Should Federal Officials be tried for Treason for aiding Al Qaeda?

Should federal officials be tried for treason?

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Article III, Section 3, United States Constitution:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason.

Here is the punishment Congress has prescribed for treason:

18 USC § 2381 - Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death.

It's no secret that if you or I aided and abetted Al Qaeda, that we'd be hit with a drone strike. Why are the Federal politicians permitted to engage in treason?

It's no secret that if you or I were even remotely suspected of aiding and abetting Al Qaeda, we'd be kidnapped under the NDAA and sent to Gitmo.

Syrian rebels defy US and pledge allegiance to jihadi group - Telegraph
Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda
Syria crisis: strike against Syria will put U.S. on same side as Al-Qaeda for the first time in history | Mail Online
Al-Qaeda-Linked Syria Rebels Hit Christian Village |
Al-Qaida in Syria is most serious terrorist threat to UK, says report | World news | The Guardian
Ted Cruz: US Is Not 'Al-Qaeda's Air Force'
Syria Exclusive: Islamist Militants Fight Alongside Rebels |
U.S.-NATO Should Not Be ?Al Qaeda?s Air Force? | Global Research
McCain visits Syrian rebels, Congressman questions al-Qaeda ties - News, Weather & Sports
McCain Visits Syria, Meets With Allies of Al Qaeda
Jihadis gain ground in Syrian rebel movement as moderates grow desperate - World News
The U.S. is “Fighting for Al Qaeda” in Syria.
John McCain Visits with Al Qaeda | Peace . Gold . Liberty
Al Qaeda must be confronted in Syria - SFGate
Al Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels force Christian to convert at gunpoint: 'He's one of ours now' - Washington Times
Opinion: Syria rebel group's dangerous tie to al Qaeda -
Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria - Council on Foreign Relations
» Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» More than a Decade After 9/11, Globalists Openly Embrace al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Syrian rebel group could revive al Qaeda's fortunes: report | Reuters
Foreign fighters head to Syria to join al Qaeda - Video on
Assad says any U.S. strike on Syria "is going to support al Qaeda" - CBS News
Syria strike's dangerous calculus = Assad loses and Al Qaeda wins | Fox News
First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA 'on way to battlefield' - Telegraph
Under the black flag of al-Qaeda, the Syrian city ruled by gangs of extremists - Telegraph
Al-Qaeda presence in Syria worries US - Americas - Al Jazeera English
Obama using al-Qaeda YouTubes to go to war in Syria
Al-Qaeda-linked fighters seize ancient Christian village in Syria - The Globe and Mail
Hezbollah and Al Qaeda Fighters Edging Closer to Confrontation - ABC News
Viral Facebook Post: 'I Didn't Join The Navy To Fight For Al Qaeda In Syria!' | Independent Journal Review
Syria: al Qaeda linked fighters take strategic town of Maaloula | euronews, world news


To think you represent the future of America :eek:

So unclear on the concept of treason
To think you represent the future of America :eek:

So unclear on the concept of treason
There is nothing "unclear" about treason. The Constitution gives it one very simple definition, that cannot be changed nor appended nor abolished.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

That's it.
Article III, Section 3, United States Constitution:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason.

Here is the punishment Congress has prescribed for treason:

18 USC § 2381 - Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death.

It's no secret that if you or I aided and abetted Al Qaeda, that we'd be hit with a drone strike. Why are the Federal politicians permitted to engage in treason?

It's no secret that if you or I were even remotely suspected of aiding and abetting Al Qaeda, we'd be kidnapped under the NDAA and sent to Gitmo.

