Should polygamy be legalized? (Poll)

Should the Federal government pass a law to allow polygamy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 55.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 44.9%

  • Total voters
That’s quit a stretch, there are no applications for such and no signed contracts.
its a civil and social contract. Doesn't need to be signed. Its defined in law. It impacts tax filings, power of attorney, inheritance etc. Not much of a difference from what we are talking about.
I think that's a lot of spin.
No, that is science.

It's reasonable for society to assume that same sex partners are going to raise other people's children as a strategy for the future. Those are edge cases - not the model for a sustainable civilization.
No clue what you're claiming but there are 100s of thousands of kids in foster care in the US. You may think that is preferable to adoption and a stable home but I don't.
No, that is science.

No clue what you're claiming but there are 100s of thousands of kids in foster care in the US. You may think that is preferable to adoption and a stable home but I don't.

It's tragic that kids are in foster care. And yes, better for them to be in a loving home, to get a good education and to be taught healthy values in order to become self-sufficient adult. The fact that some kids have fallen through the cracks does not negate the fact that children raised by their biological parents are more successful in life on average than ones who are not.

its a civil and social contract. Doesn't need to be signed. Its defined in law. It impacts tax filings, power of attorney, inheritance etc. Not much of a difference from what we are talking about.

Ok, so you’ve never signed a marriage license or certificate? 🤦‍♂️

Do this, try signing either with three or more. Ain’t a gonna happen.
Ok, so you’ve never signed a marriage license or certificate? 🤦‍♂️

Do this, try signing either with three or more. Ain’t a gonna happen.
Marriage and civil unions involve signing contracts. That wasn't the point I was making. If the law allows for multiple people to marry then they would also sign a contract as well. Thats what this discussion is about. Whether it should be legal or not. I'm not seeing your reasoning for wanting to allow the government to make that choice for others.
Undoubtedly polygamy and polyandry will be legal. Since same sex marriage is already legal a man could have multiple husbands and wives. A woman might find herself married to and passed around to any number of male and female partners. It would be the legalization of the old commune model. Marriage would either fall away or be considered a quaint old fashioned event with no real legal significance.
Well if we gave Government and critical thinkers control of all our choices based on what they think its best for society then we become a communist or socialist country and the people no longer have freedom and liberty. Is that what you want?
I think you might mean well, but I cannot imagine how you came to that conclusion based on the post you are responding to.

And I also do not associate government with critical thinking these days.
Marriage and civil unions involve signing contracts. That wasn't the point I was making. If the law allows for multiple people to marry then they would also sign a contract as well. Thats what this discussion is about. Whether it should be legal or not. I'm not seeing your reasoning for wanting to allow the government to make that choice for others.
So one wealthy man could marry 2,10,20 women? If a man has 39 children, that's a lot of child support payments. Who will take care of all of those children? Is daddy a millionaire? Oh wait, I have the answer. The government (the people) will pay for it. They will pay for it with money, and social problems, like more drug use, crime, and imprisonment. One mom, one dad, and their children, that's the ideal and there's no logical reason to get away from that and allow polygamy or polyandry (one wife, many husbands). That's going back to the caves, the stone age. People having sex in public.

Where do we draw the line? How about a 40-year-old dad with his 18-year-old daughter? Can they marry? If not, why? I know why, it's against God's law and nature itself. It undermines public health and order, to have a bunch of dads having sex with their daughters. Parents shouldn't get comfortable with the idea of their children being potential future sex partners. Who stops that from happening? The authorities. It's illegal for that 40-year-old dad to marry his 18-year-old daughter. It's incest. The government, society in general, does have a say on who we have sex with, and how we organize our families.
Marriage has traditionally been a religious AND a civil union. A religion grants you their blessing and the State grants you various benefits. In my mind the two should be completely separate.

Marriage would be a religious designation, like a confirmation or bar mitzvah, but it would provide not civil benefits, like special tax status. The State would have no authority to compel or forbid any religion from recognizing a marriage.

A civil union would be akin to a contract between adults capable of making their own decisions. The State has no need to judge those decisions, it would only grant them rights for taxes, property, inheritance, etc. A civil union could be between any mix of genders and any number of participants.

You want to get married, find a Church that will marry you. You want civil union benefits, go to city hall.
And that's the way it is. The complaint is that both the religious (in English) use the same word to describe the union of 2 consenting adults.
I think you might mean well, but I cannot imagine how you came to that conclusion based on the post you are responding to.

And I also do not associate government with critical thinking these days.
Well you said government and critical thinkers have determined that traditional man women marriage is best for our society as justification for opposing the allowance of gay marriage or polygamy. Right? Wasn’t that the point of your last post?
If people can do whatever they want, with respect to marriage, sexuality, and how they raise their children, that will undermine freedom. Chaos is anti-existence, and that's what godless liberals encourage and spread. Demonic chaos.
If people can do whatever they want that will undermine freedom?!?!

Is that really what you just said?!
It's tragic that kids are in foster care. And yes, better for them to be in a loving home, to get a good education and to be taught healthy values in order to become self-sufficient adult. The fact that some kids have fallen through the cracks does not negate the fact that children raised by their biological parents are more successful in life on average than ones who are not.
Apples and oranges. A married gay couple is not the same as a single parent so you can't compare the two. I think studies show children of a married gay couple turn out very similar to those of a married straight couple.
Apples and oranges. A married gay couple is not the same as a single parent so you can't compare the two. I think studies show children of a married gay couple turn out very similar to those of a married straight couple.

A married gay couple are not the two biological parents of a child.
As it is usually practiced, it really isn't for the women involved.

I mean, unless you think a woman allowing herself to be owned by a man because she comes from a backwards culture is true consent.

Nothing you can do about culture

But an adult who agrees to a wedding is giving consent. That is why they ask you specifically
Well you said government and critical thinkers have determined that traditional man women marriage is best for our society as justification for opposing the allowance of gay marriage or polygamy. Right? Wasn’t that the point of your last post?
I said absolutely nothing about gay marriage. The topic was about polygamy, not gay marriage. The two things are entirely unrelated except for the word 'marriage.'

And yes, good government and anybody who still thinks critically understands the importance and value of traditional marriage for the reasons I stated and values/promotes/encourages that which is a very different thing from mandating that. The reason to oppose polygamy I very specifically spelled out.

And I think it dishonorable to take something out of its full context and represent it as something that was never said or intended.
Nothing you can do about culture

But an adult who agrees to a wedding is giving consent. That is why they ask you specifically
As a country, we are perfectly justified in telling knuckle dragging troglodytes from third world shit holes "no, you CAN'T have a harem in this country".

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