Should Muslims be labelled a 'Hate Group'?

Every thread involving muslims has the extreme far left rushing to the defense of the muslims. Kind of ironic that the muslims hate everything the far left advocates, like homosexuality, transgenderism, liberated women etc, but the left will only criticize conservatives, not muslims.
That is because the far right is vehemently anti-muslim.

So the far left befriends the muslims as a way to poke the conservatives in the eye. ..... :cool:
Your tunnel vision is exactly what FoxNews has been training you for - to see everything as Right vs Left.

You're assuming I watch fox news. I don't. Maybe too much assuming is part of your problem. I know enough of the history of the muslims, and how they behave in countries kind enough, and naive enough, to allow them entrance, to beware of allowing large numbers of them from coming here. Fear isn't necessarily an irrational thing if it has some basis in reality.
Well, we're prolly in agreement that Arabs, Persians, Israelis, Egyptians and all Middle Easterners should be staying in their own country, growing their own societies. But they're not going to do so where their family's life is in danger every day.
e. In the meantime, we're going broke spending it all on miltary instead of spending it on more useful things here.

The military can pay for itself and much of the government for the rest of the century if it seizes all Moslem oil. That is the only way to end the jihad, but "our own" oil companies veto any move or even statement in that direction.
Islam is a wonderful religion.

Based on logic and justice; and tempered with mercy and kindness.

It is the perfect religion for all of mankind to follow. ..... :cool:
Homo Erectus

Despite what decadent academented anthropology preaches, all of mankind is not homo sapiens.
You know Muhammad said the same thing about non believers, they were not human. Not an innocent among them.
Islam is the worlds premiere hate group. Read the Koran. It qualifies as hate speech by any modern standards.

By the appeasers' legally enforceable definition, calling hate speech hate speech is itself hate speech. We are only allowed to call common sense hate speech.
Consider the elements that define hate speech:

  • Drawing a distinction between one’s own identity group and those outside it
  • Moral comparison based on this distinction
  • Devaluation or dehumanization of other groups and the personal superiority of one's own
  • The advocating of different standards of treatment based on identity group membership
  • A call to violence against members of other groups
Is the Quran Hate Propaganda?
There is no common sense in our dealings with Islam. For some reason those definitions of hate speech do not apply to Islam. No common sense there, just intimidation.
How can Christians, Jews, and Muslims ever get along together if this what they believe....?
Christian groups are labelled as 'hate groups' all the time because they preach against what the Left how is this any different? This is a daily prayer against Jews and Christians....

Devout Muslims repeat this Surat al Fatiha (Qur'an, 1:7) at least seventeen times daily during the five calls to prayer – over 5,000 times a year.

This is the prayer

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all Being,
the All-merciful, the All-compassionate,
the Master of the Day of Doom.
Thee only we serve; to Thee alone we pray for succor.
Guide us in the straight path,
the path of those whom Thou hast blessed,
not of those against whom Thou art wrathful,
nor of those who are astray.

^The underlined part is refering to Jews and Christians....

Articles: What Muslims Really Pray at 'Interfaith' Gatherings blog: THE GREATEST RECITATION OF SURAT AL-FATIHAH

Well, religion is kind of ridiculous. It forces people to believe things without questioning it. It then makes this the norm. You can see in US politics it's the same. People believe whatever they want to believe, reality can go to hell.
Islam is a wonderful religion.

Based on logic and justice; and tempered with mercy and kindness.

It is the perfect religion for all of mankind to follow. ..... :cool:
Homo Erectus

Despite what decadent academented anthropology preaches, all of mankind is not homo sapiens.
You know Muhammad said the same thing about non believers, they were not human. Not an innocent among them.
The Islamic Howl Is an Echo of a Prehistoric Horror

Mohammed was wrong, those unacadumbified few who understand that evolution never finished its job are right.
Muslims are already a hate group because we all hate them already.
Muslims are already a hate group because we all hate them already.
Look at the doctrine. Islam qualifies for a hate group. It does not matter if you hate them, they hate you and anything not Islamic.
Sorry I didn't understand your question....and just to give you an idea about the koran and Islam in general.
Koran was written in Arabic that's not spoken today in any Arabic speaking country, it's a classical Arabic and not an average Arabic person can understand it fully let alone interpret the verses. There is a whole science called "elm tafssir" where one has to know the rules, the history and so forth of the verses.
When a verse you shouldn't interpret it literally and apply has to be explained within the historic contest of it and the reason why it was revealed to the prophet.

What's fascinating I find as a Muslim that after more than 1400 years, people from different nations recite and memorize the Koran with not even a letter of difference.