Syrian rebels defy US and pledge allegiance to jihadi group - Telegraph
Syria crisis: strike against Syria will put U.S. on same side as Al-Qaeda for the first time in history | Mail Online
Al-Qaeda-Linked Syria Rebels Hit Christian Village |
Al-Qaida in Syria is most serious terrorist threat to UK, says report | World news | The Guardian
Ted Cruz: US Is Not 'Al-Qaeda's Air Force'
Syria Exclusive: Islamist Militants Fight Alongside Rebels |
U.S.-NATO Should Not Be ?Al Qaeda?s Air Force? | Global Research
McCain visits Syrian rebels, Congressman questions al-Qaeda ties - News, Weather & Sports
McCain Visits Syria, Meets With Allies of Al Qaeda
Jihadis gain ground in Syrian rebel movement as moderates grow desperate - World News
The U.S. is “Fighting for Al Qaeda” in Syria.
John McCain Visits with Al Qaeda | Peace . Gold . Liberty
Al Qaeda must be confronted in Syria - SFGate
Al Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels force Christian to convert at gunpoint: 'He's one of ours now' - Washington Times
Opinion: Syria rebel group's dangerous tie to al Qaeda -
Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria - Council on Foreign Relations
» Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» More than a Decade After 9/11, Globalists Openly Embrace al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Syrian rebel group could revive al Qaeda's fortunes: report | Reuters
Foreign fighters head to Syria to join al Qaeda - Video on
Assad says any U.S. strike on Syria "is going to support al Qaeda" - CBS News
Syria strike's dangerous calculus = Assad loses and Al Qaeda wins | Fox News
First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA 'on way to battlefield' - Telegraph
Under the black flag of al-Qaeda, the Syrian city ruled by gangs of extremists - Telegraph
Al-Qaeda presence in Syria worries US - Americas - Al Jazeera English
Obama using al-Qaeda YouTubes to go to war in Syria
Al-Qaeda-linked fighters seize ancient Christian village in Syria - The Globe and Mail
Hezbollah and Al Qaeda Fighters Edging Closer to Confrontation - ABC News
Viral Facebook Post: 'I Didn't Join The Navy To Fight For Al Qaeda In Syria!' | Independent Journal Review
Syria: al Qaeda linked fighters take strategic town of Maaloula | euronews, world news


Should you and the other 'Tokyo Roses' be charged with treason? Or are you too stupid to understand how your hate for our government provides aid and comfort to those who want to do our people harm?
To think you represent the future of America :eek:

So unclear on the concept of treason
There is nothing "unclear" about treason. The Constitution gives it one very simple definition, that cannot be changed nor appended nor abolished.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

That's it.

Then following the nutjob logic of many here a President seeking othet than unconditional surrender of an enemy is giving aid and comfort to that enemy. :cuckoo:
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So the same crowd that used to attack the President for using drones to kill al qaeda is now attacking the President for not killing al qaeda?

lol, big surprise.
So the same crowd that used to attack the President for using drones to kill al qaeda is now attacking the President for not killing al qaeda?

lol, big surprise.


Obama was never attacked. Obama was denigrated, ridiculed, and reviled for murdering American citizens.

Currently we are denigrating, ridiculing, and reviling him for aiding and abbe-ting Al Qaeda terrorists. Which incidentally was the same thing he murdered the American citizens for. Apparently, whatever Obama does is legal and defended by people like you.
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[ame=""] US ***SUPPORTED*** Syrian "rebels" Praise Bin Laden, Celebrate 9/11 Attacks[/ame]

So the same crowd that used to attack the President for using drones to kill al qaeda is now attacking the President for not killing al qaeda?

lol, big surprise.


Obama was never attacked. Obama was denigrated, ridiculed, and reviled for murdering American citizens.

Currently we are denigrating, ridiculing, and reviling him for aiding and abbe-ting Al Qaeda terrorists. Which incidentally was the same thing he murdered the American citizens for. Apparently, whatever Obama does is legal and defended by people like you.

2nd Amendment is asking who is for executing administration officials for such-n such...., not what you claim.

Targeting top al Qaeda operatives is a big plus and quite legal under US law. Countless lives here on US soil were likely saved that day. Rebel groups in Syria that claim an alliance with al Qaeda inadvertently obtaining arms and US weapons because they're allied with Rebel forces the Administration backs, not aiding and abetting by any stretch of the imagination. One has to pole vault beyond reason to get there.

I oppose intervention. But that doesn't mean I think what they are doing is treason.
So the same crowd that used to attack the President for using drones to kill al qaeda is now attacking the President for not killing al qaeda?

lol, big surprise.


Obama was never attacked. Obama was denigrated, ridiculed, and reviled for murdering American citizens.

Currently we are denigrating, ridiculing, and reviling him for aiding and abbe-ting Al Qaeda terrorists. Which incidentally was the same thing he murdered the American citizens for. Apparently, whatever Obama does is legal and defended by people like you.

2nd Amendment is asking who is for executing administration officials for such-n such...., not what you claim.

Targeting top al Qaeda operatives is a big plus and quite legal under US law. Countless lives here on US soil were likely saved that day. Rebel groups in Syria that claim an alliance with al Qaeda inadvertently obtaining arms and US weapons because they're allied with Rebel forces the Administration backs, not aiding and abetting by any stretch of the imagination. One has to pole vault beyond reason to get there.

I oppose intervention. But that doesn't mean I think what they are doing is treason.

I see so merely being a priest of a terrorist is enough to get you murdered by the president. And that is good and legal. Additionally, arming, training, and providing other logistical aid for destroying sovereign nations via violent acts is a good thing. Got it. When the president does it, it's a good thing, when a foreign leader of another nation does it, that's a bad thing. Got it. So it's a heroic act if we do it, with the same terrorists, and a vile despicable act when other people do it to us with the exact same terrorists. Makes perfect sense.
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Obama was never attacked. Obama was denigrated, ridiculed, and reviled for murdering American citizens.

