Should Muslims be labelled a 'Hate Group'?

try again----thruout the history of Europe and the STINKING Islamic world-----jews "RAN" from places ---more dangerous to less dangerous-----in reference to both muslim and Christian filth. It is TRUE that
morocco was a bit less dangerous-----so lots of jews migrated to that Islamic shit hole.
WHAT IS YOUR POINT? Morocco was a bit less of a shit hole than were the SHIT HOLES of other Islamic shit holes. SO? it is still a shit hole of the filth of Islamic SHIT-----which is why jews left morocco. (for the record----I have relatives thru marriage who fled the stench of Moroccan Islamic filth)
Irosie's hysteric psycho rants make quite the comical read. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
Does everyone in your hate group at the mosque laugh as well? Or is laughing forbidden in Islam?

you make an interesting point, taz. My impression is that amongst muslims, humor is something like
alcohol--------used, but as if it is a VICE-----not a mosque activity.
The rules ENCOURAGING ---STAYING A MUSLIM and also encouraging converting to the "belief"
go way beyond just the death penalty for leaving issue. The biggest reason for BEING a muslim is
the fact that in shariah law------non muslims have virtually no rights at all. My very own hubby was born
a "dhimmi" In a community that had been in the land of his birth at least 1000 years before
the birth of the rapist pig of mecca. But it was one of the first invaded by arab marauders once islam
became a "thing"--------his entire community was DHIMMIFIED more than 1000 years ago----ie enslaved to the vile filth of islam-------the only escape being conversion to the vile filth. Based on what they endured there, it boggles my mind that ANY managed to HANG ON. But HANG ON, THEY DID. They remained literate whilst their muslim neighbors were almost ENTIRELY illiterate (to be accurate---the males remained literate-----only a few of the females were literate) They hanged on despite the multitude of
restrictions and periodic pogroms. Hubby was saved when it became necessary for AN ESCAPE---
His mother lost her father to illness when she was about 11. Under the vile and disgusting laws of islam
she fell under the dhimmi orphan law which was still being enforced in that vile shariah shit hole in the 1930s. EMERGENCY MEASURES were undertaken------she was quickly married off to another adolescent and the father of the boy grabbed the two kids and started an ESCAPE-----the escape took
about 8 years------the father of the boy died along the way and hubby was born along the way-----
a few other kids died but his father and mother did make it out before the pogrom of 1947 in which
those loving tolerant muslims slit the throats of infants in the city in which he resided at that time. The story ends well------the two kids went on to have ten children-------their grand children and great grandchildren
are POPPING out -------like popcorn, I can't keep track. I got my information about those days from
primary sources------mosly now dead. My conclusion is that ISSA knows nothing about islam

Irosie makes up the most entertaining fairy tales. .... :lol: ... :lol:

sunni cannot cite anything about my statement which is untrue and not part and parcel of shariah law----
the best he can do is fart out "fairy tales" He gets his style from the mosque where "intellectual"
discussion of the bible (OT and NT) is "WRITTEN BY PERVERSE LIARS----ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAM"
you make an interesting point, taz. My impression is that amongst muslims, humor is something like
alcohol--------used, but as if it is a VICE-----not a mosque activity.
Lol ....... I got to hand it to you Irosie, you do come up with the most absurd nonsense. ..... :thup: ... :lol:

pay attention to my insights-------I am very observant and analytical.
you make an interesting point, taz. My impression is that amongst muslims, humor is something like
alcohol--------used, but as if it is a VICE-----not a mosque activity.
Lol ....... I got to hand it to you Irosie, you do come up with the most absurd nonsense. ..... :thup: ... :lol:
Your avatar is a guy named Larry Thomas, a kafir. Is that allowed in real Sunni circles?
you make an interesting point, taz. My impression is that amongst muslims, humor is something like
alcohol--------used, but as if it is a VICE-----not a mosque activity.
Lol ....... I got to hand it to you Irosie, you do come up with the most absurd nonsense. ..... :thup: ... :lol:
Your avatar is a guy named Larry Thomas, a kafir. Is that allowed in real Sunni circles?
pay attention to my insights-------I am very observant and analytical.
Making absurd claims and spreading nonsense is far from being analytical. ..... :cool:

the accusation "ABSURD CLAIM"-------sans an example of an "absurd claim" is Libel.
Libels form the justification of all lynchings, pogroms and genocides
Islam is a wonderful religion.

Based on logic and justice; and tempered with mercy and kindness.

