Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

Right now Muller is looking into the unmasking of Trump staff and family. As he should be. I warned the dems. If you are dirty, don't try and rub it off on my sleeve.
Right now Muller is looking into the unmasking of Trump staff and family. As he should be. I warned the dems. If you are dirty, don't try and rub it off on my sleeve.

You may want to revise a bit of your post......
No. Trump says it is off limits and his 5th amendment rights should be observed.
So if the IRS audits me I can just say "no" and they have to respect my 5th amendment rights? Who knew!?

Give it a try. But be warned, the IRS will be hauling your ass down to the U.S. Tax Court. You may want to check into the results of those who thought their constitutional rights had much weight in that venue.
Yes, let's talk about the IRS tax audits because Robert Mueller as Director of the FBI claimed he didn't know the name of the person investigating why Republicans were targeted by the IRS. Robert Mueller is a bold faced liar with a history of denial, poor performance, and bias. Have a look:
Hard to Believe Video: FBI Director Can’t Answer Basic Questions on IRS Investigation During Tense Exchange at House Hearing

“Can you tell me who the lead investigator is,” Jordan pressed.

“Off the top of my head, no” the FBI chief replied.

“This is the most important issue in front of the country the last six weeks, you don’t know who is heading up the case?” Jordan asked.

Mueller also said he hasn’t been briefed recently on the IRS case and couldn’t say how many officials were assigned to the investigation.

When asked if he had talked to any of the targeted groups since May 14 or if officials were attempting to contact them, Mueller said he had not and didn’t know if other officials had contacted the groups.

“Some of them testified that they were paid a visit by the FBI,” Jordan continued. “If the FBI did contact people involved in the IRS scandal, victims, groups, prior to the investigation when they were applying to tax exempt status, why was that the case?”

“I do not know,” Mueller responded, later adding “You are asking questions about details of the investigation… read more on link...

Mueller didn't run the most important investigation in his own department properly and now he is given the opportunity to be a special investigator against someone he wants to crucify? Mueller has personal vendetta against the President and should have recused himself. This man cannot be trusted. Look at his track record. He was the overseer of a major cover up targeting specific people with IRS being used as a weapon against them and now he is targeting the President of the United States using the same agency as a weapon. He's a disgrace.
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...Where are the tax returns?
There is no requirement to release tax return to the public. If there is a reason to look at them, Mueller will do so, but, again, there is no requirement that they be released to the public if he does.
Yes, let's talk about the IRS tax audits because Robert Mueller as Director of the FBI claimed he didn't know the name of the person investigating why Republicans were targeted by the IRS. Robert Mueller is a bold faced liar with a history of denial, poor performance, and bias. Have a look:
Hard to Believe Video: FBI Director Can’t Answer Basic Questions on IRS Investigation During Tense Exchange at House Hearing went back FOUR years to find that Mueller couldn't remember who was heading the IRS investigation.....

Well, THAT should have Mueller recuse himself TODAY and go sit in a corner......LOL
Of course not. He was appointed to investigate Russian influence. Not finding anything, he is exceeding the scope of his investigation looking for anything at all.

Financial ties are influences ?

It later came to light that Nixon was not being truthful. A few days after the break-in, for instance, he arranged to provide hundreds of thousands of dollars in “hush money” to the burglars.

Watergate Scandal - Facts & Summary -
Right now Muller is looking into the unmasking of Trump staff and family. As he should be. I warned the dems. If you are dirty, don't try and rub it off on my sleeve.
If Mueller scrubs the rest of the dirt from DC along with Trump, good on Mueller.
Of course not. He was appointed to investigate Russian influence. Not finding anything, he is exceeding the scope of his investigation looking for anything at all.

Read the freaking letter of Mueller's appointment and tell us WHERE Mueller is restricted to NOT investigate the orange buffoon's finances...

