Should Republicans who voted for Infrastructure be driven from the party?

Trump is upset because Biden actually got an infrastructure bill passed in less than one year when Trump couldn't do it in four years.

The "builder president" is a laughingstock and his fragile ego can't take it.

So much for the magic of Donnie Dealmaker

Biden showed how to get things done. Be flexible and pragmatic
Is a Republican who supports infrastructure a RINO?
Do they deserve to be driven from the party just because they did what is best for their district and state?

Such is the authoritarian right, compel conformity and punish dissent.
In fact it's very constitutional.

It's unconstitutional to not fix our crumbling infrastructure.

I guess the far right believes our constitution is a socialist document.

Forgive them. They're just repeating Dotard's stupid talking points. He calls the infrastructure bill (that he couldn't get done in four long years) "socialist", and they repeat it like dancing monkeys ;)


Is a Republican who supports infrastructure a RINO?
Do they deserve to be driven from the party just because they did what is best for their district and state?




Good poster, Justin, as you've just experienced.......internet chatrooms ain't bean-bag.

Yea "if i was mitch"

Mitch ain't me

Would it have been clearer for you if I had said if I was senate majority leader? the fuck? lol

Odd move for the little turtle who is normally pretty sharp

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