Should Fleeing Motorcylists in High-Speed Chases Be Shot By Police ?

So all those cops who shot first and lived to tell about it (BECAUSE THEY SHOT FIRST AND DIDN'T WAIT FOR THE BAD GUY TO SHOOT THEM) are "morons", huh ? Not hard to see who the real "moron" is here.
You ARE stupid, aren't you. I wasn't calling the cops morons, I was calling YOU a moron. The cops aren't morons for wanting more power to use deadly force, they're the ones with the guns and the badges! YOU, on the other hand, have no power and are at their mercy, so if you want to give them even more power to kill citizens, that makes YOU a moron because you might be their next victim. But if it's true that God watches out for stupid people, you're probably safe.

You think I'm stupid. HA HA. You're not only stupid, you're DERANGED. Interesting how you look upon the cops. You see them as someone you should fear. Someone who is likely to shoot you without reason. You see yourself "at their mercy". You think they go around murdering people >> You said >> "you want to give them even more power to kill citizens", as if they were just going around killing citizens.

Dude. You are sick. You are bent. I'm going to be a cop's "next victim". Wow. Whose anti-cop propaganda have you been listening to ?

And it looks like what I said about the cops shooting first and living to tell about it (BECAUSE THEY SHOT FIRST AND DIDN'T WAIT FOR THE BAD GUY TO SHOOT THEM) went right over your wacked-out head.

To inject sanity back into this, cops shooting a speeding, reckless motorcyclist on an empty road (which is headed toward traffic) is an act of SELF-DEFENSE, defending the lives of motorists on the road up ahead. GET IT ? Or are you too anti-cop to think about anything other than being shot by cops for no good reason ?

BTW. Have you checked in with a psychiatrist about your cop fear paranoia ? You want to do that, before you go totally nuts. Or am I talkimg to some kind of criminal here ? You're not typing from a prison cell by any chance are you ?
Whose anti-cop propaganda have you been listening to ?
The news, you should try it sometime.


To inject sanity back into this, cops shooting a speeding, reckless motorcyclist on an empty road (which is headed toward traffic) is an act of SELF-DEFENSE, defending the lives of motorists on the road up ahead.
So, they should kill him because he might forget to use his brake?
You really are a boot licking idiot, aren't you? I can see the headline now..."Cop shoots protectionist to death because he believed he was not applying his brakes soon enough and was a threat to the people in the car ahead of him. Later, it was discovered that protectionist's brake lights were not working. Police Chief says the officer's actions were justified". I would laugh my ass off.
You ARE stupid, aren't you. I wasn't calling the cops morons, I was calling YOU a moron. The cops aren't morons for wanting more power to use deadly force, they're the ones with the guns and the badges! YOU, on the other hand, have no power and are at their mercy, so if you want to give them even more power to kill citizens, that makes YOU a moron because you might be their next victim. But if it's true that God watches out for stupid people, you're probably safe.

You think I'm stupid. HA HA. You're not only stupid, you're DERANGED. Interesting how you look upon the cops. You see them as someone you should fear. Someone who is likely to shoot you without reason. You see yourself "at their mercy". You think they go around murdering people >> You said >> "you want to give them even more power to kill citizens", as if they were just going around killing citizens.

Dude. You are sick. You are bent. I'm going to be a cop's "next victim". Wow. Whose anti-cop propaganda have you been listening to ?

And it looks like what I said about the cops shooting first and living to tell about it (BECAUSE THEY SHOT FIRST AND DIDN'T WAIT FOR THE BAD GUY TO SHOOT THEM) went right over your wacked-out head.

To inject sanity back into this, cops shooting a speeding, reckless motorcyclist on an empty road (which is headed toward traffic) is an act of SELF-DEFENSE, defending the lives of motorists on the road up ahead. GET IT ? Or are you too anti-cop to think about anything other than being shot by cops for no good reason ?

BTW. Have you checked in with a psychiatrist about your cop fear paranoia ? You want to do that, before you go totally nuts. Or am I talkimg to some kind of criminal here ? You're not typing from a prison cell by any chance are you ?
Whose anti-cop propaganda have you been listening to ?
The news, you should try it sometime.


