Should recieving excessive welfare be jailable?


Dec 16, 2013
Simple question. At what point should a person be allowed to be a parasite of the taxpayer, be the ultimate TAKER, living off the work of others, before it should be jailable?

I say if a person is on government subsidies for more than 3 years, they should be jailed for fraud. Spend 5 years or so in prison working off that debt. Do something productive. Chain gangs, making license plates, whatever it is. Hell, put them on treadmills that churn generators to make electricity.

But, no one should be allowed to abuse welfare for more than 3 years. After that, if you apply again, you should be charged with fraud.
You know, jail costs the taxpayers a whole lot more than "welfare" does.

If Im paying to feed them and house them, it may as well be in jail where we can make them actually do some work and get something out of it, rather than just give them food stamps and ghetto housing. Paid for with the same tax dollars out of my pocket, may as well get something.

Something must be done about the takers in this country. If the Muslim in Chief wont do it, our states and cities should.
Simple question. At what point should a person be allowed to be a parasite of the taxpayer, be the ultimate TAKER, living off the work of others, before it should be jailable?

I say if a person is on government subsidies for more than 3 years, they should be jailed for fraud. Spend 5 years or so in prison working off that debt. Do something productive. Chain gangs, making license plates, whatever it is. Hell, put them on treadmills that churn generators to make electricity.

But, no one should be allowed to abuse welfare for more than 3 years. After that, if you apply again, you should be charged with fraud.

Those who are entitled to welfare are not abusing it.
Simple question. At what point should a person be allowed to be a parasite of the taxpayer, be the ultimate TAKER, living off the work of others, before it should be jailable?

I say if a person is on government subsidies for more than 3 years, they should be jailed for fraud. Spend 5 years or so in prison working off that debt. Do something productive. Chain gangs, making license plates, whatever it is. Hell, put them on treadmills that churn generators to make electricity.

But, no one should be allowed to abuse welfare for more than 3 years. After that, if you apply again, you should be charged with fraud.

Those who are entitled to welfare are not abusing it.

You just summed up Americans libtard problem.

NO ONE is 'entitled' to welfare, aka, MY tax dollars. You aren't entitled to my tax money. No one is.

Welfare should cap at 3 years. Apply again after that, you should go to jail.
DoItMyself sums up the far right reactionary wing nut problem.

Yup, your tax dollars, bub, are used for programs like that, and, yes, it is legal and moral.
Simple question. At what point should a person be allowed to be a parasite of the taxpayer, be the ultimate TAKER, living off the work of others, before it should be jailable?

I say if a person is on government subsidies for more than 3 years, they should be jailed for fraud. Spend 5 years or so in prison working off that debt. Do something productive. Chain gangs, making license plates, whatever it is. Hell, put them on treadmills that churn generators to make electricity.

But, no one should be allowed to abuse welfare for more than 3 years. After that, if you apply again, you should be charged with fraud.

And here we have yet another example of the ignorance and hate common to most conservatives.
Did it for more than fifty years, son, and retired very well.
I meant a job, work, You know, the people who pay taxes.

That's what I did, Meathead: you know, job, military, college, professional careers, taxes, investments, raising a family, successful children in family and careers.

Have you tried that? I recommend it.
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Did it for more than fifty years, son, and retired very well.
I meant a job, work, You know, the people who pay taxes.

That's what I did, Meathead: you know, job, military, college, professional careers, taxes, investments, raising a family, successful children in family and careers.

Have you tried that? I recommend it.
You come off like you've spent your entire "career" at welfare offices. Go figure.
You do realize applying for assistance will never be fraud unless someone lies in the application process, right?

Fraud is a clearly defined word. Granted, so was marriage a few years ago. But you are the first person I've seen arguing to alter the definition of fraud.
Simple question. At what point should a person be allowed to be a parasite of the taxpayer, be the ultimate TAKER, living off the work of others, before it should be jailable?

I say if a person is on government subsidies for more than 3 years, they should be jailed for fraud. Spend 5 years or so in prison working off that debt. Do something productive. Chain gangs, making license plates, whatever it is. Hell, put them on treadmills that churn generators to make electricity.

But, no one should be allowed to abuse welfare for more than 3 years. After that, if you apply again, you should be charged with fraud.

Those who are entitled to welfare are not abusing it.

I don't see how anyone can be entitled to a gift from their fellow citizens.
I meant a job, work, You know, the people who pay taxes.

That's what I did, Meathead: you know, job, military, college, professional careers, taxes, investments, raising a family, successful children in family and careers.

Have you tried that? I recommend it.
You come off like you've spent your entire "career" at welfare offices. Go figure.

Nah, that's the voices in your head panicking when they are faced with incontrovertible evidence that your head doesn't work well.
Simple question. At what point should a person be allowed to be a parasite of the taxpayer, be the ultimate TAKER, living off the work of others, before it should be jailable?

I say if a person is on government subsidies for more than 3 years, they should be jailed for fraud. Spend 5 years or so in prison working off that debt. Do something productive. Chain gangs, making license plates, whatever it is. Hell, put them on treadmills that churn generators to make electricity.

But, no one should be allowed to abuse welfare for more than 3 years. After that, if you apply again, you should be charged with fraud.

Those who are entitled to welfare are not abusing it.

I don't see how anyone can be entitled to a gift from their fellow citizens.

Ponder and pray when you donate your fast offerings next time. And you better reread King Benjamin again very carefully, where he says it is not your business to weight your neighbor's worthiness.

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