GO ON,i"ll wait......LOL
Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

Not necessarily, but possibly. It depends on what information Mueller uncovers. If his team discovers behavior that indicates there is actus rea on Trump's part, then the question will become one of whether the statute involved requires he and his team also establish mens rea and the reason for its existence. If mens rea is required, leads to it and its cause(s) may be found in Trump's tax return, in which case, the investigation should, indeed must, at the very least retrieve his tax returns along with other financial documentation that is either sworn or objectively verifiable. It's worth noting that mens rea isn't generally established by attestation (barring the Moirai's favor), but rather by a preponderance of information that immutably, or nearly so, would lead any sage, sane and reasonable person to agree it exists.
You gotta follow the money

Trump says auditing anything not directly related to Russia is off limits for the investigation. But anyone who ever audited financial records knows that things are not what they appear to be. You have to dig and unravel the true sources of money

There will not be many records listed as ........Russian Slush Fund

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Yes, let's talk about the IRS tax audits because Robert Mueller as Director of the FBI claimed he didn't know the name of the person investigating why Republicans were targeted by the IRS. Robert Mueller is a bold faced liar with a history of denial, poor performance, and bias. Have a look:
Hard to Believe Video: FBI Director Can’t Answer Basic Questions on IRS Investigation During Tense Exchange at House Hearing went back FOUR years to find that Mueller couldn't remember who was heading the IRS investigation.....

Well, THAT should have Mueller recuse himself TODAY and go sit in a corner......LOL
Mueller finds nothing when it comes to his own criminal buddies targeting law abiding citizens using IRS as a weapon yet he can be trusted to investigate President Trump's tax records? THINK AGAIN. He's got a long history of not doing the right thing!
Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

Not necessarily, but possibly. It depends on what information Mueller uncovers. If his team discovers behavior that indicates there is actus rea on Trump's part, then the question will become one of whether the statute involved requires he and his team also establish mens rea and the reason for its existence. If mens rea is required, leads to it and its cause(s) may be found in Trump's tax return, in which case, the investigation should, indeed must, at the very least retrieve his tax returns along with other financial documentation that is either sworn or objectively verifiable. It's worth noting that mens rea isn't generally established by attestation (barring the Moirai's favor), but rather by a preponderance of information that immutably, or nearly so, would lead any sage, sane and reasonable person to agree it exists.

Partially agree.....However, Mueller's directive is to investigate what LEVERAGE Russia may have in both that country's meddling in our electorate affairs AND what LEVERAGE Russia may have in the obvious support found for Russia by the Trump team (such as wanting to remove the sanctions on Russia in the GOP platform at their convention.)

That possible LEVERAGE may indeed be loans and other financial dealings with Trump and his family....
'Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?'

No, this would be the definition and perfect example of 'Fishing Expedition'.

Mueller was not originally tasked to find evidence of any wrong-doing during the course of his life. He was hired to look into Obstruction. By expanding the scope of his investigation to just about anything he wants to look at, the Democrats have just admitted they have NOTHING - they have found NO EVIDENCE of collusion or Obstruction of Justice. Having found nothing for which he was hired, they expand the scope of the investigation, to dig through anything and everything in order to find SOMETHING...ANYTHING.
Mueller knows nothing. And this is the man you want to lead an investigation into the Presidents taxes? The man who protected the people who targeted tea party with IRS audits by doing nothing is now going to investigate a Republican President about his taxes? Mueller cannot be trusted. Listen to this and you'll see what I mean!

Robert Mueller is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Just listen to him in this inquiry. He knows nothing. He's a bold faced liar and cannot be trusted.
'Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?'

No, this would be the definition and perfect example of 'Fishing Expedition'.

hate to tell you but ANY investigation is, by definition, a fishing expedition.
Body language expert examines Mueller's body language during this questioning and proves he is a liar. Watch this:

Why should the American people trust a man who has already been exposed as a bold faced liar? A man who worked with his good friend Comey to protect the Clinton Administration tooth and nail? Answer: We shouldn't.
'Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?'

No, this would be the definition and perfect example of 'Fishing Expedition'.

Mueller was not originally tasked to find evidence of any wrong-doing during the course of his life. He was hired to look into Obstruction. By expanding the scope of his investigation to just about anything he wants to look at, the Democrats have just admitted they have NOTHING - they have found NO EVIDENCE of collusion or Obstruction of Justice. Having found nothing for which he was hired, they expand the scope of the investigation, to dig through anything and everything in order to find SOMETHING...ANYTHING.


Mueller was hired to investigate Russian involvement in our election. Obstruction is just one possible piece

Plenty has been found and reported so far. Russian hacking of the DNC server, Trump using illegally obtained material in his campaign, Trump officials meeting with the Russians to obtain secrets on Hillary, Trump offering policy concessions

That is just what has bee reported
Body language expert examines Mueller's body language during this questioning and proves he is a liar. Watch this:

Why should the American people trust a man who has already been exposed as a bold faced liar? A man who worked with his good friend Comey to protect the Clinton Administration tooth and nail? Answer: We shouldn't.

Body language?

Have you ever seen Trump?

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