Should Nancy Pelosi Resign Due to Her Temper Tantrum? Vote Here!

Should Nancy Pelosi Resign as Speaker of the House?

  • Yes she should resign.. The Speaker of the House should be a peacemaker.

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • No she should not resign and should get more secret agents to protect her from angry voters.

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • I'll Wait 3 more days to see if she changes her mind about President Trump's State of Union speech

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Speaker of the House should keep showing how powerful she is to beat Trump down

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • She's wrong but she should not resign

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • She's wrong for putting her bruised ego above the American people. and should get out.

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

Yeah Democrats never bully , do they?

In fact that is why you assholes hate Trump so much, he fights back when the bullies come after him. You're used to Republicans cowering.
Who said they never bully?

Pelosi played hard ball politics. Trump blinked.

Why is it you only approve when Trump does it?

Besides. She is right. Shutting down the government should not be used to negotiate. If Trump had gotten his way he would use it over and over. You can’t fuck with people’s lives and livelihoods like that.

You can go ahead and go look I said in several posts during that time that BOTH Pelosi and Trump were being babies, however I can't find a single example of you saying anything bad about Pelosi.

That is probably because I have said almost nothing about Pelosi.

Which proves my point. You sure find time to bad mouth Trump but when it comes to Pelosi you're all "oh I haven't' said anything about her"

It's intellectual dishonesty on your part.
I had no idea there was a Fairness Doctrine in place :lol:
Yeah Democrats never bully , do they?

In fact that is why you assholes hate Trump so much, he fights back when the bullies come after him. You're used to Republicans cowering.
Who said they never bully?

Pelosi played hard ball politics. Trump blinked.

Why is it you only approve when Trump does it?

Besides. She is right. Shutting down the government should not be used to negotiate. If Trump had gotten his way he would use it over and over. You can’t fuck with people’s lives and livelihoods like that.

You can go ahead and go look I said in several posts during that time that BOTH Pelosi and Trump were being babies, however I can't find a single example of you saying anything bad about Pelosi.

That is probably because I have said almost nothing about Pelosi.

Which proves my point. You sure find time to bad mouth Trump but when it comes to Pelosi you're all "oh I haven't' said anything about her"

It's intellectual dishonesty on your part.
I had no idea there was a Fairness Doctrine in place :lol:

I have no problem believing that fairness is a completely foreign concept to a leftist.

As is honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, and a host of other adult like behaviors.
Yeah, Sean Hannity is a real credible voice of authority. He lies nearly as much as Adolf Trump. Speaker Pelosi has as much right to fly on military planes as Trump. She is second in line for the presidency - and heads a co-equal branch of government. This is just a dumbass flame thread.

I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.
I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.

Well the REAL lie is that she banned Trump from the House , she did no such thing, and in fact she couldn't do so.
I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.

She banned him first, no question. He took away "her plane" afterwards, certainly justified under a shutdown.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.

Well the REAL lie is that she banned Trump from the House , she did no such thing, and in fact she couldn't do so.
Of course she can ban him from giving a speech from the floor of the House — and she did. It was after she did that when Trump, acting like a big butthurt baby, lashed back and took away her military transportation for a planned trip overseas. He even made her trip in a security risk by revealing it.

The Speaker of the House is the designated individual to decide who can, and cannot, speak from the House floor. That’s why she invited him, then uninvited him, the re-invited him.
You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.

Well the REAL lie is that she banned Trump from the House , she did no such thing, and in fact she couldn't do so.
Of course she can ban him from giving a speech from the floor of the House — and she did. It was after she did that when Trump, acting like a big butthurt baby, lashed back and took away her military transportation for a planned trip overseas. He even made her trip in a security risk by revealing it.

The Speaker of the House is the designated individual to decide who can, and cannot, speak from the House floor. That’s why she invited him, then uninvited him, the re-invited him.

Too bad that is NOT what was originally posted
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

and that may very well be true...….and neither are helping to unify the country

I am honestly not sure it is possible to unite the country with Trump as President regardless of the congressional leadership. He thrives on division, chaos and anger.
I considered pelsoi just another wishy washy congress critter, until she stood up to a tyrant

A tyrant? The guy who gave up half his Presidentt's salary to credible alcoholism research to help America get rid of it's #1 drug problem that causes lots of traffic deaths, divorces, suicides, cirrhosis of the liver, jail time for victims of alcoholism, child abuse and abandonment, juvenile detention issues, and the whole nine yards?

Uh, I don't think so. Although I know that's a term you tax-raising ninnyhammer Democrats like to paint people who didn't vote for Hillary, who manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? You poor baby. :blahblah:
Your thread is based on lies. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about that than your fuzzy math over the president’s salary?
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

and that may very well be true...….and neither are helping to unify the country

I am honestly not sure it is possible to unite the country with Trump as President regardless of the congressional leadership. He thrives on division, chaos and anger.

Obama so divided this country that it may never be put back together again.

See how that game can be played

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.

