Should Obama listen to the King?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
While Obama attends one fundraiser after between vacations and golf outings, the Jihadists plan to spread their terrorism to Europe and the USA. His appeasement of Muslims in general and his hesitancy to act forcefully RIGHT NOW will likely increase the effectiveness of the terrorists regarding attacks on American and European soils. Waiting until the midterm elections are over will not do.

This is no time for appeasement, diplomacy or procrastination. Get out the weapons we have available and strike ISIL in Syria and Iraq while we still have our heads.

Saudi king warns West will be jihadists next target - Yahoo News

Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has warned that the West will be the next target of the jihadists sweeping through Syria and Iraq, unless there is "rapid" action.

"If we ignore them, I am sure they will reach Europe in a month and America in another month," he said in remarks quoted on Saturday by Asharq al-Awsat daily and Saudi-backed Al-Arabiya television station.

"Terrorism knows no border and its danger could affect several countries outside the Middle East," said the king who was speaking at a welcoming ceremony on Friday for new ambassadors, including a new envoy from Saudi ally the United States.

The Islamic State (IS) jihadist group has prompted widespread concern as it advances in both Syria and Iraq, killing hundreds of people, including in gruesome beheadings and mass executions.

Lack of action would be "unacceptable" in the face of the phenomenon, King Abdullah said.
Is this a post in search of responses? Or is it a thread where the OP wants America to lay down before the king of another country...but is embarrassed to say so?
just looks like the point of view / opinion of the Saudi king isn't it ??
linsey graham and boyfriend john mcCain are pretty much urging drastic action on ' is ' just a few moments ago on tv . hagel and General dempsey also urged urgent action and alarm about ' is ' about a week ago until they were reined in .
McCain and his southern belle have the market on national security grandstanding cornered.

Beat the drum for large scale war....incessantly, knowing that the POTUS isn't going to oblige. Therefore.....never having to worry about being proven wrong again. They get to say "we told you so" in the event of an attack of some kind.

It's bullshit.
Takes terrorists to know terrorist. Their country is its own little terrorist country, the way they treat their people. Keep the million bucks and why don't they do something about it. I see they are befriending Israel now, they want military support for their terrorist country. Too funny.
The Teapublican Congress is rushing back to DC from vacation to legislate revenue raising bills that will finance another boots on the ground billion dollar a week war in the mid-east.
Obama left vacation early, yet Congress does not...Where are all the naysayers on that issue, since they like to harp on Oblama taking vacations...
might be right LLaugher . Be interesting to see what happens in the next 6 months . I'm ok with using the volunteer USA military to kill and destroy while using efficient weapons and tactics with very few restrictions on rules of engagement . Also , we need effective planning and huge airpower , maybe boots on the ground . If ' is ' spreads to Europe it'll be interesting to watch .
hey Moonglow , I don't know enough Saudi efforts against ' is ' to comment .
Is this a post in search of responses? Or is it a thread where the OP wants America to lay down before the king of another country...but is embarrassed to say so?
Yes to your first question, no to the second. I suspect that the leader of an Arabic country in the ME has infinitely greater knowledge of what is brewing in the ME than does the oblivious POTUS we are burdened with until late January, 2017.

If one snake told me another snake is about to make me dead, I'd be intent on disabling the second snake...rather than ignoring the warning.

The Teapublican Congress is rushing back to DC from vacation to legislate revenue raising bills that will finance another boots on the ground billion dollar a week war in the mid-east.
If our uninformed, incompetent CiC would leave the rules of engagement and the planning of strikes to our trained and competent military leaders, we could inflict devastating damage to ISIS through intelligence and air strikes.

Even Obama's close advisers see it differently than what his wait-and-see attitude projects.

Obama seems to contradict his own Secretary of State and his Attorney General. This makes one wonder if they communicate outside of reading news reports of what the other said. Obama is out of touch with the reality.

