Should Nancy Pelosi Resign Due to Her Temper Tantrum? Vote Here!

Should Nancy Pelosi Resign as Speaker of the House?

  • Yes she should resign.. The Speaker of the House should be a peacemaker.

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • No she should not resign and should get more secret agents to protect her from angry voters.

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • I'll Wait 3 more days to see if she changes her mind about President Trump's State of Union speech

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Speaker of the House should keep showing how powerful she is to beat Trump down

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • She's wrong but she should not resign

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • She's wrong for putting her bruised ego above the American people. and should get out.

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • I am undecided.

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Perhaps we could discuss this, once you've cleaned up the lies from your OP. Please note that Hannity is not a credible source. He is Trump's ventriloquist dummy. Hannity opens his mouth and Trump's lies come out.

Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???

As for Hannity's's a matter of opinion. Even though I haven't watched the video or him or his commentary.....I'd give him higher ranks than CNN, WAPO, or any other of your ventriloquist dummies, that's for damn sure.

Actual discussion happens in the absence of ought to try it sometime

Lmao at credibility being a "matter of opinion".

You kids and your "alternative facts".


Aw, Mr. Crepitus, is the truth stranger than fiction this morning? <giggle>
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Perhaps we could discuss this, once you've cleaned up the lies from your OP. Please note that Hannity is not a credible source. He is Trump's ventriloquist dummy. Hannity opens his mouth and Trump's lies come out.

Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???

As for Hannity's's a matter of opinion. Even though I haven't watched the video or him or his commentary.....I'd give him higher ranks than CNN, WAPO, or any other of your ventriloquist dummies, that's for damn sure.

Actual discussion happens in the absence of ought to try it sometime

Lmao at credibility being a "matter of opinion".

You kids and your "alternative facts".


Aw, Mr. Crepitus, is the truth stranger than fiction this morning? <giggle>

Take a breath and try again. That one didn't make any sense in context.
Yeah, Sean Hannity is a real credible voice of authority. He lies nearly as much as Adolf Trump. Speaker Pelosi has as much right to fly on military planes as Trump. She is second in line for the presidency - and heads a co-equal branch of government.

Well, he can block her, so there.

She will never be president either.

Well neener, neener, neener. I have not once ever heard her express a desire to be President.
Well, surprise, surprise, surprise! Ms. Pelosi's propensity to practicing her world-famous omerta tricks is comin' back to bite her on the butt. Tissue? :iyfyus.jpg:
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Perhaps we could discuss this, once you've cleaned up the lies from your OP. Please note that Hannity is not a credible source. He is Trump's ventriloquist dummy. Hannity opens his mouth and Trump's lies come out.

Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???

As for Hannity's's a matter of opinion. Even though I haven't watched the video or him or his commentary.....I'd give him higher ranks than CNN, WAPO, or any other of your ventriloquist dummies, that's for damn sure.

Actual discussion happens in the absence of ought to try it sometime

Lmao at credibility being a "matter of opinion".

You kids and your "alternative facts".


My understanding of his show and any comments made.....such as Pelosi throwing an ego temper based on his opinion of the events of her banning the President from the SOTU....not to mention denying his attempts of negotiations on the wall and shutdown.

Fact is.....yes she's obviously drunk on her power of office to thwart the sitting President at every turn.

BTW...….I'm probably older than you are, so keep your snap judgements to yourself

Quote, "My understanding of his show and any comments made.....such as Pelosi throwing an ego temper based on his opinion of the events of her banning the President from the SOTU....not to mention denying his attempts of negotiations on the wall and shutdown."​

Ever so true. Too bad the Demmies forgot the words from the good book, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." Ms. Pelosi is the poster girl of revenge against the good. *sigh*
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

This is a joke right? Do you honestly think people should resign for having “temper tantrums” as you call it? I think it’s fine to call off the state of the union to put pressure on her opponents to reopen the government. The shutdown itself was a joke and an embarrassment. That wasn’t a temper tantrum it was applying political pressure to get a needed result. And Hannity is a hyperbolic trump puppet. His opinions carry very little practical value

Do you think so?