Well the REAL lie is that she banned Trump from the House , she did no such thing, and in fact she couldn't do so.
Of course she can ban him from giving a speech from the floor of the House — and she did. It was after she did that when Trump, acting like a big butthurt baby, lashed back and took away her military transportation for a planned trip overseas. He even made her trip in a security risk by revealing it.

The Speaker of the House is the designated individual to decide who can, and cannot, speak from the House floor. That’s why she invited him, then uninvited him, the re-invited him.

Too bad that is NOT what was originally posted
Oh? What do you think was originally posted?
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

and that may very well be true...….and neither are helping to unify the country

I am honestly not sure it is possible to unite the country with Trump as President regardless of the congressional leadership. He thrives on division, chaos and anger.

I'd say 75% of the problem of division is the responsibility of the left.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

and that may very well be true...….and neither are helping to unify the country

I am honestly not sure it is possible to unite the country with Trump as President regardless of the congressional leadership. He thrives on division, chaos and anger.

Obama so divided this country that it may never be put back together again.

See how that game can be played

Actually the division started long before he showed up......but had taken a serious hit during his tenure
I considered pelsoi just another wishy washy congress critter, until she stood up to a tyrant

A tyrant? The guy who gave up half his Presidentt's salary to credible alcoholism research to help America get rid of it's #1 drug problem that causes lots of traffic deaths, divorces, suicides, cirrhosis of the liver, jail time for victims of alcoholism, child abuse and abandonment, juvenile detention issues, and the whole nine yards?

Uh, I don't think so. Although I know that's a term you tax-raising ninnyhammer Democrats like to paint people who didn't vote for Hillary, who manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? You poor baby. :blahblah:
Your thread is based on lies. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about that than your fuzzy math over the president’s salary?
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

and that may very well be true...….and neither are helping to unify the country

I am honestly not sure it is possible to unite the country with Trump as President regardless of the congressional leadership. He thrives on division, chaos and anger.

I'd say 75% of the problem of division is the responsibility of the left.

I would say not. :)
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
This thread falsely claims she banned him from the House as a butthurt reaction to Trump taking away her military transportation.

I proved that’s a lie by posting her initial letter which was delivered to the White House before Trump took away her military transportation.

If you still can’t understand that, that’s sadly on you.

She banned him first, no question. He took away "her plane" afterwards, certainly justified under a shutdown.
Oh? Why is it justified?
A tyrant? The guy who gave up half his Presidentt's salary to credible alcoholism research to help America get rid of it's #1 drug problem that causes lots of traffic deaths, divorces, suicides, cirrhosis of the liver, jail time for victims of alcoholism, child abuse and abandonment, juvenile detention issues, and the whole nine yards?

Uh, I don't think so. Although I know that's a term you tax-raising ninnyhammer Democrats like to paint people who didn't vote for Hillary, who manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? You poor baby. :blahblah:
Your thread is based on lies. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about that than your fuzzy math over the president’s salary?
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
Your thread is based on lies. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about that than your fuzzy math over the president’s salary?
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Your problem, sir, is you do not know the truth from a lie. You're so swept off your feet by the DNC's little alternate falsetto universe created by Pelosi's comrades like Creepsister Christine Blasey Ford, that you have no idea what truth is, and you are therefore projecting my opinion to be out of step with the bullcrap you are so thrilled to listen to which, like a clock may be right only two milliseconds out of a day of 24 hours. .
I proved you lied with a link to Pelosi’s initial letter, which predated Trump’s butthurt response. You lied tgen about Pelosi and you’re lying now by denying what was proven with hard evidence.

And you also lied when you falsely claimed ”Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address”

That’s a bald-faced lie since Pelosi has no authority whatsoever to ban the president from giving his, or her, State of the Union address. All she can do is deny him from giving it from the House chamber.
Nope, I didn't lie. Nancy Pelosi denied him what other Presidents have taken for granted because former Speakers believed it was their job to welcome the people's choice for President to deliver the State of the Union address in the Congressional House.

I'm happy to say, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have apparently set a date sometime this afternoon that there will be a SOTU on February the Fifth: Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. I'm glad Speaker Pelosi reversed her decision to deny the nation of hearing the man they elected to be their President deliver his State of the Union Address in a traditional manner.

And instead of putting up with nonsense, I'm glad I started this thread if it in any way showed up as a vote to allow President Trump to deliver his address to the American people. I hope his words and decisions are acceptable to bring the nation's congress back to being the respectful, considerate place it once was, which apparently takes our congress folk a lot of getting accustomed to not having to listen to yes men all day long and forget that there out here in citizen land who expect them to conduct the nation's business in an orderly manner.

Thank all of you for bringing this thread's purpose to fruition: an orderly resolution to resolving the issue of returning courtesy back into the House.

We won!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

You’re fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You falsely claim Pelosi banned him from giving his SOTU address; and when it’s pointed out to you she lacks the authority to do so, you produce that drivel.

Like I always say... if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have absolutely nothing to say.
I get tired of you people arguing over irrelevant semantics. Pelosi stopped Trump from giving the SOTU in front of the House. He misspoke. It isn't something worthy of arguing about.

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