Should Muslims be labelled a 'Hate Group'?

Islam is the original KKK. And there are a lot of dead people who understand your religion. So far 270 million are dead and we are still counting.
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their religion freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts. And right after the Islamic rule non Christians were forced to convert, leave or die.


First ever university was built by a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in Andalucia. (Cordoba, Granada, Seville....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like this to those who think that they are superior to moto we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.
Those achievement were made by a superior race that had been conquered by Arab beasts.
Issa-----do you have "respect" for the fact that islam was TAILORED to justify the genocide of hundreds of
millions and TO DATE has never repudiated THE VILE STINK of dhimmia?-----or the various other perverse and disgusting provisions of vile SHARIAH?. In fact------Islamic scholars do not even repudiate
the institution of slavery. You, yourself----justified the FILTH of Jizya as some kind of "tax for the common good"---------BULLSHIT (try to keep in mind-----my hubby's relatives paid that Jizya------it was NOT
USED to benefit their community---) Lots of Christians take exception to the historical reality of atrocities
committed BY CHRISTIANS--------stating that the actions were not consistent with Christianity-----whereas
muslims TAKE PRIDE in slut who tie bombs to their whorish asses for the purpose of murdering children-----
----an example is the adorations of the filthy bitch WAFA IDRIS------there are at least three schools for girls
named for that DIRTY WHORE--------as if the pile of dog shit is a SAINT for MURDERING FOR ALLAH

If Muslims were as bad as you say....what did stop them from just killing every living non muslim in the parts they ruled for centuries? why would the Jews run to Muslim countries when they were executed and kicked out of Europe? Why would still be christians, Jews, Chruches and Synagogues and lot of muslim Countries? How your husband wasnt excuted for not being Muslim living in a Muslim country?
Because Muslims got there asses kicked and started to behave themselves.

Muslims were the US of the old day and they controlled much of the old world....nothing wouldve stopped them from cleansing other religions...but didn't.

They sure did it is an eternal obligation. That they have not finished the job is proven daily.

Not True, Muslim countries have had minorities for centuries none went to extinsion **extinction** .tell that to the natives of this land along with all the lands that got conquered by the Christian armies.
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

If the natives had been so fairly treated by Islam, why was their vengeance so intense once Islam became too weak to defend itself? Serbian revenge against the Bosnians was a typical example of that, even though simple-minded "experts" will tell us all that was forgotten under Communism.
If Muslims were as bad as you say....what did stop them from just killing every living non muslim in the parts they ruled for centuries? why would the Jews run to Muslim countries when they were executed and kicked out of Europe? Why would still be christians, Jews, Chruches and Synagogues and lot of muslim Countries? How your husband wasnt excuted for not being Muslim living in a Muslim country?
Because Muslims got there asses kicked and started to behave themselves.

Muslims were the US of the old day and they controlled much of the old world....nothing wouldve stopped them from cleansing other religions...but didn't.

They sure did it is an eternal obligation. That they have not finished the job is proven daily.

Not True, Muslim countries have had minorities for centuries none went to extinsion **extinction** .tell that to the natives of this land along with all the lands that got conquered by the Christian armies.
Some Genos Need to Be Cided

If the natives had been so fairly treated by Islam, why was their vengeance so intense once Islam became too weak to defend itself? Serbian revenge against the Bosnians was a typical example of that, even though simple-minded "experts" will tell us all that was forgotten under Communism.

Long ago I was interviewing a patient whom I ASSUMED was an elderly jew because he lived in an
area where there are lots of jews-----and he spoke with a "European" accent. I had a hard time
getting into his actual physical complaint------he wanted to talk POLITICS. Very VEHEMENTLY
he objected to the US intervention in BOSNIA (well----there HAD been jews in Bosnia before
world war II------so he must be a survivor ---right?) Please remember---the US intervened in Bosnia
in order to save muslims. -----the serbs were at their throats. NOPE----the man turned out to be
He had tears in his eyes when he described Bosnian muslim oppression of Christians----his childhood
experience. "YOU WILL SEE----YOU WILL KNOW 'WHAT THEY ARE' " It was more than
20 years ago ---I think.
you make an interesting point, taz. My impression is that amongst muslims, humor is something like
alcohol--------used, but as if it is a VICE-----not a mosque activity.
Lol ....... I got to hand it to you Irosie, you do come up with the most absurd nonsense. ..... :thup: ... :lol:
Yet you don't counter any of it.
Yet you don't counter any of it.
What's there to counter?

