Should Muslims be labelled a 'Hate Group'?

Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.

Bullet----I am Fascinated with your Talmud expertise. As you know--there are several volumes of that book and I do
not remember in what volume of the Talmud that the term
"neighbor" is defined. I do not even remember the word for
"neighbor" in the Talmud. Please let me know---which volume and-----what is the term for "neighbor" ? thanks

Funny when neo-nazis obtain their “Talmudic scholarship” trolling neo-nazi websites LOL
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Torah commands to love the stranger (gentiles) because Jews were strangers in Egypt. Talmud is a legal digest of the Torah

Jesus, a devout Jew, quoted from the Torah for his 2 main edicts: Love your neighbor as yourself and love God above all else

The first time in history the word love appears is in the Torah

Now you know

for GSWTOHEAD -----aka bullet in the brain------Jesus mostly quoted HILLEL-----a big time Talmudist who
died just about the time jesus is said to have been born----
Lots of people still quote Hillel INCESSANTLY---including
some Christians who really like his cute sayings. Jesus
grew up HEARING these quotations----

Pay attention: Jesus’ two main edicts, quoted in the New Testament, are originally from the Torah: Love God above all else (Deut) and love your neighbor as yourself (Lev)

Run along.
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.

Bullet----I am Fascinated with your Talmud expertise. As you know--there are several volumes of that book and I do
not remember in what volume of the Talmud that the term
"neighbor" is defined. I do not even remember the word for
"neighbor" in the Talmud. Please let me know---which volume and-----what is the term for "neighbor" ? thanks

Funny when neo-nazis obtain their “Talmudic scholarship” trolling neo-nazi websites LOL

the islamo Nazi propaganda is FULL OF REFERENCES to the Talmud. ------these references are actually TAUGHT
in mosques. I have worked with muslims from countries that had no jews-------and who not only never saw a volume of the Talmud or even a bible--------and THEY KNEW ALL ABOUT
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Torah commands to love the stranger (gentiles) because Jews were strangers in Egypt. Talmud is a legal digest of the Torah

Jesus, a devout Jew, quoted from the Torah for his 2 main edicts: Love your neighbor as yourself and love God above all else

The first time in history the word love appears is in the Torah

Now you know

for GSWTOHEAD -----aka bullet in the brain------Jesus mostly quoted HILLEL-----a big time Talmudist who
died just about the time jesus is said to have been born----
Lots of people still quote Hillel INCESSANTLY---including
some Christians who really like his cute sayings. Jesus
grew up HEARING these quotations----

Pay attention: Jesus’ two main edicts, quoted in the New Testament, are originally from the Torah: Love God above all else (Deut) and love your neighbor as yourself (Lev)

Run along.

yeah-----but Hillel made it into an ART-----remember the
"standing on one foot" story? Hillel POPULARIZED it
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.

Bullet----I am Fascinated with your Talmud expertise. As you know--there are several volumes of that book and I do
not remember in what volume of the Talmud that the term
"neighbor" is defined. I do not even remember the word for
"neighbor" in the Talmud. Please let me know---which volume and-----what is the term for "neighbor" ? thanks

Funny when neo-nazis obtain their “Talmudic scholarship” trolling neo-nazi websites LOL

the islamo Nazi propaganda is FULL OF REFERENCES to the Talmud. ------these references are actually TAUGHT
in mosques. I have worked with muslims from countries that had no jews-------and who not only never saw a volume of the Talmud or even a bible--------and THEY KNEW ALL ABOUT

Dr Wafa Sultan diagnoses hateful Islam as a cause of mental illness

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.

Bullet----I am Fascinated with your Talmud expertise. As you know--there are several volumes of that book and I do
not remember in what volume of the Talmud that the term
"neighbor" is defined. I do not even remember the word for
"neighbor" in the Talmud. Please let me know---which volume and-----what is the term for "neighbor" ? thanks

Funny when neo-nazis obtain their “Talmudic scholarship” trolling neo-nazi websites LOL

the islamo Nazi propaganda is FULL OF REFERENCES to the Talmud. ------these references are actually TAUGHT
in mosques. I have worked with muslims from countries that had no jews-------and who not only never saw a volume of the Talmud or even a bible--------and THEY KNEW ALL ABOUT

Dr Wafa Sultan diagnoses hateful Islam as a cause of mental illness

it might interest you to know---that medical students in muslim countries are TAUGHT islam makes adherent muslims
IMMUNE from mental illness. -----before you choke----try to
remember that Russian communism said the same thing about the COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY.
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.

