Should Obama Go To The Border?

Well considering he's heading this mega voter drive to now not only include Mexico but now half of South America you'd think Obama would at least show up to be like a "Presidential Welcome Wagon" with gifts, Democrat registration cards, free Obamacare passes and foodstamps.
And cash. Don't forget the cash.
to do what exactly? give some speech that you blow off anyways? Too look around so you can judge him looking around? Visit some people so you can cry about it being a photo op?
Fuck off.

I agree with you to an extent, and I think it is funny that the left made the same arguments about Bush.
Obama is too much of a chicken shit to visit the border. He is, after all, in Texas. I don't think they have too high an opinion of the White House poacher in them thar part of the woods.
It's spelled 'border'. And Obammy would never have the balls to go anywhere near it.
to do what exactly? give some speech that you blow off anyways? Too look around so you can judge him looking around? Visit some people so you can cry about it being a photo op?
Fuck off.

Try keeping it coherent ....Nutjob:cuckoo:

It was coherent.

I mean, Obama could go to the UN, make a speech denouncing a Palestinian attempt to unilaterally create a state, and you would never praise that.

Oh wait, that happened.


Obama speech at the UN on Palestinian statehood ? Wednesday 21 September 2011 | World news |
Obama has a boarder?

Are they renting out rooms in the White House to students to make ends meet?

Maybe the Clintons should have done that. Given that the Clintons were broke when they left the White House, they could have used the extra income.
Obama's going to be in Texas. Shouldn't he visit the boarder?

maybe if the obama deranged rightwingnuts actually wanted to solve the problem and not rant and rave about lunatic conspiracy theories.

Slim chance I believe. He did not prevent a massive attack on US shores, allowed a US city to go under water for lack of 495 million for a 20 year planned project, and invaded a country on false premises, didn't he? No, wait, that WASN'T Obama, darn.
Obama's going to be in Texas. Shouldn't he visit the boarder?

Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won’t Visit Border


Despite the ongoing law enforcement and humanitarian crisis, President Barack Obama apparently won’t be heading to the southwest border when he visits Texas next week.

Obama is traveling to the Lone Star state to raise campaign cash at three events for fellow Democrats running for office.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, many of them accompanied or unaccompanied minors and young adults, have flooded into the border region from Central America and have stretched Border Patrol resources to the breaking point. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has invited the president to tour the border with him, but has received no response.

According to White House press secretary Josh Earnest, no first-hand visit is on the agenda. “There is no plan to visit the border while [Obama] in Texas. This president is obviously very attuned to what’s happening at the border. The president is getting regular updates on the situation.”

Earnest added that “there are a whole range of senior officials in this administration over the course of the last three or four weeks who have spent a lot of time in the southwest border… The president has a very good sense of what’s happening on the border. He’s getting regular updates from his officials who have traveled to that region.”

The president’s approval rating for his handling of immigrations issues has taken a hit according to a recent poll.

As The Inquisitr previously reported, Border Patrol agent Hector Garza from the Laredo, Texas, sector claimed in a CNN interview that the federal government is “aiding and abetting and facilitating” human trafficking

Read more at Obama Heading To Texas For Fundraisers But Won?t Visit Border

Strange how as A Jew you align yourself with the white Christian nativists, did you forget when the Jews showed up he in America ?
We were not considered white and looked down and spit upon by the white Christians
scorned upon and looked upon as foreign rubbish
Our language - alienated them because they couldn't converse with the white christian locals and when conversing among ourselves in Yiddish were ostracized.
values - different to that of the white christian western world
our traditions mocked and demeaned
up until WWII denied employment in industries and company's like NY bell

Just like what is being done now describing others from Central and South America

A rightwing Christian doing, there is no surprise , But someone who is Jewish?? Oy vey!!

[ame=]How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America: Karen Brodkin: 9780813525907: Books[/ame]
to do what exactly? give some speech that you blow off anyways? Too look around so you can judge him looking around? Visit some people so you can cry about it being a photo op?
Fuck off.

Try keeping it coherent ....Nutjob:cuckoo:

why do people like you do things like that? he is perfectly coherent. you just don't like what he said.

you should get over that and try actually engaging.
Strange how as A Jew you align yourself with the white Christian nativists, did you forget when the Jews showed up he in America ?
We were not considered white and looked down and spit upon by the white Christians
scorned upon and looked upon as foreign rubbish
Our language - alienated them because they couldn't converse with the white christian locals and when conversing among ourselves in Yiddish were ostracized.
values - different to that of the white christian western world
our traditions mocked and demeaned
up until WWII denied employment in industries and company's like NY bell

Just like what is being done now describing others from Central and South America

A rightwing Christian doing, there is no surprise , But someone who is Jewish?? Oy vey!!

How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America: Karen Brodkin: 9780813525907: Books

i think the issue is complicated. right now the bigger problem is mexico letting them through. that said, i'm glad you raised that issue since I seem to recall hearing stories of those same "nativists" turning back boatloads of jews to europe to die. granted, it isn't at that level, but a blanket "send them back" without any further thought?

*shakes head*
Strange how as A Jew you align yourself with the white Christian nativists, did you forget when the Jews showed up he in America ?
We were not considered white and looked down and spit upon by the white Christians
scorned upon and looked upon as foreign rubbish
Our language - alienated them because they couldn't converse with the white christian locals and when conversing among ourselves in Yiddish were ostracized.
values - different to that of the white christian western world
our traditions mocked and demeaned
up until WWII denied employment in industries and company's like NY bell

Just like what is being done now describing others from Central and South America

A rightwing Christian doing, there is no surprise , But someone who is Jewish?? Oy vey!!

How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America: Karen Brodkin: 9780813525907: Books

i think the issue is complicated. right now the bigger problem is mexico letting them through. that said, i'm glad you raised that issue since I seem to recall hearing stories of those same "nativists" turning back boatloads of jews to europe to die. granted, it isn't at that level, but a blanket "send them back" without any further thought?

*shakes head*

I can understand the discussion on documented verses undocumented Immigrants but the tone has been to attack the race of people because of the brownness of their skin, their language and that they carry diseases both documented and undocumented. :dunno:
Strange how as A Jew you align yourself with the white Christian nativists, did you forget when the Jews showed up he in America ?
We were not considered white and looked down and spit upon by the white Christians
scorned upon and looked upon as foreign rubbish
Our language - alienated them because they couldn't converse with the white christian locals and when conversing among ourselves in Yiddish were ostracized.
values - different to that of the white christian western world
our traditions mocked and demeaned
up until WWII denied employment in industries and company's like NY bell

Just like what is being done now describing others from Central and South America

A rightwing Christian doing, there is no surprise , But someone who is Jewish?? Oy vey!!

How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America: Karen Brodkin: 9780813525907: Books

i think the issue is complicated. right now the bigger problem is mexico letting them through. that said, i'm glad you raised that issue since I seem to recall hearing stories of those same "nativists" turning back boatloads of jews to europe to die. granted, it isn't at that level, but a blanket "send them back" without any further thought?

*shakes head*


Three months before the St. Louis sailed, Congressional leaders in both US houses allowed to die in committee a bill sponsored by Senator Robert Wagner (D-N.Y.) and Representative Edith Rogers (R-Mass.). This bill would have admitted 20,000 Jewish children from Germany above the existing quota.

Voyage of the St. Louis
How about following standing law


EL PASO - In 2006, then-President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act, mandating that the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for at least two layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras and sensors along the 850 miles that stretches the United States southern border.

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