Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

Bon Mueller has credentials that are impeccable.
He truly is an American hero.

Donald Trump is an American zero.

He's coming for ya fat boy.
He's going to uncover all your dirty laundry with Russia. Decades worth.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Of course not. He was appointed to investigate Russian influence. Not finding anything, he is exceeding the scope of his investigation looking for anything at all.
I'm including on this thread the letter that appointed Muller as special counsel and the scope of Mueller directives stated in that letter.....mindful that Rosenstein IS a Trump appointee.....
Mueller just reeks professionism, character and integrity.
Everything Trump is not. No wonder he's scared shitless of Mueller.
He reeks alright. He's as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

You're so full of shit it's coming out of wherever. Mueller has the respect and admiration of every democrat and republican in Congress. Of course you're going to kiss trump's ass since he's running scared of Mueller.

So you have no explanation for this video that exposes Mueller as a liar and shill for the Democrats? Not surprising.

Didn't watch your dumbass video. I know of Mueller's stellar reputation.
You sheep that do Trump's dirty work are being used. He doesn't care about you.
He's taking advantage of you
Educate yourself:
Robert Mueller is an American hero.
Mueller overhauled the FBI to prioritize, first, the threat of terrorism from groups like al-Qaida and the Taliban and then, later, the threat from individuals not affiliated with any particular group, like the Tsarnaev brothers, who were behind the Boston Marathon bombing.

He moved thousands of agents from criminal investigations into counterterrorism and national security. He detailed the changes in 2003, at an American Civil Liberties Union conference:

"The Sept. 11 attacks against New York and Washington changed the course of history.

"They changed the meaning of national security for the United States and dramatically shifted FBI priorities so that the prevention of terrorist attacks became the FBI's top priority and overriding focus.

"While we remain committed to our other important national security and law enforcement responsibilities, the prevention of terrorism takes precedence in our thinking and planning; in our hiring and staffing; in our training and technologies; and, most importantly, in our investigations."

As his 12-year run as director was coming to a close, Mueller also began prioritizing cyberthreats.

John Pistole, Mueller's former deputy director at the FBI, told NPR near the end of Mueller's term that it was hard to overstate the director's footprint on the agency.

"He directed and implemented what is arguably the most significant change in the FBI's [entire] history," Pistole said.

John Pistole led the TSA and we know all about the corruption he overlooked. Birds of a feather. I could care less what Mueller's good ole' boy club has to say about him.
Of course mueller should dig deep into Trump's finances. If you want to know anything about a person follow the money.

Trump has decades of Russian money laundering and worst. His worse nightmare is that his dirty laundry is revealed.
I can see why the trump whores don't want the truth to come out.

I've brought this up before......

Trump buys a broken down mansion in Florida
Trump pays $40 million for this property that never lived in
Trump sells that property to a Russian oligarch for $100 million
The oligarch never even saw the property.
Trump nets a clean $60 million for his "washing machine" stunt....
Of course not. He was appointed to investigate Russian influence. Not finding anything, he is exceeding the scope of his investigation looking for anything at all.
Read the scope of the investigation. Mueller is allowed to go wherever the investigation leads. Thats like anywhere.
The old Alex Jones like- conspiracy theory that the Clinton's are killers.
You so embarrass yourself..

Shhhh, rush told them to do this...makes them feel all better.LOL
Like I said, You'll strain a gnat and swallow a camel. It's what you people do because if ever there is a real investigation into the Clinton's you won't have a party left. It's hanging by a thread now as it is.
I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

Not necessarily, but possibly. It depends on what information Mueller uncovers. If his team discovers behavior that indicates there is actus rea on Trump's part, then the question will become one of whether the statute involved requires he and his team also establish mens rea and the reason for its existence. If mens rea is required, leads to it and its cause(s) may be found in Trump's tax return, in which case, the investigation should, indeed must, at the very least retrieve his tax returns along with other financial documentation that is either sworn or objectively verifiable. It's worth noting that mens rea isn't generally established by attestation (barring the Moirai's favor), but rather by a preponderance of information that immutably, or nearly so, would lead any sage, sane and reasonable person to agree it exists.

