Should polygamy be legalized? (Poll)

Should the Federal government pass a law to allow polygamy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 55.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 44.9%

  • Total voters
@kyzr and @CommunistFront

Good debate, except I am trying to understand how is related to polygamy. :cool:
LOL!! I follow where the posts take the discussion.
Hunter Biden is following Jewish Law by marrying his dead brother's wife and banging the crap out of her.
Polygamy is in the bible, more for taking in widows than concubines.
I'm amazed that the yes votes beat the no votes in the poll.
LOL!! I follow where the posts take the discussion.
Hunter Biden is following Jewish Law by marrying his dead brother's wife and banging the crap out of her.
Polygamy is in the bible, more for taking in widows than concubines.
I'm amazed that the yes votes beat the no votes in the poll.
Hunter's moral compass is broken, if he has one. I bet all his extended family is hiding their women from him and his dad, both pervs.

And in regards polygamy, just like with faggotry, I don't give a shit, whatever rocks their boats, as long it doesn't effect me. The problem is, it always effects everyone when new "disfranchised" groups are invented. "Muh rights". I say, if marriage definition have been changed to accommodate faggots, it can be changed to accommodate everyone else. The slippery slope is continuing with more and more perversion and it's not going in our favor. Maybe this polygamy thing would push the debate in other direction, and I would like to see leftists reaction to it.

Left celebrated Hugh Hefner for decades living in a mansion with dozen of half-naked barely legal girls, and he was "the man". You don't need a government permission to do so. You just can't marry all of them.
Don't be so touchy. Just because I say you write long posts doesn't mean I don't read every word. I do read every word, several times before I reply.
You are a gifted writer, even if you're mostly wrong. I enjoy the debate.

1.The bottom line of the Chinese economy is the public good, not the enrichment of a small % of the population, at everybody else's expense, as it is here in the US.
The economy is centrally planned and controlled by the government

There are more Chinese billionaires than there are American billionaires. I call bullshit on your commie prototype.
An economy that is "centrally planned" is doomed to fail. The Chinese economy only prospers because they Chinese steal everyone's ideas and make it cheaper. The world will adjust.

2. How can you with a straight face claim capitalism is a sustainable, stable system when it is being constantly bailed-out with public government funds?
This is one of your better arguments. That capitalism has "boom and bust" cycles that require occasional government bailouts. I can add that government subsidies and tariffs are an even bigger problem for "capitalism". But then again, just like the SPR, its there for emergencies. The Federal Reserve can manage money to get thru crises, like the 2020 pandemic or the 2008 financial crisis, caused by politicians with good intentions, but lousy enforcement. Remember that those "government funds" are actually TAXES paid by the capitalist economy.

3. Communism is destined to defeat capitalism thanks to advanced automation technology. Russia isn't a socialist country anymore, it's run by capitalist oligarchs. As far as the Russo-Ukrainian war, it was started by NATO and the US-orchestrated coup in Ukraine in 2014
You can say things like that, but you haven't proven anything. Automation or even Artificial Intelligence isn't a communist strong suit. They are the realm of capitalists like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. Communists only hope to steal that technology.
As for Russia, agreed they are not communists anymore, they tried it, and it failed. Have you seen the movie/documentary "Maidan"

4. Act 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
We can both read that verse and see what we want to see. It has nothing to do with communism.
"You could summarize this passage with three points. 1) The faithful were of one mind. 2) They shared what they had with each other. 3) The apostles testified to Jesus’ resurrection."

5/6. Commies stay, capitalists, leave. How about that? Did you like that Bubba? You have this weird idea that Christians can be capitalists, but not communists.
Good luck with that commie takeover of the US using your new ministry. That is just plain stupid. Christians can be anything, but in Russia the commies went for atheism to avoid dealing with the Church.

7. The US through its foreign policy (warmongering, economic sanctions, orchestrated coups) creates the conditions that force people to leave their countries and come here.
Actually its communist dictators like Maduro in Venezuela that are the failures that cause people to migrate to the capitalist US for a better life
There are more Chinese billionaires than there are American billionaires. I call bullshit on your commie prototype. An economy that is "centrally planned" is doomed to fail. The Chinese economy only prospers because they Chinese steal everyone's ideas and make it cheaper. The world will adjust.

Yes, there are more Chinese billionaires in China than in the United States, and yet the government owns all of the land and real estate and the economy is highly regulated and planned when compared to the US and other Western, capitalist-run economies. Just conveniently ignore that.

The US industrialized by stealing technology from Britain and other European nations, that were more industrialized.

America was one of the biggest "tech pirates" in history, back in the 1700s and 1800s, when it was industrializing. Furthermore, much of its wealth and success was due to free labor. Ever heard of something called......slavery?! America filled the world with slave-picked cotton. It was the world's #1 cotton producer. That greatly contributed to American industrialization.

