Should Republicans who voted for Infrastructure be driven from the party?

Once again, I challenge you to provide a link that supports your claim that only a “fractional” part is actual infrastructure

Your post demonstrates the problem with the GOP. Once they embrace the lie, no amount of facts will change their mind.
It can’t be “once again” you challenging me. You haven’t addressed a post to me on this topic.

And as you know, but don’t care, it is not a “lie.” Unlike you, I am a fan of the truth. For that reason, I can qualify my assertion and admit that SOME of the bill does address infrastructure needs. This is why I said “fractional”.

environmental remediation may be a lofty goal. It may even be a desirable and useful objective. It is not “infrastructure.” There is one example for you.

Where, as here, something is not fully dedicated to the named purpose, or is only partially addressed to that named purpose, it is accurate to refer to it as I did.

there is other pork in the bill also. You may deny it, but you’d be wrong. Also, the smoke and mirror mythological proposed plans to “pay” for it are even disputed by the CBO. Maybe this is why the tax law changes are going to be considered separately.

You lunatic leftists still imagine that you can obtain monies for your addiction to massive spending by “taxing” corporations. You either don’t see or refuse to admit that there is no such thing. Instead, corporations pass along the costs to the consumers. As Elon Musk has correctly observed, this is the most regressive form of taxation imaginable. Consider abandoning the false label of “progressive.” You leftists are the worst.
Is a Republican who supports infrastructure a RINO?
Do they deserve to be driven from the party just because they did what is best for their district and state?

Trump is upset because Biden actually got an infrastructure bill passed in less than one year when Trump couldn't do it in four years.

The "builder president" is a laughingstock and his fragile ego can't take it.

It is sheer insanity that Trump went on and on and on about the need for infrastructure spending in 2016 and now he's pissed that some Republicans actually voted for infrastructure spending.

It is truly insane the tard herd can't even see how fucking unbelievably hypocritical they are being about this.

President Donald Trump And Dems Strike Deal For $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

The bloviating game show host was all talk and simply couldn't get shit done.

Now he's jealous the guy he lost to got shit done.

That's all this is.

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