To inject sanity back into this, cops shooting a speeding, reckless motorcyclist on an empty road (which is headed toward traffic) is an act of SELF-DEFENSE, defending the lives of motorists on the road up ahead.
So, they should kill him because he might forget to use his brake?
You really are a boot licking idiot, aren't you? I can see the headline now..."Cop shoots protectionist to death because he believed he was not applying his brakes soon enough and was a threat to the people in the car ahead of him. Later, it was discovered that protectionist's brake lights were not working. Police Chief says the officer's actions were justified". I would laugh my ass off.

This "post" (if one can even call it that) is too much of a jumbled-up, contorted, mish-mash babbling, of a distorted mind, for me to even respond to. Pure lunacy.

"forget to use his brake" I really think posting in computer forums might not be the thing for you. Maybe you could do better with video games in your room in your local nuthouse.
I'll grant you that little kids darting out from behind bushes won't be there, and you're OK on that, but how about some of these guys ? >>>

For that matter, how about everyone who's in your car if you get a blowout ?

I don't get blowouts. I use Z rated tires and they are retired after 20,000 miles. I have a friend who uses them for racing after I've used them up on the street. I am not your average speeder, I used to hold a Super License (I could race anything up to a F1 race car) I am used to living at high speed, but, I am a responsible speeder.

If it's not safe I don't do it. There are roads that I have sped on many, many times before, but if I come up to them and there is gravel or other crap on them, I don't speed there, the conditions have changed which makes it unsafe.

My car is maintained to perfection. It doesn't break, ever. If I am a little under the weather (like I am today) I don't speed, my reflexes are off. Hell today I didn't even drive, my wife did because I am taking a medication that I know impairs my ability to drive properly. Most would drive and I certainly could drive, but I chose not to.

Do you get the idea yet? I'm not you average speeder.

Again. What about these guys ?

They, are not me. I can't control what others do, only what I do. Take up your concerns with THEM.
You think I'm stupid. HA HA. You're not only stupid, you're DERANGED. Interesting how you look upon the cops. You see them as someone you should fear. Someone who is likely to shoot you without reason. You see yourself "at their mercy". You think they go around murdering people >> You said >> "you want to give them even more power to kill citizens", as if they were just going around killing citizens.

Dude. You are sick. You are bent. I'm going to be a cop's "next victim". Wow. Whose anti-cop propaganda have you been listening to ?

And it looks like what I said about the cops shooting first and living to tell about it (BECAUSE THEY SHOT FIRST AND DIDN'T WAIT FOR THE BAD GUY TO SHOOT THEM) went right over your wacked-out head.

To inject sanity back into this, cops shooting a speeding, reckless motorcyclist on an empty road (which is headed toward traffic) is an act of SELF-DEFENSE, defending the lives of motorists on the road up ahead. GET IT ? Or are you too anti-cop to think about anything other than being shot by cops for no good reason ?

BTW. Have you checked in with a psychiatrist about your cop fear paranoia ? You want to do that, before you go totally nuts. Or am I talkimg to some kind of criminal here ? You're not typing from a prison cell by any chance are you ?

The news, you should try it sometime.


To inject sanity back into this, cops shooting a speeding, reckless motorcyclist on an empty road (which is headed toward traffic) is an act of SELF-DEFENSE, defending the lives of motorists on the road up ahead.
So, they should kill him because he might forget to use his brake?
You really are a boot licking idiot, aren't you? I can see the headline now..."Cop shoots protectionist to death because he believed he was not applying his brakes soon enough and was a threat to the people in the car ahead of him. Later, it was discovered that protectionist's brake lights were not working. Police Chief says the officer's actions were justified". I would laugh my ass off.

This "post" (if one can even call it that) is too much of a jumbled-up, contorted, mish-mash babbling, of a distorted mind, for me to even respond to. Pure lunacy.

"forget to use his brake" I really think posting in computer forums might not be the thing for you. Maybe you could do better with video games in your room in your local nuthouse.
Just as I thought, no substance. Not that you had any to begin with, but now you're not even pretending to present an argument, just throwing adolescent insults at me. I knew that's how it would play out, it always does.
I don't get blowouts. I use Z rated tires and they are retired after 20,000 miles. I have a friend who uses them for racing after I've used them up on the street. I am not your average speeder, I used to hold a Super License (I could race anything up to a F1 race car) I am used to living at high speed, but, I am a responsible speeder.

