Should Obama Go To The Border?

i think the issue is complicated. right now the bigger problem is mexico letting them through. that said, i'm glad you raised that issue since I seem to recall hearing stories of those same "nativists" turning back boatloads of jews to europe to die. granted, it isn't at that level, but a blanket "send them back" without any further thought?

*shakes head*

I can understand the discussion on documented verses undocumented Immigrants but the tone has been to attack the race of people because of the brownness of their skin, their language and that they carry diseases both documented and undocumented. :dunno:

Hispanic is an ethnic group, not a race, when are you lefties going to figure that out.


Ethnicity vs Race - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Bigots aside, and while I have little appreciation of Texas or Ariz, despite having had to drive through them more than once, I don't see why he should depress them more with his presence.

Funny your left wing cartoonist forgot to mention the Irish, hum, I wonder why.
Obama's going to be in Texas. Shouldn't he visit the boarder?

Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won’t Visit Border


Despite the ongoing law enforcement and humanitarian crisis, President Barack Obama apparently won’t be heading to the southwest border when he visits Texas next week.

Obama is traveling to the Lone Star state to raise campaign cash at three events for fellow Democrats running for office.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, many of them accompanied or unaccompanied minors and young adults, have flooded into the border region from Central America and have stretched Border Patrol resources to the breaking point. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has invited the president to tour the border with him, but has received no response.

According to White House press secretary Josh Earnest, no first-hand visit is on the agenda. “There is no plan to visit the border while [Obama] in Texas. This president is obviously very attuned to what’s happening at the border. The president is getting regular updates on the situation.”

Earnest added that “there are a whole range of senior officials in this administration over the course of the last three or four weeks who have spent a lot of time in the southwest border… The president has a very good sense of what’s happening on the border. He’s getting regular updates from his officials who have traveled to that region.”

The president’s approval rating for his handling of immigrations issues has taken a hit according to a recent poll.

As The Inquisitr previously reported, Border Patrol agent Hector Garza from the Laredo, Texas, sector claimed in a CNN interview that the federal government is “aiding and abetting and facilitating” human trafficking

Read more at Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won?t Visit Border
Only if they deport him.
maybe if the obama deranged rightwingnuts actually wanted to solve the problem and not rant and rave about lunatic conspiracy theories.

Solve the problem of an open border? that's easy seal it :D

Y'all toss it around but never say EXACTLY how one "seals" a 2000 mile border.

Just like "you" say "deport them all" but never say how that could be done.

Just like you ignore that President Obama has done more than any Republican has EVER done in our history.

And, just like you ignore that Republicans refuse to address the problem at all.

Why is that?

More of what, manipulate numbers, yep he's very good at that. Counting turn arounds as deportations, deportations have to be done in immigration courts.
Actually, OK, while the census may be moving from ethnicity to race, I think it can be argued either way. I'd say an Argentinian would have different ethnic traits than say a guatamalan, but then there are African descentents living in Hispanic countries. I think it's a distinction w/o a difference, and still a bigot's realm.
Actually, OK, while the census may be moving from ethnicity to race, I think it can be argued either way. I'd say an Argentinian would have different ethnic traits than say a guatamalan, but then there are African descentents living in Hispanic countries. I think it's a distinction w/o a difference, and still a bigot's realm.

There are decedents from virtually every race living in Hispanic countries, so race is really not an issue here.
Actually, OK, while the census may be moving from ethnicity to race, I think it can be argued either way. I'd say an Argentinian would have different ethnic traits than say a guatamalan, but then there are African descentents living in Hispanic countries. I think it's a distinction w/o a difference, and still a bigot's realm.

There are decedents from virtually every race living in Hispanic countries, so race is really not an issue here.

Why isn't the great state of Texas policing its border?
Actually, OK, while the census may be moving from ethnicity to race, I think it can be argued either way. I'd say an Argentinian would have different ethnic traits than say a guatamalan, but then there are African descentents living in Hispanic countries. I think it's a distinction w/o a difference, and still a bigot's realm.

There are decedents from virtually every race living in Hispanic countries, so race is really not an issue here.

No it is. Illegal Immigrant denotes Hispanic. It's mixed.
Actually, OK, while the census may be moving from ethnicity to race, I think it can be argued either way. I'd say an Argentinian would have different ethnic traits than say a guatamalan, but then there are African descentents living in Hispanic countries. I think it's a distinction w/o a difference, and still a bigot's realm.

There are decedents from virtually every race living in Hispanic countries, so race is really not an issue here.

No it is. Illegal Immigrant denotes Hispanic. It's mixed.

Wrong, we have illegals here from almost every country in the world, only about 60% are hispanic. Most of the other 40% come here on visas and never leave.
Actually, OK, while the census may be moving from ethnicity to race, I think it can be argued either way. I'd say an Argentinian would have different ethnic traits than say a guatamalan, but then there are African descentents living in Hispanic countries. I think it's a distinction w/o a difference, and still a bigot's realm.

There are decedents from virtually every race living in Hispanic countries, so race is really not an issue here.

Why isn't the great state of Texas policing its border?

We spend hundreds of millions on the border, we turn illegals over to ICE and they just release them. It's an exercise in futility.
Obama's going to be in Texas. Shouldn't he visit the boarder?

I think he should go to the border...and keep on going.

56,000 Honduran kids for one horrible President. We come out ahead on that deal!
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After he's visited the border he should check out the Austin Zoo
Austin Zoo & Animal Sanctuary

then a couple of wineries

maybe some horse riding (pretend he's Putin...maybe wrassle a bar as well)

take in some fun rides

and then, after such a busy day, he and Michelle should relax over a nice meal
The Oasis on Lake Travis | Sunset Capital of Texas

There're so many things to do in Texas other than just visiting the border.
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Why stop at the border?

Go all the way down to Cape Horn in South America..... and comb your way up north..... offering welfare and citizenship to everyone you find on your path.:tongue:

This action would be consistent with Barry's policies of flooding the US and create maximum harm at the same time. :)
If Obama is going to listen to the people who are there fighting an uphill battle and try to figure out what they need then yes, he should go.
If he's just going to pander to his base then no.

I tend to agree, though I phrase it "photo ops", he has no need to pander, will be in office only 2.55 more years. The US does not need more photo ops, of course he knows where the border is, he needs to learn how to work with those who differ, on this issue, vehemently. He Obama needs to get the work done, 2 billion will not cover costs already incurred and repatriation.

Putting these people on buses and military aircraft and sent back home wouldn't cost much really

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