Quote: "This is a joke right? Do you honestly think people should resign for having “temper tantrums” as you call it? I think it’s fine to call off the state of the union to put pressure on her opponents to reopen the government. The shutdown itself was a joke and an embarrassment. That wasn’t a temper tantrum it was applying political pressure to get a needed result. And Hannity is a hyperbolic trump puppet. His opinions carry very little practical value."
Firstly, thank you for taking your time to state your opinion on this matter, Mr. or Ms. Slade. I'm so grateful we live in a time when Americans still had the right to express their opinions on matters of state sans fear of reprise from oligarchies, monarchies, etc., for which our founders paid dearly at the hands of the then harshest and cruelest army on the face of the earth in 1776. Considered worse than pirates, our founders had their wealth, farms, businesses and houses expropriated and/or burned down by the hostile occupational forces that the English Redcoats were. Some of their families died at the hands of these interlopers, sent to the new world to quell the growing disenchantment of innocent farmers whom they mercilessly taxed without giving them any representation in the Court of King Charles the whatever-eth. President Washington and his barefoot army suffered winter through the chilling Valley Forge with whatever the Continental Congress and the mens' families and colonial sympathizers could provide to fight off the mighty British with their endless wealth, rations, and pillage and even shelter from whoever's property lay in their path of war against the tax-poor people they inflicted their harsh rule upon. The Redcoats had no compunctions about slaughtering the families and raiding the stores and properties of these unrul colonists who were mad about them wasting their money lording over a helpless populace of white slaves the Colonists were to the unloving hatred of their oppressors, the bloody British.​
When I see the press and the Democrats so blissfully wedded together against working class Republicans, business owners, and our somewhat wealthier leaders whose familes and selves won the American dream through just being hard workers and bright profit-turners who made a lot of people have jobs that brought themselves and their families the good things that prosperity affords. Why listening to the wealthy Democrat leaders who on the average, are twice as wealthy as the Republicans, you'd think Republicans were the only people on the planet who'd prospered from the laws of the land, many of which the Democrats orchestrated for their own self interests. We won't go there about the 150 years following the Civil War that the Republicans brought about the end of inured slavery inflicted based on the color of skin, religion, race and clan, but we did so for all those years with much ballyhooing from Democrats, who over the years became liberal due to the Republican laws, furnished to all Americans, brought them untold wealth, which they have conveniently also passed along to their prodigy same as us. We even made the Democrats share their public schools with a black child in Little Rock, Arkansas as late as 1954, when General, I mean, President Dwight Eisenhower, brought troops into a school so that a little black girl could go to school in a dominant white area, so that the Democrat meanies in the KKK could not harm her. It was a sight to see, and I saw it on my parents' black and white tvs when I was just a child and didn't quite understand what was going on to have people guarding a little black girl, dressed up really cute, carrying her books to the front door of a school far away from where I lived. It seemed, well, odd to me that people on account of their politics, would shake their fists and say mean things to a little girl who never did anything mean back to them. I decided I was glad my parents, who were Democrats were proud they voted for General Eisenhower, hero of WWII, to be President and make good things happen for little kids, even though they didn't look like people in my safe, segregated white school. Even a kid back then knew they were real people, in spite of what some friends of ours were mad about the whole thing.