Bullet----I am Fascinated with your Talmud expertise. As you know--there are several volumes of that book and I do
not remember in what volume of the Talmud that the term
"neighbor" is defined. I do not even remember the word for
"neighbor" in the Talmud. Please let me know---which volume and-----what is the term for "neighbor" ? thanks

Funny when neo-nazis obtain their “Talmudic scholarship” trolling neo-nazi websites LOL

the islamo Nazi propaganda is FULL OF REFERENCES to the Talmud. ------these references are actually TAUGHT
in mosques. I have worked with muslims from countries that had no jews-------and who not only never saw a volume of the Talmud or even a bible--------and THEY KNEW ALL ABOUT

Muslims are generally very ignorant ppl.
Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.

Bullet----I am Fascinated with your Talmud expertise. As you know--there are several volumes of that book and I do
not remember in what volume of the Talmud that the term
"neighbor" is defined. I do not even remember the word for
"neighbor" in the Talmud. Please let me know---which volume and-----what is the term for "neighbor" ? thanks

Funny when neo-nazis obtain their “Talmudic scholarship” trolling neo-nazi websites LOL

the islamo Nazi propaganda is FULL OF REFERENCES to the Talmud. ------these references are actually TAUGHT
in mosques. I have worked with muslims from countries that had no jews-------and who not only never saw a volume of the Talmud or even a bible--------and THEY KNEW ALL ABOUT

Dr Wafa Sultan diagnoses hateful Islam as a cause of mental illness

it might interest you to know---that medical students in muslim countries are TAUGHT islam makes adherent muslims
IMMUNE from mental illness. -----before you choke----try to
remember that Russian communism said the same thing about the COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY.

142 Jewish Nobel Laureates in science. 5 in Israel

Just 2 Muslim Nobel Laureates in science out of 1.5+ BILLION Muslims. Just 1 in 57 Islamic countries

Islam = Epic Fail!
Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.

Bullet----I am Fascinated with your Talmud expertise. As you know--there are several volumes of that book and I do
not remember in what volume of the Talmud that the term
"neighbor" is defined. I do not even remember the word for
"neighbor" in the Talmud. Please let me know---which volume and-----what is the term for "neighbor" ? thanks

Funny when neo-nazis obtain their “Talmudic scholarship” trolling neo-nazi websites LOL

the islamo Nazi propaganda is FULL OF REFERENCES to the Talmud. ------these references are actually TAUGHT
in mosques. I have worked with muslims from countries that had no jews-------and who not only never saw a volume of the Talmud or even a bible--------and THEY KNEW ALL ABOUT

Dr Wafa Sultan diagnoses hateful Islam as a cause of mental illness

it might interest you to know---that medical students in muslim countries are TAUGHT islam makes adherent muslims
IMMUNE from mental illness. -----before you choke----try to
remember that Russian communism said the same thing about the COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY.

Islam is a political ideology not a religion. Like Communism and nazism, Islam seeks to impose itself on non-Muslims and by force if necessary. “House of Islam vs House of War”
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.


Romans crucified Jesus for political treason and undermining Roman authority. Jesus and his followers were all Jews
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.

according to your catechism whore---jews use Christian blood to make cookies. Ask around
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.

according to your catechism whore---jews use Christian blood to make cookies. Ask around

Christians’ Lord And Savior was a Jewish Rabbi. Makes perfect sense!
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.


Romans crucified Jesus for political treason and undermining Roman authority. Jesus and his followers were all Jews

According to the gospel accounts, Jewish authorities in Roman Judea charged Jesus with blasphemy and sought his execution (see Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus), but lacked the authority to have Jesus put to death (John 18:31), so they brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province, who authorized Jesus' execution (John 19:16).[24]

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia
Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.


Romans crucified Jesus for political treason and undermining Roman authority. Jesus and his followers were all Jews

According to the gospel accounts, Jewish authorities in Roman Judea charged Jesus with blasphemy and sought his execution (see Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus), but lacked the authority to have Jesus put to death (John 18:31), so they brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province, who authorized Jesus' execution (John 19:16).[24]

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Wikipedia: “Very” scholarly.

Romans crucified Jesus for political treason proclaiming himself King of the Jews
Very ignorant.