President Obama needs to focus on how the United States can meet global challenges - The Washington Post

August 29 at 6:59 PM

PRESIDENT OBAMA’S acknowledgment that “we don’t have a strategy yet” in Syria understandably attracted the most attention after his perplexing meeting with reporters Thursday. But his restatement of the obvious was not the most dismaying aspect of his remarks. The president’s goal, to the extent he had one, seemed to be to tamp down all the assessments of gathering dangers that his own team had been issuing over the previous days.

This argument with his own administration is alarming on three levels.

The first has to do with simple competence. One can only imagine the whiplash that foreign leaders must be suffering. They heard U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power denounce Russia as “today . . . they open a new front . . . Russia’s force along the border is the largest it has been . . . the mask is coming off.” An hour later, Mr. Obama implicitly contradicted her: “I consider the actions that we’ve seen in the last week a continuation of what’s been taking place for months now . . . it’s not really a shift.”

Similarly, his senior advisers uniformly have warned of the unprecedented threat to America and Americans represented by Islamic extremists in Syria and Iraq. But Mr. Obama didn’t seem to agree. “Now, ISIL [the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] poses an immediate threat to the people of Iraq and to people throughout the region,” he said. “My priority at this point is to make sure that the gains that ISIL made in Iraq are rolled back.” Contrast that ambition with this vow from Secretary of State John F. Kerry: “And make no mistake: We will continue to confront ISIL wherever it tries to spread its despicable hatred. The world must know that the United States of America will never back down in the face of such evil.”

The discrepancies raise the question of whether Mr. Obama controls his own administration, but that’s not the most disturbing element. His advisers are only stating the obvious: Russia has invaded Ukraine. The Islamic State and the Americans it is training are a danger to the United States. When Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. says the threat they pose is “in some ways . . . more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general,” it’s not because he is a warmonger or an alarmist. He’s describing the world as he sees it. When Mr. Obama refuses to acknowledge the reality, allies naturally wonder whether he will also refuse to respond to it.
think that mr. Obama quit vacation to do some golfing didn't he . If congress comes back what would happen . mr. Obama is president and ' cic ' and does as he likes no matter what congress says .
think that mr. Obama quit vacation to do some golfing didn't he . If congress comes back what would happen . mr. Obama is president and ' cic ' and does as he likes no matter what congress says .

What do you do in your spare time??
it was just an answer , maybe accurate but meant as sarcastic , I don't care about him golfing or vacationing or working , speaking or anything else that he could do Moonglow . I'm not disappointed or surprised by any of the things that he does Moonglow .
McCain and his southern belle have the market on national security grandstanding cornered.

Beat the drum for large scale war....incessantly, knowing that the POTUS isn't going to oblige. Therefore.....never having to worry about being proven wrong again. They get to say "we told you so" in the event of an attack of some kind.

It's bullshit.
Bullshit? The threat is bullshit? And who says we have to have large scale war with boots on the ground? The US has the ability to guide munitions into any target anywhere at anytime weather permits. No invasion is required. No "boots on the ground" are required. The only thing required here is a POTUS with big balls and the sense to say "Go!" and then step aside to let the trained professionals do their job. We could possibly have won more that a pseudo-stalemate in Vietnam if the ROE were not so restricted by politicians.
King Abdullah is afraid that he's next in ISIS's crosshairs, and that's why he's trying to goad the US into protecting him and his kingdom.

He's not any sort of unbiased expert in ME affairs, he's a politician who's biggest concern is keeping his kingdom. ISIS represents the House of Saud's biggest fear right now - a popular uprising against the royal family.
put volunteer military boots on the ground if needed and stop the pinprick bombing and do some bombing . The problem from what I hear is that ' is ' is in the cities walking around with the locals so bombings on a large scale would kill lots of local people . I hear that the chance for good effective bombing has been lost since ' is ' is in the cities . The time to have gone after ' is ' on a large scale was when they were in the desert [heard] and that makes sense to me .

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