Should Sessions be Dumped?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
He is not investigating the corruption and partisanship within the DOJ despite massive amounts of evidence. Should he go?
He was part of the swamp for years maybe that's why. He does seem rather useless, I'd want an Elliot Ness type in charge cleaning house and draining the swamp.
He was part of the swamp for years maybe that's why. He does seem rather useless, I'd want an Elliot Ness type in charge cleaning house and draining the swamp.
I didn't know that much about him, but I am underwhelmed. He is a milquetoast member of the good old boys club a.k.a The Swamp. He is not the right person for AG. He is better than Eric Holder but that isn't saying much.
He is not investigating the corruption and partisanship within the DOJ despite massive amounts of evidence. Should he go?

Maybe there is such "massive amounts of evidence" - ever consider that?

If there were I'm sure he'd be investigating.
He is not investigating the corruption and partisanship within the DOJ despite massive amounts of evidence. Should he go?
I personally believe there is more going on than we think. We’ve grown accustomed to the last admin always leaking things. I think Sessions knows it will do them no favors to announce what all he is investigating.
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Sessions is a died in the wool rightwing conservative. Those are the only roots that exist.
He is not investigating the corruption and partisanship within the DOJ despite massive amounts of evidence. Should he go?
Agree. Despite massive amounts of evidence I don’t why he has not investigated Trump sexual assault to numerous women, Trump tax returns or any money laundering, Wikileaks direct email with trump junior.
There was no direct email dump to Jr. As a matter of FACT he was sent a key the day AFTER it's public release.

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