Should our Constitution's 2nd Amendment be amended ... ?

Again Reader, in point of fact: In the Absence of God, there is no such thing as a Human Right.

What's more... is that in the absence of God, there is not even the potential for the existence of human rights.
Human rights is a man made concept. No invisible magician required.
Human rights is a man made concept. No invisible magician required.

LOL! Invisible man... . Adorable! (Anyone here asserted that an Invisible Man is required? I mean setting aside that the same imbecile is presently communicating with a being that it can't see... .)

I never tire of watching the varying ways that the Left invents to lose these debates.
Human rights is a man made concept. No invisible magician required.

Silly fool... Everything is a man made concept. We are divinely inspired creatures.

The basis for human rights are indeed a human concept created by man out of a sense of enlightenment and spiritual awareness of something greater than self. You can't explain it any other way, there is no natural reason for it to happen or we would see it all through nature and we don't.

And let's get it clear who believes in magic... You believe in a universe that magically popped into existence for no reason out of nothingness. A universe so finely tuned that the only way rational theoretic physics can explain it is... there must be a universe-creating entity out there in the cosmos, producing billions of universes of which ours happened to be finely tuned. This universe of something out of nothing that shouldn't exist just so happens to contain all it needs in the proper proportions to somehow (against the law of entropy) spawn life and have it evolve into intelligent creatures who can contemplate their existence. YOU are the one who believes in magic... I believe a spiritual (non-physical) creator force intentionally designed it.
No matter what is done regarding the 2nd Amendment, most of us "millions" of private citizens who own firearms, won't give them up.....peacefully! One just has to look how much trouble the U.S. Military continues to have trying to get a handle on thousands of Muslims armed only with AK-47's, RPG's and IED's in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, then consider "millions" fighting to preserve their right to bear arms. This country would be flooded in blood.
Human rights is a man made concept. No invisible magician required.

Silly fool... Everything is a man made concept. We are divinely inspired creatures.

The basis for human rights are indeed a human concept created by man out of a sense of enlightenment and spiritual awareness of something greater than self. You can't explain it any other way, there is no natural reason for it to happen or we would see it all through nature and we don't.

And let's get it clear who believes in magic... You believe in a universe that magically popped into existence for no reason out of nothingness. A universe so finely tuned that the only way rational theoretic physics can explain it is... there must be a universe-creating entity out there in the cosmos, producing billions of universes of which ours happened to be finely tuned. This universe of something out of nothing that shouldn't exist just so happens to contain all it needs in the proper proportions to somehow (against the law of entropy) spawn life and have it evolve into intelligent creatures who can contemplate their existence. YOU are the one who believes in magic... I believe a spiritual (non-physical) creator force intentionally designed it.
Man is the only creature that wears pants. That doesn't point to a deity.
You also attribute to me a universe that popped into being for no reason or purpose. Since I never said that, you lose AGAIN! :lol:
Rather than whine and cry abound the 2nd -- amend it. Grow balls, get off your ass and get rid of it.
Else, accept that it is there, that it does not mean what you want it to mean, and stop whining.
I'm not American so I can't. That's not even my main point in all this. I just love how people have hijacked the agenda when they use the second to justify having assault rifles etc. It somehow validates their right to have firearms that have 30-bullet magazines.
According to US legal jurisprudence, as the term is used in the 2nd, "arms" includes assault rifles.
Then someone like me takes it to the nth degree and says "well, why not a nuclear weapon"
According to US legal jurisprudence, as the term is used in the 2nd, "arms" does not include nuclear weapons.

Any questions?
You see, you have it backwards... the Constitution sets forth what the government is allowed to do, and what it is not allowed to do. The People empower the government; We give the permissions...WE are the ones who "allow" the government to have guns and such. Not the other way around.

The People are not "...allowed a firearm..."--the notion is meaningless. The Right of The People to Keep and Bear Arms exists regardless of permission, and it "...Shall Not Be Infringed."

Then why even mention the militia in the second. Why not just say "people can have as many firearms as the want." End of story. Pretty straight forward...
"...the right of the people".
Not "...the militia..."
Not ".. the people in the militia..."
The people.
End of story.
Pretty straight forward
Human rights is a man made concept. No invisible magician required.

Silly fool... Everything is a man made concept. We are divinely inspired creatures.

The basis for human rights are indeed a human concept created by man out of a sense of enlightenment and spiritual awareness of something greater than self. You can't explain it any other way, there is no natural reason for it to happen or we would see it all through nature and we don't.

