Should Nancy Pelosi Resign Due to Her Temper Tantrum? Vote Here!

Should Nancy Pelosi Resign as Speaker of the House?

  • Yes she should resign.. The Speaker of the House should be a peacemaker.

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • No she should not resign and should get more secret agents to protect her from angry voters.

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • I'll Wait 3 more days to see if she changes her mind about President Trump's State of Union speech

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Speaker of the House should keep showing how powerful she is to beat Trump down

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • She's wrong but she should not resign

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • She's wrong for putting her bruised ego above the American people. and should get out.

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
I considered pelsoi just another wishy washy congress critter, until she stood up to a tyrant

A tyrant? The guy who gave up half his Presidentt's salary to credible alcoholism research to help America get rid of it's #1 drug problem that causes lots of traffic deaths, divorces, suicides, cirrhosis of the liver, jail time for victims of alcoholism, child abuse and abandonment, juvenile detention issues, and the whole nine yards?

Uh, I don't think so. Although I know that's a term you tax-raising ninnyhammer Democrats like to paint people who didn't vote for Hillary, who manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? You poor baby. :blahblah:
Your thread is based on lies. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about that than your fuzzy math over the president’s salary?
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
Oh, I forgot one thing. I've been looking up what costs the Democrats have inflicted against taxpayers for the Special Counsel which has gone on now for almost two years after unofficially starting before President Trump was sworn in, but officially in the spring of 2017. The first season it was instigated, the cost was about $4 million, but has investigated so much more than mere "collusion" with the Russians, who are being criticized by the press as enemies of the state even though they tore down the wall during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. The Russians were so nonplussed they got rid of Mikhail Gorbachev and eventually placed in former KGB guy, Vladimir Putin as their leader, which he is to this day. In the meantime, their allies in the Middle East actually tried to assassinate the first President Bush, which didn't go over very well with the Republicans or Democrats at the time. Oh, just never mind.

I'm pretty sure with all the additions the National Democrat Party machine has placed before Special Counsel Mueller, they have inflicted about $40,000,000 to decimate President Trump's efficacy in building a wall to keep out trouble from the flood of immigration coming from the south of the border, which they were all chummy and gung-ho about when they voted to fund the wall-building project under President Obama. That ended when President Trump took up the cause and it sunk in that all those freebie votes to the DNC could vanish. *sigh* Oh, the wayward winds of politics....

Forty Million bucks expropriated from the pockets of middle class Americans? And Nancy Pelosi's joy rides to everywhere diverting military funding into her partying with her friends costing Joe taxpayer and additional $200,000,000?

How we gonna pay all that shit and keep the taxes low enough for people to barely make ends meet have to pay for endless expenses of a war that freed Americans from slavery by Republicans nearly 180 years ago? Feh! Yipe out the leaders of the DNC Party. They'll be dead and gone before 4 generations of Americans are forced to pay for this folly of endless gummint spending. And they don't care, because they're getting rich and having a lot of fun vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call that aren't benefitting American ports o' call at all. :(

Y'all have a nice day, but please do what you can to make your DNC leaders cough up their own wealth instead of tapping the Fed for vacation bucks. Amen. I got work to do in the real world, but I'll be back later as time permits. ;)
”they have inflicted about $40,000,000”

That’s roughly half of what it cost us to fund Ken Starr’s rotating investigations. And that’s not even factoring in inflation.

And I can’t help but notice....

The right never complained about the cost back then...

The right never called it a witch hunt back then...

The right never whined about ‘process crimes’ back then...

The right never bitched about it taking too long back then...

The right never insisted Ken Starr should be fired back then...

The right never called on the president of the United States to fire the Independent Councel back then...

The right never complained that Ken Starr was biased back then...

The right never wished the Clinton’s would walk scot free and that Ken Star should be locked up back then...

The right never moaned, “fake news,” over every leak from Ken Starr’s office back then...

The right never blinked about Ken Starr over-stepping the bounds of his mandate to investigate Whitewater when he moved onto travelgate, filegate, monikagate, etc., back then...

The right never accused Ken Starr of running a ‘fishing expedition’ back then...

