Should Federal Officials be tried for Treason for aiding Al Qaeda?

Should federal officials be tried for treason?

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Ok dude, if posting links to CNN, USA Today and the Telegraph don't count as proof, WTF DOES COUNT AS PROOF?

Dude, which one has proof again? Can you provide a quote of the proof or a name of an administration official that is aiding al Qaeda? Or would you like to pull a Saddam move and execute all government officials who oppose your view?

You are one retarded fuck or a federal government employee.

What is really amazing is that you retards claim than Assad is responsible even if he did not personally order the alleged attack.

But you miserable piece of shit , take the position that Obama is not ultimately responsible for whatever actions have been taken while he is the commander in chief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hahahaha you're one funny motherfucker.

[ame=]Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya - YouTube[/ame]
Dude, which one has proof again? Can you provide a quote of the proof or a name of an administration official that is aiding al Qaeda? Or would you like to pull a Saddam move and execute all government officials who oppose your view?

You are one retarded fuck or a federal government employee.

What is really amazing is that you retards claim than Assad is responsible even if he did not personally order the alleged attack.

But you miserable piece of shit , take the position that Obama is not ultimately responsible for whatever actions have been taken while he is the commander in chief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hahahaha you're one funny motherfucker.

[ame=]Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya - YouTube[/ame]

That's what Obama said when he signed the NDAA
The FSA are radical Islamists as well.

What the hell is Washington thinking when all they want to do is to weaken Assad's military?

Do they want to just hand AQ and the FSA the keys to all the chemical weapons?

That is exactly why Obama does not want a regime change in Syria--he knows very well--that the "Freedom Fighter's"-aka-Rebels are in fact Al Queda terrorists.

One Photographer?s Witness to a Brutal Execution in Syria - LightBox

Here's a good explanation of the Syrian crisis and why we should not get involved. Common sense at it's best.

[ame=]Obama torn to shreds by Fox News over Syria. Seriously A Must Watch - YouTube[/ame]
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If the flak Obama got over William Ayers and Reverend Wright didn't bother him, do you think any of this does? You're fooling yourself America. Obama will find out how to escape the noose and have his way.
I guess we will have to start by charging Dubya with treason since the invasion of Iraq was a boon to Al Qaeda.


Did Dubya arm al quaeda like obama is arming al quaeda? 77% of all military deaths in Iraq occurred after obama took office and made sure that Americans got killed.
Ok dude, if posting links to CNN, USA Today and the Telegraph don't count as proof, WTF DOES COUNT AS PROOF?

Dude, which one has proof again? Can you provide a quote of the proof or a name of an administration official that is aiding al Qaeda? Or would you like to pull a Saddam move and execute all government officials who oppose your view?

You are one retarded fuck or a federal government employee.

What is really amazing is that you retards claim than Assad is responsible even if he did not personally order the alleged attack.

But you miserable piece of shit , take the position that Obama is not ultimately responsible for whatever actions have been taken while he is the commander in chief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If the flak Obama got over William Ayers and Reverend Wright didn't bother him, do you think any of this does? You're fooling yourself America. Obama will find out how to escape the noose and have his way.

Ayers and Wright were entirely concerns of the United States. obama is playing with big boys now and he doesn't even know how. He thinks that the same thing that helped him squeak by in the US will do the same thing to foreigners. His soaring rhetoric about being a downtrodden black isn't going to get him a thing. He's being treated like he deserves to be treated.
Yes, though I believe with the Un-Patriot act we don't really have to have a trial, we can just permanently detain the federal officials who aided the terrorists. I believe this to be our civic duty.
If the flak Obama got over William Ayers and Reverend Wright didn't bother him, do you think any of this does? You're fooling yourself America. Obama will find out how to escape the noose and have his way.

Ayers and Wright were entirely concerns of the United States. obama is playing with big boys now and he doesn't even know how. He thinks that the same thing that helped him squeak by in the US will do the same thing to foreigners. His soaring rhetoric about being a downtrodden black isn't going to get him a thing. He's being treated like he deserves to be treated.

Of course, but you can also judge someone's character and gauge future performance that way.
Wouldn't Obama possibly not be a member of the good old boys club? How else will the Bilderbergers and the Rockerfellers alike survive if they are not opportunistic.

IF the story is true of the one-world government, as we came close to WWIII, how could Obama not be a part?
Article III, Section 3, United States Constitution:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason.

Here is the punishment Congress has prescribed for treason:

18 USC § 2381 - Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death.

It's no secret that if you or I aided and abetted Al Qaeda, that we'd be hit with a drone strike. Why are the Federal politicians permitted to engage in treason?

It's no secret that if you or I were even remotely suspected of aiding and abetting Al Qaeda, we'd be kidnapped under the NDAA and sent to Gitmo.

Syrian rebels defy US and pledge allegiance to jihadi group - Telegraph
Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda
Syria crisis: strike against Syria will put U.S. on same side as Al-Qaeda for the first time in history | Mail Online
Al-Qaeda-Linked Syria Rebels Hit Christian Village |
Al-Qaida in Syria is most serious terrorist threat to UK, says report | World news | The Guardian
Ted Cruz: US Is Not 'Al-Qaeda's Air Force'
Syria Exclusive: Islamist Militants Fight Alongside Rebels |
U.S.-NATO Should Not Be ?Al Qaeda?s Air Force? | Global Research
McCain visits Syrian rebels, Congressman questions al-Qaeda ties - News, Weather & Sports
McCain Visits Syria, Meets With Allies of Al Qaeda
Jihadis gain ground in Syrian rebel movement as moderates grow desperate - World News
The U.S. is “Fighting for Al Qaeda” in Syria.
John McCain Visits with Al Qaeda | Peace . Gold . Liberty
Al Qaeda must be confronted in Syria - SFGate
Al Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels force Christian to convert at gunpoint: 'He's one of ours now' - Washington Times
Opinion: Syria rebel group's dangerous tie to al Qaeda -
Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria - Council on Foreign Relations
» Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» More than a Decade After 9/11, Globalists Openly Embrace al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Syrian rebel group could revive al Qaeda's fortunes: report | Reuters
Foreign fighters head to Syria to join al Qaeda - Video on
Assad says any U.S. strike on Syria "is going to support al Qaeda" - CBS News
Syria strike's dangerous calculus = Assad loses and Al Qaeda wins | Fox News
Al-Qaeda presence in Syria worries US - Americas - Al Jazeera English
Obama using al-Qaeda YouTubes to go to war in Syria
Al-Qaeda-linked fighters seize ancient Christian village in Syria - The Globe and Mail
Hezbollah and Al Qaeda Fighters Edging Closer to Confrontation - ABC News
Viral Facebook Post: 'I Didn't Join The Navy To Fight For Al Qaeda In Syria!' | Independent Journal Review
Syria: al Qaeda linked fighters take strategic town of Maaloula | euronews, world news


by bombing syria we help aq

That's aide and that's treason.

Anyone that votes for war, and we go, should be rounded up.
So we're going to ask them politely??? :lol:

Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria - Council on Foreign Relations

Thus far, Washington seems reluctant to weigh heavily into this issue. In May 2012, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta publicly accepted al-Qaeda's presence in Syria (Guardian). And in July, the State Department's counterterrorism chief, Daniel Benjamin, rather incredulously suggested that the United States will simply ask the FSA to reject al-Qaeda. The unspoken political calculation among policymakers is to get rid of Assad first—weakening Iran's position in the region—and then deal with al-Qaeda later.
What do we do with Obama if the smoking gun really comes and in hearings, there's enough testimony he really is Muslim?

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