Should Everybody Under 75K, Get a Check ?

I read that they'll mail out checks based on the 2018 tax returns. But what about people who didn't file a return cuz they didn't make enough money? Will they go through other gov't databases like SSA, SSDI, Food Stamps, etc?
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
Actually I heard everyone under $100000 a year gets a check for $1200 and couples that earn less than $250000 get $2400 its all based on your 2019 returns...if you didn't pay taxes in 2019 you get $600...unless that's changed...which it could have with these bozo's in DC....
You got a link, cause I heard a totally different version. I heard incomes up to 75K get 1200 in April, and a second check in May. Incomes up to 99K get a little less.

I heard it's all based on your 2018 returns. 2019 not even counted. I hope I'm wrong. Hope yours is the correct version.
I heard this yesterday on FOX business channel....
Are you sure they said 2019, not 2018 ? Some people haven't even filed their 2019 returns yet.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
The government owes people more than a lousy $1200. They forced business to close and put thousands out of work ,crash the economy and ruin everyone's 401K's. The people did not voluntary quit their jobs. It is the governments fault that these people cannot make a living so guess what? The government is responsible for them
You're blaming the govt for the Coronavirus ?
No Im blaming the government for gross over reaction by shutting down businesses that could have continued without a problem. They used the fear factor to control the population. They treated every state the same... There is no way that the effect of the virus was the same in NY and say Nebraska. Two completely different scenarios but treated the same.
The virus is an airborne contagion. No reason to think it's contagion would any different in New York or Nebraska, or Italy.

The govt isn't trying to control the population. The fear of the virus is a very legitimate one, and the social distancing response is perfectly legitimate.
I read that they'll mail out checks based on the 2018 tax returns. But what about people who didn't file a return cuz they didn't make enough money? Will they go through other gov't databases like SSA, SSDI, Food Stamps, etc?
Good question
I realize this is not quite on topic, but does anyone know the reasoning behind the cut-off being $75,000? People tend to live according to their means and people who earn more than the cut-off of $75,000 still have the same expenses as people below the cut-off - mortgage/rent payments, car notes or lease, utilities, groceries, child care, etc. If suddenly you can't meet your monthly expenses because you're not allowed to work, then a lot of what you've worked for suddenly can be in jeopardy due to no fault of your own. Do why the distinction?

As far as your question, the poverty level in the United States for 2019 is $12,490 for a single person household and $25,750 for a 4 person household (2019 Poverty Guidelines). I would imagine that a check for $1,000 would be helpful to anyone living at the poverty level, however at the other end of the range, is barely a week's salary.

This is not a situation of people just wanting free money, it's a situation of having your income suddenly cut off at the order of the government seemingly with no plan in place to assist those whose lives they've disrupted. And then only plans to assist some of the impacted population, not everyone even though those others are being harmed just as much as those who will be receiving a check.
In a rush job, the algorithms required for a sliding scale would blow up the IRS computers.

If they are insisting on sending out free money to people, then they should just pick an amount and send it to everyone regardless of income. They can come back later after things get back to normal and reclaim the money from the wealthier people who didn't really need it via next years tax filings. That would be the fastest and simplest approach.
Best idea I've seen to date, and completely doable.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
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Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Remember the first round of emergency funding? Trump and the Rs wanted $2B and were still down playing the seriousness of this thing.... the Dems put their foot down and got it to $8B. Looking back you have to acknowledge that was the right move... actually should have been more.

I agree that the pork filled bills are a problem and Dems are worse at that than the Rs. Nancy releasing a 1000 page alternative stimulus plan was unnecessary and stupid. But also blindly going with the Republicans plan, especially after considering how they have reacted thus far, would not be responsible for the Dems to do. That slush fund needs supervision so CEOs and shareholders don’t get rich again off of tax payer stimulus. The money needs to save jobs and help poor Americans pay bills and keep small Biz afloat. PERIOD
Both party’s are a joke but they also need to keep eachother in check... they just need to do a much better job at it.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Remember the first round of emergency funding? Trump and the Rs wanted $2B and were still down playing the seriousness of this thing.... the Dems put their foot down and got it to $8B. Looking back you have to acknowledge that was the right move... actually should have been more.

