Should polygamy be legalized? (Poll)

Should the Federal government pass a law to allow polygamy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 55.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 44.9%

  • Total voters
Gays couldn’t share in these benefits with a gay relationship. That will change. I’m assuming poly will be soon to follow.

The “harm” you outline isn’t the kind of harm government and laws should be protecting against. We live in a society that values freedom over government control.
Without heterosexual interaction there is no government though. Ant gays have, and do have those interactions.
Without heterosexual interaction there is no government though. Ant gays have, and do have those interactions.
Did you think I was advocating for no heterosexual interaction?

Do you think allowing gay couples or poly couples to marry it will eliminate heterosexual interaction?
Did you think I was advocating for no heterosexual interaction?

Do you think allowing gay couples or poly couples to marry it will eliminate heterosexual interaction?

No, but this quasi religious like cult mentality you have is somewhat worrisome.
Gay marriage is harmful because marriage is inextricably tied to procreation
So couples who can't or don't want to have kids should not be able to marry?
and the development of children by their natural parents, both male and female.
One of the parents in a gay couple can be the natural parent. What about adopted kids. And a stable, 2 parent house is better than a single family home. Both parents being the same sex is irrelevant.
Marriage creates a unique romantic, sexual, hormonal, emotional, contractual bond between a man and a woman, to commit them to the important task of co-creating the next generation of human beings and raising them properly to become productive and at least halfway decent, law-abiding members of society.
And exactly what precludes a gay couple with children from doing that?
If you don’t think heterosexualism is at threat then why did you make the comment you made?

See, there’s the cult like mentality I just spoke about.

It’s the belief that there are multiple sexualities, when we all know there is but one.
See, there’s the cult like mentality I just spoke about.

It’s the belief that there are multiple sexualities, when we all know there is but one.
I asked you a question. I didn’t state a belief. Seems like you’re changing the subject away from what I asked you.
I asked you a question. I didn’t state a belief. Seems like you’re changing the subject away from what I asked you.

Why would anyone think heterosexuality is at threat, we are them. We are the necessary.

It was a question only a cult zealot would ask.
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So couples who can't or don't want to have kids should not be able to marry?

One of the parents in a gay couple can be the natural parent. What about adopted kids. And a stable, 2 parent house is better than a single family home. Both parents being the same sex is irrelevant.

And exactly what precludes a gay couple with children from doing that?

I always find this ironic.

Those who claim to be discriminated against want discrimination against those with reproductive disabilities and the elderly, as though those are the reasons same sex couples can’t reproduce? 🤷‍♂️

And they also want to force pregnancy on women? 🤷‍♂️
So couples who can't or don't want to have kids should not be able to marry?

One of the parents in a gay couple can be the natural parent. What about adopted kids. And a stable, 2 parent house is better than a single family home. Both parents being the same sex is irrelevant.

And exactly what precludes a gay couple with children from doing that?
No, I didn't say that. Nonetheless, sex and marriage, are primarily, for the purpose of procreation and starting a family. Romantic, sexual love, has procreation at its core and foundation. Our species is sexually binary, both male and female. Penises evolved to penetrate vaginas and inseminate them with sperm/DNA, for the ultimate purpose of conceiving human life. A man penetrating the rectum of another man and inseminating him is a gross perversion and deviant act. The more one deviates sexually from that natural, life-affirming, wholesome divine order, the more deviant and destructive their sexuality.

Heterosexuality is life-affirming whereas homosexuality isn't (it's inherently dead, in every way). Take a few hundred "woke" male or female homosexual couples and place them on a large deserted Island or in a space colony, fully provisioned with thousands of years worth of resources, to sustain a population in the billions. , and in less than a century later that gay colony will be desolate. A ghost town. Inseminating rectums and mouths, doesn't create life. Sperm can't fertilize feces, but rather eggs attached to women's uteruses.

Send 1/10th the number of colonists, but rather have them all be heterosexual "normies" to the same big Island, or space colony and in less than a century you're much more likely to find a large, vibrant community, with the sound of children playing in the background, with moms and dads pushing strollers, with grandmas and grandpas and even great grandmothers and great grandfathers.

The old worn-out canard argument of "love is love" is ridiculous because all love isn't sexual. If you're a man and you love your male friend, that doesn't imply or even warrant sex or eroticism. Erotic love should be within the context of male and female sexuality, anything outside of that is a perversion and leads society into chaos, as is happening now.


Homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality in their formative years, lest they develop a homosexual orientation. Homosexuals are "LGBTQing" the whole culture, including children.