Be patient and get to know us and our religion we are monsters, same as we don't think that all Americans agreed with the war on Iraq or worse yet they all agree with the KKK.

Islam is the original KKK. And there are a lot of dead people who understand your religion. So far 270 million are dead and we are still counting.
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their religion freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts. And right after the Islamic rule non Christians were forced to convert, leave or die.


First ever university was built by a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in Andalucia. (Cordoba, Granada, Seville....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like this to those who think that they are superior to moto we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.
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Islam is the original KKK. And there are a lot of dead people who understand your religion. So far 270 million are dead and we are still counting.
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) - A Short Course For Open Minded Skeptics Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (IS&J) Table of Contents Introduction Background Core Islamic Texts More Useful Facts & Definitions 4 Examples of Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Ideology Articulated in the Core Texts A Classic Jurist Opinion on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad From All 5 Schools of Islam (pre 1900) - 3 are Sufi 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (pre 1900) - 3 are Sufi Consequences of Rejecting Reason in Islam Islamic Human Rights™ + One 20th Century Sharia Scholar’s Opinion on Islamic Supremacism - A Sufi 47 Modern Jurist and Sharia Scholar Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad (1900 to present) Tiny Minority of Extremist™ Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 5 Modern Terrorists™ on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad - 1 is Sufi 30 Modern Muslim Politicians on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 3 Key 20th Century Ideologue Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad - 1 is Sufi The Muslim Brotherhood on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad 1 Key 21st Century Reformer™ & Master Of Deception on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Efforts To Reform Islam University Dogma on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Government & Media on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Interesting News Stories You May Have Missed Free Islamic Texts Online in English Email: [email protected] We welcome corrections. Last updated Jul 2, 2015

Start reading.
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Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?
silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Those wars had 0 to do with Christianity. Check out Christian doctrine. You are woefully under and misinformed.
Islam is the original KKK. And there are a lot of dead people who understand your religion. So far 270 million are dead and we are still counting.
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Issa-------you are quoting Islamic bullcrap-----the kind of silly stuff taught in third world shariah shit holes.
I was once a medical student-------way back then a PAKISTANI surgeon INFORMED ME that there was
once a person BORN A JEW----in Cordoba, spain, who CONVERTED TO ISLAM and THEN became
a very FAMOUS doctor. I asked for the name of this FAMOUS DOCTOR------he answered -----
MAIMONIDES. I have no doubt that you were taught the same BULLCRAP. Why do you focus on what
"the Europeans were doing" The world was a lot bigger than just STONEHENGE and the Druids------
learn some MORE history------muslims DID NOTHING ON THEIR OWN------everyone else did-----
Muslims did not even DO Spain-----or even BAGHDAD. For the record-----cesarean delivery is \NAMED CESAREAN ------because that was the manner in which one of the CAESARS of Rome
was born 1000 years before the rapist dog of mecca was born.
Do you know anything about the person of history MAIMONIDES? I read some of his writings----which
have survived. I really like his opinion on the science of medicine of his day------it appears in one of his
books----made me laugh. He was SO RIGHT
I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Those wars had 0 to do with Christianity. Check out Christian doctrine. You are woefully under and misinformed.
I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Those wars had 0 to do with Christianity. Check out Christian doctrine. You are woefully under and misinformed.

Sir I wont waste my time answering you anymore if you gonna deny historical facts....for you to say Christianity or Christians had nothing to do with any of the atrocities that too place in the last 300 to 400 years, is almost criminal.

And by the way i have a huge respect for christianity as a Muslim otherwise i can't be one. but no the christianity that was tailored to fit the imperialistic agenda of the Church and the ruling families in Europe and elsewhere.
silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Where have you been in the last 100 years------who committed genocide upon the Christians of
Nigeria and Uganda? Who committed genocide upon the Christians of both ARMENIA AND
TURKEY-----who did east Pakistan ? ------learn a bit of history------you guys were ADOLF's
faves------of course he did reject Christianity but he did not reject islam. Who is MURDERING so
HAPPILY TODAY in the name of the rapist of mecca?. Did you ever hear of GENGHIS KHAN-----
he LOVED ISLAM for what it did for him---------build a following that murdered in the HUNDREDS OF
MILLIONS (lots of muslims reject the idea that he was actually a PIOUS muslim------only his
minions were--------genocide upon the Zoroastrians too) Feel free to ask questions----my very own hubby
was born in a shariah shit hole in the status of DHIMMI------(as were the Christians and jews of muslim spain)-------feel free to ask questions about your history. You may know very little about it------if you were
born in a shariah shit hole------chances are that your recent ancestors were illiterate
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Issa-------you are quoting Islamic bullcrap-----the kind of silly stuff taught in third world shariah shit holes.
I was once a medical student-------way back then a PAKISTANI surgeon INFORMED ME that there was
once a person BORN A JEW----in Cordoba, spain, who CONVERTED TO ISLAM and THEN became
a very FAMOUS doctor. I asked for the name of this FAMOUS DOCTOR------he answered -----
MAIMONIDES. I have no doubt that you were taught the same BULLCRAP. Why do you focus on what
"the Europeans were doing" The world was a lot bigger than just STONEHENGE and the Druids------
learn some MORE history------muslims DID NOTHING ON THEIR OWN------everyone else did-----
Muslims did not even DO Spain-----or even BAGHDAD. For the record-----cesarean delivery is \NAMED CESAREAN ------because that was the manner in which one of the CAESARS of Rome
was born 1000 years before the rapist dog of mecca was born.
Do you know anything about the person of history MAIMONIDES? I read some of his writings----which
have survived. I really like his opinion on the science of medicine of his day------it appears in one of his
books----made me laugh. He was SO RIGHT

