Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

Ahem, do YOU have an opinion or are you hear just to parrot Hillary's BS?
I’ve stated several opinions. If you want to know may thoughts on anything specific then ask and I’ll give a straight answer like I always do.
That’s exactly the topic of this thread.

Y’all are in a tizzy about Dems trying to deprogram!

I replied and said y’all are overreacting and that nobody is seriously trying to do that.

You posted a Clinton clip and suggested that’s what she wanted to do.

Now you just agreed with her suggested method of how to institute the change.

So what’s the issue here?!
Well, the discussion of the people demanding 'better' leadership is to a different topic....This is about a long time fantasy of the left to jail, and or reprogram conservatives...

I think many of you don't want to discuss it openly because you know how authoritarian it would sound...But, still fantasize about it none the less...
Well, the discussion of the people demanding 'better' leadership is to a different topic....This is about a long time fantasy of the left to jail, and or reprogram conservatives...

I think many of you don't want to discuss it openly because you know how authoritarian it would sound...But, still fantasize about it none the less...
I’m here to discuss openly… YOU’RE the one who posted the Clinton video. A video that described the deprogramming as an “elect better leaders” solution.

So was that example a mistake on your part? Do you want to provide another example of something that displays what this thread is about?

Cause I’m sticking to my original reply that said y’all are overdramatic nutballs hyped up on fear mongering hyperbole
I guess that's the difference.

I don't want to see you deprogrammed or put in jail for not agreeing with me

I see a lot of that though where most Republicans don't call for Democrats to be deprogrammed, attacked, censored, jailed or any of that. But democrats call for that against republicans quite often.

Do you honestly not see a problem with that kind of behavior? Even the vaccines, republicans said "just leave me alone I don't want one" while democrats said "you must do this". Democrats are always demanding others do what they want, and the others just want to be left alone. Republicans really rarely make demands and when they do it's always because Democrats pushed them to that point.
Good for you. I still like to see you jailed.
It has been easy to see that when the Democrats speak of bipartisanship, that only means agreeing with them. This de-programming business goes beyond reason.
You will enjoy it

They have Taco Tuesdays, BINGO on alternate Mondays Corn Hole tournaments on weekends
They have a Whack-a-Mole game in the Rec Room
Repeat winner at cornhole tournaments. ^^^^^
I’m here to discuss openly… YOU’RE the one who posted the Clinton video. A video that described the deprogramming as an “elect better leaders” solution.

So was that example a mistake on your part? Do you want to provide another example of something that displays what this thread is about?

Cause I’m sticking to my original reply that said y’all are overdramatic nutballs hyped up on fear mongering hyperbole
Well, as I've shown, it isn't just Clinton that used that sort of language....In fact as one poster showed us earlier, as far back as the late 60s, early 70s, an FBI informant was inside the Weather Underground where they were seriously talking about this sort of thing....

Now, Clinton is a long time political operative, she chooses her words carefully, and "reprogramming" has NOTHING to do with 'choosing better leaders'.....
Why the fuck would I waste my time trying to convince you nutjobs of anything? Waste of time and money.
Best to just marginalize you. It's not like your belief system and ideology is growing. In fact, it's is your voting demographic.
You're just not being replaced in numbers that will allow you to be a majority again. That's why your political talking heads have to resort to forcing minority rule.
It's really the only way you can hold on to power.
How did you get to be such a liar?
Now, Clinton is a long time political operative, she chooses her words carefully, and "reprogramming" has NOTHING to do with 'choosing better leaders'.....
Electing better leaders was her exact explanation provided in the video you posted. So since that video isn’t showing anything do you have a better example besides something from 60-70 years ago??

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