The right never winced over Ken Starr being a Republican with ties to the Paula Jones case back then...

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative.
Oh, I forgot one thing. I've been looking up what costs the Democrats have inflicted against taxpayers for the Special Counsel which has gone on now for almost two years after unofficially starting before President Trump was sworn in, but officially in the spring of 2017. The first season it was instigated, the cost was about $4 million, but has investigated so much more than mere "collusion" with the Russians, who are being criticized by the press as enemies of the state even though they tore down the wall during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. The Russians were so nonplussed they got rid of Mikhail Gorbachev and eventually placed in former KGB guy, Vladimir Putin as their leader, which he is to this day. In the meantime, their allies in the Middle East actually tried to assassinate the first President Bush, which didn't go over very well with the Republicans or Democrats at the time. Oh, just never mind.

I'm pretty sure with all the additions the National Democrat Party machine has placed before Special Counsel Mueller, they have inflicted about $40,000,000 to decimate President Trump's efficacy in building a wall to keep out trouble from the flood of immigration coming from the south of the border, which they were all chummy and gung-ho about when they voted to fund the wall-building project under President Obama. That ended when President Trump took up the cause and it sunk in that all those freebie votes to the DNC could vanish. *sigh* Oh, the wayward winds of politics....

Forty Million bucks expropriated from the pockets of middle class Americans? And Nancy Pelosi's joy rides to everywhere diverting military funding into her partying with her friends costing Joe taxpayer and additional $200,000,000?

How we gonna pay all that shit and keep the taxes low enough for people to barely make ends meet have to pay for endless expenses of a war that freed Americans from slavery by Republicans nearly 180 years ago? Feh! Yipe out the leaders of the DNC Party. They'll be dead and gone before 4 generations of Americans are forced to pay for this folly of endless gummint spending. And they don't care, because they're getting rich and having a lot of fun vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call that aren't benefitting American ports o' call at all. :(

Y'all have a nice day, but please do what you can to make your DNC leaders cough up their own wealth instead of tapping the Fed for vacation bucks. Amen. I got work to do in the real world, but I'll be back later as time permits. ;)
Have you ever once complained about the no less than $50,000,000 Trump has cost us just for him to play golf?
Oh, I forgot one thing. I've been looking up what costs the Democrats have inflicted against taxpayers for the Special Counsel which has gone on now for almost two years after unofficially starting before President Trump was sworn in, but officially in the spring of 2017. The first season it was instigated, the cost was about $4 million, but has investigated so much more than mere "collusion" with the Russians, who are being criticized by the press as enemies of the state even though they tore down the wall during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. The Russians were so nonplussed they got rid of Mikhail Gorbachev and eventually placed in former KGB guy, Vladimir Putin as their leader, which he is to this day. In the meantime, their allies in the Middle East actually tried to assassinate the first President Bush, which didn't go over very well with the Republicans or Democrats at the time. Oh, just never mind.

I'm pretty sure with all the additions the National Democrat Party machine has placed before Special Counsel Mueller, they have inflicted about $40,000,000 to decimate President Trump's efficacy in building a wall to keep out trouble from the flood of immigration coming from the south of the border, which they were all chummy and gung-ho about when they voted to fund the wall-building project under President Obama. That ended when President Trump took up the cause and it sunk in that all those freebie votes to the DNC could vanish. *sigh* Oh, the wayward winds of politics....

Forty Million bucks expropriated from the pockets of middle class Americans? And Nancy Pelosi's joy rides to everywhere diverting military funding into her partying with her friends costing Joe taxpayer and additional $200,000,000?

How we gonna pay all that shit and keep the taxes low enough for people to barely make ends meet have to pay for endless expenses of a war that freed Americans from slavery by Republicans nearly 180 years ago? Feh! Yipe out the leaders of the DNC Party. They'll be dead and gone before 4 generations of Americans are forced to pay for this folly of endless gummint spending. And they don't care, because they're getting rich and having a lot of fun vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call that aren't benefitting American ports o' call at all. :(

Y'all have a nice day, but please do what you can to make your DNC leaders cough up their own wealth instead of tapping the Fed for vacation bucks. Amen. I got work to do in the real world, but I'll be back later as time permits. ;)
Have you ever once complained about the no less than $50,000,000 Trump has cost us just for him to play golf?