This is one of your better arguments. That capitalism has "boom and bust" cycles that require occasional government bailouts. I can add that government subsidies and tariffs are an even bigger problem for "capitalism". But then again, just like the SPR, its there for emergencies. The Federal Reserve can manage money to get thru crises, like the 2020 pandemic or the 2008 financial crisis, caused by politicians with good intentions, but lousy enforcement. Remember that those "government funds" are actually TAXES paid by the capitalist economy.

No actually, they're not "taxes paid" by a capitalist economy. We have a sovereign, fiat currency exclusively issued by the US federal government. Our federal government doesn't need taxes to fund itself. The purpose of taxes is to maintain the value of the dollar and regulate inflation, taking money out of the economy. The budgetary constraints of our federal government are set by our yearly GDP or production capacity. Our federal budget could be double or even triple what it is now.

Our federal government will never go insolvent, regardless of whether it had a capitalist economy or not, for the simple reason that the dollar is a fiat, sovereign currency exclusively issued by congress through a chartered bank, like the FED.

The business boom and bust cycle demonstrates how unstable capitalist, for-profit production is, always needing the public to bail it out, every few years, to the tune of billions, even trillions of dollars. This has been happening for almost 200 years.

Now billionaires see the writing on the wall, due to advanced 21st-century automation technology. Robots and artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles..etc. An unprecedented level of automation that can replace most jobs and eventually practically all of them.

You can say things like that, but you haven't proven anything. Automation or even Artificial Intelligence isn't a communist strong suit.

One bad argument after another. God give me patience.

Advanced automation technology and non-profit communist production, go hand in hand. Modern, advanced automation, is what gives birth to communism. Just like the steam engine, electricity, and combustion engines, improvements in mining and the railroads, gave birth to modern capitalism, allowing the merchant class to become powerful industrialists. The kings and feudal lords of Europe laughed at the idea of merchants replacing them as the ruling class. Well, it happened, when the technology was available.

Likewise, capitalism will be replaced with advanced, non-profit, fully automated communist production. Think.

Why are all of these billionaires in the US, talking about handing everyone a government check? Do they care about us? They've found Jesus? Automation replaces wage labor and when that occurs at a rate of about 25% unemployment, we have a very serious crisis. Eventually, technology will eliminate practically all jobs.

Without wage-labor or with a significant % of it unemployed, there are no paying consumers or simply not enough of them, hence no markets. The big-money capitalists are smart enough to know this, so they're scrambling for "solutions" to "the problem", to keep capitalism alive, on life support.

life support 1.png

Advanced automation isn't a problem it's a blessing. It's only a curse for the capitalists who rely on wage-labor, paying consumers and markets. Such elements of production don't apply to communism.

They are the realm of capitalists like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. Communists only hope to steal that technology.

You're so confused. That technology, for the most part, was researched and developed with plenty of public funding. Automation technology doesn't belong to one company or billionaire. Yes, I'm sure there are members of the capitalist ruling class that would love to exclusively own the patents and licenses to all of that technology and then essentially force the working-class into a techno-serfdom, if not slavery. They won't need anyone to work for them, and if only they own and operate the technology, what of the rest of humanity? Will we be consigned to the compost heap?

This is why Christians should form their own independent communities, with their own infrastructure.

As technology becomes more advanced the people, the working-class (95% of the population), will take ownership of the means of production (all of the technology and facilities of production). The factories and machinery, the robots, and artificial intelligence. etc, won't exclusively be in the hands of a small, wealthy, ruling-elite. The American people, will own the means of production, collectively, as a community. That's what advanced technology will require, to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe and war when people start getting hungry, not to speak of when their children are hungry.

As for Russia, agreed they are not communists anymore, they tried it, and it failed. Have you seen the movie/documentary "Maidan"
Revolution of Dignity - Wikipedia
Maidan (2014 film) - Wikipedia

4. Act 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
We can both read that verse and see what we want to see. It has nothing to do with communism.
Acts 4: 32-37 - Study Through the Word
Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great … Acts...
"You could summarize this passage with three points. 1) The faithful were of one mind. 2) They shared what they had with each other. 3) The apostles testified to Jesus’ resurrection."

5/6. Commies stay, capitalists, leave. How about that? Did you like that Bubba? You have this weird idea that Christians can be capitalists, but not communists.
Good luck with that commie takeover of the US using your new ministry. That is just plain stupid. Christians can be anything, but in Russia the commies went for atheism to avoid dealing with the Church.
Solzhenitsyn’s Warning: Communism always begins with Atheism
Jeremiah 2:31 “Why do My people say, ‘We have dominion; we will come to You no more?” The Templeton Award honors individuals who have devoted their lives to helping us understand who Go…

7. The US through its foreign policy (warmongering, economic sanctions, orchestrated coups) creates the conditions that force people to leave their countries and come here.
Actually its communist dictators like Maduro in Venezuela that are the failures that cause people to migrate to the US for a better life

Amazing the ignorance. Time for my dose of fig newtons and a glass of milk.
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Everytime you let a fringe group become mainstream all you do is lower our societies morals, values and standards down a little bit. And everytime you lower the bar for one fringe group all you're doing is making the bar closer to the next fringe group below them.

