Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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holy shit, you're fucking moron

You belong to a party of sociopaths. EVERY action by your shameful party confirms this. I would have to be a moron NOT to recognize that there is no crime that would cause you to hold the party responsible.

I've been saying for years that the modern democrats are essentially a recreation of the Khmer Rouge.

EVERY act in the last five years has confirmed this.

Use of IRS against enemies of the party. Come on motherfucker, defend it, lie about it! You know you will - party above all. Fucking sociopaths, ever last one of you.

Go take your meds nutjob

typical liberfuzznutz, can not come up with any serous logical reply.., therefore relies on the olde, olde stand by.., "take your meds" !!

ooooh !! BTW, what meds are you on and what is your co-pay ? :lmao:
Obama has NOT committed an impeachable act of any kind. Rest assured, if he had - republicans would have been all over it, so just stop already.

How did the whole fake birth certificate work out for ya? :)

Getting your pee-pee's smacked over that wasn't enough?

Benghazi? Seriously, that's all you got? Here's a grand Idea ... if you hate the dems THAT much - field an electable replacement. Quit with trying to impeach every dem prez that comes along and quit being a bunch of sore losers - It's embarrassing.
Obama has NOT committed an impeachable act of any kind. Rest assured, if he had - republicans would have been all over it, so just stop already.

How did the whole fake birth certificate work out for ya? :)

Getting your pee-pee's smacked over that wasn't enough?

Benghazi? Seriously, that's all you got? Here's a grand Idea ... if you hate the dems THAT much - field an electable replacement. Quit with trying to impeach every dem prez that comes along and quit being a bunch of sore losers - It's embarrassing.

Hey mad, you sound like this guy...rolmao

[ame=]LEAVE BARACK ALONE! - YouTube[/ame]
The mentality of some of these nutters just boggles the mind.

Yeah, right and wrong are defined by the goals of the party.

Obama can do no wrong by definition.

Impeach him for using the IRS to persecute an enemies list? Shit, you want to give him another Nobel Prize for it..

Nixon deserved to be impeached - because HE was a Republican. We can't hold PARTY members to the laws that rule the Republicans.....
Obama has NOT committed an impeachable act of any kind. Rest assured, if he had - republicans would have been all over it, so just stop already.

Is it even possible for Obama to commit an impeachable act? I mean, you hold him above the law, so how could something as irrelevant as the Constitution be used against our GLORIOUS RULER...

How did the whole fake birth certificate work out for ya? :)

Yeah, and he's not Nixon, so him using the IRS to attack enemies is clever and kewl...

Getting your pee-pee's smacked over that wasn't enough?

Benghazi? Seriously, that's all you got? Here's a grand Idea ... if you hate the dems THAT much - field an electable replacement. Quit with trying to impeach every dem prez that comes along and quit being a bunch of sore losers - It's embarrassing.

As always, you are an iDELible fool.
100% fact.

And you personally would defend him.

Just as you have with Benghazi.
With the IRS persecuting enemies
With the assassination of 16 year old American citizens who were charged with and suspected of no crimes

Idiotic supposition.

hummmm..., maybe so, but, answer the question.., would you defend the muslime mulatto ? the world is waiting with bated breath for your reply.., or shall we presume you will.

If he raped and killed a small boy on the White House Lawn?

Seriously? You have to be fucked up in the head with all kinds of hatred to ask a question like that.
If he raped and killed a small boy on the White House Lawn?

Seriously? You have to be fucked up in the head with all kinds of hatred to ask a question like that.

Either that, or we would have had to have been exposed to the endless parade of prevarication, justification, alteration, misidentification, and defamation you engage in on a daily basis in service of your party and the cult of personality you worship in Barack Obama.

We found long ago that Obama is far too important to you to let something like integrity get in the way.
If he raped and killed a small boy on the White House Lawn?

Seriously? You have to be fucked up in the head with all kinds of hatred to ask a question like that.

Either that, or we would have had to have been exposed to the endless parade of prevarication, justification, alteration, misidentification, and defamation you engage in on a daily basis in service of your party and the cult of personality you worship in Barack Obama.

We found long ago that Obama is far too important to you to let something like integrity get in the way.

Awe, you're so cute when you project like that.
Truly the stuff of Birthers, Benghazi-Truthers and losers.