Money well spent. :113:
Yeah, Sean Hannity is a real credible voice of authority. He lies nearly as much as Adolf Trump. Speaker Pelosi has as much right to fly on military planes as Trump. She is second in line for the presidency - and heads a co-equal branch of government. This is just a dumbass flame thread.

I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.
Yeah, Sean Hannity is a real credible voice of authority. He lies nearly as much as Adolf Trump. Speaker Pelosi has as much right to fly on military planes as Trump. She is second in line for the presidency - and heads a co-equal branch of government. This is just a dumbass flame thread.

I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
So now that the Governments open is the SOTU back on?

Apparently not.
It’s now back on...


Personally, I believe that was the main reason Trump ended the shutdown for a few weeks.
I considered pelsoi just another wishy washy congress critter, until she stood up to a tyrant

A tyrant? The guy who gave up half his Presidentt's salary to credible alcoholism research to help America get rid of it's #1 drug problem that causes lots of traffic deaths, divorces, suicides, cirrhosis of the liver, jail time for victims of alcoholism, child abuse and abandonment, juvenile detention issues, and the whole nine yards?

Uh, I don't think so. Although I know that's a term you tax-raising ninnyhammer Democrats like to paint people who didn't vote for Hillary, who manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? You poor baby. :blahblah:
Your thread is based on lies. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about that than your fuzzy math over the president’s salary?
Listen to those negative vibes! All because Nancy Pelosi is a spoiled brat. /snicker
No, I’m not actually listening to your lies — I’m calling them out.
Oh, I forgot one thing. I've been looking up what costs the Democrats have inflicted against taxpayers for the Special Counsel which has gone on now for almost two years after unofficially starting before President Trump was sworn in, but officially in the spring of 2017. The first season it was instigated, the cost was about $4 million, but has investigated so much more than mere "collusion" with the Russians, who are being criticized by the press as enemies of the state even though they tore down the wall during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. The Russians were so nonplussed they got rid of Mikhail Gorbachev and eventually placed in former KGB guy, Vladimir Putin as their leader, which he is to this day. In the meantime, their allies in the Middle East actually tried to assassinate the first President Bush, which didn't go over very well with the Republicans or Democrats at the time. Oh, just never mind.

I'm pretty sure with all the additions the National Democrat Party machine has placed before Special Counsel Mueller, they have inflicted about $40,000,000 to decimate President Trump's efficacy in building a wall to keep out trouble from the flood of immigration coming from the south of the border, which they were all chummy and gung-ho about when they voted to fund the wall-building project under President Obama. That ended when President Trump took up the cause and it sunk in that all those freebie votes to the DNC could vanish. *sigh* Oh, the wayward winds of politics....

Forty Million bucks expropriated from the pockets of middle class Americans? And Nancy Pelosi's joy rides to everywhere diverting military funding into her partying with her friends costing Joe taxpayer and additional $200,000,000?

How we gonna pay all that shit and keep the taxes low enough for people to barely make ends meet have to pay for endless expenses of a war that freed Americans from slavery by Republicans nearly 180 years ago? Feh! Yipe out the leaders of the DNC Party. They'll be dead and gone before 4 generations of Americans are forced to pay for this folly of endless gummint spending. And they don't care, because they're getting rich and having a lot of fun vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call that aren't benefitting American ports o' call at all. :(

Y'all have a nice day, but please do what you can to make your DNC leaders cough up their own wealth instead of tapping the Fed for vacation bucks. Amen. I got work to do in the real world, but I'll be back later as time permits. ;)
”they have inflicted about $40,000,000”

That’s roughly half of what it cost us to fund Ken Starr’s rotating investigations. And that’s not even factoring in inflation.

And I can’t help but notice....

The right never complained about the cost back then...

The right never called it a witch hunt back then...

The right never whined about ‘process crimes’ back then...

The right never bitched about it taking too long back then...

The right never insisted Ken Starr should be fired back then...

The right never called on the president of the United States to fire the Independent Councel back then...

