Should Everybody Under 75K, Get a Check ?

I'm not 100% certain about who is or isn't in line to receive a coronavirus check, and maybe it's all changing right now, but I'm asking if there should be differences in recipient eligibility, for those of incomes between zero and $75/yr.
No one is getting a check because Pelosi put a stop to the bill, saying, in effect, "If I can't get credit for sending the money, if I can't manage to get a political win out of this, then no one gets a check."
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
Actually I heard everyone under $100000 a year gets a check for $1200 and couples that earn less than $250000 get $2400 its all based on your 2019 returns...if you didn't pay taxes in 2019 you get $600...unless that's changed...which it could have with these bozo's in DC....
Nope - not anymore! Nancy and her crew threw that out of the window or was it under the bus? Any way she wants $1500 Individuals and $1500 each child 3 kids max. Hey - I ain't mad at her. The more - the merrier!
Actually I heard everyone under $100000 a year gets a check for $1200 and couples that earn less than $250000 get $2400 its all based on your 2019 returns...if you didn't pay taxes in 2019 you get $600...unless that's changed...which it could have with these bozo's in DC....
Nope - not anymore! Nancy and her crew threw that out of the window or was it under the bus? Any way she wants $1500 Individuals and $1500 each child 3 kids max. Hey - I ain't mad at her. The more - the merrier!
Did you read what she wants in return? I would take that bill and stick it up her ass!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
This is what Pelosi wants so the people can be whole...notice how concerned she is FOR THE PEOPLE who are hurting right now.
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
All of those items should be dealt with when we are not in an emergency situation. We would have the checks by now if she wasn't fight for eff'n greenhouse gases from airlines. What an asshole.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
This is what Pelosi wants so the people can be whole...notice how concerned she is FOR THE PEOPLE who are hurting right now.
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
And you got this from what right wing blog?
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
This is what Pelosi wants so the people can be whole...notice how concerned she is FOR THE PEOPLE who are hurting right now.
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
I just read she's changed her mind and is working to pass what has already been worked on.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
You can accuse whomever you wish but that doesn't make your accusations so now does it. President Trump has no control over what China does to its people other than put them on strict no entry terms, embargo, etc. China bought the farm when they released the disease upon the world whether they did it on purpose or by accident.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
This is what Pelosi wants so the people can be whole...notice how concerned she is FOR THE PEOPLE who are hurting right now.
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
I just read she's changed her mind and is working to pass what has already been worked on.
I so hope you are right! We need that bill to pass and start helping people! Thank you
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
This is what Pelosi wants so the people can be whole...notice how concerned she is FOR THE PEOPLE who are hurting right now.
• Grants for audits of elections
• Elimination of postal service debt
• Reporting of corporate board member diversity by race and gender
• Corporate pay statistics by race
• Requirement for early voting
• Federal $15 minimum wage
• Permanent paid leave
• Forgiving $10,000 in student loans for every borrower.
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
• $300 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
• $300 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• $500 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Prohibition on requiring any form of identification as a condition of obtaining the absentee ballot
• Increased collective bargaining powers for federal employee unions
• Automatic extension of non-immigrant visas
• Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
• Reporting on release of greenhouse gases from airline flights
• Expansion of wind and solar tax credits
Fun video on how this was dealt with
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...

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