Letting gays get married is why we have trannies and pedos running around now. Gays were the first closest to the bar, so we lowered it so they could get married. Then drag queens, trannies, polygamists, alphabet people, the pronoun people and so on we're all under the gays and everytime we let one go mainstream then the bar gets closer to the ones below them.

So we went from gays being married, to trannies, now we have pedophiles brave enough to actually publicly try to call themselves "minor attracted persons" when 20 years ago they would have been lucky if they didn't get beat to death for saying they are attracted to minors.

^^^ This. There is no end of sick fucks who feel all oppressed n stuff. Indulging every sociopath and psycho on the planet doesn't make anybody 'free', it just becomes impossible to function as a society and legal system. Contrary to the popular delusions of doper Burb Brats, there aren't some 340 million separate little 'Bills of Rights' that will somehow work, and sicko sexual fetishes are not 'Inalienable Rights'.
Slippery slope fallacy.

Polygamy invariably leads to the exploitation of underaged girls. So no, it should never be legalized.

Not all slippery slope arguments are fallacies, same as ad homs are not necessarily fallacies. You really are an idiot; that's just a fact.
1. There are more Chinese billionaires than there are American billionaires. I call bullshit on your commie prototype. An economy that is "centrally planned" is doomed to fail. The Chinese economy only prospers because they Chinese steal everyone's ideas and make it cheaper. The world will adjust.

Yes, there are more Chinese billionaires in China than in the United States, and yet the government owns all of the land and real estate and the economy is highly regulated and planned when compared to the US and other Western, capitalist-run economies. Just conveniently ignore that. The US industrialized by stealing technology from Britain and other European nations, that were more industrialized.
America was one of the biggest "tech pirates" in history, back in the 1700s and 1800s, when it was industrializing. Furthermore, much of its wealth and success was due to free labor. Ever heard of something called......slavery?! America filled the world with slave-picked cotton. It was the world's #1 cotton producer. That greatly contributed to American industrialization.

2. This is one of your better arguments. That capitalism has "boom and bust" cycles that require occasional government bailouts. I can add that government subsidies and tariffs are an even bigger problem for "capitalism". But then again, just like the SPR, its there for emergencies. The Federal Reserve can manage money to get thru crises, like the 2020 pandemic or the 2008 financial crisis, caused by politicians with good intentions, but lousy enforcement. Remember that those "government funds" are actually TAXES paid by the capitalist economy.

No actually, they're not "taxes paid" by a capitalist economy. We have a sovereign, fiat currency exclusively issued by the US federal government. Our federal government doesn't need taxes to fund itself. The purpose of taxes is to maintain the value of the dollar and regulate inflation, taking money out of the economy. The budgetary constraints of our federal government are set by our yearly GDP or production capacity. Our federal budget could be double or even triple what it is now.

Our federal government will never go insolvent, regardless of whether it had a capitalist economy or not, for the simple reason that the dollar is a fiat, sovereign currency exclusively issued by congress through a chartered bank, like the FED.

The business boom and bust cycle demonstrates how unstable capitalist, for-profit production is, always needing the public to bail it out, every few years, to the tune of billions, even trillions of dollars. This has been happening for almost 200 years.

Now billionaires see the writing on the wall, due to advanced 21st-century automation technology. Robots and artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles..etc. An unprecedented level of automation that can replace most jobs and eventually practically all of them.

You can say things like that, but you haven't proven anything. Automation or even Artificial Intelligence isn't a communist strong suit.

One bad argument after another. God give me patience.

Advanced automation technology and non-profit communist production, go hand in hand. Modern, advanced automation, is what gives birth to communism. Just like the steam engine, electricity, and combustion engines, improvements in mining and the railroads, gave birth to modern capitalism, allowing the merchant class to become powerful industrialists. The kings and feudal lords of Europe laughed at the idea of merchants replacing them as the ruling class. Well, it happened, when the technology was available.

Likewise, capitalism will be replaced with advanced, non-profit, fully automated communist production. Think.

Why are all of these billionaires in the US, talking about handing everyone a government check? Do they care about us? They've found Jesus? Automation replaces wage labor and when that occurs at a rate of about 25% unemployment, we have a very serious crisis. Eventually, technology will eliminate practically all jobs.