It is the perfect religion for all of mankind to follow. ..... :cool:

the confiscation of orphaned children by muslims is ISLAMIC LAW.
My mother-in-law had been orphaned (her father died-----that is called
"orphan" in the filth of shariah law because she lost her official "guardian"---
who was subject to the STENCH OF DHIMMIA---(protection) by the PACT OF OMAR
Ie in the logical filth of islam-----she was free for the taking having lost her "protection"
This sick shit was opposed by ATATURK-----but still imposed in the Islamic shit hole
in which my hubby was born---------The good news is------she was rescued. The
jews who were subjected to this kind of filth for more than 1000 years had remedies
in place--------quick marriage-----and lots of BAKSHEEEESH to get her out of the
shit hole of islam. It was a dangerous and very expensive undertaking and very illegal
in shariah shit holes-------circa 1935 and counting
The enslavement of Yazidi children and Sudanese Christian children
IS ISLAMIC LAW--------and considered very holy and very "logical" -----actually
BENEFICENT by muslim "scholars" world wide-------in the "Spread islam by
killing kaffir fathers and enslaving their children" program' STILL IN PROGRESS'
The pious BOKO people are doing the same thing. ----well----at least sunni likes
the idea. Lots of muslims LOVE IT------not only do they get money to kill kaffirin----
they get free sex slaves. So far muslim scholars have not repudiated the
DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW------sunni loves it (see above)
Islam is a wonderful religion.

Based on logic and justice; and tempered with mercy and kindness.

It is the perfect religion for all of mankind to follow. ..... :cool:
So which part of logic, justice, kindness and mercy is it that you lean on to stone rape victims? :cool:
Islam is a wonderful religion.

Based on logic and justice; and tempered with mercy and kindness.

It is the perfect religion for all of mankind to follow. ..... :cool:
So which part of logic, justice, kindness and mercy is it that you lean on to stone rape victims? :cool:

good question----long long ago when I was young------west Pakistan attacked East Pakistan.
For poetic reasons----Islamic law supports rape as a weapon of law. In order to render the rape
of east Pakistani women by west Pakistani soldiers legal-----the west pakistani RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS
issued an edict of TAKFIR upon the people of east Pakistan. That edict ----DEMUSLIMIFIED---
them so that the girls were legal victims of rape-------an estimated 1/4 million girls were raped
(considering the social consequences of BEING RAPED---probably under-reported)
Girls were being abandoned by their families, committing suicide and simply DYING. I was horrified---
and complained to a Pakistani I knew---"why don't the clerics instruct parents NOT TO
ABANDON their daughters"-------his answer was "you don't understand my culture and religion"
Why the funny, Coyote? Are you denying what the Koran says? I hope so, thinking what Islam does is funny is an insult to humanity.
Sorry I didn't understand your question....and just to give you an idea about the koran and Islam in general.
Koran was written in Arabic that's not spoken today in any Arabic speaking country, it's a classical Arabic and not an average Arabic person can understand it fully let alone interpret the verses. There is a whole science called "elm tafssir" where one has to know the rules, the history and so forth of the verses.
When a verse you shouldn't interpret it literally and apply has to be explained within the historic contest of it and the reason why it was revealed to the prophet.

What's fascinating I find as a Muslim that after more than 1400 years, people from different nations recite and memorize the Koran with not even a letter of difference.

Be patient and get to know us and our religion we are monsters, same as we don't think that all Americans agreed with the war on Iraq or worse yet they all agree with the KKK.

Islam is the original KKK. And there are a lot of dead people who understand your religion. So far 270 million are dead and we are still counting.
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

Ever heard of the death penalty for leaving Islam? I wonder why some remain Muslims, now I know.
I have friends who are atheists in Muslim countries and don't consider themselves Muslims anymore, they still breathing safe and sound. Apart from Saudi Arabia and Iran no one will kill you for leaving Islam.

Any Muslim kid know by heart this verse
“There is no compulsion in religion — the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error.”— 2:256

That is a load of shit. Ex Muslims are killed for leaving Islam in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and all throughout Europe. They are killed by other Muslims, governments have little to do with it. In Sharia there is no punishment for killing an apostate. It is done by the devout all the time. Individual murders are not newsworthy and the MSM will not report on the negative deadly side of Islam.

The no compulsion bullshit is abrogated by the verse of the sword. You seem to be under the impression Islam is something else than it clearly states it is. How do you arrive at your conclusion is backed by 0 in Islamic texts.

Now you could find me a verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror as a tactic to advance Islam, or that jihad is NOT the best of deeds.
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Why the funny, Coyote? Are you denying what the Koran says? I hope so, thinking what Islam does is funny is an insult to humanity.
Sorry I didn't understand your question....and just to give you an idea about the koran and Islam in general.
Koran was written in Arabic that's not spoken today in any Arabic speaking country, it's a classical Arabic and not an average Arabic person can understand it fully let alone interpret the verses. There is a whole science called "elm tafssir" where one has to know the rules, the history and so forth of the verses.
When a verse you shouldn't interpret it literally and apply has to be explained within the historic contest of it and the reason why it was revealed to the prophet.

What's fascinating I find as a Muslim that after more than 1400 years, people from different nations recite and memorize the Koran with not even a letter of difference.

Be patient and get to know us and our religion we are monsters, same as we don't think that all Americans agreed with the war on Iraq or worse yet they all agree with the KKK.

