Zone1 should psychiatry and especially gender identity "care" be idealogically attacked?

What constitutes lots of lawsuits?
I said there have been some, “lots” is largely vague and obviously being used to dance around the issue.
Name them and the outcomes.
Prisha Mosley and Soren Aldaco, two young women who were medically transitioned as teenagers and have since detransitioned, are suing their doctors, alleging that the defendants’ medical interventions caused irreversible damage to their bodies.

Why do you folks just pull arguments out of your asses like this? 😄
I just provided two examples, so that makes this insecure and ignorant statement of yours rather funny.
There already are some, I never said “an avalanche” lol. So, it’s verified, But there will probably a substantial amount, and the heartless leftist media will maliciously continue to avoid and suppress them.

there were lots of lawsuits in Europe, and Europe has backed way off of the trans-first social engineering movement. They started it like 5 years before the USA did.

Do you think these victims should sue based on their tragic experiences and claims?
The Christian nation is the victim, even Christians have the free speech to decline sin for their children's edification and freedom from the egregious sin that sex outside of marriage can be when it disobeys the word of God.

100 verses in the Bible against egregious immorality:
Repent of past wrongful acts, do what is right, support widows and orphans, and be saved by the blood of Jesus by living in the light of the Word. Amen.
There’s going to be a tsunami of lawsuits against medical professionals/doctors who lied and were negligent of explaining the permanent effects of these treatments to youth in the next years.

Let’s hope it bankrupts the right doctors and corrects the field. It was a breech of medical ethics to sterilize teens and mutilate their bodies permanently at such young ages, when they have no idea how long term lives play out.
The narrative from the left is "Healthcare", which seems to be the morally just direction that any logical person would espouse.
Yet, this "Healthcare" comes with a long list of risk, long term treatments, life altering changes with no recourse to reverse any of it.
This why I believe children should be left alone. This doesn't mean a parent can't recognize that their child may be gay and can't have discussions about their sexuality. But to start down the road of transitioning, before that child has ever explored their own sexuality, seems cruel.
As a parent, I would hate myself If I led my child down a medical path that caused them to never have a fullfilling sex life because I led them down the path to have their penis removed or took a swath of skin off their body to try and make a faux penis that will never actually work like a penis without some type of implant.
Sexual function, including orgasms, are not guaranteed, either route. Why take the chance on your child.
The narrative from the left is "Healthcare", which seems to be the morally just direction that any logical person would espouse.
Yet, this "Healthcare" comes with a long list of risk, long term treatments, life altering changes with no recourse to reverse any of it.
This why I believe children should be left alone. This doesn't mean a parent can't recognize that their child may be gay and can't have discussions about their sexuality. But to start down the road of transitioning, before that child has ever explored their own sexuality, seems cruel.
As a parent, I would hate myself If I led my child down a medical path that caused them to never have a fullfilling sex life because I led them down the path to have their penis removed or took a swath of skin off their body to try and make a faux penis that will never actually work like a penis without some type of implant.
Sexual function, including orgasms, are not guaranteed, either route. Why take the chance on your child.
It’s manipulated language on purpose, because calling it what it is would make it far less palatable to common people.

It would be Hitler saying he was performing “societal positive cleansing” rather than what it was… murdering Jews.

They try to call abortion “pro choice”… they selected the term “choice” because it has a positive connotation, despite the action when viewed being quite negative. The left knows this, so they manipulate the language to make dehumanizing the fetus’ life skipped over, and only focusing on the woman’s convenience and self righteousness.

The same goes for “gender affirming care”…. There’s no “care” ethically… and “affirming” someone into risky behavior isn’t good. it’s like someone being anorexic and telling them to continue to lose weight and wanting to “affirm” them. All people/doctors would say someone who does that is a horrible influence and arguably sinister.

This is planned at the top end.. . and insidious. Then the laypeople are comforted with fluffy language as a barrier to what’s actually going on underneath
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should psychiatry and especially gender identity "care" be idealogically attacked?

i think so.
but that's just me.

i feel this way about it, because psychiatry first tried to force gender-conformity through the same drugs as are now being push-advertised onto large groups of youngsters according to free will - at far too young an age.
and given the international nature of psychiatry and therapists, it won't be long before this could spread to other NATO and EU and AUKUS countries. ($@#!@#!$@!!!)

should psychiatry and especially gender identity "care" be idealogically attacked?

i think so.
but that's just me.

i feel this way about it, because psychiatry first tried to force gender-conformity through the same drugs as are now being push-advertised onto large groups of youngsters according to free will - at far too young an age.
and given the international nature of psychiatry and therapists, it won't be long before this could spread to other NATO and EU and AUKUS countries. ($@#!@#!$@!!!)

i don't know if you two are LGBTQ+ members, but you just don't get to push gender that's been pushed onto kids' naiive minds by adult LGBTQ+ reading materials, and then get to make millions upon millions in "care profits".
this is where i draw the line of freedom for the LGBTQ+ community. hands off our kids.
i don't know if you two are LGBTQ+ members, but you just don't get to push gender that's been pushed onto kids' naiive minds by adult LGBTQ+ reading materials, and then get to make millions upon millions in "care profits".
this is where i draw the line of freedom for the LGBTQ+ community. hands off our kids.

This is projection from the Trumpies.
I think maybe many parents like it so they do this to their kids if the parents organised and protested maybe it would not happen I do not have kids but if I did I would teach them my values
i don't know if you two are LGBTQ+ members, but you just don't get to push gender that's been pushed onto kids' naiive minds by adult LGBTQ+ reading materials, and then get to make millions upon millions in "care profits".
this is where i draw the line of freedom for the LGBTQ+ community. hands off our kids.
Hilarious fuckup

Nobody is stopping you from raising another Ed Gein.
Hilarious fuckup

Nobody is stopping you from raising another Ed Gein.
what's that supposed to mean?
nobody is stopping from me from raising another serial killer?
how about i stop myself, eh? like what was my plan all along, mr smart ass
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