Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

LMAO What do you mean looking for dirt on Joe??

Biden bragged about what he did for his son on National televison. No one needed to dig up dirt. Joe provided it.

The DOJ clearded Trump of any wrong doing.

I'm interested on what the AG is digging up right now. That should be one very interesting series of reports
Pelosi is in violation of The Constitution, and refuses to bring an official impeachment inquiry. She also refuses to bring the USMCA to a vote, and has refused to bring the Prescription Drug legislation to a vote. She also refuses to submit a reasonable immigration reform bill.

Someone should take her dentures and drag then through the shit filled streets of San Fran Shtisco.

Adam Schiff should be shot or hung for treason.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

I say that you're repeated the lies, false accusations and slanders of Donald Trump. The Attorney General is on the record as believing that the President has absolute power (not according to the Constitution), and the President cannot be charged with a crime. The DOJ did not review the transcript, and only opined that this was not a campaign finance violation. They did no comment on the illegality of the extortion attempt. Sadly the AG is a partisan hack who is putting the interests of the President ahead of the interests of the American people.

You support a man who lies to you, abuses small children, and is willing to sell out his country for power. But with over 9000 posts in the past year, I strongly suspect that you Russians are thrilled with all of this.
You're lying and you know it, too, don't you.

President Trump's annoyance has been 3 years in the making from the bipolar behaviors of the Democrat Congress who announced their intention to impeach Trump before he took office.

They're nothing but criminals as far as I'm concerned who stole $45 million from the American people by failure to acknowledge the Attorney General's report. I'm sick of their communism, their spendthrifery against the American people, and their disloyal conduct to the taxpayers they steal from in their omission of sincerity in doing their job of legislating. They are a piss poor Supreme Court wannabe groupies. That's not their job. Their job is to legislate, not be the judges they are making themselves out to be.

They're in contempt of the American taxpayer.

You deserve to be on my ignore list along with the other creepy liars of the Democrat entitlement crew who think they're the ones above the laws of this country for which my entire family of men defended in WWII, and every war before and since. I remember when my shrapnel-filled father came home from Korea after serving his country for over ten years before that and a few years after.

When you fuck with me, madam, you are fucking with a military family and you better reconsider it when you start projecting your asshole lying onto my desk. I don't take crap off anyone, and certainly not a deep state supporter like you.
One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.

You a lawyer? Alan Dershowitz states Trump didn’t break any laws. You’re more educated on law and the constitution than him? Please explain
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.

Someone please ban this troll. Again.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trump is subject to oversight same as any other official. Are saying he is above the law?

He is the President so not exactly the same oversight. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat, a Clinton supporter and one of the preeminent constitution experts and a famous attorney and a law professor at Harvard states that Trump didn’t break any laws. Are you more of an expert on law and the constitution than he is? If so please explain how?

Thank you
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

I say that you're repeated the lies, false accusations and slanders of Donald Trump. The Attorney General is on the record as believing that the President has absolute power (not according to the Constitution), and the President cannot be charged with a crime. The DOJ did not review the transcript, and only opined that this was not a campaign finance violation. They did no comment on the illegality of the extortion attempt. Sadly the AG is a partisan hack who is putting the interests of the President ahead of the interests of the American people.

You support a man who lies to you, abuses small children, and is willing to sell out his country for power. But with over 9000 posts in the past year, I strongly suspect that you Russians are thrilled with all of this.

You ran last time like the old hag that you are. Are you more of an expert on the law and the constitution than Alan Dershowitz? No. He says there is not enough here to impeach. Not even close. What are your credentials to call his opinion incorrect?
One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.
The Congress falsified the charges against President Trump, and there is no getting around that elephant in the living room. President broke no law whatever, and the Mueller report made that crystal clear, regardless of the bru-ha-ha that Mueller created by turning over a second opinion to his staff and not even knowing what they wrote before he signed onto it. That should have disqualified the entire $45,000,000 Mueller Report, because it was a disgrace that Mueller as chairman of the Special Council didn't even know what was in the report that bears his name, and he had all the time in the world to know what his fellow inspectors adden-dumb said.

Where is the credible link proving congress falsified the charges?
Stop pretending you don't know what the deep state is, that you're a poor little sheep that doesn't understand the depth of depravity of the Communistic Democrat truth-wreckers and attention whores. The American people have had quite enough of them.
One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.
If that were true Democrats wouldn't have to keep making crap up and claiming Trump did it.