You Mme have a foul mouth for a lady let alone someone who practice medecine and should be compassionate and polite.....we are here in a dicussion exchange opinions and debate in a civil way....i'm a bigger man, stronger also, know all of the insults in the world, but i'm not here to intimidate you, but rather to hear your opinion and make you listen to my point of please quit the insults towards me and my religion....till now I don't insult you nor your intelligence out of respect and not because you scaring me.

back to the discussion here are the contributions of Muslims to Medecine and you have all the time in the world to deny it:

You can visit the first hospitals that were built in Europe and they were aall built by Muslims in today's Spain.

Ibn Al-Nafis, a 13th century Arab physician, described the pulmonary circulation more than 300 years before William Harvey.

Surgeon Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi wrote the Tasrif which, translated into Latin, became the leading medical text in European universities during the later Middle Ages.

Al-Zahrawi was also a noted pathologist, describing hydrocephalus and other congenital diseases as well as developing new surgical technologies such as catgut sutures

The medical texts of Ibn Rushd (Averroes) were also widely used in European universities.

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) was known in the West as “the prince of physicians.” His synthesis of Islamic medicine, al-Qanun fi'l tibb (The Canon of Medicine), was the final authority on medical matters in Europe for several centuries.

Islamic pharmacies, called saydalas, began at the same time as the hospitals, in the late 700s, as part of the Islamic health care system. While Western apothecaries sold ground mummies, dried dung and other strange substances as well as herbs and spices, Muslim pharmacists focused on empiricism—they used substances that showed a positive effect on the patients. In other words, if an herb, spice or other ingredient worked by assisting a sick person to heal, it was used.

in other words no race is better than other....humans evolved and contributed differently to what we became, one should learn to embrace all cultures and all races.
Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Those wars had 0 to do with Christianity. Check out Christian doctrine. You are woefully under and misinformed.
Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Those wars had 0 to do with Christianity. Check out Christian doctrine. You are woefully under and misinformed.

Sir I wont waste my time answering you anymore if you gonna deny historical facts....for you to say Christianity or Christians had nothing to do with any of the atrocities that too place in the last 300 to 400 years, is almost criminal.

And by the way i have a huge respect for christianity as a Muslim otherwise i can't be one. but no the christianity that was tailored to fit the imperialistic agenda of the Church and the ruling families in Europe and elsewhere.

Issa-----do you have "respect" for the fact that islam was TAILORED to justify the genocide of hundreds of
millions and TO DATE has never repudiated THE VILE STINK of dhimmia?-----or the various other perverse and disgusting provisions of vile SHARIAH?. In fact------Islamic scholars do not even repudiate
the institution of slavery. You, yourself----justified the FILTH of Jizya as some kind of "tax for the common good"---------BULLSHIT (try to keep in mind-----my hubby's relatives paid that Jizya------it was NOT
USED to benefit their community---) Lots of Christians take exception to the historical reality of atrocities
committed BY CHRISTIANS--------stating that the actions were not consistent with Christianity-----whereas
muslims TAKE PRIDE in slut who tie bombs to their whorish asses for the purpose of murdering children-----
----an example is the adorations of the filthy bitch WAFA IDRIS------there are at least three schools for girls
named for that DIRTY WHORE--------as if the pile of dog shit is a SAINT for MURDERING FOR ALLAH
I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Where have you been in the last 100 years------who committed genocide upon the Christians of
Nigeria and Uganda? Who committed genocide upon the Christians of both ARMENIA AND
TURKEY-----who did east Pakistan ? ------learn a bit of history------you guys were ADOLF's
faves------of course he did reject Christianity but he did not reject islam. Who is MURDERING so
HAPPILY TODAY in the name of the rapist of mecca?. Did you ever hear of GENGHIS KHAN-----
he LOVED ISLAM for what it did for him---------build a following that murdered in the HUNDREDS OF
MILLIONS (lots of muslims reject the idea that he was actually a PIOUS muslim------only his
minions were--------genocide upon the Zoroastrians too) Feel free to ask questions----my very own hubby
was born in a shariah shit hole in the status of DHIMMI------(as were the Christians and jews of muslim spain)-------feel free to ask questions about your history. You may know very little about it------if you were
born in a shariah shit hole------chances are that your recent ancestors were illiterate