The mentality of some of these nutters just boggles the mind.

Well, hold on to your sanity (and your sense of humor) because there's a convention of the core of the kooks in DC over the next three days as the CPAC Convention gets under way.

I'm not sure, but I think CPAC stands for Crazy People Agreeing (on) Conspiracies theories.
As always, you are an iDELible fool.

^^^ This is how fucking clueless you are. Let's hear it from the dick-head himself - what makes you for two seconds think that I am the poster formally known as "DEL?"

OUT WITH IT, shit for brains! This is a prime example of why NO ONE trusts Republicans when they constantly accuse enemies of wrong-doing. They are a bunch of lying assholes.

Proof or Shut the fuck up.
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If he raped and killed a small boy on the White House Lawn?

Seriously? You have to be fucked up in the head with all kinds of hatred to ask a question like that.

Either that, or we would have had to have been exposed to the endless parade of prevarication, justification, alteration, misidentification, and defamation you engage in on a daily basis in service of your party and the cult of personality you worship in Barack Obama.

We found long ago that Obama is far too important to you to let something like integrity get in the way.

YOU are a lying piece of shit! Let's have some actual proof of what Obama has done wrong.

One thing ... put it on the table so I can embarrass you.
The mentality of some of these nutters just boggles the mind.

Yeah, right and wrong are defined by the goals of the party.

Obama can do no wrong by definition.

Impeach him for using the IRS to persecute an enemies list? Shit, you want to give him another Nobel Prize for it..

Nixon deserved to be impeached - because HE was a Republican. We can't hold PARTY members to the laws that rule the Republicans.....

Nixon resigned. He did it to avoid impeachment.

[^^^ This is how fucking clueless you are. Let's hear it from the dick-head himself - what makes you for two seconds think that I am the poster formally known as "DEL?"

OUT WITH IT, shit for brains! This is a prime example of why NO ONE trusts Republicans when they constantly accuse enemies of wrong-doing. They are a bunch of lying assholes.

Proof or Shut the fuck up.

Now you know we can't speak of perma-banned ex-fraud mods here.

Of course your style of mindless trolling whilst convinced of your own cleverness does remind me of someone....
YOU are a lying piece of shit! Let's have some actual proof of what Obama has done wrong.

Are you deliberatly obtuse?

{So what's the problem? Well, President Obama is part of the problem. He called it a "phony scandal." That was the nod and the wink to Attorney General Holder to drag his feet. And if that wasn't enough, President Obama did it again, trying to call off the dogs by cavalierly telling Bill O'Reilly on Super Bowl Sunday that there wasn't a smidgeon of evidence to suggest corruption.

"Smidgeon" is President Obama's word. Mine is shame. Shame on President Obama for not doing the right thing all these months, like picking up the phone and directing his attorney general to aggressively and fairly investigate. That would have been the right thing to do, not try to smooze by slinging the word "phony" to friendly crowds and hope that the rest of us forget those hurt by the IRS.}

Greta: President Obama Is Part of the Problem in IRS Scandal - Fox Nation

One thing ... put it on the table so I can embarrass you.

Were you born retarded, or did you suffer severe head trauma?
Nixon resigned. He did it to avoid impeachment.


Your meltdown is delicious.

Nixon resigned when a group of Republicans, led by Barry Goldwater, confirmed they would seek a conviction based on Nixon's attempt to use the IRS against his enemies list.

Well fuck, that sounds really familiar... Where else have I heard about the IRS being set on an enemies list?

Any ideas, sploogy?
Nixon resigned. He did it to avoid impeachment.


Your meltdown is delicious.

Nixon resigned when a group of Republicans, led by Barry Goldwater, confirmed they would seek a conviction based on Nixon's attempt to use the IRS against his enemies list.

Well fuck, that sounds really familiar... Where else have I heard about the IRS being set on an enemies list?

Any ideas, sploogy?

Obama Is Not Nixon -

In Nixon's mind, using tax agents as political operatives was not only excusable but exemplary. In the case of Obama, there is no evidence that he or his Treasury Secretary was aware of the mistreatment of conservative groups -- much less that either of them requested it.

Many of his critics nevertheless claim to detect in him a ruthless mendacity unseen in the White House since 1974. The result of this distortion is to highlight not how much Obama resembles Nixon, but how much they do.
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