Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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I voted NO

That insanity would ensure we wouldn't win the Senate. Lose seats in the house & possibly write off the next election.

The future of our country lies within the next couple of elections. Slapping Obama does nothing to further that cause. And god forbid Biden ended up in control.

Let's just keep Obama in check until we have the votes to change things.

The last thing conservatives give a shit about is people other than themselves.

I love how you Liberals define individualism.

Like it or not, its what made this country into the superpower it was before YOUR "president" took office....But, never fear, it will be back.:)

So, America stopped being a superpower as soon as Obama took office. :cuckoo:

YOU GOT IT!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
The last thing conservatives give a shit about is people other than themselves.

I love how you Liberals define individualism.

Like it or not, its what made this country into the superpower it was before YOUR "president" took office....But, never fear, it will be back.:)

Wait what?

This is a Liberal secular nation, created by Liberals, for Liberals.

Conservatives were the Tories, the Loyalists and the Confederates.

Every armed revolt in this country against the government involved Conservatives and Theocrats.

1. This country was created to escape tyrants. You know, like your "president".

2. Um, the Dems were the ones fighting the Republican (LINCOLN) in the Civil War.

3. As far as armed revolts being started by Conservatives, it might do your "president" some good to remember that.;)
That reminds me of a story.

One day two men were talking. One's a conservative. The other's a liberal.

The conservative says: My great grandfather fought with Lee (as in Robert E.). My grandfather fought with Pershing. My father fought with George Wallace. And I fight along with the Tea Party.

So, the "conservative" is a democrat?

The liberals says: Conservatives, they can't seem to get along with anybody, can they?

Leftists, they can't seem to tell the truth, can they?

Anyone who overanalyzes a joke probably needs to get laid.

you've read his posts... do you think that occurs much in his life?
Provide to Me the exact statute under which an impeachment would be prosecuted. Anyone know what I mean?

Not liking him is no grounds for impeachment. You have to have iron clad proof that Obama personally committed a crime.

is it a crime to violate his oath of office ?? just askin..... OK ?
Hey, why doesn't the GOP just try to create a Constitutional amendment saying that anyone who is elected President and who is not a member of the GOP shall automatically be impeached the moments he takes the oath of office?

That's obviously what a lot of wingnuts want.

Yeah, but they're nuts.....look how many times they've tried to repeal Obamacare.....44 times, I guess they keep forgetting that Obama signed it into law, is the President, and can veto their stupid repeals.....they'll never learn....:lol::lol:

Yo your tits but your numbers and facts are a tad off.

she just wishes those tits were hers, :lmao:

you are correct, her "facts" are NOT facts..., just phantasy :up:
It would be more like "ignorant" rather than racist, considering he's done a hell of a lot better job than "W", but the country has come to accept the "impeachment crazy" party and take them for what they are....looney.

putting America $18,000,000,000,000.00 in debt is doing better than "W" ????

typical liber logic, the son-of-a-bitch (and, that is a fact :up:) has done more harm to my country than all the former presidents before him (and, that is a fact :up:), how do you like "Obummercare ? are you signed up yet ?
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Do you know why normals and lefties, and yes, even some dinky die conservatives laugh at you neocon whackjobs?

Because we claim that Bush and Cheney MURDERED MILLIONS? :lol::lol::lol:

Normal, you fucking sociopaths? :rofl:

Because you have no credibility.

Well damn Gump, If a shit fer brains KOS Kiddie like you doesn't lend credibility to rational arguments, what shall I do? :dunno:

You don't help your cause when every time a Dem is elected to any high office in the land the first words that spew out of your gobs is "impeach!!!".

Look, you're both stupid and dishonest, it's why you're a dim.

But if you had the intellect of a brain damaged baboon, you would have read my post where I said impeaching Obama was a bad political move.

A self-regulating federal government requires honorable men, but we have democrats. You cannot have democrats AND honest government, these are mutually exclusive.

Loons, the lot of ya...And it wouldn't be so bad that you are if you weren't allowed to vote...

Or if you could march us off to special camps, eh Comrade?
even the bro's want his ass gone

[ame=]Articles Of Impeachment Filed By Black Republicans - YouTube[/ame]

Bush initiated a worthless war on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11....suck it up and admit it, and the f*king nutjobs are you and others that are "dreaming" of an impeachment on a President that has literally taken the country out of the sewer your party put it in.

Casualties in Iraq -

Have you ever had your IQ tested?

Didn't reach double digits, did you?
Yo your tits but your numbers and facts are a tad off.

In all fairness, she is just posting demagoguery from a leftist hate site.

Like a hamster sitting up for a treat, Mertex lacks the intellect to grasp what she is doing. Too stupid to grasp that demagoguery is not meant to be taken literally.
The House Impeaches, the Senate Convicts.

Bill the rapist Clinton was one of only two presidents to ever be impeached..... Both of them dimocraps.

Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one.

Blindboo and Rachel Maddow would praise him for his courage.

Well I dare say you didn't get that off the Echo-Chamber walls. Your nucking futz.
holy shit, you're fucking moron

You belong to a party of sociopaths. EVERY action by your shameful party confirms this. I would have to be a moron NOT to recognize that there is no crime that would cause you to hold the party responsible.

I've been saying for years that the modern democrats are essentially a recreation of the Khmer Rouge.

EVERY act in the last five years has confirmed this.

Use of IRS against enemies of the party. Come on motherfucker, defend it, lie about it! You know you will - party above all. Fucking sociopaths, ever last one of you.

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