Should polygamy be legalized? (Poll)

Should the Federal government pass a law to allow polygamy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 55.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 44.9%

  • Total voters
Are you married in the traditional sense? If you are, you would know that you are married by the clergy and they make a report to the state that you are indeed married. The only reason that the state is involved at all is because the participants want the tax and legal advantages that the state provides to married couples and civil unions. A marriage has only three participants--a man, a woman and God.
And it's that report that makes you legally married.
No they dont dummy. The legislature can write a bill changing all the other laws wording from marriage to whatever term is chosen.
Federal, State, County, city, business documents and contracts. Every single one of them has to be changed because close minded bigots like you are against other people's rights.
If nothing else, think of the costs.
Now that the government approved gay marriages, what's the next taboo we can fix?

Polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple spouses. When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny. When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only two parties.Wikipedia

Pretty revealing that I’m a board heavily predominated by right wingers… polygamy is popular
What about the age of consent? When should girls be allowed to marry? 16? 14? 12?
I'm fine with laws that help keep society on a good track, morals are not a bad thing for a society to have.
Most pedophiles go by the rule "If they are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed".
And it's that report that makes you legally married.
The government has nothing to do with marriage. They provide benefits to married couples. If you don't claim benefits, there is no need to notify the government. You are still married--it is a religious union.
Now that the government approved gay marriages, what's the next taboo we can fix?

Polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple spouses. When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny. When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only two parties.Wikipedia

Sure, what’s wrong with that as long as all parties are willing?
Since some liberals have attempted to replace 'pedophile' with 'youth attracted' perhaps legalizing pedophilia will be next. That way they can legalize their sick fetish while getting closer to eliminating child / sex trafficking. Had this already been done, Epstein would not have had to have been 'suicided'.
What a stupid way to dodge the topic.

Everytime you let a fringe group become mainstream all you do is lower our societies morals, values and standards down a little bit. And everytime you lower the bar for one fringe group all you're doing is making the bar closer to the next fringe group below them.

Letting gays get married is why we have trannies and pedos running around now. Gays were the first closest to the bar, so we lowered it so they could get married. Then drag queens, trannies, polygamists, alphabet people, the pronoun people and so on we're all under the gays and everytime we let one go mainstream then the bar gets closer to the ones below them.

So we went from gays being married, to trannies, now we have pedophiles brave enough to actually publicly try to call themselves "minor attracted persons" when 20 years ago they would have been lucky if they didn't get beat to death for saying they are attracted to minors.
It’s not up to the government to determine societies morals. People decide for themselves. Our country stands for freedom and liberty not an oppressive government regulating who we love. That’s absurd
Now that the government approved gay marriages, what's the next taboo we can fix?

Polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple spouses. When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny. When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only two parties.Wikipedia

Some people want to make polyandry legal in South Africa, as polygyny is. But the men are like "oh, that's weird". As if it's any different to men having multiple wives.
It’s not up to the government to determine societies morals. People decide for themselves. Our country stands for freedom and liberty not an oppressive government regulating who we love. That’s absurd
We disagree. Societies need some morals or you turn into California.
steal anything you want
kill anyone you want
f__k anyone you want
do any drug you want
Lie, cheat and import illegals to keep you in political power. etc.

Marrying as many as you want seems tame by comparison.
We disagree. Societies need some morals or you turn into California.
steal anything you want
kill anyone you want
f__k anyone you want
do any drug you want
Lie, cheat and import illegals to keep you in political power. etc.

Marrying as many as you want seems tame by comparison.
Societies need laws to maintain public safety. It’s illegal to steal and to kill and to cause damage to others. Controlling who consenting adults love is absurd
Societies need laws to maintain public safety. It’s illegal to steal and to kill and to cause damage to others. Controlling who consenting adults love is absurd

Societies do not control who you love. Society however cannot exist without children replenishing them. And that is done through the Union of men with women, regardless of the “sexuality” makeup of the couples.
Societies do not control who you love. Society however cannot exist without children replenishing them. And that is done through the Union of men with women, regardless of the “sexuality” makeup of the couples.
That is true and procreation is not at risk of becoming extinct through legalization of gay marriage and especially not polygamy
That is true and procreation is not at risk of becoming extinct through legalization of gay marriage and especially not polygamy

polygamy actually makes more sense because the relationship can create children. Although I oppose it just as I oppose same sex marriage, regardless of the sexuality of the two partners involved.

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