Should rep have...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... more different colored medals?

I mean there's only three, and they fill up rather quickly. My bet is that if someone from the board with access to the back end, the board code, checked out the V-Bulletin support website, that there's an add-on or something for more colors of medals for people that have increased amounts of rep. They could probably keep right on changing colors. That would keep it interesting.
Not a bad idea. I see a lot of people who already have full rep and can't get anymore dots or medals. You could have, say, a big bronze medal for 1000 rep, a silver medal for 2000 rep, and a gold medal for 3000 rep. Or something along those lines.
... more different colored medals?

I mean there's only three, and they fill up rather quickly. My bet is that if someone from the board with access to the back end, the board code, checked out the V-Bulletin support website, that there's an add-on or something for more colors of medals for people that have increased amounts of rep. They could probably keep right on changing colors. That would keep it interesting.

Only a 24/7 onilne GEEK would care about some fucking digital medals for being a consistent asshole troll.

Just stick a dildo in your ass if you want a bigger reward. :clap2:
I think the rep medallions look stupid

We should trash them all together
i think those of us (two to my knowledge so far) who have willingly opted out of the rep system be differentiated in some way from those who have been kicked out on the 2/48 rule...not that the rule is ever enforced anyway.

i also think that the opportunity to opt out should be included in the "Reputation 101: Reps for Newbie’s of the USMB" thread on the "Introduce Yourself" forum.
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... more different colored medals?

I mean there's only three, and they fill up rather quickly. My bet is that if someone from the board with access to the back end, the board code, checked out the V-Bulletin support website, that there's an add-on or something for more colors of medals for people that have increased amounts of rep. They could probably keep right on changing colors. That would keep it interesting.

if by interesting you mean gay, you're absolutely right, pole.
Bling. I don't like bling

... more different colored medals?

I mean there's only three, and they fill up rather quickly. My bet is that if someone from the board with access to the back end, the board code, checked out the V-Bulletin support website, that there's an add-on or something for more colors of medals for people that have increased amounts of rep. They could probably keep right on changing colors. That would keep it interesting.

You might be right, for those who love them. For, me, I don't even know what they mean and I don't notice them, and I don't want them, regardless of what they represent. :)

Just a personal preference.
I think sparklies would be nice : )) But then it's not exactly a top priority for me.
Well it doesn't have to get all blingy-like. We could have skulls & crossbones for negs and unicorns pooping rainbows for pozzies.
You might try telling them you're praying for their soul?

I don't worry about 'God-haters' too much: I believe God can take care of them and will.......
Forget 2nd Amendment's post. He negged me with a freaky message. I always reply to both pozzies and negs. He wrote back to me. Somehow that makes me a stalker? It certainly doesn't make him a theologist.

Anyhoo, I'm having a weird problem - the little arrow thing for new posts isn't appearing in some forums where there are definitely new posts. Yet the arrows appear in other forums as they should. Wazzup?
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Forget 2nd Amendment's post. He negged me with a freaky message. I always reply to both pozzies and negs. He wrote back to me. Somehow that makes me a stalker? It certainly doesn't make him a theologist.

Grandma, I actually love when this happens. Note that I didn't mention you by name, but you came in to announce it.

You were out of order calling GOD vicious names and then writing to ME about it, how many times? You'll also note I didn't reply to your last PM ... may God forgive you for trashing Him publicly. yikes!


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