You conveniently ignored what I said about evil spirits influencing homosexuals. The evidence for the spirit world is overwhelming.
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I got news for you, both my boys were raised identically in a loving hetero household. One is gay.
Homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality in their formative years, lest they develop a homosexual orientation. Homosexuals are "LGBTQing" the whole culture, including children.

You conveniently ignored what I said about evil spirits influencing homosexuals. The evidence for the spirit world is overwhelming.
Got news for you. Most adult gays grew up in a non-gay household. So what the parents are does not matter.

Evil spirits? Really?
I got news for you, both my boys were raised identically in a loving hetero household. One is gay.

Got news for you. Most adult gays grew up in a non-gay household. So what the parents are does not matter.

Evil spirits? Really?
More bad arguments. Most homosexuals had heterosexual parents because most people aren't test-tube babies or artificially conceived. They come to this world through heterosexual sex and hence most likely, grew up in a home with two or at least one heterosexual parent. As I pointed out in an earlier post, children who are raised by homosexuals are around 8 times more likely to become gay, lesbian, or bisexual. I already explained why that's not good for society in an earlier post.

Yes, evil spirits. Watch the videos for some evidence. You can also confirm the existence of spirits for yourself by using those devices. I proved it to myself. You can do the same.
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More bad arguments. Most homosexuals had heterosexual parents because most people aren't test-tube babies or artificially conceived. They come to this world through heterosexual sex and hence most likely, grew up in a home with two or at least one heterosexual parent. As I pointed out in an earlier post, children who are raised by homosexuals are around 8 times more likely to become gay, lesbian, or bisexual. I already explained why that's not good for society in an earlier post.

Yes, evil spirits. Watch the videos for some evidence. You can also confirm the existence of spirits for yourself by using those devices. I proved it to myself. You can do the same.
Gay marriage and polygamy do harm society. With respect to polygamy, it creates a host of problems, like one wealthy man marrying twenty women. A lot of men are going to be left involuntarily celibate or relying on prostitutes and porn to satisfy their sexual needs. Successful, high value males, today have the choice of marrying one woman but if they can marry as many women as they want at the same time, they will be taking a lot of women away from other men, as potential wives. The top % of men will take most of the best and good women and leave a lot of good men without big wallets or high social status, perpetually single.

It also creates less genetic diversity, with a lot more people sharing the same recent paternal lineage. Then we have to deal with perhaps a lot of single divorced mothers from polygamous marriages. Children raised in single-parent homes experience higher rates of abuse, and neglect and are more prone to live in poverty and turn to crime. The majority of inmates in prison today were raised in single parent homes.

Will the men that marry multiple wives have the money to pay child support for 10, 20 plus children? They may have big wallets but even a wealthy man can get into financial trouble if he has to pay child support for 10, 20 kids. How about the men that marry more than one wife and aren't rich? What happends when they get divorced? Joe the plumber paying child support for 12 kids.

You're asserting that all personal patterns of behavior that don't harm someone else, should be legal and unregulated, but as I just described, what apparently seems harmless to others and society in general, is actually harmful. Only on the surface, when superficially examined does it appear harmless.

Gay marriage is harmful because marriage is inextricably tied to procreation and the development of children by their natural parents, both male and female. Marriage creates a unique romantic, sexual, hormonal, emotional, contractual bond between a man and a woman, to commit them to the important task of co-creating the next generation of human beings and raising them properly to become productive and at least halfway decent, law-abiding members of society.

What is good for these children is for them to be raised by a mom and dad, a male and female, allowing them to witness and experience their parent's love bond and attraction for each other, contributing to the child developing his or her own natural, healthy attraction for the opposite sex. All of the above is completely violated and seriously undermined by homosexual couples with children. One can look at the stats by googling them. Children raised by homosexuals are up to 8 times more likely to develop a homosexual, sexual orientation. Same-sex attraction.

The children are also exploited by homosexuals as sociopolitical tools and guinea pigs:
There is an immense amount of confusion now about gender, sex, and identity, due to society allowing homosexuals out of their closets and into the mainstream. Children are being abused psychologically and physically as well. There are literally now millions of children in America that are gender-dysphoric and are on track to being consigned to a lifetime of dangerous, expensive hormone treatments (big pharma and the medical establishment love all of the gender confusion, it's a very lucrative business opportunity).