I agree that the pork filled bills are a problem and Dems are worse at that than the Rs. Nancy releasing a 1000 page alternative stimulus plan was unnecessary and stupid. But also blindly going with the Republicans plan, especially after considering how they have reacted thus far, would not be responsible for the Dems to do. That slush fund needs supervision so CEOs and shareholders don’t get rich again off of tax payer stimulus. The money needs to save jobs and help poor Americans pay bills and keep small Biz afloat. PERIOD
Both party’s are a joke but they also need to keep eachother in check... they just need to do a much better job at it.
Keyword is - Delay.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Remember the first round of emergency funding? Trump and the Rs wanted $2B and were still down playing the seriousness of this thing.... the Dems put their foot down and got it to $8B. Looking back you have to acknowledge that was the right move... actually should have been more.

I agree that the pork filled bills are a problem and Dems are worse at that than the Rs. Nancy releasing a 1000 page alternative stimulus plan was unnecessary and stupid. But also blindly going with the Republicans plan, especially after considering how they have reacted thus far, would not be responsible for the Dems to do. That slush fund needs supervision so CEOs and shareholders don’t get rich again off of tax payer stimulus. The money needs to save jobs and help poor Americans pay bills and keep small Biz afloat. PERIOD
Both party’s are a joke but they also need to keep eachother in check... they just need to do a much better job at it.
Keyword is - Delay.
“Keyword is - Delay” Is the only response you can’t muster up to what I said? Sounds like your giving up on the debate.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Remember the first round of emergency funding? Trump and the Rs wanted $2B and were still down playing the seriousness of this thing.... the Dems put their foot down and got it to $8B. Looking back you have to acknowledge that was the right move... actually should have been more.

I agree that the pork filled bills are a problem and Dems are worse at that than the Rs. Nancy releasing a 1000 page alternative stimulus plan was unnecessary and stupid. But also blindly going with the Republicans plan, especially after considering how they have reacted thus far, would not be responsible for the Dems to do. That slush fund needs supervision so CEOs and shareholders don’t get rich again off of tax payer stimulus. The money needs to save jobs and help poor Americans pay bills and keep small Biz afloat. PERIOD
Both party’s are a joke but they also need to keep eachother in check... they just need to do a much better job at it.
Keyword is - Delay.
“Keyword is - Delay” Is the only response you can’t muster up to what I said? Sounds like your giving up on the debate.
It's the only thing that NEEDS to be responded. All your talk is about stuff that came after Pelosi's monkey wrench, all of which I grant zero legitimacy.

That having been said, it's now time to bring us up to date. A few hours ago, a $2 trillion stimulus package was approved with some major improvement. Previously, only 2018 tax returns were to be point of reference for income definition. Now it includes 2019 returns that have already been filed.

Also now to be included are low income Americans who didn't file.

Last edited:
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Remember the first round of emergency funding? Trump and the Rs wanted $2B and were still down playing the seriousness of this thing.... the Dems put their foot down and got it to $8B. Looking back you have to acknowledge that was the right move... actually should have been more.

I agree that the pork filled bills are a problem and Dems are worse at that than the Rs. Nancy releasing a 1000 page alternative stimulus plan was unnecessary and stupid. But also blindly going with the Republicans plan, especially after considering how they have reacted thus far, would not be responsible for the Dems to do. That slush fund needs supervision so CEOs and shareholders don’t get rich again off of tax payer stimulus. The money needs to save jobs and help poor Americans pay bills and keep small Biz afloat. PERIOD
Both party’s are a joke but they also need to keep eachother in check... they just need to do a much better job at it.
Keyword is - Delay.
“Keyword is - Delay” Is the only response you can’t muster up to what I said? Sounds like your giving up on the debate.
It's the only thing that NEEDS to be responded. All your talk is about stuff that came after Pelosi's monkey wrench, all of which I grant zero legitimacy.

That having been said, it's now time to bring us up to date. A few hours ago, a $2 trillion stimulus package was approved with some major improvement. Previously, only 2018 tax returns were to be point of reference for income definition. Now it includes 2019 returns that have already been filed.

Also now to be included are low income Americans who didn't file.

Also to be included... funding for hospitals for much needed support... also to be included is funding for states and local governments to support emergency and business efforts in their area, also to be included, an inspector general assigned to making sure corporations don’t take advantage of their stimulus money to enrich their executives like they did last time. The money needs to go towards preserving jobs.

all these “also Includeds” in which there are many more.... we’re not included in the original senate bill that Reps made without including input from Dems. These are there because of the dreaded two day delay that you are complaining about. I’m not seeing the dire fuck up here... I see a better plan being passed. You don’t?
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Remember the first round of emergency funding? Trump and the Rs wanted $2B and were still down playing the seriousness of this thing.... the Dems put their foot down and got it to $8B. Looking back you have to acknowledge that was the right move... actually should have been more.

