Should obama Be Impeached?

Should obama Be Impeached?

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Well I dare say you didn't get that off the Echo-Chamber walls. Your nucking futz.

It's obvious.

You are a party that takes pride in rejecting the last hints of integrity and ethics. The greatest achievement of a democrat is to shed those nagging pangs of conscience as you lie, cheat, and slander.

We've been through this before, you are utterly and completely without honor or any sense of ethics. You are a party of sociopaths, where gaining power for the party is the ONLY consideration in any circumstance.

This is simply the truth - you know it, I know it, Jillian knows it. (Mertex knows if she sits up she'll get a treat....) You are a party based on the raw lust for power - with open contempt for the very concept of integrity. That is the fact - irrefutable.

You have no moral compass. There is NOTHING to keep you from engaging in the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge that you so closely resemble other than your lack of ability.

What are you going to say? That you'll lie about the IRS scandal because party matters more than the rule of law, and you'll lie to defend the murder of a United States Citizen with not judicial review, warrant, or oversight, but you wouldn't march party enemies off to death camps - because, uh, well. You HAVE NO MORAL COMPASS, you have no ethical foundation to keep you civilized. You have made party your god, and power the worship of that god. We ask how the Nazis and Khmer Rouge could rise - well the answer is you democrats - through the willful disregard of basic ethical principles.
Truly the stuff of Birthers, Benghazi-Truthers and losers.

Wow, so would this be the stuff of Hillary Clinton? She is the original birther, and considering how she handled Benghazi, it is one of many things that makes the washed up old hag a loser.

Yeah sure, she brought that ball to the field, but soon fumbled it. The pseudo-cons recovered it and ran. They scored many pseudo touchdowns with that ball too. They always do a nice pseudo touchdown dance, spiking that imaginary ball.
Well I dare say you didn't get that off the Echo-Chamber walls. Your nucking futz.

It's obvious.

You are a party that takes ...............................

"Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one." Uncensored2008

Nucking futz pal.
"Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one." Uncensored2008

Nucking futz pal.

100% fact.

And you personally would defend him.

Just as you have with Benghazi.
With the IRS persecuting enemies
With the assassination of 16 year old American citizens who were charged with and suspected of no crimes
"Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one." Uncensored2008

Nucking futz pal.

100% fact.

And you personally would defend him.

Just as you have with Benghazi.
With the IRS persecuting enemies
With the assassination of 16 year old American citizens who were charged with and suspected of no crimes

Idiotic supposition.
holy shit, you're fucking moron

You belong to a party of sociopaths. EVERY action by your shameful party confirms this. I would have to be a moron NOT to recognize that there is no crime that would cause you to hold the party responsible.

I've been saying for years that the modern democrats are essentially a recreation of the Khmer Rouge.

EVERY act in the last five years has confirmed this.

Use of IRS against enemies of the party. Come on motherfucker, defend it, lie about it! You know you will - party above all. Fucking sociopaths, ever last one of you.

Go take your meds nutjob
"Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one." Uncensored2008

Nucking futz pal.

100% fact.

And you personally would defend him.

Just as you have with Benghazi.
With the IRS persecuting enemies
With the assassination of 16 year old American citizens who were charged with and suspected of no crimes

Idiotic supposition.

Predictive pattern of behavior.
Go take your meds nutjob

That is the question, since the call for it seems to be slowly but surely building steam.


Make your case for how you vote.

You forgot to say for what.

You forgot to read the thread... moron... but then it's only morons and brain dead leftards like you still pretending there's some valid reason to support the kenyan buffoon in the black house.

That's your answer?
You forgot to say for what.

You forgot to read the thread... moron... but then it's only morons and brain dead leftards like you still pretending there's some valid reason to support the kenyan buffoon in the black house.

That's your answer?

I'm not really asking a serious question. Truth is, I love when Republicans are honest and let all their hate and racism spill out. It shows us who they truly are.
You forgot to read the thread... moron... but then it's only morons and brain dead leftards like you still pretending there's some valid reason to support the kenyan buffoon in the black house.

That's your answer?

I'm not really asking a serious question. Truth is, I love when Republicans are honest and let all their hate and racism spill out. It shows us who they truly are.

Not aware of his doing anything that'd warrant impeachment.

You'd have to navigate away from ThinkProgress occasionally to become aware.

Bradley A. Smith: Connecting the Dots in the IRS Scandal -

come on man !! you gotta know the average liberdimwatt couldn't connect three dots, not to mention multiple dots in that link you provided...., hummmm, makes me wonder if they have to be shown where third base is after hitting a triple :up:

you have made some really great posts this evening, keep up the good work. :up:
Well I dare say you didn't get that off the Echo-Chamber walls. Your nucking futz.

It's obvious.

You are a party that takes pride in rejecting the last hints of integrity and ethics. The greatest achievement of a democrat is to shed those nagging pangs of conscience as you lie, cheat, and slander.

We've been through this before, you are utterly and completely without honor or any sense of ethics. You are a party of sociopaths, where gaining power for the party is the ONLY consideration in any circumstance.

This is simply the truth - you know it, I know it, Jillian knows it. (Mertex knows if she sits up she'll get a treat....) You are a party based on the raw lust for power - with open contempt for the very concept of integrity. That is the fact - irrefutable.

You have no moral compass. There is NOTHING to keep you from engaging in the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge that you so closely resemble other than your lack of ability.

What are you going to say? That you'll lie about the IRS scandal because party matters more than the rule of law, and you'll lie to defend the murder of a United States Citizen with not judicial review, warrant, or oversight, but you wouldn't march party enemies off to death camps - because, uh, well. You HAVE NO MORAL COMPASS, you have no ethical foundation to keep you civilized. You have made party your god, and power the worship of that god. We ask how the Nazis and Khmer Rouge could rise - well the answer is you democrats - through the willful disregard of basic ethical principles.

:clap: ... :iagree: ... :clap: ... :iagree: ... :clap: ... :iagree: ... :clap: ... :iagree:
"Obama could rape and kill a small boy on the White House Lawn in front of an MSNBC film crew and the entire staff of the New York times, and not a SINGLE democrat Senator would vote to remove him from office - not one." Uncensored2008

Nucking futz pal.

100% fact.

And you personally would defend him.

Just as you have with Benghazi.
With the IRS persecuting enemies
With the assassination of 16 year old American citizens who were charged with and suspected of no crimes

Idiotic supposition.

hummmm..., maybe so, but, answer the question.., would you defend the muslime mulatto ? the world is waiting with bated breath for your reply.., or shall we presume you will.

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