Torah originated the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus’ main teaching

Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.


Romans crucified Jesus for political treason and undermining Roman authority. Jesus and his followers were all Jews

According to the gospel accounts, Jewish authorities in Roman Judea charged Jesus with blasphemy and sought his execution (see Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus), but lacked the authority to have Jesus put to death (John 18:31), so they brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province, who authorized Jesus' execution (John 19:16).[24]

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

your catechism whore lied again-----the Sanhedrin did not find Jesus guilty OF ANYTHING------It was CAIAPHAS ---a known roman shill------hated by jews for all eternity (that is since there was Caiaphas) that handed the Jesus that the romans hated to the romans. According to the NT_-----the Sanhedrin
executed lots of people----adulterers, some guy named JAMES -----the story that your catechism whore shoved down your throat is ENGINEERED ------Jews did get rid of people-------now and then no matter who occupied the land---via ASSASSINATION--------if jews wanted jesus dead----someone would have killed him and DA ROMANS would have laughed. USE your brilliant polish mind-------
the Curies are turning over in their graves
Zionist talking = Zionist lying.

The Talmud defines Judaism, not the Torah.

The Talmud defines neighbor only as a fellow Jew, so to a Jew, loving your neighbor as yourself only means loving other Jews. The Torah is the basis of a priestly religion. Your Jewish sons of Satan don't follow a priestly religion. Too bad you're probably terminally stupid.


Jesus, the most influential figure in history, was an Orthodox Jew.

Jews also snitched to have Jesus killed according to the New Testament.


Romans crucified Jesus for political treason and undermining Roman authority. Jesus and his followers were all Jews

According to the gospel accounts, Jewish authorities in Roman Judea charged Jesus with blasphemy and sought his execution (see Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus), but lacked the authority to have Jesus put to death (John 18:31), so they brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province, who authorized Jesus' execution (John 19:16).[24]

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

your catechism whore lied again-----the Sanhedrin did not find Jesus guilty OF ANYTHING------It was CAIAPHAS ---a known roman shill------hated by jews for all eternity (that is since there was Caiaphas) that handed the Jesus that the romans hated to the romans. According to the NT_-----the Sanhedrin
executed lots of people----adulterers, some guy named JAMES -----the story that your catechism whore shoved down your throat is ENGINEERED ------Jews did get rid of people-------now and then no matter who occupied the land---via ASSASSINATION--------if jews wanted jesus dead----someone would have killed him and DA ROMANS would have laughed. USE your brilliant polish mind-------
the Curies are turning over in their graves

Bible states the Roman charge against Jesus was political treason, not a religious charge Bible Gateway passage: Mark 15:25-26 - New Revised Standard Version

Paul acknowledges Roman authorities were responsible Bible Gateway passage: 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 - New Revised Standard Version
Bible states the Roman charge against Jesus was political treason, not a religious charge Bible Gateway passage: Mark 15:25-26 - New Revised Standard Version

Paul acknowledges Roman authorities were responsible Bible Gateway passage: 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 - New Revised Standard Version

Pontius Pilate (the representative of Rome) and king Herod (political representative of Judea) both found Jesus to be innocent. Jesus was executed because the Christ-hating Jews demanded it. Paul doesn't blame Rome, you lying Judas, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15. Jesus himself said the Romans didn't know what they were doing, when they were carrying out the crucifixion on behalf of the Jews, and Paul's statements are consistent with that.

How do you know when a Zionist is lying? His mouth is open.
Last edited:
Bible states the Roman charge against Jesus was political treason, not a religious charge Bible Gateway passage: Mark 15:25-26 - New Revised Standard Version

Paul acknowledges Roman authorities were responsible Bible Gateway passage: 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 - New Revised Standard Version

Pontius Pilate (the representative of Rome) and king Herod (political representative of Judea) both found Jesus to be innocent. Jesus was executed because the Christ-hating Jews demanded it. Paul doesn't blame Rome, you lying Judas, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15. Jesus himself said the Romans didn't know what they were doing, when they were carrying out the crucifixion on behalf of the Jews, and Paul's statements are consistent with that.

How do you know when a Zionist is lying? When his mouth is open.


Bible records the Roman charge against Jesus, political treason Bible Gateway passage: Mark 15:25-26 - New Revised Standard Version

Reaffirmed by Paul Bible Gateway passage: 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 - New Revised Standard Version

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