The right never complained that Ken Starr was biased back then...

The right never wished the Clinton’s would walk scot free and that Ken Star should be locked up back then...

The right never moaned, “fake news,” over every leak from Ken Starr’s office back then...

The right never blinked about Ken Starr over-stepping the bounds of his mandate to investigate Whitewater when he moved onto travelgate, filegate, monikagate, etc., back then...

The right never accused Ken Starr of running a ‘fishing expedition’ back then...

The right never winced over Ken Starr being a Republican with ties to the Paula Jones case back then...

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative.
Invectives are unnecessary here, sir. And since you like them so much, I recommend you troll in the area of the Rubber Room, Flame Zone, and the Badlands.
Yeah, Sean Hannity is a real credible voice of authority. He lies nearly as much as Adolf Trump. Speaker Pelosi has as much right to fly on military planes as Trump. She is second in line for the presidency - and heads a co-equal branch of government. This is just a dumbass flame thread.

I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.
Oh, I forgot one thing. I've been looking up what costs the Democrats have inflicted against taxpayers for the Special Counsel which has gone on now for almost two years after unofficially starting before President Trump was sworn in, but officially in the spring of 2017. The first season it was instigated, the cost was about $4 million, but has investigated so much more than mere "collusion" with the Russians, who are being criticized by the press as enemies of the state even though they tore down the wall during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. The Russians were so nonplussed they got rid of Mikhail Gorbachev and eventually placed in former KGB guy, Vladimir Putin as their leader, which he is to this day. In the meantime, their allies in the Middle East actually tried to assassinate the first President Bush, which didn't go over very well with the Republicans or Democrats at the time. Oh, just never mind.

I'm pretty sure with all the additions the National Democrat Party machine has placed before Special Counsel Mueller, they have inflicted about $40,000,000 to decimate President Trump's efficacy in building a wall to keep out trouble from the flood of immigration coming from the south of the border, which they were all chummy and gung-ho about when they voted to fund the wall-building project under President Obama. That ended when President Trump took up the cause and it sunk in that all those freebie votes to the DNC could vanish. *sigh* Oh, the wayward winds of politics....

Forty Million bucks expropriated from the pockets of middle class Americans? And Nancy Pelosi's joy rides to everywhere diverting military funding into her partying with her friends costing Joe taxpayer and additional $200,000,000?

How we gonna pay all that shit and keep the taxes low enough for people to barely make ends meet have to pay for endless expenses of a war that freed Americans from slavery by Republicans nearly 180 years ago? Feh! Yipe out the leaders of the DNC Party. They'll be dead and gone before 4 generations of Americans are forced to pay for this folly of endless gummint spending. And they don't care, because they're getting rich and having a lot of fun vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call that aren't benefitting American ports o' call at all. :(

Y'all have a nice day, but please do what you can to make your DNC leaders cough up their own wealth instead of tapping the Fed for vacation bucks. Amen. I got work to do in the real world, but I'll be back later as time permits. ;)
”they have inflicted about $40,000,000”

That’s roughly half of what it cost us to fund Ken Starr’s rotating investigations. And that’s not even factoring in inflation.

And I can’t help but notice....

The right never complained about the cost back then...

The right never called it a witch hunt back then...

The right never whined about ‘process crimes’ back then...

The right never bitched about it taking too long back then...

The right never insisted Ken Starr should be fired back then...

The right never called on the president of the United States to fire the Independent Councel back then...

The right never complained that Ken Starr was biased back then...

The right never wished the Clinton’s would walk scot free and that Ken Star should be locked up back then...

The right never moaned, “fake news,” over every leak from Ken Starr’s office back then...

The right never blinked about Ken Starr over-stepping the bounds of his mandate to investigate Whitewater when he moved onto travelgate, filegate, monikagate, etc., back then...

The right never accused Ken Starr of running a ‘fishing expedition’ back then...

The right never winced over Ken Starr being a Republican with ties to the Paula Jones case back then...