To address your commentary, No, it is not a joke. Heros in your party do not care for the tradition of letting lost elections take away the power they enjoyed exercising when it was their turn to have a one-way approach to federal funds that Democrats had under President B. Obama, Presidents B & H Clinton, and an easy-going Republican President they pilloried to death in the press with a vengeance to get results. That isn't happening with President D. Trump, so under the tutelage of DNC Speakers Pelosi and Schumer, leaders of the Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate, we are seeing vengeful grabs at all three bodies of power--the House of Representatives and the Senate Legislative Branch partners, grabs at the efficacy of the Executive Branch's President, his staff, and his family, using Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, who said last week that after 2 years of investigating every Republican the Pelosi-led Democrats wanted to punish to the nines for doing the same things they've been doing for countless Presidential elections with the added insult of bringing in and allowing non-citizens to vote for themselves by furnishing them bus tours and even advisers to "help" them vote Democrat right there where the pencils are left to fill in voting slots, when they cannot read nor understand the national language of English, which they would know if they spoke the native language of this country's founders, who voted that English would be the national language, which beat out German language being the national language by only 3 votes. See, we've voted about small details of our decision to be one people united against unfairness since year one of our independence to determine our own destiny.

Ms. Pelosi has been a particularly poor sport about the Republicans winning the national election for the presidency. They began celebrating Hillary's ascent to power days before the actual votes were counted and determined that her opponent had won. And by a little more than 3 votes, too.

I'm sorry this was hard on ya'll, but after 8 years of watching reverse discrimination being celebrated for people whose ancestors Republicans freed from slavery, we deserved the hard-fought win of putting President Trump and his family and staff in the White House this time.

And since that time, Ms. Pelosi has been striving to Lord over her paltry win last November that gave her a few more votes and new Congress members as mean as Maxine Watters' slimebuggery against President Trumps' staff by confronting them with inane screaming and bad behaviors befitting a pack of wolves in public.

Yeah, it's been one tantrum after another from Speaker Pelosi, but the frosting on America's cake was the not only calculating but also calloused pathos created by a California Democrat operative's false witness against Juris Dr. Brett Kavanaugh, who was President Trump's wise choice for filling a vacancy in the Supreme Court, the other branch the Democrats so jealousy have pored over to grab by any means necessary including Diane Feinstein and Chuckie Schumer's Go-get-ems and Atta-Gals for Christine Blasey Ford's pack of lies at his hearing, a trumped-up affair to destroy the American people's faith in both the Executive and Judicial Branches of government who managed to salvage the best interests of the American people, as is our party's tradition--we support the citizens of this country over all others, whom we have always endeavored to prosper, educate, and guide.

No hard feelings have we, but we hold leadership that is fair and balanced for American citizens as our duty and responsibility when egocentric and unrealistic liberals would put America back in the beggar's seat we were in 1776. We're not gonna let that happen to us again. And we are more stubborn than you are about that issue, in my humble opinion, that is. ;)
Oh, I forgot one thing. I've been looking up what costs the Democrats have inflicted against taxpayers for the Special Counsel which has gone on now for almost two years after unofficially starting before President Trump was sworn in, but officially in the spring of 2017. The first season it was instigated, the cost was about $4 million, but has investigated so much more than mere "collusion" with the Russians, who are being criticized by the press as enemies of the state even though they tore down the wall during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. The Russians were so nonplussed they got rid of Mikhail Gorbachev and eventually placed in former KGB guy, Vladimir Putin as their leader, which he is to this day. In the meantime, their allies in the Middle East actually tried to assassinate the first President Bush, which didn't go over very well with the Republicans or Democrats at the time. Oh, just never mind.

I'm pretty sure with all the additions the National Democrat Party machine has placed before Special Counsel Mueller, they have inflicted about $40,000,000 to decimate President Trump's efficacy in building a wall to keep out trouble from the flood of immigration coming from the south of the border, which they were all chummy and gung-ho about when they voted to fund the wall-building project under President Obama. That ended when President Trump took up the cause and it sunk in that all those freebie votes to the DNC could vanish. *sigh* Oh, the wayward winds of politics....

Forty Million bucks expropriated from the pockets of middle class Americans? And Nancy Pelosi's joy rides to everywhere diverting military funding into her partying with her friends costing Joe taxpayer and additional $200,000,000?

