Should polygamy be legalized? (Poll)

Should the Federal government pass a law to allow polygamy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 55.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 44.9%

  • Total voters
As noted by the great philosopher and Republican, Rick Santorum, the "Constitutional" justification for gay marriage would apply equally to incest between consenting adults, polygamy, polygyny, and...bestiality. In sum, How can Government regulate whom you love and how?

Also consider that contemporary marriage law really doesn't address matters of sexual congress AT ALL. It is perfectly legal and acceptable to have a sex-less marriage, and in fact that is the norm among older lesbian couples.

The essence of the question NOW is, what legal rights accrue to spouses, and does the extension of those rights to non-traditional parties do any harm?

I can think of only one scenario where it might become an issue. Let's say a kindly person works for a company that provides "free" health insurance for its employees and their families. So he "marries" a dozen single mothers in the neighborhood, thereby making all of them and their children part of his "family," for whom the company must provide health insurance. And of course, he might be a fine Christian gentleman who does not exploit any of them sexually, enjoying the favors of only the wife whom he married "in Church." Is that a problem?

From a legal and Constitutional standpoint, polygamy might be legal in some States already, depending on how they dealt with the recent USSC decisions in their own revised statutes. Clearly, a "test case" is required. The current Supreme Court might surprise "us" if that case shows up. But regardless, if even ONE STATE legalizes polygamy (e.g., Utah), then all the other States would be required, under "full faith and credit" to recognize those marriages and treat the parties as legally married. (See Article IV, Section 1).
Also consider that contemporary marriage law really doesn't address matters of sexual congress AT ALL. It is perfectly legal and acceptable to have a sex-less marriage, and in fact that is the norm among older lesbian couples.

There you have it…

You can marry as long as you don’t have sex
So he "marries" a dozen single mothers in the neighborhood, thereby making all of them and their children part of his "family," for whom the company must provide health insurance.

well yes DG , i agree the mutual benefits are what many tie the knot over

As noted by the great philosopher and Republican, Rick Santorum, the "Constitutional" justification for gay marriage would apply equally to incest between consenting adults, polygamy, polygyny, and...bestiality. In sum, How can Government regulate whom you love and how?
You can love anyone you wish but your actions cannot bring harm. Also, marriage and civil unions should be reserved for consenting adults. Children and animals can't legally give consent.

The essence of the question NOW is, what legal rights accrue to spouses, and does the extension of those rights to non-traditional parties do any harm?

I can think of only one scenario where it might become an issue. Let's say a kindly person works for a company that provides "free" health insurance for its employees and their families. So he "marries" a dozen single mothers in the neighborhood, thereby making all of them and their children part of his "family," for whom the company must provide health insurance. And of course, he might be a fine Christian gentleman who does not exploit any of them sexually, enjoying the favors of only the wife whom he married "in Church." Is that a problem?
No problem. The providers of health insurance probably should charge based on the number of people in the 'family'. Currently a family with 10 children pays the same as a family with one.
No, the “natural” preference would obviously be the opposite sex. If that were not the case, we wouldn’t be here to have this conversation in the first place.
The natural for YOU is the opposite sex. The natural for a gay person would be same sex. You are suggesting they go against their natural preference… so why don’t you give it a shot and see what it’s like. Try out a same sex relationship for a year and experience what you are suggesting they do.
The natural for YOU is the opposite sex. The natural for a gay person would be same sex. You are suggesting they go against their natural preference… so why don’t you give it a shot and see what it’s like. Try out a same sex relationship for a year and experience what you are suggesting they do.

Nature is biology. If you want proof, name a single person who has been conceived through same sex “love”.

When we finally come to grips with the fact that gay sex is simply a fetish, we can finally move on from this and we will all feel much better.

Have I shared with you the article about the lesbian who finally found true love, much to her surprise, with a man?
Nature is biology. If you want proof, name a single person who has been conceived through same sex “love”.
Yes nature is biology and some peoples biology determines their preference for the same sex. It’s not a magic spell making them do it. I don’t need to name a person conceived through same sex love. That request makes no sense
When we finally come to grips with the fact that gay sex is simply a fetish, we can finally move on from this and we will all feel much better.
That’s not going to happen. You’re living in the Stone Age preaching from a position of ignorance. You’re not going to succeed I’m forcing your views into others. Especially when your views are so one sided.
Have I shared with you the article about the lesbian who finally found true love, much to her surprise, with a man?
Good for her. Sounds like she is Bi not a lesbian. Did you know that all people are different?
Yes nature is biology and some peoples biology determines their preference for the same sex. It’s not a magic spell making them do it. I don’t need to name a person conceived through same sex love. That request makes no sense
What is this biological difference. I’ve been asking and no one seems to be in the sharing mood on this subject. Maybe you would be so kind?
Good for her. Sounds like she is Bi not a lesbian. Did you know that all people are different?

Nope, she proclaimed herself lesbian. And from all I can ascertain, self proclamation is all that matters.

In fact, claiming otherwise is somewhat bigoted.
Funny you conflate the discussion by bringing incest and pedophilia and sex in public into the conversation. None of which we are talking about. But I guess I understand why you did it since you really have no argument to justify outlawing gay marriage and polygamy. Two things that don’t harm anybody

Gay marriage and polygamy do harm society. With respect to polygamy, it creates a host of problems, like one wealthy man marrying twenty women. A lot of men are going to be left involuntarily celibate or relying on prostitutes and porn to satisfy their sexual needs. Successful, high value males, today have the choice of marrying one woman but if they can marry as many women as they want at the same time, they will be taking a lot of women away from other men, as potential wives. The top % of men will take most of the best and good women and leave a lot of good men without big wallets or high social status, perpetually single.

