Should the city of Washington be renamed Jefferson?


Jefferson, from the Louisiana purchase on was one of the most prolific federalists around.

put me a dozen louisianas in bag with discount lol
Belief in the "Louisiana" Purchase is also a funny joke. How many cents can you buy half of America with people? I have some change in my pocket, let me buy, will you sell me "luisiana" or are there special "louisiana" sellers in the usa?
Washington defended moneybags? The moneybags were held by the Brits. Get a new history book and maybe find a European forum in your hometown in Russia or Germany. You tell us.
I recently read a serious book by some political scientist, it is in Russian, so I will not post it. But it was all right there. If Jefferson was against big capital and slave owners, then there is some kind of forgery here. Either he did not have the opportunity to release the slaves, or he did not have them.

Or the book is wrong.

It is common knowledge here that Jefferson did, in fact, have slaves. And he was fucking at least one of them.
put me a dozen louisianas in bag with discount lol
Belief in the "Louisiana" Purchase is also a funny joke. How many cents can you buy half of America with people? I have some change in my pocket, let me buy, will you sell me "luisiana" or are there special "louisiana" sellers in the usa?

Belief in the Louisiana Purchase is a joke? WTF? 828,000 square miles were purchased for $15 million. It is not a matter of belief. It is a matter of historical fact.
Washington defended the interests of moneybags, big industrialists and slave owners, he acted against the common American people in the interests of the pro-British left imperialists. He is not worthy of having the capital named after him. A worthy candidate is Jefferson, defender of Liberty and the American people.
When (not "if") the capital is renamed, it will certainly NOT be for Jefferson.

Just heard that when one visits Monticello nowadays, many of the exhibits stress Jefferson's connections to slavery.

The capital will be renamed in honor of some African American man or woman.
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put me a dozen louisianas in bag with discount lol
Belief in the "Louisiana" Purchase is also a funny joke. How many cents can you buy half of America with people? I have some change in my pocket, let me buy, will you sell me "luisiana" or are there special "louisiana" sellers in the usa?

I'm still waiting to hear why the "belief" in the Louisianna Purchase is a joke.
Or the book is wrong.

It is common knowledge here that Jefferson did, in fact, have slaves. And he was fucking at least one of them.

Actually zero evidence of that. DNA confirms that Eston Hemings had familial ties to the Jefferson family, but was not directly related to Thomas Jefferson.

Like the Russian troll, you seek to smear based on fabrications in direct contrast to established fact.
Actually zero evidence of that. DNA confirms that Eston Hemings had familial ties to the Jefferson family, but was not directly related to Thomas Jefferson.

Like the Russian troll, you seek to smear based on fabrications in direct contrast to established fact.

I am not smearing. I said nothing about the paternity of her child.

And whether Eston Hemings is directly related to Jefferson or not, it is well known that he was fucking her. The paternity of her child is in dispute. That she slept with Jefferson, starting when they were in France, is not.
I am not smearing. I said nothing about the paternity of her child.

And whether Eston Hemings is directly related to Jefferson or not, it is well known that he was fucking her. The paternity of her child is in dispute. That she slept with Jefferson, starting when they were in France, is not.

Not "well known" at all - that is a smear you of the left cooked up in the 90's during the start of your war to end America. There is ZERO evidence to support your smears.
Actually zero evidence of that. DNA confirms that Eston Hemings had familial ties to the Jefferson family, but was not directly related to Thomas Jefferson.

Like the Russian troll, you seek to smear based on fabrications in direct contrast to established fact.

If you will reread my post you will see what I really said. There were 3 sentences.

One suggesting the book rupol read was wrong.

The second "It is common knowledge here that Jefferson did, in fact, have slaves" is not disputed. In fact, it is common knowledge.

The third is the one you take issue with. Namely that he was banging Sally Hemings.

Your accusations of "leftist politics" is laughable. And it is certainly common knowledge that Jefferson owned slaves.
The left?? LMAO!! Now it is a modern political smear?


Jefferson went to Paris with over 100 slaves. Hemmings was but one. Hardly the "gotcha" you try and make it.

Democrat James Thomson Callender, who once described George Washington as a “traitor” and a “thief” floated this rumor in 1802, as was his way (Already documented).

You are just smearing your betters.

Jefferson went to Paris with over 100 slaves. Hemmings was but one. Hardly the "gotcha" you try and make it.

Democrat James Thomson Callender, who once described George Washington as a “traitor” and a “thief” floated this rumor in 1802, as was his way (Already documented).

You are just smearing your betters.

You are right about one thing, Thomas Jefferson is my better. Yours too.

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