Point by point:

Genocide in Nigeria by Muslims? in what text book is this? if you gonna call what Boko Haram terrorist acts as a genocide than what will the US wars would be called?
and In Nigeria christians and Muslims leave side by side, they even elected a Muslim president and Christians are the majority....surprising isnt it?

Armenia and Turkey tha'ts a problem between 2 nations and not two religions.

Timothy Mcveigh and others don't represent Christianity and same goes for the Bin laden and his likes. Hard to understand?

I by now know that your hubby lived in a Muslim country? you know how? You said a zillion times, we get it he was tortured, killed but somehomw now he's alive and sound.
Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Those wars had 0 to do with Christianity. Check out Christian doctrine. You are woefully under and misinformed.
Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Here is some Islamic science.
Qur’an 18:83
“They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite some-
thing of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals.
So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in
black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”
On coexistence.

“In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah)

Table of Contents - A Short Course Previous Page Next Page 28 More Classic Jurist Opinions on Islamic Supremacism & Jihad Chronologically, 635 - 1800 AD 3 are Sufi Notice these are not cherry picked examples of Extremists™, rather they are revered in the Islamic world as among the most authoritative “classic jurists” in history, as the last page was. Scan their qualifications now, look at what they said later - you will see they are all open ended instructions to Muslims concerning relations with all non-Muslims, affirming Koran 9:29 is good for all times and places, and not just historical descriptions of events. Hitler, “Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Mein Kampf. If you are scanning this page, bold numbers are most noteworthy. 6) Abu Bakr (d. 635) - 1st successor to Muhammad, 1st of the “4 rightly guided caliphs”. He is quoted in Bukhari 2:23:483. He led the apostate wars, and is the namesake of the first Islamic State caliph in 2014 Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. 7) Umar ibn al-Khattab (~580 - 644) - 2nd successor to Muhammad, 2nd of the “4 rightly guided caliphs.” Umar is also quoted in Bukhari. The famous Pact of Umar was a peace treaty between the Caliph Umar and the Christians of Syria., who promised to abide by a detailed list of humiliating concessions as 2nd class citizens, that became a model for other places under Islamic law. The origin of this document is uncertain, but the “classic jurists” have taken it very seriously and quote from it, as you already saw with Ghazali on the last page. Umar on IS&J. 8) `Abdullah ibn `Abbas (~618 - 687) - said to be a paternal cousin of Muhammad. He is quoted in Bukhari and other hadith. During his life he was called The Great Scholar of the Ummah. “... famous for his deep insight, profound learning, keen memory, high intelligence, and perceptiveness.” He narrated about 1600 traditions (hadith), and wrote a complete commentary on the Koran Tafsir Ibn Abbas. ibn Abbas on IS&J. 9) Abu Yusuf (Yaqub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari) (731 - 798) - Famous Hanafi jurist, one of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa (founder of the Hanafi school). Judge in Baghdad, and later Chief Justice (qadi al-qudat) under Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Abu Yusuf on IS&J. 10) Muhammad al-Shaybani (754 - 811) - Famous Hanafi jurist, another of the most important disciples of Abu Hanifa. Author of several authoritative works, particularly an important work on jihad, The Islamic Law of Nations. al-Shaybani on IS&J. 11) Imam Al-Shafi’i (767 - 820) - founder of the Shafi’i school, jurist, one of the “4 great imams”. Disciple of al-Shaybani and Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school): Al-Shafi'i on IS&J. 12) Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (~838 - 923) - Very famous Persian Islamic scholar, historian, and prolific writer, “one of the major mujtahid Imams”, memorized Koran at 7. Most famous for his massive commentary on the Qur'an Tafsir al-Tabari, an equally large History of Prophets and Kings, and an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit. al-Tabari on (9:29). 13) Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922 - 996) - Maliki jurist, “He was the Imam of the Malikis in his time, and their model.” Wrote the very well known Treatise on Maliki Fiqh available free on line today, La Risala. al-Qayrawani on IS&J 14) Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi (972-1058) - Shafi'i jurist, Chief Justice in Baghdad, sociologist, considered as one of the most famous thinkers in political science in the middle ages before ibn Khaldun. Wrote several important books on Islamic governance, some translated into various languages. Al-Mawardi on IS&J. 15) Abu Ishaq Elbiri (11th century) - well-known Muslim jurist and poet of his time. In 1066, shortly before an estimated 4,000 Jews were killed in Muslim ruled Spain during the Golden Age™, he wrote: “Do not consider that killing them is treachery. Nay, it would be treachery to leave them scoffing. Bostom: Jihad and Islamic Antisemitism More Abu Ishaq on IS&J. 16) Ibn Abdun (d. 1134) - Maliki jurist in Andalusia, gave these legal opinions regarding Jews and Christians in Seville around 1100AD, during the Golden Age in Spain. “He emphasized that the qadi, a jurist should be a man of prudence, compassion, impartiality, and learning...” Ibn Abdun. on IS. 17) al-Zamakshari (~1075 - 1144) - “Persian renown for his great scholarship of the Qur'an and his magnificent mastery of the Arabic language. Scholars of all ranks and schools of thought have tremendous regard for him... His monumental work al-Kashaf `an Haqa'iq al-Tanzil wa `Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta'wil, is celebrated for its genius and linguistic depth.” From his Tafsir (Koran commentary), about al-Zamakshari on IS&J. 18) Shaikh Burhanuddin Ali of Marghinan (1135 - 1196) - Hanafi jurist, from his famous manual of Sunni law the Hidaya, which is considered an authoritative guide in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and India. This is not a historical account, it is a timeless religious ruling by an influential Hanafi jurist. “...[jihad] is established as a divine ordinance, by the word of God, who said in the Quran, ‘Slay the infidels,‘ and also by saying of the Prophet, ‘War is permanently established until the Day of Judgment.’ When the Muslims enter the enemy’s country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn ‘Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith... If the infidels, upon receiving the call, neither consent to it nor agree to pay capitation tax, it is then incumbent on the Muslims to call upon God for assistance, and to make war upon them...; the Prophet, moreover, commands us so to do.” More Hidaya on Jihad 19) Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (1147-1223) - Hanbali jurist, noted Islamic scholar and author of many treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely known textbook of Hanbali fiqh). Ibn Kathir (listed below) said of him, "proficient, there was not found in his era nor before it by a long span of time, anyone possessing more fiqh – understanding of the religion – than him." al-Maqdisi on IS&J. 20) Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (~1234-1278) - Shafi'i jurist, Syrian, author, wrote “numerous works of great importance” including Riyad-us Saliheen, and Minhaj al-Talibin, both classical shafi'i manuals of Islamic Law. al-Nawawi on IS&J. 21) 'Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baydawi (~1286-1316) - Shafi’i jurist, chief judge of Shiraz, Persian scholar, writer. In his important Qur’anic exegesis The Secrets of Revelation and The Secrets of Interpretation, he gives this ruling on Qur’an 5:82 & 2:61, about the Jews “humiliation and wretchedness”. 22) Abu Mansur Hasan bin Yusuf Al-Hilli (1250-1326) - Shi’ite jurist, “one of the greatest Muslim jurist and scholars of his time”, prolific writer. Al-Hilli on IS&J. 23) Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (1292-1350) - Hanbali jurist, important disciple of Ibn Tamiyyah, eventually becoming his successor Imam. Qur'anic commentator, teacher, most notably of Ibn Kathir. He is often quoted by other Muslims in their rulings on jihad. For example here. 24) Ziauddin Barani (1285-1357) - Indian jurist, historian, political thinker, writer, companion of Sultan Muhammad b. Tughluq. He pleads for an all out struggle against Hinduism, and discusses whether jizya should be accepted from them, as it is from the People of the Book - Jews and Christians. Barani on IS&J. 25) Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (1302-1368AD) - compiled Reliance of the Traveller. On IS&J: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self...” (Reliance o9.0) That’s all it says about the “greater jihad”, then spends 11 pages explaining the “lesser jihad” like this:
 “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians . . . until they become Muslim or pay the non-Muslim poll tax.” (o9.8) there’s a comment added from a Jordanian jurist: the caliph wages this war only “provided that he has first invited [Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians] to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) . . . while remaining in their ancestral religions... Though, if there is no caliph, no permission is required [to fight jihad].” (o9.6) Certified by al-Azhar University in 1991  "conforms to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community." Reliance of the Traveller quotes K-47:35 then says Muslims shouldn’t make truces in war when they are uppermost, only when weak, and never for more than 10 years (o9.16). Reliance of the Traveller on Christians, inspired by the 7th century Pact of Umar above: "... forbidden to ring church bells or display crosses, recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feast days, and are forbidden to build new churches." (Reliance o.11.5,6,7) 26) Ibn Kathir (1323-1396) - Shafi’i jurist, Syrian disciple of Ibn Taymiyya, a ‘qadi’, hafiz (memorized the Koran), master scholar of history and the Qur’an. His 5,000 page commentary Tafsir Ibn Kathir is “famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu’ran today”. In it he gives this commentary on the Pact of Umar “treaty of peace”: “Paying Jizya Is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace” “Allah said “until they pay the Jizya,” if they do not choose to embrace Islam, “with willing submission” in defeat and subservience, “and feel themselves subdued,” disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated. Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said, “Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and the Christians, and if you meet them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.” (Muslim B.26, #5389) This is why the leader of the faithful ‘Umar... demanded his well known conditions to be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation, and disgrace. The scholars of Hadith narrated from Abdur-Rahman... the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians: This is a document to... ‘Umar the leader of the faithful, for the Christians of such and such a city. When you [Muslims] came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration... We will respect Muslims, move from places we sit in if they choose to sit in them...” And so on, he finishes the rest of the Pact of Umar. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Riyadh, 2000), vol 4, pp. 404-407) More Ibn Kathir on IS&J. 27) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) - Maliki jurist, “The most important figure in the field of History and Sociology in Muslim History. He is one of those shining stars that contributed so richly to the understanding of Civilization." Professor John Esposito, Ph.D., taught a class Introduction to Islamic Civilization where a month was spent on part IV Ibn Khaldun on Islamic Civilization. From Khaldun’s famous Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History: “We do not think that we should blacken the pages of this book with discussion of their [Christian] dogmas of unbelief. In general, they are well known. All of them are unbelief. This is clearly stated in the noble Koran. To discuss or argue those things with them is not up to us. It is for them to choose between conversion to Islam, payment of the poll tax, or death.” (Vol 1, p. 473) Ibn Khaldun  Celebrated Supremacist “In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. Therefore, caliphate and royal authority are united [in Islam], so that the person in charge can devote the available strength to both of them [i.e. religion and politics] at the same time. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations.” (Muqaddimah) 28) Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili (d.