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative.
Invectives are unnecessary here, sir. And since you like them so much, I recommend you troll in the area of the Rubber Room, Flame Zone, and the Badlands.
I also can’t help but notice you can only whine about invective because you can’t refute a word I posted.
Yeah, Sean Hannity is a real credible voice of authority. He lies nearly as much as Adolf Trump. Speaker Pelosi has as much right to fly on military planes as Trump. She is second in line for the presidency - and heads a co-equal branch of government. This is just a dumbass flame thread.

I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
I already did. So you lose your challenge.

You might post the location for those who ignored it.
”Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???”


Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

That occurred before Trump postponed her trip to Afghanistan. So it’s a lie to state she’s denying him access to the House chamber for his SOTU address because he denied her access to military transportation.

It’s also a lie to claim she banned him from giving his SOTU address. She did no such thing nor does she have the power to do so. He’s still perfectly free to give his speech, if he wants to, just not from the floor of the House chamber, which is what she actually banned during a shutdown.

And while her motives were petty and uncalled for, his knee-jerk reaction to ban her military transportation was also petty and uncalled for. In a twist of irony, he’s actually the one who lashed out with a temper tantrum. But then, that’s hardly surprising given his utter lack of self control.

Silly man. She banned him from the House. She will regret it soon, I think.

His reaction was fully justified. Were it me, I'd make it permanent.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

Yeah Democrats never bully , do they?

In fact that is why you assholes hate Trump so much, he fights back when the bullies come after him. You're used to Republicans cowering.

I am used to Republicans acting like adults.

Pelosi played hard ball politics. Trump blinked.

Why is it you only approve when Trump does it?

Besides. She is right. Shutting down the government should not be used to negotiate. If Trump had gotten his way he would use it over and over. You can’t fuck with people’s lives and livelihoods like that.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

Yeah Democrats never bully , do they?

In fact that is why you assholes hate Trump so much, he fights back when the bullies come after him. You're used to Republicans cowering.

Who said they never bully?

Pelosi played hard ball politics. Trump blinked.

Why is it you only approve when Trump does it?

Besides. She is right. Shutting down the government should not be used to negotiate. If Trump had gotten his way he would use it over and over. You can’t fuck with people’s lives and livelihoods like that.

You can go ahead and go look I said in several posts during that time that BOTH Pelosi and Trump were being babies, however I can't find a single example of you saying anything bad about Pelosi.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

Yeah Democrats never bully , do they?

In fact that is why you assholes hate Trump so much, he fights back when the bullies come after him. You're used to Republicans cowering.

I am used to Republicans acting like adults.

Pelosi played hard ball politics. Trump blinked.

Bishop to Queen 4. Rook pauses.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????

It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

Yeah Democrats never bully , do they?

In fact that is why you assholes hate Trump so much, he fights back when the bullies come after him. You're used to Republicans cowering.

Who said they never bully?

Pelosi played hard ball politics. Trump blinked.

Why is it you only approve when Trump does it?

Besides. She is right. Shutting down the government should not be used to negotiate. If Trump had gotten his way he would use it over and over. You can’t fuck with people’s lives and livelihoods like that.

You can go ahead and go look I said in several posts during that time that BOTH Pelosi and Trump were being babies, however I can't find a single example of you saying anything bad about Pelosi.

That is probably because I have said almost nothing about Pelosi.
I do think it absurd for her to ban him from giving the's like WTH????
It was also absurd for him to ban her from flying. Trump is such a bully I think the only thing he understands is quid pro quo.

Yeah Democrats never bully , do they?

In fact that is why you assholes hate Trump so much, he fights back when the bullies come after him. You're used to Republicans cowering.
Who said they never bully?

Pelosi played hard ball politics. Trump blinked.

Why is it you only approve when Trump does it?

Besides. She is right. Shutting down the government should not be used to negotiate. If Trump had gotten his way he would use it over and over. You can’t fuck with people’s lives and livelihoods like that.

You can go ahead and go look I said in several posts during that time that BOTH Pelosi and Trump were being babies, however I can't find a single example of you saying anything bad about Pelosi.

That is probably because I have said almost nothing about Pelosi.

Which proves my point. You sure find time to bad mouth Trump but when it comes to Pelosi you're all "oh I haven't' said anything about her"

It's intellectual dishonesty on your part.

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