Without wage-labor or with a significant % of it unemployed, there are no paying consumers or simply not enough of them, hence no markets. The big-money capitalists are smart enough to know this, so they're scrambling for "solutions" to "the problem", to keep capitalism alive, on life support.

Advanced automation isn't a problem it's a blessing. It's only a curse for the capitalists who rely on wage-labor, paying consumers and markets. Such elements of production don't apply to communism.

They are the realm of capitalists like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. Communists only hope to steal that technology.

You're so confused. That technology, for the most part, was researched and developed with plenty of public funding. Automation technology doesn't belong to one company or billionaire. Yes, I'm sure there are members of the capitalist ruling class that would love to exclusively own the patents and licenses to all of that technology and then essentially force the working-class into a techno-serfdom, if not slavery. They won't need anyone to work for them, and if only they own and operate the technology, what of the rest of humanity? Will we be consigned to the compost heap?

This is why Christians should form their own independent communities, with their own infrastructure.

As technology becomes more advanced the people, the working-class (95% of the population), will take ownership of the means of production (all of the technology and facilities of production). The factories and machinery, the robots, and artificial intelligence. etc, won't exclusively be in the hands of a small, wealthy, ruling-elite. The American people, will own the means of production, collectively, as a community. That's what advanced technology will require, to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe and war when people start getting hungry, not to speak of when their children are hungry.

3. As for Russia, agreed they are not communists anymore, they tried it, and it failed.

4. Act 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
We can both read that verse and see what we want to see. It has nothing to do with communism.
Acts 4: 32-37 - Study Through the Word
Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great … Acts...
"You could summarize this passage with three points. 1) The faithful were of one mind. 2) They shared what they had with each other. 3) The apostles testified to Jesus’ resurrection."

5/6. Commies stay, capitalists, leave. How about that? Did you like that Bubba? You have this weird idea that Christians can be capitalists, but not communists.
Good luck with that commie takeover of the US using your new ministry. That is just plain stupid. Christians can be anything, but in Russia the commies went for atheism to avoid dealing with the Church.
Solzhenitsyn’s Warning: Communism always begins with Atheism
Jeremiah 2:31 “Why do My people say, ‘We have dominion; we will come to You no more?” The Templeton Award honors individuals who have devoted their lives to helping us understand who Go…

7. The US through its foreign policy (warmongering, economic sanctions, orchestrated coups) creates the conditions that force people to leave their countries and come here.
Actually its communist dictators like Maduro in Venezuela that are the failures that cause people to migrate to the US for a better life

Amazing the ignorance. Time for my dose of fig newtons and a glass of milk.
1. There's bending the truth and then there's lying. So if the Chinese government owns all the land that means the Chinese economy is communist? No it doesn't. Chinese oligarchs/billionaires prove capitalism, at least for the ones who as "Animal Farm" so eloquently put it, are "more equal than others". Going back to the 1700s to try to justify China's stealing technology today is bullshit. America doesn't steal technology, Communist China does. Communists don't innovate, they steal.

2. A fiat currency has to be carefully managed or it becomes worthless. It has happen before, and the US needs to be very careful. Your statement that "the government doesn't need taxes to fund itself, or that it can't go insolvent" is WRONG.

3. In your new utopia where no one works and everything is managed by AI and automation, is fantasy. Maybe a few jobs can be automated to avoid union strikes and unrealistic wages, but many jobs cannot be automated.
If we look 100-years into the future, with knowledge doubling every 12-hours. In your world, there are a few billionaires and a fully automated world. Any non-billionaire people left be on welfare and not allowed to reproduce or do any work without government permission, just live in various communes. That's the new "communism" the new future????

You didn't reply to these. That means I win. Thanks for playing!
4. As for Russia, agreed they are not communists anymore, they tried it, and it failed.

5. Act 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
We can both read that verse and see what we want to see. It has nothing to do with communism. As translated by experts.

Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great … Acts...
"You could summarize this passage with three points. 1) The faithful were of one mind. 2) They shared what they had with each other. 3) The apostles testified to Jesus’ resurrection."

6. Commies stay, capitalists, leave. How about that? Did you like that Bubba? You have this weird idea that Christians can be capitalists, but not communists.

Good luck with that commie takeover of the US using your new ministry. That is just plain stupid. Christians can be anything, but in Russia the commies went for atheism to avoid dealing with the Church.

Solzhenitsyn’s Warning: Communism always begins with Atheism
Jeremiah 2:31 “Why do My people say, ‘We have dominion; we will come to You no more?” The Templeton Award honors individuals who have devoted their lives to helping us understand who Go…

7. The US through its foreign policy (warmongering, economic sanctions, orchestrated coups) creates the conditions that force people to leave their countries and come here.
Actually its communist dictators like Maduro in Venezuela that are the failures that cause people to migrate to the US for a better life

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PC Chick is back!

Maybe she'll debate the commie minister?

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