Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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Hey, why doesn't the GOP just try to create a Constitutional amendment saying that anyone who is elected President and who is not a member of the GOP shall automatically be impeached the moments he takes the oath of office?

That's obviously what a lot of wingnuts want.

Yeah, but they're nuts.....look how many times they've tried to repeal Obamacare.....44 times, I guess they keep forgetting that Obama signed it into law, is the President, and can veto their stupid repeals.....they'll never learn....:lol::lol:

They put politics before country. Always. They even admit that they know they can't repeals it, that's it a political move. They're all campaigning. That's all the repeal votes are.

All they do is suck up tax money.
Uh yeah, including you.

You know it's true - 100%

democrats are a party of sociopaths who don't give a damn about anything but the party.

Do you know why normals and lefties, and yes, even some dinky die conservatives laugh at you neocon whackjobs? Because you have no credibility. You don't help your cause when every time a Dem is elected to any high office in the land the first words that spew out of your gobs is "impeach!!!".

Loons, the lot of ya...And it wouldn't be so bad that you are if you weren't allowed to vote...

And that's something I would never..ever support.

Each American has the right to vote.
Provide to Me the exact statute under which an impeachment would be prosecuted. Anyone know what I mean?

Lets take an example. Bill Clinton was impeached not for sex, nor for scandal, not for covering up scandal. He was impeached for perjury.

Under US statute, perjury is a crime. Here is the code. :
18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally

Now, provide to Me, the actual code by which Barack Obama will be charged for violating.

While you are at it, I'll need to hear the audio tape of him giving orders to someone to violate the law that you are going to provide to Me.

As another example, you say the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Yes, that is a crime. Now, give Me sworn testimony by eye witnesses or recorded audio/video tape of Obama issuing those orders. The same with Benghazi. What orders did he issue personally, that caused the cluster fuck in Benghazi, and which orders did he personally issue to abandon the Americans there?

You see, there is no crime in lying to the American people, as in Obamacare or the IRS, or Benghazi. It is simply morally reprehensible and provides proof positive that he is scum, unworthy of the office he holds.

Everyone knows I have no use for Obama. But a little honesty please. Not liking him is no grounds for impeachment. You have to have iron clad proof that Obama personally committed a crime.
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Hey, why doesn't the GOP just try to create a Constitutional amendment saying that anyone who is elected President and who is not a member of the GOP shall automatically be impeached the moments he takes the oath of office?

That's obviously what a lot of wingnuts want.

Yeah, but they're nuts.....look how many times they've tried to repeal Obamacare.....44 times, I guess they keep forgetting that Obama signed it into law, is the President, and can veto their stupid repeals.....they'll never learn....:lol::lol:

Yo your tits but your numbers and facts are a tad off.
Truly the stuff of Birthers, Benghazi-Truthers and losers.

Wow, so would this be the stuff of Hillary Clinton? She is the original birther, and considering how she handled Benghazi, it is one of many things that makes the washed up old hag a loser.

Our next President has long since stopped talking about Obama's birth certificate, unlike a large swath of the Republican Party, which is so consumed by hatred towards the man, they've gone Full Retard on the issue.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its either America or Obama, one will fall.
2. The wise would pick Obama.
3. But as we know now, that more than half the population voted for him, not once, but twice.
4. And we now know that they are individually each one stupider that a fucking rock.

It's a no brainer...if there are grounds to impeach, it is our duty to impeach. The only problem I see is his ability to claim invincible ignorance. There is plenty of evidence to support that claim.

Do it

Please do it

I take it winger agrees that Obabble is too stupid to be held accountable.

Like most libs, he considers blacks too stupid to even acquire a photo ID, even when it is provided for "free".
Provide to Me the exact statute under which an impeachment would be prosecuted. Anyone know what I mean?

Lets take an example. Bill Clinton was impeached not for sex, nor for scandal, not for covering up scandal. He was impeached for perjury.

Under US statute, perjury is a crime. Here is the code. :18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally | LII / Legal Information Institute
18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally

Now, provide to Me, the actual code by which Barack Obama will be charged for violating.

While you are at it, I'll need to hear the audio tape of him giving orders to someone to violate the law that you are going to provide to Me.

As another example, you say the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Yes, that is a crime. Now, give Me sworn testimony by eye witnesses or recorded audio/video tape of Obama issuing those orders. The same with Benghazi. What orders did he issue personally, that caused the cluster fuck in Benghazi, and which orders did he personally issue to abandon the Americans there?

You see, there is no crime in lying to the American people, as in Obamacare or the IRS, or Benghazi. It is simply morally reprehensible and provides proof positive that he is scum, unworthy of the office he holds.

Everyone knows I have no use for Obama. But a little honesty please. Not liking him is no grounds for impeachment. You have to have iron clad proof that Obama personally committed a crime.

Obama could be impeached for spitting on the sidewalk. Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. The point being, that is why impeachment could backfire on a politial party. If the people believe the impeachment process was misused as another simple political charge rather than a valid purpose the people might vent on the party that impeached in the next election. I would also suspect that impeachment talk swirls around Democratic presidents more than Republican. Should Truman have been impeached as Republican charged?
Provide to Me the exact statute under which an impeachment would be prosecuted. Anyone know what I mean?

Lets take an example. Bill Clinton was impeached not for sex, nor for scandal, not for covering up scandal. He was impeached for perjury.

Under US statute, perjury is a crime. Here is the code. :18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally | LII / Legal Information Institute
18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally

Now, provide to Me, the actual code by which Barack Obama will be charged for violating.

While you are at it, I'll need to hear the audio tape of him giving orders to someone to violate the law that you are going to provide to Me.

