Should It Be Illegal For Teachers To Push Their Politics On Their Students?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I was wondering about this. Why are teachers allowed to take a captive audience (their students) and shove their vices and their political ideology down their throats.

The students really don't have a choice but to sit there and listen to a activist teacher filling their heads full of nonsense. When the kids come home and repeat this to their parents some go nuts. Some sue. Some start home-schooling. Some meekly put up with it because they feel powerless.

When I was in school, especially H.S., we had roundtable discussions about abortion or whatever the big issue of the day was, but the teachers rarely tried to tell us that we had to think a certain way. They asked what our opinions were, not tell us what our opinions should be.

Our kids are constantly being bombarded with nonsense. Listening to the SCOTUS hearings on Obamacare it seems that clarity is rare and common-sense is hard to find.

Can't a teacher who abuses his or her authority be guilty of a crime. Why isn't there a problem with teachers that abuse the trust they have earned to be in charge of our kids for 8 hours a day? If they're screwing up our kids can't we do anything about it?


I don't know about the word "illegal", but there's certainly no place for political propagandizing in a taxpayer-funded institution, particularly when the "audience" is a bunch of children.

When my kids were in grade school, we had MANY conversations about stuff their teachers said, and what they said was ALWAYS coming from the Left. Since I want my kids to be independent thinkers (and not partisan sheep), I had to make a strong and consistent effort to (1) ask them what went on in school that day, (2) show them the other side of each argument and (3) remind them that there is always two sides to a story and to question everything, because partisans lie with great regularity. They're older now, but we still talk about that.

There is no excuse for pushing political agendas in public schools, zero, nada, none, period.

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Why make this into a criminal issue? Surely it is a disciplinary matter for the school authorities?

Since disciplinary action would result in no real punishment at all it has to be a crime. Besides, this is from top to bottom an ideological movement that begins at the Department of Education. This needs to be handled at the state and local level.

Watching the SCOTUS hearings reveals just how full of crap liberal ideology is. They're allowed to get away with shoving this crap down your kids throats turning this country into a bunch of Jew-hating, Polar Bear hugging imbeciles willing to vote for any unqualified candidate simply because they hate coal and play pickup games with Jeremy Lin and other NBA players.
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Libs became teachers to do exactly what they are doing. Teachers have a mission, to undo all the damage done at home by parents.
Why make this into a criminal issue? Surely it is a disciplinary matter for the school authorities?

Discipline a teacher...BWhAHAHAHAHAAAA....c'mon say it again...[snicker]...oh I can't breath.:lol:

Anybody here know CPR?

But seriously: there are too many laws as it is. Let's not make any more.

Oh....we only need just so many laws.

No more and no less.

Tell that to the Obama Administration.

How many new regulations did they shove at us in the last 12 months???

Nobody is keeping track.....but it in the thousands.

I guess regulations are only important when it's what you want to regulate.
Discipline a teacher...BWhAHAHAHAHAAAA....c'mon say it again...[snicker]...oh I can't breath.:lol:

Anybody here know CPR?

But seriously: there are too many laws as it is. Let's not make any more.

Oh....we only need just so many laws.

No more and no less.

Tell that to the Obama Administration.

How many new regulations did they shove at us in the last 12 months???

Nobody is keeping track.....but it in the thousands.

I guess regulations are only important when it's what you want to regulate.

I would say the same thing to the Administration.
I'm only trying to be consistent here. More legislation and greater central control is NOT the answer.
Anybody here know CPR?

But seriously: there are too many laws as it is. Let's not make any more.

Oh....we only need just so many laws.

No more and no less.

Tell that to the Obama Administration.

How many new regulations did they shove at us in the last 12 months???

Nobody is keeping track.....but it in the thousands.

I guess regulations are only important when it's what you want to regulate.

I would say the same thing to the Administration.
I'm only trying to be consistent here. More legislation and greater central control is NOT the answer.

I mentioned that this needs to be handled at the state an local level.

It seems our federal government is beyond least for the next 10 months.
I've heard that in some states they've gotten rid of trade schools in school.

They had so many law-suits that they cancelled them.

Our kids can't learn a now I guess they have to become useless consumers and beneficiaries living off the government trough.

Reminds me of the Gaza Strip.
Yea I know what you all mean.

My son has a whack job right winger for a teacher. I get so tired of pointing out to my son how full of shit this teacher is.

But I do it because that is my job.
What should be illegal is public unions. Teachers are beholden to Unions. Unions are beholden to Democrats (and visa versa). We've created public indoctrination system.

Unions are functional for the sake of gaining fairness against greedy corporations. The same paradigm does not exist with government. Nobody is forcing anybody to do those jobs if they don't want to do them.

Also, get rid of tax funded education and let people spend their money on what they want and people can find any politically affiliated teacher that suits them. Do that and people will wish they could afford the best teachers (not liberal pinheads) b/c they are no longer learning how to manipulate the rigged system.
Why don't more conservatives become teachers?
I mean the pay is lousy. You get NO respect. Contard asshats are CONSTANTLY saying you earn too much. You have to think that giving back to your community is at least as important as your own personal wealth. Oh, and you will probably spend a lot of your own money on other people's you kinda have to be a socialist, by the CON definition.

Oh. THAT'S why there aren't more CONZ in the teaching profession.
So, now you want to even the playing field by saying no proselytizing?
Get your ass into the classroom yourselves or STFU.
Yea I know what you all mean.

My son has a whack job right winger for a teacher. I get so tired of pointing out to my son how full of shit this teacher is.

But I do it because that is my job.
That's interesting.

What kind of rightwing nonsense is he exposing youir kid to?
How about rather than making more laws interfering with education we just get the government out of the way and allow parents to decide whether the education their children are receiving is suitable, and if not allow them to find a school that is to their standards?
What should be illegal is public unions. Teachers are beholden to Unions. Unions are beholden to Democrats (and visa versa). We've created public indoctrination system.

Unions are functional for the sake of gaining fairness against greedy corporations. The same paradigm does not exist with government. Nobody is forcing anybody to do those jobs if they don't want to do them.

Also, get rid of tax funded education and let people spend their money on what they want and people can find any politically affiliated teacher that suits them. Do that and people will wish they could afford the best teachers (not liberal pinheads) b/c they are no longer learning how to manipulate the rigged system.

Nobody's forcing anybody to take a job with a "greedy corporation" either.
How about rather than making more laws interfering with education we just get the government out of the way and allow parents to decide whether the education their children are receiving is suitable, and if not allow them to find a school that is to their standards?

You are correct Sir!

It would indeed much better to give parents much greater freedom in the use of their tax dollars for the education of their children in the publicly accredited school of their choice.
You ought to TRY to teaching history without also having a POV.

Go ahead show us how that's done, please.

Give US one of your history lessons that is entirely ideologiocally neutral.

Show us how its done, please.

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