Partially agree.....However, Mueller's directive is to investigate what LEVERAGE Russia may have in both that country's meddling in our electorate affairs AND what LEVERAGE Russia may have in the obvious support found for Russia by the Trump team (such as wanting to remove the sanctions on Russia in the GOP platform at their convention.)

That possible LEVERAGE may indeed be loans and other financial dealings with Trump and his family....
Well, with what part don't you agree? There's no substantive difference between what you wrote and what I wrote aside from your remarks being specific to Trump and mine are general and written from the standpoint of how the law deals with such matters, regardless of whom may be the object of the investigation. That is the whole point of the mens rea remarks in my post.

Are you suggesting Mueller already has the reason to pursue obtaining Trump's federal tax returns? I haven't suggested that because I don't know. Mueller hasn't disclosed anything about what he's found.

Although I am fully aware of my own limitations, I DID predict that Mueller's investigation could NOT have ever neglected a review of Trump's finance records (not just tax returns)......
Only a complete fool would deny the strange affinity that Trump and his acolytes have vis-a-vis Russia, and such an affinity MUST have a financial root.

My mistake, BTW, in stating that I partially agreed with your post...I do agree with it.
such an affinity MUST have a financial root.

Why must it? Trump craves complimentary remarks and feigned fealty that it could very well, for him and him alone, be a matter of ego. The financial/business motivation may also be present, but given Trump's hubris, it doesn't have to be. One has to remember that in Trump's mind there is nothing "bigger" or more important than Donald Trump.

I DID predict that Mueller's investigation could NOT have ever neglected a review of Trump's finance records (not just tax returns)......


Financial motivations, though among the "big three" action catalysts, do not have to be among the bases for a legal argument. I'm not suggesting that money is not a factor for Trump, for there's no question that he values money and his own money more than most all other things.

I'm only saying that given the dearth of information we have about Mueller's efforts, the financial line need not necessarily be pursued. I suspect Mueller will at least look, but unless he has a use for something he finds in that area, we won't ever know what he find or that he looked. If he wants to see a matter to trial, he'll have to release the information, in court at the very least. If he doesn't find anything that advances a prosecutorial assertion, he'll have to maintain the privacy of Trump's tax information.
Of course mueller should dig deep into Trump's finances. If you want to know anything about a person follow the money.

Trump has decades of Russian money laundering and worst. His worse nightmare is that his dirty laundry is revealed.
I can see why the trump whores don't want the truth to come out.

I've brought this up before......

Trump buys a broken down mansion in Florida
Trump pays $40 million for this property that never lived in
Trump sells that property to a Russian oligarch for $100 million
The oligarch never even saw the property.
Trump nets a clean $60 million for his "washing machine" stunt....

And? Sounds like a pretty savvy business move.
I believe you were asking for our OPINIONS. Keep up, junior.

YES......and I welcome your "opinion" since it confirms just how delusional you and your ilk have become.......

Most of us get it......You folks now HATE Mueller and what he could do to your orange lardo.....

So, keep those "opinions" coming.....LOL
Trump's financial transactions prior to him becoming President should be off limits.

There are no allegations of anything illegal.
If there were issues that could have been brought up during the campaign, that's fine. Voters then can take the info and make their own choice.

The demoncraps are making Mueller dig up stuff so they can use it politically.

