Should Senate impeachment trial allow witnesses?

I would love to see obama & hillary placed under oath!

But what it's looking like is there will be a motion to dismiss (for lack of evidence) in the first 30 seconds...if it gets 51 votes (which it will) it's over.

Done in 10 minutes.

Not relevant, this is the impeachment of Donald tramp.
Actually, allowing witnesses might not be such a bad idea...

Since the impeachment seems to center around Ukraine (where there is NO evidence of wrongdoing by Trump), that would give the Republicans the opportunity to supeona Pelosi and let her explain why HER son participated in that scam with Hunter Biden!!!
I would love to see obama & hillary placed under oath!

But what it's looking like is there will be a motion to dismiss (for lack of evidence) in the first 30 seconds...if it gets 51 votes (which it will) it's over.

Done in 10 minutes.

Not relevant, this is the impeachment of Donald tramp.
there is no relevant evidence for impeachment. no one is interested in humoring your delusions.
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?
The House failed to make it's case, no witnesses are necessary, directed verdict
How can the prosecution or defense present their cases without witnesses?

The house is free to call any of the 17 witnesses they used to make their determination. The house, in an impeachment, is the finder of facts, the senate is to try those facts. If the house can't make their case with what they have, tough shit, it's not the senates job to bail them out.


Not the way it works dumb ass.

That is exactly he way it works you dumb ass....this isn't a court of law, it is a court of politics....
How can the prosecution or defense present their cases without witnesses?

That was the job of the house to do...the senate acts as the jury.

Trump obstructed the House impeachment process by not allowing key witnesses to testify - forcing the House into the courts that would drag out into the 2020 election season.

No, he didn't.........the House had every right to contest the executive priviledge claims in the federal courts, they chose not to, because they want to run impeachment before the election.....that's on them, not him....there was no obstruction. The Executive is a Co-equal Branch.......they don't have to go along with what Congress does, then the court decides who is doofus.
I don't wish to see impeachment but if a trial comes about and witnesses are not allowed then the proceedings in the Senate will take on a similar stench that was produced in the House.
The HOUSE is wanting the Jury to do further investigations for them by calling new witnesses
It's not the job of the jury to investigate

I agree it isn't the job of a jury to investigate. It is their job to hear and weigh evidence, which may entail listening to witnesses that the prosecution or defense have subpoenaed. But then avoiding their job is one thing those in congress do quite well.
So, you think the impeachment words in the Constitution are just political bullshit not to be taken seriously?

Lefties obviously think that...holding secret hearings, a nameless "whistleblower", calling witnesses who did not witness a damn thing, not allowing the other side to call witnesses.
You are another one who doesn't just drink the Kool-Aid trump TV serves up to you, you spoon it right out of the container and shovel it directly into your mouth, bypassing the water.
We all know if Ears did what Donnie did, nothing would happen. Actually, Ears did far worse multiple times, yet never faced impeachment.
Of course, there should be witnesses. The republicans are just playing games. Their president was given every opportunity during the impeachment investigation to testify and have his staff testify, who were in the best position to provide evidence to exonerate him, but he refused, and now cries foul. These same witnesses should appear at trial. They would only help his case, right?

It is shameful that some in the Senate have openly stated that they will not sit as impartial jurors, thumbing their noses at the oath that they took and demonstrating extreme disloyalty to the U.S.A.
The House failed to make it's case, no witnesses are necessary, directed verdict

The House actually MADE their case very succinctly even without witnesses like John Bolton.

Wouldn't Trumpers want to have a strong defense? Witnesses could do that...or damn him even more..
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

Lol cnn
As we speak “I don’t believe that poll for one second, the 90 to 77%. I don’t believe it. It makes no sense that that number would change like that . . . David, that poll is wrong. Just because I said so, okay?”

Now Toobin stopped just short of stamping his feet, banging his fists, and knocking over his Lego tower. The David in question was CNN political director David Chalian, who defended his own poll:

As well “I don’t know what’s not to believe. You call people on the telephone, you get their information. You pop out a survey.

This is what those that we polled told us.

Now if you enjoyed reading the transcript just watch below the man loses his mind, Toobin is in straight denial.
John McLaughlin: Those bad media polls are getting bad for them. Everyone of those polls that came out today whether it’s CNN, ABC, Quinnipiac, they ALL under-poll Republicans. Can you believe it they all had less than 30% Republicans? When we were 33% on election day in 2016. So they can’t believe that the polls that they rigged are going against them. Because after two weeks of hearings they bored the country to death. They came up with no evidence, no proof and all they proved is that Donald Trump is an innocent of everything they’re saying and it’s a railroad. It’s all politics. The country is tired of it and they want to move on to other things. We produced, the Trump Campaign, Tony Fabrizio, produced a poll in the 30 districts that Democrats hold, because one switched, we already got one that became a Republican because of this. In that poll 53% opposed impeachment, only 43% support. And they said said only 36% say they deserve reelection.

This is horrible news for the hate-filled Democrats


DISASTER!... Pollster McLaughlin: Only 36% of Voters Believe the Freshman Dems Deserve Reelection if They Vote for Sham Impeachment!

Democrats are admitting they didnt have enough evidence to convict trump but impeached him anyway
I don't wish to see impeachment but if a trial comes about and witnesses are not allowed then the proceedings in the Senate will take on a similar stench that was produced in the House.
The HOUSE is wanting the Jury to do further investigations for them by calling new witnesses
It's not the job of the jury to investigate

I agree it isn't the job of a jury to investigate. It is their job to hear and weigh evidence, which may entail listening to witnesses that the prosecution or defense have subpoenaed. But then avoiding their job is one thing those in congress do quite well.
No one is stopping the introduction of evidence the house has.
How can the prosecution or defense present their cases without witnesses?

Very simple, through a singular “opening/closing” argument. Each side gets to stand and have say, 90 minutes to make their case, then it gets voted on. Nice, quick, simple. Sounds great to me.
BRTW - Did anyone notice that Paul Manafort conveniently had a heart attack Less than 48 hours before the Impeachment Proceedings begin? I wonder if that was Trump using Clintonian tactics to send a message to potential defense witnesses not to show up or speak up, even if subpoenaed to testify.
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?
Thank you for that post. It puts on full display how McTurtle is once again subverting democracy by obstructing the will of the majority.
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

The Democrats - and snowflakes - who abused and violated the process, trampled rights and held a 3rd-world inquisition, are BEGGING for the very things tgey denied the GOP and President.

Suck it up & STFU, butter cup.

The Democrats were warned what would happen if the pushed this unwarranted coup attempt to the Senate, warned they would be served a hefty helping the same dish they themselves created.

Reap the whirlwind, snowflake....the day of reckoning is coming.

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