~1504) - From present day Algeria. Led a successful campaign to expel the city's Jews: “On the day of payment [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place like the suq. They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the Law shall ... adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor (again) in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. Then they shall be dragged one by one ... for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrust aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this (insult). This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Apostle, and to the Believers.” (From Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma Faith Freedom International Quotes from Islamic jurists) 29) Imam Al-Suyuti (1445-1505) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, famous Egyptian writer, multidisciplinary scholar. Memorized the Koran at 8. The mujtahid imam and foremost hadith master, historian, biographer, he authored works in virtually every Islamic science. Recognized as the most prolific author in the realm of Islamic literature, writing nearly 600 books and treatises, including co-compiling the most widespread condensed commentary of Qur'an in our time, Tafsir al-Jalalayn. Note his Sufi mysticism did not conflict with his views here on (9:29). 30) Fadl-Ullah bin Ruzbihan Isfahani (1456 - 1521) - Shafi’i jurist, said this in his Muslim Conduct of State: Suluk ul-Muluk, summarizing Shafi'i and Hanafi law. 31) Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangoh (~1456~1537) - Sufi Indian poet, among the most prominent Sufi Shaykhs of the Chishti Silsila branch. Scholar K.S. Lal says: “Gangoh need be cited because he belonged to the Chishtia Silsila considered to be the most tolerant of all Sufi groups. He wrote letters to the Sultan Sikandar Lodi, Babur, and Humayun to re—invigorate the Sharia and reduce the Hindus to payers of land tax and jizya. To Babur he wrote: “No non—Muslim should be given any office or employment in the Diwan of Islam... Furthermore, in conformity with the principles of the Shariat they should be subjected to all types of indignities and humiliations. They should be made to pay the jizya...They should be disallowed from donning the dress of the Muslims... They should not be allowed to consider themselves the equal to the Muslims.” (K.S. Lal, The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India, New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 1992, p. 237, Quotes from Islamic jurists) 32) Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi (~1616–1698) - authoritative Shi’ite jurist and prolific hadith collector, educated in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Author of over 100 books in Arabic and Persian, including one of the most important hadith collections to Shia, Bihar al-Anwar. Had a very close relationship with at least 2 of the Safavid monarchs, Shah Sulayman (d.1694), who in 1686 appointed him the “Sheik of Islam” in Isfahan, and Shah Sultan Husayn (d.1713) who in 1694 changed his title to Mullabashi, he was the highest religious and executive authority during those times. During his last four years under Husayn he was the de facto ruler of Iran.“ (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) “Some say that they [the dhimmis] should not be informed of the amount of the jizya so that they should live continuously, in the course of the year, in a state of anxiety and agitation. [...] ... It is also incumbent upon Muslims that they should not accept from them victuals with which they had come into contact, such as distillates <and oils>, which cannot be purified. If something can be purified, such as clothes, if they are dry, they can be accepted, they are clean. But if they [the dhimmis] had come into contact with those cloths in moisture they should be rinsed with water after being obtained… It would also be better if the ruler of the Muslims would establish that all infidels could not move out of their homes on days when it rains or snows because they would make Muslims impure... Muslims should also be urged to show disrespect toward them [the dhimmis].” More al-Maqdisi on IS. (Excerpted from "Risala-ya Sawa'iq al-Yahud [The Treatise Lightning Bolts against the Jews]." English translation by V.B. Moreen in Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 187-193.) (Andrew Bostom Legacy of Jihad) 33) Shah Aladihlawi Wali-Allah (1703–1762) - Sufi, Hanafi jurist, Islamic scholar from Delhi. Memorized Koran at 7. “One of the greatest religious thinkers produced by Muslim India... endowed with saintly qualities.” Authored 23 books in Arabic, and 28 in Persian. In spite of his Sufi mysticism, he said: “It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt.” More Wali-Allah on IS&J. Obama in his 2009 Cairo speech at al-Azhar said: “And when the first Muslim-American was recently elected to Congress, he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Koran that one of our Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson – kept in his personal library.” That’s deceptive: Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (in 1786) - Maybe not a religious authority so I am not giving him a number, but he was Tripoli’s Ambassador to London giving his opinion on IS&J. Jefferson’s interest in the Koran had to do with getting to know the Muslim (Barbary) pirates before they went to war. Christopher Hitchens explains: “ 1786, the new United States found that it was having to deal ... with ... the Muslim religion. The Barbary states of North Africa ... were using the ports of today's Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia to wage a war of piracy and enslavement against all shipping that passed through the Strait of Gibraltar. Thousands of vessels were taken, and more than a million Europeans and Americans sold into slavery. The fledgling United States of America was in an especially difficult position, having forfeited the protection of the British Royal Navy. Under this pressure, Congress gave assent to the Treaty of Tripoli... which stated roundly that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen." ... Jefferson and John Adams ... went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Congress: “The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” C. Hitchens - Jefferson's Koran Medieval historian Raymond Ibrahim, from The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests: “Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be useful to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests. Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time. By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today’s Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).“ Forward to Consequences of Rejecting Reason