How we gonna pay all that shit and keep the taxes low enough for people to barely make ends meet have to pay for endless expenses of a war that freed Americans from slavery by Republicans nearly 180 years ago? Feh! Yipe out the leaders of the DNC Party. They'll be dead and gone before 4 generations of Americans are forced to pay for this folly of endless gummint spending. And they don't care, because they're getting rich and having a lot of fun vacations to Puerto Rico and other ports o' call that aren't benefitting American ports o' call at all. :(

Y'all have a nice day, but please do what you can to make your DNC leaders cough up their own wealth instead of tapping the Fed for vacation bucks. Amen. I got work to do in the real world, but I'll be back later as time permits. ;)
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Your fat asssed POS should resign for:
1) Lying to the American people
2) Colluding with the Russians
3) Accepting foreign money (emoluments)
4) Abusing women
5) Disparaging our veterans
6) Ending the Iran agreement
7) Being Putin's bitch
8) Tariffs
9) Shutting down government because of the wall
10) Just being an overall loud mouth asshole who has insulted our allies

Nancy Pelosi should not resign for exercising her duties as Speaker. She raised many kids & knows how to handle a two year old's temper tantrum.
What is she for....we know what she is against....Trump....but what is she for?....

healthcare is a right
having clean air & water is a right
leading a country without violating the constitution

that's just to start with.

damn her to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you find that written where?.......and even if it were Pelosi isn't for all of that...she is for power and winning at all costs....even if it hurts average people....
What is she for....we know what she is against....Trump....but what is she for?....

healthcare is a right
having clean air & water is a right
leading a country without violating the constitution

that's just to start with.

damn her to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you find that written where?.......and even if it were Pelosi isn't for all of that...she is for power and winning at all costs....even if it hurts average people....

'And you find that written where?.......'

Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever

or you can youtube her acceptance speech for the house speaker gig; it's all there.

'and even if it were Pelosi isn't for all of that...she is for power and winning at all costs....even if it hurts average people....'

wow wow wow. your president tried to use eminent domain for his own personal gain, when he tried to steal an old woman's home- so he could bulldoze it, & pave over for a casino parking lot.
What is she for....we know what she is against....Trump....but what is she for?....

healthcare is a right
having clean air & water is a right
leading a country without violating the constitution

that's just to start with.

damn her to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you find that written where?.......and even if it were Pelosi isn't for all of that...she is for power and winning at all costs....even if it hurts average people....

'And you find that written where?.......'

Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever

or you can youtube her acceptance speech for the house speaker gig; it's all there.

'and even if it were Pelosi isn't for all of that...she is for power and winning at all costs....even if it hurts average people....'

wow wow wow. your president tried to use eminent domain for his own personal gain, when he tried to steal an old woman's home- so he could bulldoze it, & pave over for a casino parking lot.

The diversity Pelosi seeks is a diversity in opposition to American foundational thought, traditions and values.
What is she for....we know what she is against....Trump....but what is she for?....

healthcare is a right
having clean air & water is a right
leading a country without violating the constitution

that's just to start with.

damn her to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you find that written where?.......and even if it were Pelosi isn't for all of that...she is for power and winning at all costs....even if it hurts average people....

'And you find that written where?.......'

Nancy Pelosi Just Outlined Her Agenda for the Most Diverse Congress Ever

or you can youtube her acceptance speech for the house speaker gig; it's all there.

'and even if it were Pelosi isn't for all of that...she is for power and winning at all costs....even if it hurts average people....'

wow wow wow. your president tried to use eminent domain for his own personal gain, when he tried to steal an old woman's home- so he could bulldoze it, & pave over for a casino parking lot.

The diversity Pelosi seeks is a diversity in opposition to American foundational thought, traditions and values.


oh you mean like donny from queens, who has 5 offspring from 3 baby mamas & has a loooooooooooooong history of debauchery including screwing a porn star bareback pretty much right after TWOTUS gave birth? or screwed people outa their cash for a fraudulent university? or when he said he could grab women by the pussies because he's a 'star'? or when he said AIDS was his personal vietnam, has?

