Should Senate impeachment trial allow witnesses?

trump forfeited any pretense that he is legitimate by his complete failure to come forth and to allow his subordinates to come forth in front of the public. They have been offered every opportunity to come forth and testify under oath. They have hidden everything they do from the American People, and yet whine that they have not been treated fairly.

The orange whore even hides his finances, which every other president has been open about. I will not even go into his treatment of his fellow Americans, as well as immigrants, and his refusal to listen to the professionals working in national security and foreign affairs to keep our country safe, and his repudiation of them in favor of kissing putin's ass.
How can the prosecution or defense present their cases without witnesses?

That was the job of the house to do...the senate acts as the jury.

Trump obstructed the House impeachment process by not allowing key witnesses to testify - forcing the House into the courts that would drag out into the 2020 election season.
Liar. He exercised Executive Privilege and went to court. He has the right to use the courts. That is NOT obstruction. The democrats just don't want to wait for the courts to decide.
trump forfeited any pretense that he is legitimate by his complete failure to come forth and to allow his subordinates to come forth in front of the public. They have been offered every opportunity to come forth and testify under oath. They have hidden everything they do from the American People, and yet whine that they have not been treated fairly.

The orange whore even hides his finances, which every other president has been open about. I will not even go into his treatment of his fellow Americans, as well as immigrants, and his refusal to listen to the professionals working in national security and foreign affairs to keep our country safe, and his repudiation of them in favor of kissing putin's ass.
Not true. The democrats need only to wait for the courts do make a decision.
trump forfeited any pretense that he is legitimate by his complete failure to come forth and to allow his subordinates to come forth in front of the public. They have been offered every opportunity to come forth and testify under oath. They have hidden everything they do from the American People, and yet whine that they have not been treated fairly.

The orange whore even hides his finances, which every other president has been open about. I will not even go into his treatment of his fellow Americans, as well as immigrants, and his refusal to listen to the professionals working in national security and foreign affairs to keep our country safe, and his repudiation of them in favor of kissing putin's ass.
Exactly. Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
trump forfeited any pretense that he is legitimate by his complete failure to come forth and to allow his subordinates to come forth in front of the public. They have been offered every opportunity to come forth and testify under oath. They have hidden everything they do from the American People, and yet whine that they have not been treated fairly.

The orange whore even hides his finances, which every other president has been open about. I will not even go into his treatment of his fellow Americans, as well as immigrants, and his refusal to listen to the professionals working in national security and foreign affairs to keep our country safe, and his repudiation of them in favor of kissing putin's ass.
Not true. The democrats need only to wait for the courts do make a decision.
Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
And if they do, the Republicans are going to be in deep trouble in the 2020 general election... deep, profound trouble.

Don’t necessarily count on that. There are many Americans who just want this thing over and done with, regardless or the outcome. They’re sick of hearing about it every day. They’re sick of their soap operas and other programming being preempted by Government hearings they neither understand nor care about.
trump forfeited any pretense that he is legitimate by his complete failure to come forth and to allow his subordinates to come forth in front of the public. They have been offered every opportunity to come forth and testify under oath. They have hidden everything they do from the American People, and yet whine that they have not been treated fairly.

The orange whore even hides his finances, which every other president has been open about. I will not even go into his treatment of his fellow Americans, as well as immigrants, and his refusal to listen to the professionals working in national security and foreign affairs to keep our country safe, and his repudiation of them in favor of kissing putin's ass.
Not true. The democrats need only to wait for the courts do make a decision.
Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
This may be over your head, but there are more important issues here at stake than your lust to destroy Donald Trump.

The Executive Branch is independent and Equal to the Legislative Branch. The principle is not allowing the Legislative to subordinate the Executive.
This impeachment bullshit has gone too long.
We all know that the Republicans in the Senate will vote NO, so vote asap and move on to more important shit like the economy and the trade war with china.
Bunch of incompetent retards running America like it's a banana republic.
It’s merely to keep the crazed dementia impacted D voters happy. Crazy Nancy had to appease the nuts.
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?
Aren't witnesses the job of the House, and the Senate has been sent both the DemonRAT and Republican reports on this biased procedure?

79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

I think investigation is the House's job and they should not attempt to have the Senate do their job for them. If they want these witnesses, it's their job to get them to testify. "Oh, but mean old orange man won't let them". That's what the courts are for.

The bottom line is, the House won't take the steps necessary to force testimony. That's not the Senate's problem.
What is your assessment of the Dem's argument they 1. have already produced ample evidence to impeach 2. could not afford to wait for the courts to rule on Trump's obstruction because of the imminent threat Trump poses in corrupting another election after soliciting the help of Russia in the 2016 election? 3. want Repubs in the Senate to pressure the WH to relent on it's obstruction in order for senators to have ALL the pertinent information they need to decide on impeachment.

My assessment is that they knew going in that this was a possible outcome. Knowing that, they could have prepared for a court battle, they could have sought a fast track through to the SC, just like the SC got involved very quickly in the 2000 election. They didn't, and now they're trying to get the Senate to cover for them.

They didn't take their job seriously, which tells me they're looking for a campaign issue more than real justice.
trump forfeited any pretense that he is legitimate by his complete failure to come forth and to allow his subordinates to come forth in front of the public. They have been offered every opportunity to come forth and testify under oath. They have hidden everything they do from the American People, and yet whine that they have not been treated fairly.