Why don't you give a big-boy response instead of vomiting out talking points?

You could start by citing facts.
If the Democrats don't lose the House next year, which is possible over this impeachment deal, Trump may end up being the only president in history to be impeached during 2 different administrations.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
You are mistaken. People who are continually lied to, lied about, and slandered with constant calumnies are entitled to a little anger, and President Trump has been battered relentlessly by overbearing communists of the Democrat Party, and that's going to end badly for them.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
You are mistaken. People who are continually lied to, lied about, and slandered with constant calumnies are entitled to a little anger, and President Trump has been battered relentlessly by overbearing communists of the Democrat Party, and that's going to end badly for them.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

Trump should be impeached, Pence should be impeached. Pelosi should be acting president, with Hillary being appointed under the 25th Amendment as Vice President and then she should step down.

That would fix the problem.

Now that we are both done with our fantasy scenarios... here's the problem your movement has. You've sacrificed all your values and principles to a Pussy-Grabbing Con Man, and now you are kind of stuck with him.

Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas.
/—-/ We understand you’re repulsed by a hetro man wanting to grab pussy.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.

Someone please ban this troll. Again.
Because you don't like what I'm saying?
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
You are mistaken. People who are continually lied to, lied about, and slandered with constant calumnies are entitled to a little anger, and President Trump has been battered relentlessly by overbearing communists of the Democrat Party, and that's going to end badly for them.
If he can't stand the heat, he should get his hair out of the kitchen. And if he didn't do anything wrong for real, why is he so worried? And you too? Obama had to put up with the birth certificate shit for 8 years and he never lost it once.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
You are mistaken. People who are continually lied to, lied about, and slandered with constant calumnies are entitled to a little anger, and President Trump has been battered relentlessly by overbearing communists of the Democrat Party, and that's going to end badly for them.
If he can't stand the heat, he should get his hair out of the kitchen. And if he didn't do anything wrong for real, why is he so worried? And you too? Obama had to put up with the birth certificate shit for 8 years and he never lost it once.
You couldn't stand the load all of the egomaniacs in the Democrat/communistic party have heaped on President Trump. And a good man who's had his good name rubbed through the mud is entitled to a lot more anger than President Trump has shown.
Obama is a Kenyan, was always a Kenyan, and always will be a Kenyan. His mother, however, was an American citizen, so he is too. But he's still a Kenyan. His wife said so and so did he in Harvard. :laughing0301:
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.
You are mistaken. People who are continually lied to, lied about, and slandered with constant calumnies are entitled to a little anger, and President Trump has been battered relentlessly by overbearing communists of the Democrat Party, and that's going to end badly for them.
If he can't stand the heat, he should get his hair out of the kitchen. And if he didn't do anything wrong for real, why is he so worried? And you too? Obama had to put up with the birth certificate shit for 8 years and he never lost it once.
You couldn't stand the load all of the egomaniacs in the Democrat/communistic party have heaped on President Trump. And a good man who's had his good name rubbed through the mud is entitled to a lot more anger than President Trump has shown.
Obama is a Kenyan, was always a Kenyan, and always will be a Kenyan. His mother, however, was an American citizen, so he is too. But he's still a Kenyan. His wife said so and so did he in Harvard. :laughing0301:
See what I'm saying? You're STILL on about the Kenya thing (btw, I didn't vote for him). Trumplethinskin simply lives up to his name.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.

Someone please ban this troll. Again.
Because you don't like what I'm saying?

That’s like saying I dislike garbage. Who likes garbage?
Trumplethinskin is about to blow? This is going to be FUN! :popcorn:
You have a warped idea of what fun is, o-brother-where-art-thou? :rolleyes:

To me, fun is not having a Congress that damages America by pushing communism, beating up freedom of speech and freedom of relition constantly, and trying to coup a President the voters put in office.
Hair Trump has been fun, but his dumb act is getting a little tiring. I'd like to see him completely lose it before he gets his show cancelled.

Someone please ban this troll. Again.
Because you don't like what I'm saying?

That’s like saying I dislike garbage. Who likes garbage?
Lots of people. Isn't that you in the yellow?

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