Should Nancy Pelosi Resign Due to Her Temper Tantrum? Vote Here!

Should Nancy Pelosi Resign as Speaker of the House?

  • Yes she should resign.. The Speaker of the House should be a peacemaker.

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • No she should not resign and should get more secret agents to protect her from angry voters.

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • I'll Wait 3 more days to see if she changes her mind about President Trump's State of Union speech

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Speaker of the House should keep showing how powerful she is to beat Trump down

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • She's wrong but she should not resign

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • She's wrong for putting her bruised ego above the American people. and should get out.

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
Do you know when you've defeated a spin room creep, Mr. Faun?

Answer: when he starts using the f word.

As I said, we won when it comes to courtesy in the Congress! And I repeat:

We won!!!

Amazing how 'winning' in the Trump camp morphs into whatever machination possible....

It's okay, Mr. sparky. We know how hard it is to take, being polite to other people and all, but now that the House Speaker agrees to let it be about Trump winning the election in 2016, you need to know that while it's a small thing for the left to acknowledge, but we are righties to defend high expectations we have of lawmakers not to squander millions of dollars on self-fluffing trips, they must not squander peace at home by opening the door to civil war. It's a good day for modern America when we convince leaders that they hafta be nice to each udder, I mean, each other. <giggle>
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Trump throws a temper tantrum every day.

when is he going to resign?
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Trump throws a temper tantrum every day.

when is he going to resign?

Poor baby. You are so confused. The battle is over, and the lines have been drawn. All the 3 divisions of government will now be as polite to each other as the Supreme Court.

Peace has been declared, socky dearest, and you're late to the party. We know this comes as a tragedy to the vengeful on both sides. Sorry, Sugar. Order has been restored, and chaos is out now. So I will reiterate once more:

No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
Do you know when you've defeated a spin room creep, Mr. Faun?

Answer: when he starts using the f word.

As I said, we won when it comes to courtesy in the Congress! And I repeat:


Yeah, run with that. :lmao:

Meanwhile, your lies are exposed.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

and that may very well be true...….and neither are helping to unify the country

I am honestly not sure it is possible to unite the country with Trump as President regardless of the congressional leadership. He thrives on division, chaos and anger.

he's not the only one.

until obama, we never really had a president chime in on social issues and take a side. issues obama did that for are:
almost any police shooting = police bad
> ferguson is a great example. hell we got a lot of these examples
beer-gate when he said the police acted stupidly before he even knew details.
trayvon martin
you WILL let boys into the girls restroom or you get no $

and i can go on and on.

i fully agree trump is a divisive person. but if you think obama wasn't then you're really into selective blindness.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!


I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!


Oh? Is that what your thread is about now? I thought it was about your lie that Pelosi banned Trump from giving his SOTU address (she didn’t) because she did so over being butthurt because Trump took away her military plane (she didn’t)?
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!


people like that are fucking idiots. the whole "only the other side does xyz" on base human traits/issues is stunning to me that these people exist.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!


people like that are fucking idiots. the whole "only the other side does xyz" on base human traits/issues is stunning to me that these people exist.
Conservatism is a cult. It’s not my problem if that evades you.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!


Oh? Is that what your thread is about now? I thought it was about your lie that Pelosi banned Trump from giving his SOTU address (she didn’t) because she did so over being butthurt because Trump took away her military plane (she didn’t)?
Mr. Faun, what did you not understand about the OP first voting choice, "Yes she should resign.. The Speaker of the House should be a peacemaker."

And what did you not understand about a fiscal removal of an item that was costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars being shelled out instead of the Democrat Party footing its own bills through Nancy Pelosi get-Trump travel charged up to military expenses. That's over. The DNC will now have to pay for its own damn dirt digging without dragging the military's budget into its benefactors. I think that's what's eating your gut about this whole thing, because you act like a ninnyhammer of all things socialist Democrat unless you, too, change that tune of yours. I'm not expecting miracles here of a man so inured into the taboo language-speak the DNC has fallen prey to, but if the shoe fits, please take it out of your ninnyhammering piehole.

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!


people like that are fucking idiots. the whole "only the other side does xyz" on base human traits/issues is stunning to me that these people exist.
Conservatism is a cult. It’s not my problem if that evades you.

tunnelvision is a dumbass trait people like to show off.

do it again.
Pelosi should resign because she's addled. She has no business in that position. She should be sitting by a warm fire with her brandy reminiscing on the good old days like other 78 year olds do.

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!


people like that are fucking idiots. the whole "only the other side does xyz" on base human traits/issues is stunning to me that these people exist.
Conservatism is a cult. It’s not my problem if that evades you.
You don't know what a cult is.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

:777: :777: :777:
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!

people like that are fucking idiots. the whole "only the other side does xyz" on base human traits/issues is stunning to me that these people exist.
Look, Mr. Iceberg, part and parcel of free speech is the political acceptance of the First Amendment privileges for even one's adversaries. Some people say more than they think, and when you remind them of it, they counter with a series of projections of their wrongdoing on yourself. They want to make sure to paint you as their dark souls are, and it's a fact of political life that goes back to Cain being pissed off because Able was a goody two-shoes.

It's too bad, but as a veteran of political forums since the middle nineties, I'm sorta used to inanities that verge on insanities. <giggle>

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.
If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.

Mr. Faun sez: If conservatives could stop lying, you’d be able to shut me up.
Oh, Mr. Faun. Why would I want to shut a ninnyhammer up? It'd be just spittin' into the wind. *sigh*

In the meantime, I'm celebrating courtesy returning to the House, even if it only lasts a few blinks, it was one small step for a new House Speaker, and one giant leap for feminazikind. Think about it.

As I said before, I'm so grateful for Speaker Pelosi and President Trump getting along to peaceful terms, regardless how short lived it may be, it's a start. And it's time to celebrate! Courtesy won!

people like that are fucking idiots. the whole "only the other side does xyz" on base human traits/issues is stunning to me that these people exist.
Look, Mr. Iceberg, part and parcel of free speech is the political acceptance of the First Amendment privileges for even one's adversaries. Some people say more than they think, and when you remind them of it, they counter with a series of projections of their wrongdoing on yourself. They want to make sure to paint you as their dark souls are, and it's a fact of political life that goes back to Cain being pissed off because Able was a goody two-shoes.

It's too bad, but as a veteran of political forums since the middle nineties, I'm sorta used to inanities that verge on insanities. <giggle>
pretty much why i don't even engage with them anymore. well, that much. :) no sense in talking to someone who's only mission is to tell you that you're wrong. or worse.
You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.

She banned him first, no question. He took away "her plane" afterwards, certainly justified under a shutdown.
Oh? Why is it justified?

Because she's a smarmy bitch trying to have a pissing contest with Trump when she is without a dick.

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