And let's get it clear who believes in magic... You believe in a universe that magically popped into existence for no reason out of nothingness. A universe so finely tuned that the only way rational theoretic physics can explain it is... there must be a universe-creating entity out there in the cosmos, producing billions of universes of which ours happened to be finely tuned. This universe of something out of nothing that shouldn't exist just so happens to contain all it needs in the proper proportions to somehow (against the law of entropy) spawn life and have it evolve into intelligent creatures who can contemplate their existence. YOU are the one who believes in magic... I believe a spiritual (non-physical) creator force intentionally designed it.
Man is the only creature that wears pants. That doesn't point to a deity.
You also attribute to me a universe that popped into being for no reason or purpose. Since I never said that, you lose AGAIN! :lol:

You also attribute to me a universe that popped into being for no reason or purpose. Since I never said that, you lose AGAIN!

You've not explained it and you've dismissed God as a possibility. You want to try and explain why man is the only creature to wear pants? Let's hear it! Use nothing but the laws of nature to explain it. No one claimed it required a deity. It DID require a spiritual awareness of something greater than self. As do all of our morals as humans.
Doesn't matter if there is a God or not...I was still born with inalienable rights, one of which is self-preservation. If you or anyone else, government included, wishes to deny me that right...molon labe.
Doesn't matter if there is a God or not...I was still born with inalienable rights...

What the hell does that mean? Without an authority greater than man, you can't be born with something inalienable because it definitely can be alienated by man. It's like saying you don't believe in God but you are surely blessed. Blessed by what?
God given is the only way Rights are protected...for if rights are given by men they can be taken by men.......

How can something be given by something that doesn't even exist. To me, this god-given crap is just another way for gun-nuts to try and justify their obsession with a pathetic inanimate object....
And if you can't be trusted with a Nuclear Warhead, you can't be trusted: PERIOD.

And absent trust, you are not suited to live among free people.

I see... and that explains why you are unworthy of trust.

What you are also incapable of understanding, is that while you are unworthy of trust, because you lack the means to trust others, your disordered mental state, also provides that you've no right to your life and anyone who finds your life to be an inconvenience, is entitled to squelch such, with impunity.

It's quite a paradox, which sadly, falls well beyond you limited intellectual means... but it falls beyond the means of any and all Relativists. Which is why you creatures are a menace to society, on the whole and why you fuck up everything on which you have the slightest influence.

I don't trust anybody with a nuclear warhead. The fact that you seem to be addressing my trustworthiness over the stupidity of me having a nuclear warhead says a lot about your mentality on the subject, none of it good.

Yeah, I'm the menace to society. You're the NRA Stepford Wife who happily marches to its tune and vicariously allows your society to be awash with guns so much so that you've had more than 300 mass shooting this year alone. My country's had one. That's how fucked up things are over here.....moron...
Agreed... and I'd only add that the faith of the Anti-theist rests in absolutely no evidence of any kind, at any level. It is subjective conjecture, from soup to Leftists.

Exactly. There is absolutely no evidence that a god exists. Only your belief. Nothing more. Good luck to you...
You see, you have it backwards... the Constitution sets forth what the government is allowed to do, and what it is not allowed to do. The People empower the government; We give the permissions...WE are the ones who "allow" the government to have guns and such. Not the other way around.

The People are not "...allowed a firearm..."--the notion is meaningless. The Right of The People to Keep and Bear Arms exists regardless of permission, and it "...Shall Not Be Infringed."

Then why even mention the militia in the second. Why not just say "people can have as many firearms as the want." End of story. Pretty straight forward...
"...the right of the people".
Not "...the militia..."
Not ".. the people in the militia..."
The people.
End of story.
Pretty straight forward

You're making my point for me. Why mention the militia at all if that was not the main point of the second (hint, it was, thus it being mentioned)...
You see, you have it backwards... the Constitution sets forth what the government is allowed to do, and what it is not allowed to do. The People empower the government; We give the permissions...WE are the ones who "allow" the government to have guns and such. Not the other way around.

The People are not "...allowed a firearm..."--the notion is meaningless. The Right of The People to Keep and Bear Arms exists regardless of permission, and it "...Shall Not Be Infringed."

Then why even mention the militia in the second. Why not just say "people can have as many firearms as the want." End of story. Pretty straight forward...
"...the right of the people".
Not "...the militia..."
Not ".. the people in the militia..."
The people.
End of story.
Pretty straight forward

You're making my point for me. Why mention the militia at all if that was not the main point of the second (hint, it was, thus it being mentioned)...
Gun lovers seem to have a problem with loving their Republic as much as they claim to love their guns; how Capitalist.

“Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”-- G.K. Chesterton
And you have NO PROOF it DOESN'T exist... now what?

it's up to you to prove it T....
Mother fucker... you old DOG... where the hell you been?

And to continue, the burden of proof falls on whomever is making the claim. So if someone is making the claim that there is no God, then it's up to them to prove there isn't... but then, you know that, you just love to be confrontational... :lol:

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