Last few hundreds of years...who went around killing millions upon millions and force Christianity on indigenous people, make them slaves and steal their resources?
Who started WW1 and WW2? Vietnam? Korean war? Iraq invasion? Regime changes...sells arms and bombs to hostile regimes and terrorist groups? MUslims?

Those wars had 0 to do with Christianity. Check out Christian doctrine. You are woefully under and misinformed.

Sir I wont waste my time answering you anymore if you gonna deny historical facts....for you to say Christianity or Christians had nothing to do with any of the atrocities that too place in the last 300 to 400 years, is almost criminal.

And by the way i have a huge respect for christianity as a Muslim otherwise i can't be one. but no the christianity that was tailored to fit the imperialistic agenda of the Church and the ruling families in Europe and elsewhere.

Issa-----do you have "respect" for the fact that islam was TAILORED to justify the genocide of hundreds of
millions and TO DATE has never repudiated THE VILE STINK of dhimmia?-----or the various other perverse and disgusting provisions of vile SHARIAH?. In fact------Islamic scholars do not even repudiate
the institution of slavery. You, yourself----justified the FILTH of Jizya as some kind of "tax for the common good"---------BULLSHIT (try to keep in mind-----my hubby's relatives paid that Jizya------it was NOT
USED to benefit their community---) Lots of Christians take exception to the historical reality of atrocities
committed BY CHRISTIANS--------stating that the actions were not consistent with Christianity-----whereas
muslims TAKE PRIDE in slut who tie bombs to their whorish asses for the purpose of murdering children-----
----an example is the adorations of the filthy bitch WAFA IDRIS------there are at least three schools for girls
named for that DIRTY WHORE--------as if the pile of dog shit is a SAINT for MURDERING FOR ALLAH

If Muslims were as bad as you say....what did stop them from just killing every living non muslim in the parts they ruled for centuries? why would the Jews run to Muslim countries when they were executed and kicked out of Europe? Why would still be christians, Jews, Chruches and Synagogues and lot of muslim Countries? How your husband wasnt excuted for not being Muslim living in a Muslim country?
silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Both Jews and Christians practiced their freely in Spain under Islamic rule, if Muslims as barbaric as you said they could've forced all Christians to either convert or die....they ruled southern Europe for centuries....Europe was in the dark ages, they brought civilisation to it. But you too arrogant to admit history facts.