I agree that the pork filled bills are a problem and Dems are worse at that than the Rs. Nancy releasing a 1000 page alternative stimulus plan was unnecessary and stupid. But also blindly going with the Republicans plan, especially after considering how they have reacted thus far, would not be responsible for the Dems to do. That slush fund needs supervision so CEOs and shareholders don’t get rich again off of tax payer stimulus. The money needs to save jobs and help poor Americans pay bills and keep small Biz afloat. PERIOD
Both party’s are a joke but they also need to keep eachother in check... they just need to do a much better job at it.
Keyword is - Delay.
“Keyword is - Delay” Is the only response you can’t muster up to what I said? Sounds like your giving up on the debate.
It's the only thing that NEEDS to be responded. All your talk is about stuff that came after Pelosi's monkey wrench, all of which I grant zero legitimacy.

That having been said, it's now time to bring us up to date. A few hours ago, a $2 trillion stimulus package was approved with some major improvement. Previously, only 2018 tax returns were to be point of reference for income definition. Now it includes 2019 returns that have already been filed.

Also now to be included are low income Americans who didn't file.

Also to be included... funding for hospitals for much needed support... also to be included is funding for states and local governments to support emergency and business efforts in their area, also to be included, an inspector general assigned to making sure corporations don’t take advantage of their stimulus money to enrich their executives like they did last time. The money needs to go towards preserving jobs.

all these “also Includeds” in which there are many more.... we’re not included in the original senate bill that Reps made without including input from Dems. These are there because of the dreaded two day delay that you are complaining about. I’m not seeing the dire fuck up here... I see a better plan being passed. You don’t?
I most certainly do NOT see a better bill, because in states of emergency, TIME is the important factor, not these added features.

The proposal for $1200 should have been accepted point blank, and get the money to people QUICK.
THEN debate the additions, and add them or reject them.
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
If they didn't close and shutdown all these places; we wouldn't be talking about checks. Would we? It's not the people's fault. It's the government's. But, I will gladly except one for a hamburger today! However the hell Wimpy said it. He
No its not the government's fault, pandemics just happen just like droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods happen too. Markets fail, change and sometimes grow also. Depressions, recessions and inflation all are a part of the financial system that rolls along with having a capitalistic society. Now if we get to talking about fraud and such that would be a different ball game as it is the government's responsibility to prosecute fraudsters, thieves, etc.
Look Birds, Doves - whatever. Yes the pandemic is the main reason stores, businesses, travel, public events, outdoor spaces and workplaces are shut down but, the government shut them down. Blame them. If they didn't shut those things down we wouldn't be talking about checks or a stimulus. Would we? Either blame the government or Trump. Take your pick. And the country knows about Trump's involvement in shutting down those pandemic eradication sites around the world that Obama established. Go see him about it!
Should the nation as a whole put itself in debt itself further? I don't think so and we live way below poverty level due to circumstances beyond our control. I do think that there should be help for people out there out of work for the basic needs. Basic needs distribution as needed.

Cities, Counties and States should be re-accessing the upcoming year's taxes and create a safety nets for people who are in desperate need. Home owners and rental owners alike during this whole mess should be givin some extra grace by the taxing agencies and the mortgage companies. Many lost their homes and properties during the depression because of the taxing situations. Government agencies need to be more prudent also and cut spending where ever they can and quit going into debt unnecessarily.

The whole nation should learn to be more prudent about their spending habits and this is a prime time to do that.
You think the stimulus would put ourselves further into debt? Have you considered the alternative? How much debt do you think they country would put itself into if we did no stimulus and we went into a depression? Say 25% unemployment and a large fraction of small and large businesses going under. Mortagae foreclosures, bankruptcies... etc etc. compare the costs of both scenarios and let me know what you come up with.
You think it will stave off a depression? I don't think it will unless a lot of people change their habits. Businesses large and small were going under before the pandemic.
UE was at 3% and GDP was at an all time high before the pandemic. No we weren’t headed towards a depression. Depressions come from high unemployment... which is what this pandemic will bring if the gov can’t stimulate the economy and help people pay their bills and keep their jobs. A depression will take a decade to recover from. If this is handled right hopefully just a couple of years. I’m sorry but government inaction makes this problem exponentially worse and the deficit exponentially higher
I'll give you Pelosi's number....
What for?
Stopping the inaction. Tell her to ask for what we need for THIS CRISIS, not the new green deal...
As far as Ive heard a bill hasn’t even made it out of the senate and over to Nancy in the house yet, so what do you want her to do? The one in the senate is being held up because of a 500 billion dollar slush fund that had no regulations. I believe that’s the sticking point with that bill. Do you disagree with those objections?
That's not the sticking point. She's using the situation to try to stuff liberal programs into the bill. Shameful.
I see you saying that but I don’t see you proving it. The only Liberal program I’ve heard mentioned is oversite on how the slush fund is spent.