As another example, you say the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Yes, that is a crime. Now, give Me sworn testimony by eye witnesses or recorded audio/video tape of Obama issuing those orders. The same with Benghazi. What orders did he issue personally, that caused the cluster fuck in Benghazi, and which orders did he personally issue to abandon the Americans there?

You see, there is no crime in lying to the American people, as in Obamacare or the IRS, or Benghazi. It is simply morally reprehensible and provides proof positive that he is scum, unworthy of the office he holds.

Everyone knows I have no use for Obama. But a little honesty please. Not liking him is no grounds for impeachment. You have to have iron clad proof that Obama personally committed a crime.

Obama could be impeached for spitting on the sidewalk. Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. The point being, that is why impeachment could backfire on a politial party. If the people believe the impeachment process was misused as another simple political charge rather than a valid purpose the people might vent on the party that impeached in the next election. I would also suspect that impeachment talk swirls around Democratic presidents more than Republican. Should Truman have been impeached as Republican charged?
A crime has to be committed, otherwise the opposition party would be impeaching every President elected.
Hey, why doesn't the GOP just try to create a Constitutional amendment saying that anyone who is elected President and who is not a member of the GOP shall automatically be impeached the moments he takes the oath of office?

That's obviously what a lot of wingnuts want.

He has violated the law, the Constitution and his oath of office but he is impeachment proof. There is no way to get enough votes in the senate before he leaves office, so any discussion if pure fantasy.

'Cause it would be racist to impeach the first (half) black, imitation president of the US.

It would be more like "ignorant" rather than racist, considering he's done a hell of a lot better job than "W", but the country has come to accept the "impeachment crazy" party and take them for what they are....looney.
Hey, why doesn't the GOP just try to create a Constitutional amendment saying that anyone who is elected President and who is not a member of the GOP shall automatically be impeached the moments he takes the oath of office?

That's obviously what a lot of wingnuts want.

Yeah, but they're nuts.....look how many times they've tried to repeal Obamacare.....44 times, I guess they keep forgetting that Obama signed it into law, is the President, and can veto their stupid repeals.....they'll never learn....:lol::lol:

Yo your tits but your numbers and facts are a tad off.

Yeah, well worry about how "off" the rw party is on everything before worrying about my numbers......which are probably closer than the phony "gates" they have been bringing up.
He has violated the law, the Constitution and his oath of office but he is impeachment proof. There is no way to get enough votes in the senate before he leaves office, so any discussion if pure fantasy.

He violated no laws, has not violated the Constitution and if the Conservatives win the majority in both house they will impeach.

And they will fail.

They will fail only because they can't get a 2/3rds majority in the senate before the mulatto messiah has finished his term. The commies in the senate will never vote to impeach no matter what the chicago gutter trash does, just like I said.
I know full well that if Obama raped and murdered a child, the left would stand behind him?

Uh yeah, including you.

You are dangerously stupid if you truly believe that...which apparently you do, because you just doubled down on, you're dangerously stupid...congrats :thup:

You know it's true - 100%

democrats are a party of sociopaths who don't give a damn about anything but the party.

holy shit, you're fucking moron
Provide to Me the exact statute under which an impeachment would be prosecuted. Anyone know what I mean?

Lets take an example. Bill Clinton was impeached not for sex, nor for scandal, not for covering up scandal. He was impeached for perjury.

Under US statute, perjury is a crime. Here is the code. :18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally | LII / Legal Information Institute
18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally

Now, provide to Me, the actual code by which Barack Obama will be charged for violating.

While you are at it, I'll need to hear the audio tape of him giving orders to someone to violate the law that you are going to provide to Me.

As another example, you say the IRS targeting of conservative groups. Yes, that is a crime. Now, give Me sworn testimony by eye witnesses or recorded audio/video tape of Obama issuing those orders. The same with Benghazi. What orders did he issue personally, that caused the cluster fuck in Benghazi, and which orders did he personally issue to abandon the Americans there?

You see, there is no crime in lying to the American people, as in Obamacare or the IRS, or Benghazi. It is simply morally reprehensible and provides proof positive that he is scum, unworthy of the office he holds.

Everyone knows I have no use for Obama. But a little honesty please. Not liking him is no grounds for impeachment. You have to have iron clad proof that Obama personally committed a crime.

Obama could be impeached for spitting on the sidewalk. Impeachment is a political process not a legal one. The point being, that is why impeachment could backfire on a politial party. If the people believe the impeachment process was misused as another simple political charge rather than a valid purpose the people might vent on the party that impeached in the next election. I would also suspect that impeachment talk swirls around Democratic presidents more than Republican. Should Truman have been impeached as Republican charged?
A crime has to be committed, otherwise the opposition party would be impeaching every President elected.

No legal statute or part of Constitution need be violated to be impeached. The House decides its own rules for the process and it must be done as the Constitution requires.
If after the impeachment trial a legal crime has been committed then the impeached civil officer can be tried in a court of law for that crime.
One of the charges against Johnson was that he yelled at the Congress.
What is a High Crime, there is no such thing in the US.
That is the question, since the call for it seems to be slowly but surely building steam.


Make your case for how you vote.

You forgot to say for what.
3/4/2014 10:18 PM CST USMB

24 - aye

21 - nay

The aye's have it.

The kenyan should be impeached.
That is the question, since the call for it seems to be slowly but surely building steam.


Make your case for how you vote.

You forgot to say for what.

You forgot to read the thread... moron... but then it's only morons and brain dead leftards like you still pretending there's some valid reason to support the kenyan buffoon in the black house.

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