It was before he was elected President that all the Russian interference was occuring
I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
WikiLeaks: Clinton Fdn Funds Used to Pay for Chelsea's Wedding, Aide Says
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream
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I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
If only she'd have won! All the investigations not going on. Pity.
Like I said, You'll strain a gnat and swallow a camel. It's what you people do because if ever there is a real investigation into the Clinton's you won't have a party left. It's hanging by a thread now as it is.

tell you what......Since YOUR illustrious party has ALL the governmental powers at its disposal......GO FOR IT and take some laxatives to ease that clogged up colon.
I can't get the link to work, but it's sort of a foregone conclusion that Mueller will go after them, isn't it? I really think we will learn that there was more than just the one meeting during the campaign where the Ruskies offered help, and I suspect Team Trump really did get something out of this meeting. Putin had reasons to not want Hillary president that had nothing to do with Trump. She was going to support Ukraine, and Mantafort was a bag man for Putin's pet stooge in Ukraine going back a decade or so. So Putin's desire to not see Hillary as potus was obvious.

What was not obvious was that Team Trump was stupid enough to agree to meet with Russians when they offered their help against Hillary DURING the campaign. Once that happened, the obvious question becomes WHY DOES PUTIN WANT TRUMP PRESIDENT. It's no longer why does Putin not want Hillary.

I still can't believe they were so stupid. I mean Clinton could at least say "I was thinking with my dick, but at least I was thinking." LOL

Sorry about the link.......

But, YES......If its a foregone conclusion that Russia wanted Trump to win (and not Hillary) can be partially explained by Putin's hatred of Hillary (she de-legitimized Putin's last election)......But a more important conclusion arises as to WHY the Kremlin would have wanted Trump and risked quite a bit to get that job done through its very effective hacking and the ensuing propaganda......

There is no evidence of any hacking.
Says no intellligence officer anywhere.
Interesting you're stilll carrying around this lie.

Those officers are Obama's political hacks. Now there's some hacking.
Still Laughing at your idiocy that these lifers are " Obama's hacks."

Brennan, Clapper, Comey.........LOL
Mueller just reeks professionism, character and integrity.
Everything Trump is not. No wonder he's scared shitless of Mueller.
He reeks alright. He's as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

You're so full of shit it's coming out of wherever. Mueller has the respect and admiration of every democrat and republican in Congress. Of course you're going to kiss trump's ass since he's running scared of Mueller.

So you have no explanation for this video that exposes Mueller as a liar and shill for the Democrats? Not surprising.

Didn't watch your dumbass video. I know of Mueller's stellar reputation.
You sheep that do Trump's dirty work are being used. He doesn't care about you.
He's taking advantage of you
Educate yourself:
Robert Mueller is an American hero.
Mueller overhauled the FBI to prioritize, first, the threat of terrorism from groups like al-Qaida and the Taliban and then, later, the threat from individuals not affiliated with any particular group, like the Tsarnaev brothers, who were behind the Boston Marathon bombing.

He moved thousands of agents from criminal investigations into counterterrorism and national security. He detailed the changes in 2003, at an American Civil Liberties Union conference:

"The Sept. 11 attacks against New York and Washington changed the course of history.

"They changed the meaning of national security for the United States and dramatically shifted FBI priorities so that the prevention of terrorist attacks became the FBI's top priority and overriding focus.

"While we remain committed to our other important national security and law enforcement responsibilities, the prevention of terrorism takes precedence in our thinking and planning; in our hiring and staffing; in our training and technologies; and, most importantly, in our investigations."

As his 12-year run as director was coming to a close, Mueller also began prioritizing cyberthreats.

John Pistole, Mueller's former deputy director at the FBI, told NPR near the end of Mueller's term that it was hard to overstate the director's footprint on the agency.

"He directed and implemented what is arguably the most significant change in the FBI's [entire] history," Pistole said.

John Pistole led the TSA and we know all about the corruption he overlooked. Birds of a feather. I could care less what Mueller's good ole' boy club has to say about him.

Bob Mueller is an American hero and his credentials are impeccable. Of course you don't care about these facts and the people who know him who can vouch for him.
Your master has directed you to smear an American hero and you're all too willing to carry his dirty water.
You're a true American traitor as Trump is. Interesting that you don't want to know if your president is a crook.
I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
So what hasn't Trump gone after the Clintons ? He has had 6 months to do something, anything. Is it possible that he is lying to you once again?

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