THOSE fundamental thought, traditions & values?:lmao:
Last edited:
Yeah, Sean Hannity is a real credible voice of authority. He lies nearly as much as Adolf Trump. Speaker Pelosi has as much right to fly on military planes as Trump. She is second in line for the presidency - and heads a co-equal branch of government. This is just a dumbass flame thread.

I challenge ALL progressives including Tonto to cite what Hannity said that was wrong and articulate why. I'm positive none can. At the end of the day progs attack the object because context dictates they're wrong as usual.
Got links that show any 'lies' in the OP???

As for Hannity's's a matter of opinion. Even though I haven't watched the video or him or his commentary.....I'd give him higher ranks than CNN, WAPO, or any other of your ventriloquist dummies, that's for damn sure.

Actual discussion happens in the absence of ought to try it sometime
Lmao at credibility being a "matter of opinion".

You kids and your "alternative facts".


My understanding of his show and any comments made.....such as Pelosi throwing an ego temper based on his opinion of the events of her banning the President from the SOTU....not to mention denying his attempts of negotiations on the wall and shutdown.

Fact is.....yes she's obviously drunk on her power of office to thwart the sitting President at every turn.

BTW...….I'm probably older than you are, so keep your snap judgements to yourself
First, conservatives are shallow and require no more than snap judgments. Second I don't care how old you are. Act like a child I'm gonna call you a child. Third maybe insHannity should stop pretending he's a news source.

And no matter what credibility is still not a matter of opinion.

Well apparently Democrats do require more in depth explanations because their too stupid to understand anything that doesn't bash Trump or anything outside their own sphere of hate.

Tell you what...….I'm not going into explanations but will suggest you go back and re-read all my comments you've quoted. IF you aren't a troll, you'll see I didn't say Hannity's opinion on a piece had anything to do with credibility. Although I give him higher marks for credibility than MSM.
Lol, it doesn't matter what you say, credibility is not a matter of opinion. The very fact that you think so brands you as a completely brainwashed tRumpkin.

So go back to your alternative facts.

Polly want a cracker?

No entiendo?????

YOUR opinion of Hannity's credibility is the same as MY opinion on MSM's credibility...….NOW do you get it?

Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

This is a joke right? Do you honestly think people should resign for having “temper tantrums” as you call it? I think it’s fine to call off the state of the union to put pressure on her opponents to reopen the government. The shutdown itself was a joke and an embarrassment. That wasn’t a temper tantrum it was applying political pressure to get a needed result. And Hannity is a hyperbolic trump puppet. His opinions carry very little practical value

Do you think so?