The orange whore even hides his finances, which every other president has been open about. I will not even go into his treatment of his fellow Americans, as well as immigrants, and his refusal to listen to the professionals working in national security and foreign affairs to keep our country safe, and his repudiation of them in favor of kissing putin's ass.
Not true. The democrats need only to wait for the courts do make a decision.
Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
This may be over your head, but there are more important issues here at stake than your lust to destroy Donald Trump.

The Executive Branch is independent and Equal to the Legislative Branch. The principle is not allowing the Legislative to subordinate the Executive.
The principle is to hide the truth. Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

I think investigation is the House's job and they should not attempt to have the Senate do their job for them. If they want these witnesses, it's their job to get them to testify. "Oh, but mean old orange man won't let them". That's what the courts are for.

The bottom line is, the House won't take the steps necessary to force testimony. That's not the Senate's problem.
What is your assessment of the Dem's argument they 1. have already produced ample evidence to impeach 2. could not afford to wait for the courts to rule on Trump's obstruction because of the imminent threat Trump poses in corrupting another election after soliciting the help of Russia in the 2016 election? 3. want Repubs in the Senate to pressure the WH to relent on it's obstruction in order for senators to have ALL the pertinent information they need to decide on impeachment.

My assessment is that they knew going in that this was a possible outcome. Knowing that, they could have prepared for a court battle, they could have sought a fast track through to the SC, just like the SC got involved very quickly in the 2000 election. They didn't, and now they're trying to get the Senate to cover for them.

They didn't take their job seriously, which tells me they're looking for a campaign issue more than real justice.
A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
trump forfeited any pretense that he is legitimate by his complete failure to come forth and to allow his subordinates to come forth in front of the public. They have been offered every opportunity to come forth and testify under oath. They have hidden everything they do from the American People, and yet whine that they have not been treated fairly.

The orange whore even hides his finances, which every other president has been open about. I will not even go into his treatment of his fellow Americans, as well as immigrants, and his refusal to listen to the professionals working in national security and foreign affairs to keep our country safe, and his repudiation of them in favor of kissing putin's ass.
Not true. The democrats need only to wait for the courts do make a decision.
Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
This may be over your head, but there are more important issues here at stake than your lust to destroy Donald Trump.

The Executive Branch is independent and Equal to the Legislative Branch. The principle is not allowing the Legislative to subordinate the Executive.
The principle is to hide the truth. Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.

They can speak if the loses the court case. It is NOT obstruction to use the very system of checks and balances that were put into place to keep one branch from subverting the other.
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

I think investigation is the House's job and they should not attempt to have the Senate do their job for them. If they want these witnesses, it's their job to get them to testify. "Oh, but mean old orange man won't let them". That's what the courts are for.

The bottom line is, the House won't take the steps necessary to force testimony. That's not the Senate's problem.
What is your assessment of the Dem's argument they 1. have already produced ample evidence to impeach 2. could not afford to wait for the courts to rule on Trump's obstruction because of the imminent threat Trump poses in corrupting another election after soliciting the help of Russia in the 2016 election? 3. want Repubs in the Senate to pressure the WH to relent on it's obstruction in order for senators to have ALL the pertinent information they need to decide on impeachment.

My assessment is that they knew going in that this was a possible outcome. Knowing that, they could have prepared for a court battle, they could have sought a fast track through to the SC, just like the SC got involved very quickly in the 2000 election. They didn't, and now they're trying to get the Senate to cover for them.

They didn't take their job seriously, which tells me they're looking for a campaign issue more than real justice.
A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
That's nice. The problem is, it is the Constitution that has the only voice in this matter.
Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.
They aren't. They are within their constitutional authority.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.
They aren't. They are within their constitutional authority.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
They are not within their Constitutional authority. That is what is being challenged in court. You know, the check on Congress is the Judiciary and the Whitehouse has every right to utilize that check.
Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.
They aren't. They are within their constitutional authority.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
They are not within their Constitutional authority. That is what is being challenged in court. You know, the check on Congress is the Judiciary and the Whitehouse has every right to utilize that check.
Trump claims he didn't do anything wrong.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

If the witnesses will exonerate him, why won't he let the witnesses speak?
Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.
They aren't. They are within their constitutional authority.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
They are not within their Constitutional authority. That is what is being challenged in court. You know, the check on Congress is the Judiciary and the Whitehouse has every right to utilize that check.
You are avoiding the question with spin.

Trump claims he didn't do anything wrong.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

If the witnesses will exonerate him, why won't he let the witnesses speak?
Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.
They aren't. They are within their constitutional authority.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
They are not within their Constitutional authority. That is what is being challenged in court. You know, the check on Congress is the Judiciary and the Whitehouse has every right to utilize that check.
You are avoiding the question with spin.

Trump claims he didn't do anything wrong.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

If the witnesses will exonerate him, why won't he let the witnesses speak?
As I figured. I've explained why. You just don't like the explanation. You must be a millennial.

No one cares what polls have to say. This is the law.
Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.
They aren't. They are within their constitutional authority.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
They are not within their Constitutional authority. That is what is being challenged in court. You know, the check on Congress is the Judiciary and the Whitehouse has every right to utilize that check.

What’s the argument that they’re not in their constitutional authority? How does Congress not have a right to subpoena the executive? They’ve been doing it since the early years of the Republic.

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