Currently we are denigrating, ridiculing, and reviling him for aiding and abbe-ting Al Qaeda terrorists. Which incidentally was the same thing he murdered the American citizens for. Apparently, whatever Obama does is legal and defended by people like you.

2nd Amendment is asking who is for executing administration officials for such-n such...., not what you claim.

Targeting top al Qaeda operatives is a big plus and quite legal under US law. Countless lives here on US soil were likely saved that day. Rebel groups in Syria that claim an alliance with al Qaeda inadvertently obtaining arms and US weapons because they're allied with Rebel forces the Administration backs, not aiding and abetting by any stretch of the imagination. One has to pole vault beyond reason to get there.

I oppose intervention. But that doesn't mean I think what they are doing is treason.

I see so merely being a priest of a terrorist is enough to get you murdered by the president. And that is good and legal. Additionally, arming, training, and providing other logistical aid for destroying sovereign nations via violent acts is a good thing. Got it. When the president does it, it's a good thing, when a foreign leader of another nation does it, that's a bad thing. Got it. So it's a heroic act if we do it, with the same terrorists, and a vile despicable act when other people do it to us with the exact same terrorists. Makes perfect sense.

Killing al Qaeda operatives who seek to kill Americans anywhere in the world is something I agree with. Waging a proxy war is not and act of treason. Interventionism I oppose in general because it leads to groups like al Qaeda forming to kill us. But then where is the profit in that?

World's Top 5 arms exporters -
Define in detail "treason" or you'll get no vote from me. My opinion=/=fact when determining things like this.

I don't heave to define treason, it's already defined in the Constitution, and is confined to a single definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason.

That's it, that's its definition, plain as day.
[MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]
Article III, Section 3, United States Constitution:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason.

Here is the punishment Congress has prescribed for treason:

18 USC § 2381 - Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death.

It's no secret that if you or I aided and abetted Al Qaeda, that we'd be hit with a drone strike. Why are the Federal politicians permitted to engage in treason?

It's no secret that if you or I were even remotely suspected of aiding and abetting Al Qaeda, we'd be kidnapped under the NDAA and sent to Gitmo.

Syrian rebels defy US and pledge allegiance to jihadi group - Telegraph
Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda
Syria crisis: strike against Syria will put U.S. on same side as Al-Qaeda for the first time in history | Mail Online
Al-Qaida in Syria is most serious terrorist threat to UK, says report | World news | The Guardian
Ted Cruz: US Is Not 'Al-Qaeda's Air Force'
Syria Exclusive: Islamist Militants Fight Alongside Rebels |
U.S.-NATO Should Not Be ?Al Qaeda?s Air Force? | Global Research
McCain visits Syrian rebels, Congressman questions al-Qaeda ties - News, Weather & Sports
McCain Visits Syria, Meets With Allies of Al Qaeda
Jihadis gain ground in Syrian rebel movement as moderates grow desperate - World News
The U.S. is “Fighting for Al Qaeda” in Syria.
John McCain Visits with Al Qaeda | Peace . Gold . Liberty
Al Qaeda must be confronted in Syria - SFGate
Al Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels force Christian to convert at gunpoint: 'He's one of ours now' - Washington Times
Opinion: Syria rebel group's dangerous tie to al Qaeda -
Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria - Council on Foreign Relations
» Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» More than a Decade After 9/11, Globalists Openly Embrace al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Syrian rebel group could revive al Qaeda's fortunes: report | Reuters
Foreign fighters head to Syria to join al Qaeda - Video on
Assad says any U.S. strike on Syria "is going to support al Qaeda" - CBS News
Syria strike's dangerous calculus = Assad loses and Al Qaeda wins | Fox News
First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA 'on way to battlefield' - Telegraph
Under the black flag of al-Qaeda, the Syrian city ruled by gangs of extremists - Telegraph
Al-Qaeda presence in Syria worries US - Americas - Al Jazeera English
Obama using al-Qaeda YouTubes to go to war in Syria
Al-Qaeda-linked fighters seize ancient Christian village in Syria - The Globe and Mail
Hezbollah and Al Qaeda Fighters Edging Closer to Confrontation - ABC News
Viral Facebook Post: 'I Didn't Join The Navy To Fight For Al Qaeda In Syria!' | Independent Journal Review
Syria: al Qaeda linked fighters take strategic town of Maaloula | euronews, world news


Should you be committed to an asylum for what is obvious to all around you?:razz:

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