Minors are being injected with puberty blockers and subjected to sex reassignment surgery. All of this is deviancy, a degeneracy of our culture and society. An unwholesome, unhealthy, confused and corrupt, deviant culture. Completely demonic. Homosexuals are much more likely to get infected with HIV and other dangerous STDs, not to speak of the psychological illnesses that homosexuals suffer from at a much higher rate than in the general population. Homosexuals in the most egalitarian and "progressive" countries like Sweden and Denmark experience the same higher frequency of mental illness as they do in Alabama or Pakistan.

Hear the demons speak:
Whether homosexuality is physiological or not is irrelevant. There are people born with the so-called "alcoholic gene", making them prone to alcohol addiction. Does the existence of such a gene make alcoholism good? Should we encourage people with the alcoholic gene to become alcoholics? Men having sex with men is a demonic pattern of behavior, and the same can be said about women having sex with women. Even if there is a physiological, genetic component to it, the evil spirits, love to see men and women denigrating themselves sexually. The demons you heard communicating through those radio scanners/ghost boxes, inspire it. Evil spirits are real.
Beautifully written post.

If you don't mind, what is a thumbnail of your background?
Beautifully written post.

If you don't mind, what is a thumbnail of your background?
My profession would be IT, and web development, including graphic arts, with an emphasis on sales, and marketing. I have experience with business management and administration, mostly in retail. I've returned to Christ recently and I want to live for Him, carrying my cross daily. I'm going into the ministry, to establish Christian communities around the world.
I should warn those who attempt to communicate with the spirits of the dead, using radio scanners/ghost boxes that if you actually do it, you will be opening a portal into your home or wherever you're engaged in that type of "research". I had to deal with poltergeist activity in my home and other paranormal phenomena. The spirits that communicate through such devices are almost always fallen, demonic spirits, with bad intentions. This is why the Bible prohibits Christians to communicate with the dead or engage in necromancy. It brings dark forces into your life that can literally make you sick and kill you.

But if you're so stubborn and seeing others do it in a video, isn't enough for you to believe in the existence of spirits and a supernatural reality, then perhaps your atheistic, materialist, stubborn mind needs a wake-up call. A paradigm shift in your view of reality. The best way to experience the supernatural however isn't by dabbling in necromancy or spiritualism, it's by visiting a bible believing, spirit-filled Christian church. Christian congregations that believe the gifts of the spirit are still for today, will often experience the supernatural.
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No, I didn't say that. Nonetheless, sex and marriage, are primarily, for the purpose of procreation and starting a family. Romantic, sexual love, has procreation at its core and foundation. Our species is sexually binary, both male and female. Penises evolved to penetrate vaginas and inseminate them with sperm/DNA, for the ultimate purpose of conceiving human life. A man penetrating the rectum of another man and inseminating him is a gross perversion and deviant act. The more one deviates sexually from that natural, life-affirming, wholesome divine order, the more deviant and destructive their sexuality.

Heterosexuality is life-affirming whereas homosexuality isn't (it's inherently dead, in every way). Take a few hundred "woke" male or female homosexual couples and place them on a large deserted Island or in a space colony, fully provisioned with thousands of years worth of resources, to sustain a population in the billions. , and in less than a century later that gay colony will be desolate. A ghost town. Inseminating rectums and mouths, doesn't create life. Sperm can't fertilize feces, but rather eggs attached to women's uteruses.

Send 1/10th the number of colonists, but rather have them all be heterosexual "normies" to the same big Island, or space colony and in less than a century you're much more likely to find a large, vibrant community, with the sound of children playing in the background, with moms and dads pushing strollers, with grandmas and grandpas and even great grandmothers and great grandfathers.

The old worn-out canard argument of "love is love" is ridiculous because all love isn't sexual. If you're a man and you love your male friend, that doesn't imply or even warrant sex or eroticism. Erotic love should be within the context of male and female sexuality, anything outside of that is a perversion and leads society into chaos, as is happening now.

Homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because children shouldn't be exposed to homosexuality in their formative years, lest they develop a homosexual orientation. Homosexuals are "LGBTQing" the whole culture, including children.

You conveniently ignored what I said about evil spirits influencing homosexuals. The evidence for the spirit world is overwhelming.
"The State" just made that decision for us by legalizing gay "marriages".
Your arguments now are based on religious views, not how homo behavior isn't good for society. Pols just said LGBTQ shit is fine.
In an earlier post you mentioned a "covenant" with God. Is that part of the Jewish religion?
We know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah don't we?
Looking forward, can God punish humans for "bad behaviors"?
Atheists don't believe that there is a God, so they don't have souls or any fear of punishment, here or in the hereafter.

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