If it's not safe I don't do it. There are roads that I have sped on many, many times before, but if I come up to them and there is gravel or other crap on them, I don't speed there, the conditions have changed which makes it unsafe.

My car is maintained to perfection. It doesn't break, ever. If I am a little under the weather (like I am today) I don't speed, my reflexes are off. Hell today I didn't even drive, my wife did because I am taking a medication that I know impairs my ability to drive properly. Most would drive and I certainly could drive, but I chose not to.

Do you get the idea yet? I'm not you average speeder.

Again. What about these guys ?

They, are not me. I can't control what others do, only what I do. Take up your concerns with THEM.

And you can control your speed. That's why I'm taking that up with YOU. We can't take up any concerns with those animals. Animals do what animals do. They're not going to change. And they're always going to be endangered and killed, by guys who drive too fast.
The news, you should try it sometime.


So, they should kill him because he might forget to use his brake?
You really are a boot licking idiot, aren't you? I can see the headline now..."Cop shoots protectionist to death because he believed he was not applying his brakes soon enough and was a threat to the people in the car ahead of him. Later, it was discovered that protectionist's brake lights were not working. Police Chief says the officer's actions were justified". I would laugh my ass off.

This "post" (if one can even call it that) is too much of a jumbled-up, contorted, mish-mash babbling, of a distorted mind, for me to even respond to. Pure lunacy.

"forget to use his brake" I really think posting in computer forums might not be the thing for you. Maybe you could do better with video games in your room in your local nuthouse.
Just as I thought, no substance. Not that you had any to begin with, but now you're not even pretending to present an argument, just throwing adolescent insults at me. I knew that's how it would play out, it always does.

HA HA HA. I've been presenting substance arguments all along, and YOU HAVEN'T......and YOU KNOW IT, bullshit artist.
This "post" (if one can even call it that) is too much of a jumbled-up, contorted, mish-mash babbling, of a distorted mind, for me to even respond to. Pure lunacy.

"forget to use his brake" I really think posting in computer forums might not be the thing for you. Maybe you could do better with video games in your room in your local nuthouse.
Just as I thought, no substance. Not that you had any to begin with, but now you're not even pretending to present an argument, just throwing adolescent insults at me. I knew that's how it would play out, it always does.

HA HA HA. I've been presenting substance arguments all along, and YOU HAVEN'T......and YOU KNOW IT, bullshit artist.
No you haven't, you started a failed thread and are too stupid to know when to give it up. Keep digging, dumbass. :dig:
A lot of "what ifs" from the shoot first, ask questions later morons. Move to another country where you can live comfortably under some repressive dictator's thumb.

So all those cops who shot first and lived to tell about it (BECAUSE THEY SHOT FIRST AND DIDN'T WAIT FOR THE BAD GUY TO SHOOT THEM) are "morons", huh ? Not hard to see who the real "moron" is here.

A guy on a bike fleeing police is hardly going to fire a gun at them.
Just as I thought, no substance. Not that you had any to begin with, but now you're not even pretending to present an argument, just throwing adolescent insults at me. I knew that's how it would play out, it always does.

HA HA HA. I've been presenting substance arguments all along, and YOU HAVEN'T......and YOU KNOW IT, bullshit artist.
No you haven't, you started a failed thread and are too stupid to know when to give it up. Keep digging, dumbass. :dig:

You're not talking about motorcylists or endangered motorists now. You're just attacking me. Over and over. That's trolling. which you could be banned for doing. It's also stalking. Which you can be arrested for. And if those cops come and get you, (IN YOUR DERANGED MIND), they might shoot you. Right ? Isn't that what you think, SJ ? Right ? Right ?

Next troll from you gets reported.
A lot of "what ifs" from the shoot first, ask questions later morons. Move to another country where you can live comfortably under some repressive dictator's thumb.

So all those cops who shot first and lived to tell about it (BECAUSE THEY SHOT FIRST AND DIDN'T WAIT FOR THE BAD GUY TO SHOOT THEM) are "morons", huh ? Not hard to see who the real "moron" is here.

A guy on a bike fleeing police is hardly going to fire a gun at them.

