Should employee benefits be tax exempt?

Should government approved employee benefits be tax exempt? Why or why not?

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Now let's say the government raised its revenue needs to 30 bucks from each of us, because a majority of dipshits voted for the government to give hookers free puppies.

If you earn 100 dollars, the tax rate would have to be 30 percent to get your "fair share" out of you.

But let's chuck in that 10 dollar "standard deduction".

Now the tax rate would have to be raised from 30 percent to 33.33 percent.

That's how our system works.

It is further complicated when other tax expenditures are added in. Breeding, large mortgages, the right kind of refrigerators, employee health insurance exemptions, etc.

These add up to $1.4 trillion the government has to make up for by raising tax rates further and further.

Eventually, tax rates became so high because of this, the American people started complaining. So the tax rates were raised just so high, and then the rest of that $1.4 trillion has to be borrowed every fricking year.

And people earning identical incomes are paying radically different tax amounts, which is not just insane but also grossly unjust. This is massive government interference in our lives.

The whole problem could be solved by simply eliminating tax expenditures, and drastically lowering tax rates, and everyone earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

There are two reasons we have deficits;

1. The American Worker doesn't make enough.

2. The wealthy and Corporate America don't pay enough.

Couldn't be more wrong if you were paid to be.

There is one -and ONLY ONE- reason for debt and deficits: TOO MUCH SPENDING.

There are two reasons we have deficits;

1. The American Worker doesn't make enough. That would be you.

2. The wealthy and Corporate America don't pay enough. That would be me.

Yep, that must be the reason why you whine so much about free healthcare and free college...because you're wealthy.

I suspect he is either a trust-fund baby, who never worked a day in his life and was born with a silver spoon up his ass...or a trolling child.

I am someone that is much smarter than you. After all, I believe that you need a raise in pay, and you don't because your poor employer is barley scraping by. SUCKER!!!!
I'm curious how right winners justify their support of this kind of government meddling. Have you all given up on limited government altogether?
Choose one. If you feel like it, explain your answer.

I believe in Flat taxes or consumption taxes ( no income tax). I also think that any over time pay should be tax free. With the Flat tax, there should be about a 40,000 dollar exemption for individuals that would cover people who don't make a lot of money.......

I believe we should leave everything alone and give all workers a $10.00/hr raise. Layoff's illegal, reducing hours illegal.
Choose one. If you feel like it, explain your answer.

I believe in Flat taxes or consumption taxes ( no income tax). I also think that any over time pay should be tax free. With the Flat tax, there should be about a 40,000 dollar exemption for individuals that would cover people who don't make a lot of money.......

A flat tax is still an income tax. It just isn't graduated.

Any direct tax will be corrupt. The well connected will buy laws to exempt themselves from taxation.

But you have no issue of driving on a taxpayer paid roadway.
Choose one. If you feel like it, explain your answer.

I believe in Flat taxes or consumption taxes ( no income tax). I also think that any over time pay should be tax free. With the Flat tax, there should be about a 40,000 dollar exemption for individuals that would cover people who don't make a lot of money.......

A flat tax is still an income tax. It just isn't graduated.

Any direct tax will be corrupt. The well connected will buy laws to exempt themselves from taxation.

A flat tax or consumption tax (after the income tax is revoked) are the only fair ways to tax people.

Both a flat tax and consumption tax screw workers.
Choose one. If you feel like it, explain your answer.

I believe in Flat taxes or consumption taxes ( no income tax). I also think that any over time pay should be tax free. With the Flat tax, there should be about a 40,000 dollar exemption for individuals that would cover people who don't make a lot of money.......

A flat tax is still an income tax. It just isn't graduated.

Any direct tax will be corrupt. The well connected will buy laws to exempt themselves from taxation.

A flat tax or consumption tax (after the income tax is revoked) are the only fair ways to tax people.

Both a flat tax and consumption tax screw workers.