Quote: "This is a joke right? Do you honestly think people should resign for having “temper tantrums” as you call it? I think it’s fine to call off the state of the union to put pressure on her opponents to reopen the government. The shutdown itself was a joke and an embarrassment. That wasn’t a temper tantrum it was applying political pressure to get a needed result. And Hannity is a hyperbolic trump puppet. His opinions carry very little practical value."
Firstly, thank you for taking your time to state your opinion on this matter, Mr. or Ms. Slade. I'm so grateful we live in a time when Americans still had the right to express their opinions on matters of state sans fear of reprise from oligarchies, monarchies, etc., for which our founders paid dearly at the hands of the then harshest and cruelest army on the face of the earth in 1776. Considered worse than pirates, our founders had their wealth, farms, businesses and houses expropriated and/or burned down by the hostile occupational forces that the English Redcoats were. Some of their families died at the hands of these interlopers, sent to the new world to quell the growing disenchantment of innocent farmers whom they mercilessly taxed without giving them any representation in the Court of King Charles the whatever-eth. President Washington and his barefoot army suffered winter through the chilling Valley Forge with whatever the Continental Congress and the mens' families and colonial sympathizers could provide to fight off the mighty British with their endless wealth, rations, and pillage and even shelter from whoever's property lay in their path of war against the tax-poor people they inflicted their harsh rule upon. The Redcoats had no compunctions about slaughtering the families and raiding the stores and properties of these unrul colonists who were mad about them wasting their money lording over a helpless populace of white slaves the Colonists were to the unloving hatred of their oppressors, the bloody British.​
When I see the press and the Democrats so blissfully wedded together against working class Republicans, business owners, and our somewhat wealthier leaders whose familes and selves won the American dream through just being hard workers and bright profit-turners who made a lot of people have jobs that brought themselves and their families the good things that prosperity affords. Why listening to the wealthy Democrat leaders who on the average, are twice as wealthy as the Republicans, you'd think Republicans were the only people on the planet who'd prospered from the laws of the land, many of which the Democrats orchestrated for their own self interests. We won't go there about the 150 years following the Civil War that the Republicans brought about the end of inured slavery inflicted based on the color of skin, religion, race and clan, but we did so for all those years with much ballyhooing from Democrats, who over the years became liberal due to the Republican laws, furnished to all Americans, brought them untold wealth, which they have conveniently also passed along to their prodigy same as us. We even made the Democrats share their public schools with a black child in Little Rock, Arkansas as late as 1954, when General, I mean, President Dwight Eisenhower, brought troops into a school so that a little black girl could go to school in a dominant white area, so that the Democrat meanies in the KKK could not harm her. It was a sight to see, and I saw it on my parents' black and white tvs when I was just a child and didn't quite understand what was going on to have people guarding a little black girl, dressed up really cute, carrying her books to the front door of a school far away from where I lived. It seemed, well, odd to me that people on account of their politics, would shake their fists and say mean things to a little girl who never did anything mean back to them. I decided I was glad my parents, who were Democrats were proud they voted for General Eisenhower, hero of WWII, to be President and make good things happen for little kids, even though they didn't look like people in my safe, segregated white school. Even a kid back then knew they were real people, in spite of what some friends of ours were mad about the whole thing.

To address your commentary, No, it is not a joke. Heros in your party do not care for the tradition of letting lost elections take away the power they enjoyed exercising when it was their turn to have a one-way approach to federal funds that Democrats had under President B. Obama, Presidents B & H Clinton, and an easy-going Republican President they pilloried to death in the press with a vengeance to get results. That isn't happening with President D. Trump, so under the tutelage of DNC Speakers Pelosi and Schumer, leaders of the Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate, we are seeing vengeful grabs at all three bodies of power--the House of Representatives and the Senate Legislative Branch partners, grabs at the efficacy of the Executive Branch's President, his staff, and his family, using Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, who said last week that after 2 years of investigating every Republican the Pelosi-led Democrats wanted to punish to the nines for doing the same things they've been doing for countless Presidential elections with the added insult of bringing in and allowing non-citizens to vote for themselves by furnishing them bus tours and even advisers to "help" them vote Democrat right there where the pencils are left to fill in voting slots, when they cannot read nor understand the national language of English, which they would know if they spoke the native language of this country's founders, who voted that English would be the national language, which beat out German language being the national language by only 3 votes. See, we've voted about small details of our decision to be one people united against unfairness since year one of our independence to determine our own destiny.

Ms. Pelosi has been a particularly poor sport about the Republicans winning the national election for the presidency. They began celebrating Hillary's ascent to power days before the actual votes were counted and determined that her opponent had won. And by a little more than 3 votes, too.

I'm sorry this was hard on ya'll, but after 8 years of watching reverse discrimination being celebrated for people whose ancestors Republicans freed from slavery, we deserved the hard-fought win of putting President Trump and his family and staff in the White House this time.

And since that time, Ms. Pelosi has been striving to Lord over her paltry win last November that gave her a few more votes and new Congress members as mean as Maxine Watters' slimebuggery against President Trumps' staff by confronting them with inane screaming and bad behaviors befitting a pack of wolves in public.