Muslims laugh, joke, tell funny stories, just like everyone else.

Irosie is an idiot. .... :cuckoo:

I am not a muslim. Some muslims DO joke and laugh. Iranian muslims tell lots of funny stories---
always about OTHER PEOPLE. For Iranians anything not exactly THEIR PARTICULAR KIND
OF IRANIAN MUSLIM-----is "other" people. -----even those jerky Iranian muslims who live over
that hill. ---------but no muslims Joke about the GLORIES OF THE HISTORY OF MUSLIMS----
even the sunni history is no joke to the Shiites of Iran. Another anecdote-----long long ago----
when I was young-----a Pakistani told me all about his life INCLUDING A "HAJ"-----It was VERY
arduous. He wore something like a white sheet, carried a bottle of water and a bag of dates----
and walked and slept on the sand------and that was IT ----even "personal hygiene" was---
"out in the field" SHEEEEESH ~~~~~ the guy seemed delighted with the misery. I
commented "What you guys need is a few good jewish businessmen to set up some nice
hotels" the Pakistani did not laugh-----in fact he turned all the colors of the rainbow and
SHOOK ----I thought he would die...........
Yet you don't counter any of it.
What's there to counter?

Muslims laugh, joke, tell funny stories, just like everyone else.

Irosie is an idiot. .... :cuckoo:

I am not a muslim. Some muslims DO joke and laugh. Iranian muslims tell lots of funny stories---
always about OTHER PEOPLE. For Iranians anything not exactly THEIR PARTICULAR KIND
OF IRANIAN MUSLIM-----is "other" people. -----even those jerky Iranian muslims who live over
that hill. ---------but no muslims Joke about the GLORIES OF THE HISTORY OF MUSLIMS----
even the sunni history is no joke to the Shiites of Iran. Another anecdote-----long long ago----
when I was young-----a Pakistani told me all about his life INCLUDING A "HAJ"-----It was VERY
arduous. He wore something like a white sheet, carried a bottle of water and a bag of dates----
and walked and slept on the sand------and that was IT ----even "personal hygiene" was---
"out in the field" SHEEEEESH ~~~~~ the guy seemed delighted with the misery. I
commented "What you guys need is a few good jewish businessmen to set up some nice
hotels" the Pakistani did not laugh-----in fact he turned all the colors of the rainbow and
SHOOK ----I thought he would die...........
That is not funny, did you take meth or heroin when writing it?
Biblical edict: Love your neighbor as yourself

Universal love does not exist in the Koran.

How can Christians, Jews, and Muslims ever get along together if this what they believe....?
Christian groups are labelled as 'hate groups' all the time because they preach against what the Left how is this any different? This is a daily prayer against Jews and Christians....

Devout Muslims repeat this Surat al Fatiha (Qur'an, 1:7) at least seventeen times daily during the five calls to prayer – over 5,000 times a year.

This is the prayer

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all Being,
the All-merciful, the All-compassionate,
the Master of the Day of Doom.
Thee only we serve; to Thee alone we pray for succor.
Guide us in the straight path,
the path of those whom Thou hast blessed,
not of those against whom Thou art wrathful,
nor of those who are astray.

^The underlined part is refering to Jews and Christians....

Articles: What Muslims Really Pray at 'Interfaith' Gatherings blog: THE GREATEST RECITATION OF SURAT AL-FATIHAH
Jews should be labeled a hate group, as their Talmud is undeniably a book hate. I see intolerance in the Korean, but not hate.

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