No, they don't.

Yeah...we get it....Freedom is Slavery, Slavery is Freedom.......Low taxes are bad for workers, High taxes are good for workers.......

You guys are insane.
Couldn't be more wrong if you were paid to be.

There is one -and ONLY ONE- reason for debt and deficits: TOO MUCH SPENDING.

There are two reasons we have deficits;

1. The American Worker doesn't make enough. That would be you.

2. The wealthy and Corporate America don't pay enough. That would be me.
3. There's no debt without SPENDING..

There is no driving to work without spending. And for me, there wouldn't be anywhere to land my jet.
Completely irrelevant to the point.

Roadways and airports don't cost monies? Or is it that you want to use them without paying?
Roadways and airports aren't built and maintained by direct income taxation....But you already knew that and are just being a reliably dishonest hack.
Choose one. If you feel like it, explain your answer.

I believe in Flat taxes or consumption taxes ( no income tax). I also think that any over time pay should be tax free. With the Flat tax, there should be about a 40,000 dollar exemption for individuals that would cover people who don't make a lot of money.......

A flat tax is still an income tax. It just isn't graduated.

Any direct tax will be corrupt. The well connected will buy laws to exempt themselves from taxation.

A flat tax or consumption tax (after the income tax is revoked) are the only fair ways to tax people.

Both a flat tax and consumption tax screw workers.

No, they don't.

Yeah...we get it....Freedom is Slavery, Slavery is Freedom.......Low taxes are bad for workers, High taxes are good for workers.......

You guys are insane.

Lets put this into prospective. What percentage of all of the money you made in 2018 did you pay in all taxes?
There are two reasons we have deficits;

1. The American Worker doesn't make enough. That would be you.

2. The wealthy and Corporate America don't pay enough. That would be me.
3. There's no debt without SPENDING..

There is no driving to work without spending. And for me, there wouldn't be anywhere to land my jet.
Completely irrelevant to the point.

Roadways and airports don't cost monies? Or is it that you want to use them without paying?
Roadways and airports aren't built and maintained by direct income taxation....But you already knew that and are just being a reliably dishonest hack.

Are you saying that income taxes aren't combined with other taxes to build roadways?
Choose one. If you feel like it, explain your answer.

I believe in Flat taxes or consumption taxes ( no income tax). I also think that any over time pay should be tax free. With the Flat tax, there should be about a 40,000 dollar exemption for individuals that would cover people who don't make a lot of money.......

A flat tax is still an income tax. It just isn't graduated.

Any direct tax will be corrupt. The well connected will buy laws to exempt themselves from taxation.

But you have no issue of driving on a taxpayer paid roadway.


Roads are paid for by the indirect tax levied on gasoline, retard. You're too stupid to grasp you are making my argument for me.
Well, some benefits are, like portions of health benefits that taken out before taxes are. Generally though, benefits are gained as a part of employment, so no they should not be exempt.

Why health insurance? Is that the only benefit that should be tax exempt?

There's health insurance plans and health insurance plans. There's bare bones plans with high co-pays which should not be taxed, because of the co-pays, and cadillac plans which cover everything with no co-pays and cost thousands of dollars to buy.

There is a third option. Single payer health insurance and no one is taxed.
Well, some benefits are, like portions of health benefits that taken out before taxes are. Generally though, benefits are gained as a part of employment, so no they should not be exempt.

Why health insurance? Is that the only benefit that should be tax exempt?

There's health insurance plans and health insurance plans. There's bare bones plans with high co-pays which should not be taxed, because of the co-pays, and cadillac plans which cover everything with no co-pays and cost thousands of dollars to buy.

There is a third option. Single payer health insurance and no one is taxed.

So, under Communism no one is taxed and everyone gets everything just by magic?

Dayum, you Stalinists sure have a great plan...
Well, some benefits are, like portions of health benefits that taken out before taxes are. Generally though, benefits are gained as a part of employment, so no they should not be exempt.