Yeah, it's been one tantrum after another from Speaker Pelosi, but the frosting on America's cake was the not only calculating but also calloused pathos created by a California Democrat operative's false witness against Juris Dr. Brett Kavanaugh, who was President Trump's wise choice for filling a vacancy in the Supreme Court, the other branch the Democrats so jealousy have pored over to grab by any means necessary including Diane Feinstein and Chuckie Schumer's Go-get-ems and Atta-Gals for Christine Blasey Ford's pack of lies at his hearing, a trumped-up affair to destroy the American people's faith in both the Executive and Judicial Branches of government who managed to salvage the best interests of the American people, as is our party's tradition--we support the citizens of this country over all others, whom we have always endeavored to prosper, educate, and guide.

No hard feelings have we, but we hold leadership that is fair and balanced for American citizens as our duty and responsibility when egocentric and unrealistic liberals would put America back in the beggar's seat we were in 1776. We're not gonna let that happen to us again. And we are more stubborn than you are about that issue, in my humble opinion, that is. ;)

I appreciate you expressing your opinions as well but I gotta tell you, if you want to engage in a more productive discussion youve gotta keep you statements more concise and to the point. I’m not going to go through that novel you wrote and address the several dozen points you made. I will say that despite all you wrote you didn’t really respond to my point. You made policy and ideological objections to what the democrats stand for but didn’t address the premise of you OP or my response which was retirement for poor behavior. Yes Pelosi is leveraging her power as speaker for political gain. McConnel did the same thing for years during Obama’s term. From vowing to make him a one term president to blockin the consideration of a SCOTUS nominee. Trump is perhaps the most offensive and worst mannered president in modern history.

You can hate the Dems all you want. They aren’t my party, I think both parties suck. But if you are going to target Pelosi for her behavior you need to consider all the others from both sides that do the same crap. If you think pelosi should retire for her behavior then you should also say the same thing about McConnel, Trump, and many others. Otherwise you are just being a hypocrite
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

If you rely on Hannity for opinions you are stupid.
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Your fat asssed POS should resign for:
1) Lying to the American people
2) Colluding with the Russians
3) Accepting foreign money (emoluments)
4) Abusing women
5) Disparaging our veterans
6) Ending the Iran agreement
7) Being Putin's bitch
8) Tariffs
9) Shutting down government because of the wall
10) Just being an overall loud mouth asshole who has insulted our allies

Nancy Pelosi should not resign for exercising her duties as Speaker. She raised many kids & knows how to handle a two year old's temper tantrum.

No collusion was found in 2 years on Donald Trump, according to a special announcement last week or so ago by Special Counsellor Mueller, so he is more like Putin's thorn not his "bitch." He's not in charge of disbursing payments to employees of the government. That's the responsibility of the House, of which Nancy Pelosi is the Union Boss, I mean, Speaker of the House.

My, oh, my you have those idiotic DNC Partyline notes established in your mind. Nobody I know can fix idiotic. :whipg:
Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

If you rely on Hannity for opinions you are stupid.

Down boy, down. Nice doggie. :th_yourecute:
Pelosi resign?


Now you know why Republicans kept pushing the idea of Dems replacing her.

She's a BEAST

Or as I like to call her


Sean Hannity says Nancy Pelosi banning President Trump from giving his State of the Union Address is due to her temper tantrum of losing her free rides on Air Force planes which cost taxpayers $200 Million dollars.
You are free to watch Sean Hannity's discussion before you decide if you haven't already decided:

Discuss, please.

Perhaps we could discuss this, once you've cleaned up the lies from your OP. Please note that Hannity is not a credible source. He is Trump's ventriloquist dummy. Hannity opens his mouth and Trump's lies come out.

I don't care for Hannity however I'd be more willing to listen to him as an American than someone that isn't American and has no skin in the game.

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