Should Racial Views Get You Fired?

You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?
Should Radical Views Get You Fired?

Actually when it comes to holding any views, I believe most of us have noticed that our freedom of speech does not extend to saying anything we'd like to say at our place of work. If you doubt this, I suggest you get up and publicly announce your dislike for your immediate supervisor or the big boss. And see where that bit of freedom of speech gets you and how fast

Freedom of Speech strictly interpreted means the government or other governmental authorities cannot silence any individual or citizen with a peeve against the government. It doesn't mean we have the right to say whatever we like to whomever we like whenever and wherever we like. That's a myth.

When that dummy Miss America stood up and made her stupid speech about gay marriage, she subjected herself to losing the crown. Because at that point in time, she no longer spoke for herself but also for those whom she represented.

I've worked with racial bias. I've worked with prejudice against gays and those biased against women in authority. Religious freaks and atheists too. These proclivities were not spoken because one does not need to speak prejudices out loud in order for others to know they have them. However, if no overt action it taken by someone with prejudices against another. If they are able put them aside and work effectively and cooperatively in the same environment, why should they be fired? If they are unable to do so, they will either quit or be fired.
You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?

No! Why? Because in general, "WE" don't particularly like you either. Granted "WE" have good reason. However, we should be held to the same standard, regardless of how slanted things are in the white mans favor. No matter how racist the south is, or how transparent the reasons for white angst toward Obama is, no matter what the real agenda of the tea party is, no matter about the fact that somehow whites think of blacks and hispanics when it comes to welfare, when in actuality it's YOU people that dominate the food stamp industry. I say PLEASE speak your mind.:poop:
Somebody will kick your ass soon enough.

No they won't. Don't you know we blacks are prone to violent outbursts?:eek:
only when the apes out number the human 5 to 1..and thats the Damn truth!!..unless the human victim is 85 or older ....and thats also the damn truth!!!and the Klitschko brothers are beating the hell out of every ****** that steps into the ring with them!!

EVEN YOUR FATHER???:disbelief:
only when the apes out number the human 5 to 1..and thats the damn truth!!..unless the human victim is 85 or older ....and thats also the damn truth!!!and the klitschko brothers are beating the hell out of every ****** that steps into the ring with them!!

it"s the damn truth ....i once saw 2 black men fight over a piece of chicken......true story!!

I once saw two honkies fighting over their own sister.(true story):argue:
Depends entirely on what you do..and if you let it affect your work.
I agree. But in this example the SPLC is assuming the role of thought police.

It's a tough call.

If you have a "public facing" and you are engaging in after hours racism by going to protests or associating with's very difficult to keep that "private" and does an effect.

However..if you work for the Department of Sanitation, picking up have very little public facing..and as long as you keep it off the job..and don't do anything illegal..there should be no problem.

Would you say the same thing if he was a sex offender?
only when the apes out number the human 5 to 1..and thats the Damn truth!!..unless the human victim is 85 or older ....and thats also the damn truth!!!and the Klitschko brothers are beating the hell out of every ****** that steps into the ring with them!!

Just think if this yidnar idiot worked with you, YOU ALL would be turning him in in hopes of him getting fired I bet!

In that case, the employee would not have been keeping his opinions to himself as was specified in the OP.


If he actually "WAS" keeping to himself this thread wouldn't exist. His problem is, that he spends so much time being racist, he can no longer recognize it himself.:poop:
I wonder if he spouts his racist crap at work like he does on here. Should that be allowed?

I wonder if he has the courage to say those kinds of things in the real world. I suspect he will claim he does, but I wonder if he really does. Where does he work? Who does he work with? Does he work with minorities or are they all people just like him?

my guess is, he comes here to vent/troll and doesn't act this way in the real world.

Most don't. Here, they can hide by just logging off.
So which racial views should get you fired?

"Everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of blacks."

"Everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of Hispanics."

"Everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of Arabs."

"Everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of whites."

"Everything that is wrong with the world is the fault of Jews."

It is really clear that there are people on here who believe some of what I posted. If one believes ANY of it should he/she be fired? Or just if he/she believes ALL of it?

I'm SO confused by this thread!

All but the last two.
I agree. But in this example the SPLC is assuming the role of thought police.

It's a tough call.

If you have a "public facing" and you are engaging in after hours racism by going to protests or associating with's very difficult to keep that "private" and does an effect.

However..if you work for the Department of Sanitation, picking up have very little public facing..and as long as you keep it off the job..and don't do anything illegal..there should be no problem.

Would you say the same thing if he was a sex offender?

Are you comparing a sex offense (i.e., rape, assault, molestation) to verbal declaration or expression of opinion?
I think he's just some wussy little man spouting his racist views on the internet and in the woods at night with the other Klansmen.

If he said in public what he says on here I bet he'd get the crap beat out of him every other day, by kids and adults a like.

You think he's tough enough to be in the Klan? I don't.

"tough enough"? That's funny.

It really is. Who needs to be tough to hide under bed sheets. Isn't that what kids do when they hide from fictional monsters? sounds more like cowards, so he'd fit right in. :poop:
Fuckin A, I was in the Military for 7 years and none of that shit was tolerated sexual harassment, racism, religion etc if you want to be an asshole racist sexist bigot, do it on your own time .

I think that is the gist of this thread. -People who have views that run contrary to those acceptable in the workplace, but who are not generally known to have them and who don't flaunt them in the workplace.

You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?

I guess my question would be is how did they find out the employee was a racist?

He wasn't quite as quiet as he thought.
I guess my question would be is how did they find out the employee was a racist?

It doesn't say 'how' is just says 'who.'

My problem with the entire scenario is lack of due process for the fired employee.

I guess I'm just amazed at the number of people who are up for a good lynching these days if they consider the cause to be in line with their own views and the lynchee is white.

I just asked cause its not everyday the Southern Poverty Law center just calls up a workplace to inform a company an employee they have is a white supremecist.

Regardless, turnabout is fair play.
It's a tough call.

If you have a "public facing" and you are engaging in after hours racism by going to protests or associating with's very difficult to keep that "private" and does an effect.

However..if you work for the Department of Sanitation, picking up have very little public facing..and as long as you keep it off the job..and don't do anything illegal..there should be no problem.

Would you say the same thing if he was a sex offender?

Are you comparing a sex offense (i.e., rape, assault, molestation) to verbal declaration or expression of opinion?

Don't be a brick. The point is, let's say the girl was 17 and the boy was 19. do they disclose that? no! All you know is he has been tagged with the "sex offender" tag. So even "IF" this is no longer the case you still want him dealt with, do you not? Try to get self righteous on someone else dipshit. Your fake outrage is lost on common sense.
If racist views are causing you to treat customers who are a different race from your own less courteously or efficiently, then yes. You deserve to be fired.

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