I do agree that her 1000+ page plan was a huge waste of time stuffed with pork. But I haven’t yet seen her use it and I haven’t seen it effect the senate bill which should be passed by now. Stop with the partisan games and try being real for once
Earlier in this thread somebody took the time, and went through the trouble, of posting the long list of liberal programs that Democrats tried to stuff into the bill. How about if YOU stop with YOUR partisan games, and read the thread to be informed before posting. Liberal OMISSION media isn't going to tell you. That's why, as you say, you haven't "heard mentioned" all that leftist junk.

It is SOP in this forum to hear liberals say "I haven't heard that". Of course not. Because they don't read conservative websites to fill them in from what liberal media is careful to not tell them. I've proven this many times with my QUIZ threads, with information that conservatives are well aware of, liberals are oblivious.

Don't believe it ? Go ahead and take the quizzes.
You're pussyfooting around an explanation. I started reading Pelosis bill and I’ve said that it was a tremendous waste of time. You all are harping on elements of that Bill. But I just explained the difference between her Bill and what’s actually going on with the senate Bill. Care to try again and address what I said?
No, because these Congressional bills need not exist. If Pelosi had a modicum of concern for the SAFETY of Americans, she would have accepted the Trump proposal initially, and would not have wasted precious time. This is a national emergency, not a time to be playing politics.

One of the reasons I'm a Republican now, after being a Democrat for decades, is because Democrats keep doing things that go against public safety (allowing traffic blocking, allowing attacks on Trump supporters, allowing illegal immigration, supporting gun-free zones, not teaching police procedure, etc)

Democrats have no sense of public safety. They seem to not know how far off they are on this.
Remember the first round of emergency funding? Trump and the Rs wanted $2B and were still down playing the seriousness of this thing.... the Dems put their foot down and got it to $8B. Looking back you have to acknowledge that was the right move... actually should have been more.

I agree that the pork filled bills are a problem and Dems are worse at that than the Rs. Nancy releasing a 1000 page alternative stimulus plan was unnecessary and stupid. But also blindly going with the Republicans plan, especially after considering how they have reacted thus far, would not be responsible for the Dems to do. That slush fund needs supervision so CEOs and shareholders don’t get rich again off of tax payer stimulus. The money needs to save jobs and help poor Americans pay bills and keep small Biz afloat. PERIOD
Both party’s are a joke but they also need to keep eachother in check... they just need to do a much better job at it.
Keyword is - Delay.
“Keyword is - Delay” Is the only response you can’t muster up to what I said? Sounds like your giving up on the debate.
It's the only thing that NEEDS to be responded. All your talk is about stuff that came after Pelosi's monkey wrench, all of which I grant zero legitimacy.

That having been said, it's now time to bring us up to date. A few hours ago, a $2 trillion stimulus package was approved with some major improvement. Previously, only 2018 tax returns were to be point of reference for income definition. Now it includes 2019 returns that have already been filed.

Also now to be included are low income Americans who didn't file.

Also to be included... funding for hospitals for much needed support... also to be included is funding for states and local governments to support emergency and business efforts in their area, also to be included, an inspector general assigned to making sure corporations don’t take advantage of their stimulus money to enrich their executives like they did last time. The money needs to go towards preserving jobs.

all these “also Includeds” in which there are many more.... we’re not included in the original senate bill that Reps made without including input from Dems. These are there because of the dreaded two day delay that you are complaining about. I’m not seeing the dire fuck up here... I see a better plan being passed. You don’t?
I most certainly do NOT see a better bill, because in states of emergency, TIME is the important factor, not these added features.

The proposal for $1200 should have been accepted point blank, and get the money to people QUICK.
THEN debate the additions, and add them or reject them.
Call Pelosi and tell her what you think of her. Just tell her you are a friend of Briggs.

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