Didn't quite get it, I see. I was referring to the principle of self-defense using the example of cops having to shoot someone who might shoot them.
So all those cops who shot first and lived to tell about it (BECAUSE THEY SHOT FIRST AND DIDN'T WAIT FOR THE BAD GUY TO SHOOT THEM) are "morons", huh ? Not hard to see who the real "moron" is here.

A guy on a bike fleeing police is hardly going to fire a gun at them.

Didn't quite get it, I see. I was referring to the principle of self-defense using the example of cops having to shoot someone who might shoot them.

As I said, a guy on a bike is not going to shoot anyone, is he?
A guy on a bike fleeing police is hardly going to fire a gun at them.

Didn't quite get it, I see. I was referring to the principle of self-defense using the example of cops having to shoot someone who might shoot them.

As I said, a guy on a bike is not going to shoot anyone, is he?

And AS I SAID, I was referring to the principle of self-defense using the example of cops having to shoot someone who might shoot them. Nobody's talking about a guy on a bike possibly shooting anybody, except you (for some unknown reason).

The point is the harm that the reckless motorcyclist poses to motorists further down the road, not something you come in here and conjure up, just to be a wise-ass. You could get tacked for trolling too.
Just as I thought, no substance. Not that you had any to begin with, but now you're not even pretending to present an argument, just throwing adolescent insults at me. I knew that's how it would play out, it always does.

HA HA HA. I've been presenting substance arguments all along, and YOU HAVEN'T......and YOU KNOW IT, bullshit artist.
No you haven't, you started a failed thread and are too stupid to know when to give it up. Keep digging, dumbass. :dig:

By calling the thread "failed" when you know it isn't only further amplifies your trolling character and INABILITY TO ADDRESS THE QUESTION OF THE OP >> "Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ?"

They, are not me. I can't control what others do, only what I do. Take up your concerns with THEM.

And you can control your speed. That's why I'm taking that up with YOU. We can't take up any concerns with those animals. Animals do what animals do. They're not going to change. And they're always going to be endangered and killed, by guys who drive too fast.

If you had bothered to check my posts I agreed with you. In certain circumstances I do think it is appropriate to take lethal force action against fleeing motorists.
HA HA HA. I've been presenting substance arguments all along, and YOU HAVEN'T......and YOU KNOW IT, bullshit artist.
No you haven't, you started a failed thread and are too stupid to know when to give it up. Keep digging, dumbass. :dig:

By calling the thread "failed" when you know it isn't only further amplifies your trolling character and INABILITY TO ADDRESS THE QUESTION OF THE OP >> "Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ?"

You're getting too emotional and are losing track of your argument. You didn't make your point clear to noomi, (clearly) and further weakened your argument by not listening to what others are saying.

As I said, in certain conditions lethal force is warranted, however bullets travel a long way and in most chases the act of shooting a weapon will be more dangerous to the civilian population than the speeding vehicle.

Further, just because you have shot someone, doesn't mean they are going to stop anytime soon. You can shred someone's heart and they can continue to operate for up to a minute after that. It's never a simple thing no matter how much you wish it to be.
To answer the question of the OP title, perhaps we should evaluate the cost/benefit analysis of it. If cops don't shoot the jerk, rampaging through traffic at 100 MPH (or even at much lesser speeds), then a number of motorists might get killed, or badly injured. At some points in a high speed chase, the motorcylist may have full control of his vehicle (as on straightaways where traffic is absent). But as soon as he gets into traffic, everyone there is at huge risk.

Question is why ? Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? Shouldn't we take action to protect the public, and if the motorcycle criminal fool dies, from being shot, wouldn't that cop who shot him have done us all a favor ? (other than the guy who has to come along and clean up the mess)

I say blast him. :drillsergeant: :Boom2: :evil: :blowup:

If cops shoot the jerk, rampaging through traffic at 100 MPH (or even at much lesser speeds), then a number of motorists might get killed, or badly injured.

hmm, not as simple as your mind

I would agree to shooting them if cops could guarantee what is impossible

This week, Sheriff's deputies decided to chase a guy in a Dodge pick-up through the center of Foley. The result was the ass ran a light and nailed an innocent victim. The perp was able to run from the scene before being apprehended. The innocent victim left the scene in several bags.
Away from traffic, yes. Stop him by what ever means necessary, but in traffic, get a plate number and use the damned radio.

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