It also creates less genetic diversity, with a lot more people sharing the same recent paternal lineage. Then we have to deal with perhaps a lot of single divorced mothers from polygamous marriages. Children raised in single-parent homes experience higher rates of abuse, and neglect and are more prone to live in poverty and turn to crime. The majority of inmates in prison today were raised in single parent homes.

Will the men that marry multiple wives have the money to pay child support for 10, 20 plus children? They may have big wallets but even a wealthy man can get into financial trouble if he has to pay child support for 10, 20 kids. How about the men that marry more than one wife and aren't rich? What happends when they get divorced? Joe the plumber paying child support for 12 kids.

You're asserting that all personal patterns of behavior that don't harm someone else, should be legal and unregulated, but as I just described, what apparently seems harmless to others and society in general, is actually harmful. Only on the surface, when superficially examined does it appear harmless.

Gay marriage is harmful because marriage is inextricably tied to procreation and the development of children by their natural parents, both male and female. Marriage creates a unique romantic, sexual, hormonal, emotional, contractual bond between a man and a woman, to commit them to the important task of co-creating the next generation of human beings and raising them properly to become productive and at least halfway decent, law-abiding members of society.

What is good for these children is for them to be raised by a mom and dad, a male and female, allowing them to witness and experience their parent's love bond and attraction for each other, contributing to the child developing his or her own natural, healthy attraction for the opposite sex. All of the above is completely violated and seriously undermined by homosexual couples with children. One can look at the stats by googling them. Children raised by homosexuals are up to 8 times more likely to develop a homosexual, sexual orientation. Same-sex attraction.

The children are also exploited by homosexuals as sociopolitical tools and guinea pigs:





There is an immense amount of confusion now about gender, sex, and identity, due to society allowing homosexuals out of their closets and into the mainstream. Children are being abused psychologically and physically as well. There are literally now millions of children in America that are gender-dysphoric and are on track to being consigned to a lifetime of dangerous, expensive hormone treatments (big pharma and the medical establishment love all of the gender confusion, it's a very lucrative business opportunity).

Minors are being injected with puberty blockers and subjected to sex reassignment surgery. All of this is deviancy, a degeneracy of our culture and society. An unwholesome, unhealthy, confused and corrupt, deviant culture. Completely demonic. Homosexuals are much more likely to get infected with HIV and other dangerous STDs, not to speak of the psychological illnesses that homosexuals suffer from at a much higher rate than in the general population. Homosexuals in the most egalitarian and "progressive" countries like Sweden and Denmark experience the same higher frequency of mental illness as they do in Alabama or Pakistan.

Hear the demons speak:

Whether homosexuality is physiological or not is irrelevant. There are people born with the so-called "alcoholic gene", making them prone to alcohol addiction. Does the existence of such a gene make alcoholism good? Should we encourage people with the alcoholic gene to become alcoholics? Men having sex with men is a demonic pattern of behavior, and the same can be said about women having sex with women. Even if there is a physiological, genetic component to it, the evil spirits, love to see men and women denigrating themselves sexually. The demons you heard communicating through those radio scanners/ghost boxes, inspire it. Evil spirits are real.
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Now that the government approved gay marriages, what's the next taboo we can fix?

Polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple spouses. When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny. When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only two parties.Wikipedia

Thanks, but no thanks. If you think society is messed up now, just allow this and you'll have total pandemonium.
What is this biological difference. I’ve been asking and no one seems to be in the sharing mood on this subject. Maybe you would be so kind?
Of course. Your biology has dictated an attraction to the opposite sex. Another persons biology may dictate a preference for either sex and another persons biology may dictate a preference for the same sex. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. Who people love and marry is their business and doesn’t need to be restricted by government
Nope, she proclaimed herself lesbian. And from all I can ascertain, self proclamation is all that matters.

In fact, claiming otherwise is somewhat bigoted.
I’m sure she was a lesbian until she found love for a man, then that would make her Bi. Again, good for her. Everybody is different
Of course. Your biology has dictated an attraction to the opposite sex. Another persons biology may dictate a preference for either sex and another persons biology may dictate a preference for the same sex. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. Who people love and marry is their business and doesn’t need to be restricted by government

The government does not now, nor ever has, dictated who, or what for that matter, you love. In fact, there is no “love” test required to marry. It’s simply that, to marry, the participants must be of opposite sex. This did not exclude, in the least, participants in any of the several fetishes.
The government does not now, nor ever has, dictated who, or what for that matter, you love. In fact, there is no “love” test required to marry. It’s simply that, to marry, the participants must be of opposite sex. This did not exclude, in the least, participants in any of the several fetishes.
Well that’s about to change and now people with the fetishes as you like to call them get to enjoy the freedom to love, marry, and share the same benefits as straight people traditionally have. Let freedom ring! Ain’t it grand?!
Well that’s about to change and now people with the fetishes as you like to call them get to enjoy the freedom to love, marry, and share the same benefits as straight people traditionally have. Let freedom ring! Ain’t it grand?!
Gays could always share in these benefits as I’ve pointed out many many times, just like participants in all the various kinks and fetishes. You’re just being silly now.
Gays could always share in these benefits as I’ve pointed out many many times, just like participants in all the various kinks and fetishes. You’re just being silly now.
Gays couldn’t share in these benefits with a gay relationship. That will change. I’m assuming poly will be soon to follow.

The “harm” you outline isn’t the kind of harm government and laws should be protecting against. We live in a society that values freedom over government control.

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