First ever university was built a woman in fez Morocco, ans after the moors built many other universities in And Alicia. (Cordoba, Granada,....)


Tulun, a surgeon named Al-Zahrawi, often called the “father of surgery,” wrote an illustrated encyclopedia that would ultimately be used as a guide to European surgeons for the next five hundred years. Al-Zarawhi’s surgical instruments, such as scalpels, bone saws, and forceps are still used by modern surgeons. Al-Zahrawi is also reportedly the first surgeon to perform a caesarean operation.

Another significant Muslim discovery came in the 13th century, when the Muslim medic Ibn Nafis described the pulmonary circulation almost three hundred years before William Harvey, the English physician who is believed by many Westerners to have “discovered” it. The technique of inoculation, or the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to induce immunity to a disease, is also said to have been designed by Muslims in Turkey and brought to Europe by the wife of England’s Turkish ambassador in 1724.

We gonna need days to list all the science discoveries and contributions of Muslims to better the lives of humans.

Ask any medical student engineer, astrologist, scientist, philosopher, mathematician, ect....go to South of Spain, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and see history for yourself and compare it to what Muslims achieved and whay were the Europeans doing at that time.

I only cite things like to those who think that they are superior to moro we are all humans, and we have bad and good in every race and civilisation and we should co exist.

Issa-------you are quoting Islamic bullcrap-----the kind of silly stuff taught in third world shariah shit holes.
I was once a medical student-------way back then a PAKISTANI surgeon INFORMED ME that there was
once a person BORN A JEW----in Cordoba, spain, who CONVERTED TO ISLAM and THEN became
a very FAMOUS doctor. I asked for the name of this FAMOUS DOCTOR------he answered -----
MAIMONIDES. I have no doubt that you were taught the same BULLCRAP. Why do you focus on what
"the Europeans were doing" The world was a lot bigger than just STONEHENGE and the Druids------
learn some MORE history------muslims DID NOTHING ON THEIR OWN------everyone else did-----
Muslims did not even DO Spain-----or even BAGHDAD. For the record-----cesarean delivery is \NAMED CESAREAN ------because that was the manner in which one of the CAESARS of Rome
was born 1000 years before the rapist dog of mecca was born.
Do you know anything about the person of history MAIMONIDES? I read some of his writings----which
have survived. I really like his opinion on the science of medicine of his day------it appears in one of his
books----made me laugh. He was SO RIGHT

You Mme have a foul mouth for a lady let alone someone who practice medecine and should be compassionate and polite.....we are here in a dicussion exchange opinions and debate in a civil way....i'm a bigger man, stronger also, know all of the insults in the world, but i'm not here to intimidate you, but rather to hear your opinion and make you listen to my point of please quit the insults towards me and my religion....till now I don't insult you nor your intelligence out of respect and not because you scaring me.

back to the discussion here are the contributions of Muslims to Medecine and you have all the time in the world to deny it:

You can visit the first hospitals that were built in Europe and they were aall built by Muslims in today's Spain.

Ibn Al-Nafis, a 13th century Arab physician, described the pulmonary circulation more than 300 years before William Harvey.

Surgeon Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi wrote the Tasrif which, translated into Latin, became the leading medical text in European universities during the later Middle Ages.

Al-Zahrawi was also a noted pathologist, describing hydrocephalus and other congenital diseases as well as developing new surgical technologies such as catgut sutures

The medical texts of Ibn Rushd (Averroes) were also widely used in European universities.

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) was known in the West as “the prince of physicians.” His synthesis of Islamic medicine, al-Qanun fi'l tibb (The Canon of Medicine), was the final authority on medical matters in Europe for several centuries.

Islamic pharmacies, called saydalas, began at the same time as the hospitals, in the late 700s, as part of the Islamic health care system. While Western apothecaries sold ground mummies, dried dung and other strange substances as well as herbs and spices, Muslim pharmacists focused on empiricism—they used substances that showed a positive effect on the patients. In other words, if an herb, spice or other ingredient worked by assisting a sick person to heal, it was used.

in other words no race is better than other....humans evolved and contributed differently to what we became, one should learn to embrace all cultures and all races.

try again------none of that stuff was actually a MUSLIM INITIATIVE------GALEN preceded all of it and was
a "pagan"-----------you keep focusing on EUROPE------why Europe?-----India was way ahead of you guys.
Avicenna would have been lost if he did not have Christians and Jews to teach him the GREEK philosophies. Late 700s <<<<<< ROFLMAO------like yesterday in terms of the development of

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