medical insurance policy they don't think they need, or wearing a mask, or picking cotton in a field, its all the same.

Its all slavery, its all liberal, and its all wrong.
It is not states anymore.

It is America against the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. The shitholes full of worthless welfare minorities and stupid uneducated Moon Bats. you've been told, time and time again..the Democrats in 1860 were the conservative party..and The Republicans..the party of Lincoln..were the liberals.

As we all know..this has changed..if you believe otherwise you are stupid. If you know the truth..but choose to use a lie to are an idiot--either way~

Every time you post this you reveal your ignorance..and open youself up to ridicule...although..i guess you're used to that.


My dog knocked over a lamp and broke it.

When confronted she said "the cat did it." So I showed her the video and she said "that was at 10 Am, back then dogs were cats, and cats were dogs, so you must punish the cat."

In 1860, democrats were big government thugs with contempt for private property rights (to wit the "Small Holders Act" in Georgia that allowed plantations to steal the farms of anyone holding less than 100 acres) contempt for individual liberty, contempt for state sovereignty (fugitive slave act) and proponents of heavy taxation.

In 1860, democrats were exactly like democrats today.

Fuck your big lie technique.
Interesting that your pets talk to you.

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