Islam is the original KKK. And there are a lot of dead people who understand your religion. So far 270 million are dead and we are still counting.
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.
try again----thruout the history of Europe and the STINKING Islamic world-----jews "RAN" from places ---more dangerous to less dangerous-----in reference to both muslim and Christian filth. It is TRUE that
morocco was a bit less dangerous-----so lots of jews migrated to that Islamic shit hole.
WHAT IS YOUR POINT? Morocco was a bit less of a shit hole than were the SHIT HOLES of other Islamic shit holes. SO? it is still a shit hole of the filth of Islamic SHIT-----which is why jews left morocco. (for the record----I have relatives thru marriage who fled the stench of Moroccan Islamic filth)
Irosie's hysteric psycho rants make quite the comical read. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
Does everyone in your hate group at the mosque laugh as well? Or is laughing forbidden in Islam?

"An Islamic regime must be serious in every field," explained Ayatollah Khomeini. "There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam."
Sorry I didn't understand your question....and just to give you an idea about the koran and Islam in general.
Koran was written in Arabic that's not spoken today in any Arabic speaking country, it's a classical Arabic and not an average Arabic person can understand it fully let alone interpret the verses. There is a whole science called "elm tafssir" where one has to know the rules, the history and so forth of the verses.
When a verse you shouldn't interpret it literally and apply has to be explained within the historic contest of it and the reason why it was revealed to the prophet.

What's fascinating I find as a Muslim that after more than 1400 years, people from different nations recite and memorize the Koran with not even a letter of difference.

Be patient and get to know us and our religion we are monsters, same as we don't think that all Americans agreed with the war on Iraq or worse yet they all agree with the KKK.

Islam is the original KKK. And there are a lot of dead people who understand your religion. So far 270 million are dead and we are still counting.
Wrong....there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world , if that religion was evil as you want to paint it wouldn't attract that many and wouldn't last long.

silly argument. Any religion that MANDATES "kill those people who leave ..." and "oppress those who
aren't"-------will have lots of adherents. You are quite a product of your society-----you parrot the same
old silly propaganda. I was already hearing that crap from muslims before you were born----but most
of them were educated and had the sense to giggle if they parroted it. If I remember correctly---there are
more Christians in the world than muslims. Jizya is a wonderful Idea-------I support a law charging a
JIZYA tax on all muslims--------if they leave that silly religion-------they need not pay, PLUS they inherit
ALL family wealth. Islamic law is BRILLIANT

I lived in a Muslim country and knew people who left Islam and no one bothered them let alone killed them.
Jizya is a tax for non Muslims and it's just another word for tax that Muslims do pay and it's called zakat...the jizya on non Muslims is what anybody would pay for state and federal taxes.
When Muslims ruled in South Europe they built roads, hospitals, water systems, public gardens, police, army, universities, and so forth and it was financed by both Muslims and non Muslims and they both had to pay taxes for those stud. Women, elderly, kids, monks, the wick, ect...were exempt. Also non Muslims who were just living their temporarily.

Revisionist history. The Islamic rule in Spain is littered with atrocities and battles to control the Christian population.
Islam also takes credit for the converts already educated in Western sciences. Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Issa -----from what source did you learn history? You have no idea what Jizya is-------you do not even seem to know what zakat is
Islam only takes, it does not give anything. That is also stated in the Koran.

Please :link: to verse in Quran that makes that statement. .... :cool:

Islamic "scholars" interpret the Koran-----Shariah is the INTERPRETATION of
the Koran by those RECOGNIZED by 'the ummah' as the experts. I read the idiot
book at about age 20 and was impressed by its lack of literary merit--boring and insipid.
------but it was from muslims and non muslim suvivors of Islamic shit holes
that I learned ALL ABOUT SHARIAH. Quoting the idiot book is silly------pay attention
For far better literature ----read the Bhagavad Gita
Every thread involving muslims has the extreme far left rushing to the defense of the muslims. Kind of ironic that the muslims hate everything the far left advocates, like homosexuality, transgenderism, liberated women etc, but the left will only criticize conservatives, not muslims.
That is because the far right is vehemently anti-muslim.

So the far left befriends the muslims as a way to poke the conservatives in the eye. ..... :cool:
Your tunnel vision is exactly what FoxNews has been training you for - to see everything as Right vs Left.

You're assuming I watch fox news. I don't. Maybe too much assuming is part of your problem. I know enough of the history of the muslims, and how they behave in countries kind enough, and naive enough, to allow them entrance, to beware of allowing large numbers of them from coming here. Fear isn't necessarily an irrational thing if it has some basis in reality.
Well, we're prolly in agreement that Arabs, Persians, Israelis, Egyptians and all Middle Easterners should be staying in their own country, growing their own societies. But they're not going to do so where their family's life is in danger every day.
Kumbaya Goes KABOOM

That is their own fault. Most "victims" deserve no sympathy. At the risk of a patriot revolution, our transnationalist regime better not bring that ticking time-bomb over here. Let the failed societies self-destruct far, far away.

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