Why health insurance? Is that the only benefit that should be tax exempt?

There's health insurance plans and health insurance plans. There's bare bones plans with high co-pays which should not be taxed, because of the co-pays, and cadillac plans which cover everything with no co-pays and cost thousands of dollars to buy.

There is a third option. Single payer health insurance and no one is taxed.

So, under Communism no one is taxed and everyone gets everything just by magic?

Dayum, you Stalinists sure have a great plan...

Under single payer, employers pay a health care tax, and workers pay $25 per month for health insurance.
Well, some benefits are, like portions of health benefits that taken out before taxes are. Generally though, benefits are gained as a part of employment, so no they should not be exempt.

Why health insurance? Is that the only benefit that should be tax exempt?

There's health insurance plans and health insurance plans. There's bare bones plans with high co-pays which should not be taxed, because of the co-pays, and cadillac plans which cover everything with no co-pays and cost thousands of dollars to buy.

There is a third option. Single payer health insurance and no one is taxed.

So, under Communism no one is taxed and everyone gets everything just by magic?

Dayum, you Stalinists sure have a great plan...

Under single payer, employers pay a health care tax, and workers pay $25 per month for health insurance.

Well, some benefits are, like portions of health benefits that taken out before taxes are. Generally though, benefits are gained as a part of employment, so no they should not be exempt.

Why health insurance? Is that the only benefit that should be tax exempt?

There's health insurance plans and health insurance plans. There's bare bones plans with high co-pays which should not be taxed, because of the co-pays, and cadillac plans which cover everything with no co-pays and cost thousands of dollars to buy.

There is a third option. Single payer health insurance and no one is taxed.

So, under Communism no one is taxed and everyone gets everything just by magic?

Dayum, you Stalinists sure have a great plan...

Under single payer, employers pay a health care tax, and workers pay $25 per month for health insurance.


There is no such thing as "free shit". There are government programs to benefit taxpayers. Unlike the USA, our tax dollars don't go to corporations or to the wealthy. Our tax dollars are spent on infrastructure, education, health care, and our citizens.
Choose one. If you feel like it, explain your answer.

I believe in Flat taxes or consumption taxes ( no income tax). I also think that any over time pay should be tax free. With the Flat tax, there should be about a 40,000 dollar exemption for individuals that would cover people who don't make a lot of money.......

A flat tax is still an income tax. It just isn't graduated.

Any direct tax will be corrupt. The well connected will buy laws to exempt themselves from taxation.

But you have no issue of driving on a taxpayer paid roadway.


Roads are paid for by the indirect tax levied on gasoline, retard. You're too stupid to grasp you are making my argument for me.

Just over 80% is, the balance is made up from the general fund or direct tax.
There are two reasons we have deficits;

1. The American Worker doesn't make enough.

2. The wealthy and Corporate America don't pay enough.

Couldn't be more wrong if you were paid to be.

There is one -and ONLY ONE- reason for debt and deficits: TOO MUCH SPENDING.

There are two reasons we have deficits;

1. The American Worker doesn't make enough. That would be you.

2. The wealthy and Corporate America don't pay enough. That would be me.

Yep, that must be the reason why you whine so much about free healthcare and free college...because you're wealthy.

I suspect he is either a trust-fund baby, who never worked a day in his life and was born with a silver spoon up his ass...or a trolling child.

I am someone that is much smarter than you. After all, I believe that you need a raise in pay, and you don't because your poor employer is barley scraping by. SUCKER!!!!

Is that intended to make sense? Did you spend some of your trust fund on drugs again?
Under single payer, employers pay a health care tax, and workers pay $25 per month for health insurance.

Oh REALLY? :lmao:

So where does the coverage for illegal aliens and the indigent come from? You communists are like two year olds thinking that magic fairies will make everything wonderful with the power of wishes.

It's all just by magic...

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