Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Correction: "In Touch" appears to have outed the boy's juvenile record. So apply all the questions and responses thusly. Moderator can/should change the title etc to reflect who is responsible.

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time...
So a 14 year old, a minor, was experimenting sexually with other minors around his age. And the father went to the police with the information and put his son through that and counselling too. Family ashamed, hesitant as to what to do/how to handle this boy's surging hormones and the girls who engaged with him too.. What a shocker. Newsflash, 14 year old boy can't control himself, gets in trouble with father/police. Has to go to counseling.

This is a smear story, of course. One wonders who it was who dug into the boy's juvenile record. Aren't those supposed to be sealed? I wonder who could be behind dethroning someone fighting for traditional marriage?

This will destroy the otherwise wholesome show "19 Kids and Counting" in more than just killing it on TLC, it will sully Christianity forever in the minds of millions of viewers. And this of course was the ultimate goal.

Christians aren't perfect people. In fact, they come to the church and cling to it because they know precisely that they aren't perfect and wish to improve their lives day by day under the watchful eye of God. You might have heard sermons referring to everyone as "a sinner"? That's because that's the premise that the entire religion works off of.

Meanwhile yesterday was "Harvey Milk Day" in California where millions of school kids were forced to idolize a serial pervert who, aging into his 40s, was preying on young teen boys on drugs, runaways, one after the other in a fixed and untreated, unapologetic, even boastful sexuality that's celebrated by LGBTs (the wolf pack almost certainly behind the Oprah franchise that exposed Josh Duggar) "across the nation and the world"..

If I was the family, I'd sue the Oprah Winfrey enterprise that "broke the story" for destroying Josh Duggar's reputation for what he did and was punished for/put into rehabilitation for when he was a juvenile. I wonder what Oprah did as a juvenile and how would she react if it was used to completely destroy her financial enterprise?

This is a hit while the US Supreme Court deliberates the gay marriage question IMHO. As if two wrongs make a right. Or some orchestrated "logic" to "deduce" that if any Christian has sinned in their past, that automatically makes their religion ruined by association. You cannot become a Christian unless you are a sinner. It's the direction they want to head, not the achieved goal that matters. The direction the LGBT cult wants people to head is "why bother? Just do what feels good at the time no matter what". I'm sure they'd make excellent institutionally-blessed "parents".. Much better to place a child in a family that would never turn them into police for sexual experimentation than one who would..

Interesting how all this was spurred on. Read this (it's almost always an anonymous source when this stuff happens...particularly troubling when it comes to exposing people from a juvenile record):

At some point after Josh admitted the sexual abuse to his family, the police report states, a family friend apparently wrote a letter detailing the entire scandal, the family’s involvement, and the alleged victims. That letter was folded up and placed in a book, which was eventually loaned to a member of the Duggars’ church, who discovered the letter inside.

2006: A source only identified as “a 61-year-old woman” emails Harpo Studios ahead of the family’s scheduled appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show and “warns” producers about Josh’s alleged sexual misconduct. From inTouch: Josh Duggar Accused of Molesting Several Sisters as a Teen Reports

So if I wanted to completely defame a juvenile (or use the juvenile record of a person to defame them as an adult) all I'd have to do is write to the Oprah Winfrey Show anonymously and "warn" them about alleged misconduct of the target (while he was 14 years old) and that's it: destruction complete!

Yep, I think she'd be suing ASAP. What would you do if it was your son? Or you as a 14 year old?
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Josh wasn't experimenting sexually with girls his own age, he was molesting his sisters, some of whom were under the age of 5 at the time of these assaults, and other girls.

Sexual experimentation implies that the acts were consensual. These were assaults. The victims were not willing. He forced himself on these girls. Learn the difference.

His father didn't take him to the police, at least not until Oprah alerted the authorities. The family covered it up, and then proceeded to use their TV pulpit to attack gays and gay marriage as a danger to children. The "danger to children" was the guy making these attacks.
Correction: "In Touch" appears to have outed the boy's juvenile record. So apply all the questions and responses thusly. Moderator can/should change the title etc to reflect who is responsible.

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time...
So a 14 year old, a minor, was experimenting sexually with other minors around his age. And the father went to the police with the information and put his son through that and counselling too. Family ashamed, hesitant as to what to do/how to handle this boy's surging hormones and the girls who engaged with him too.. What a shocker. Newsflash, 14 year old boy can't control himself, gets in trouble with father/police. Has to go to counseling.

This is a smear story, of course. One wonders who it was who dug into the boy's juvenile record. Aren't those supposed to be sealed? I wonder who could be behind dethroning someone fighting for traditional marriage?

This will destroy the otherwise wholesome show "19 Kids and Counting" in more than just killing it on TLC, it will sully Christianity forever in the minds of millions of viewers. And this of course was the ultimate goal.

Christians aren't perfect people. In fact, they come to the church and cling to it because they know precisely that they aren't perfect and wish to improve their lives day by day under the watchful eye of God. You might have heard sermons referring to everyone as "a sinner"? That's because that's the premise that the entire religion works off of.

Meanwhile yesterday was "Harvey Milk Day" in California where millions of school kids were forced to idolize a serial pervert who, aging into his 40s, was preying on young teen boys on drugs, runaways, one after the other in a fixed and untreated, unapologetic, even boastful sexuality that's celebrated by LGBTs (the wolf pack almost certainly behind the Oprah franchise that exposed Josh Duggar) "across the nation and the world"..

If I was the family, I'd sue the Oprah Winfrey enterprise that "broke the story" for destroying Josh Duggar's reputation for what he did and was punished for/put into rehabilitation for when he was a juvenile. I wonder what Oprah did as a juvenile and how would she react if it was used to completely destroy her financial enterprise?

This is a hit while the US Supreme Court deliberates the gay marriage question IMHO. As if two wrongs make a right. Or some orchestrated "logic" to "deduce" that if any Christian has sinned in their past, that automatically makes their religion ruined by association. You cannot become a Christian unless you are a sinner. It's the direction they want to head, not the achieved goal that matters. The direction the LGBT cult wants people to head is "why bother? Just do what feels good at the time no matter what". I'm sure they'd make excellent institutionally-blessed "parents".. Much better to place a child in a family that would never turn them into police for sexual experimentation than one who would..

Interesting how all this was spurred on. Read this (it's almost always an anonymous source when this stuff happens...particularly troubling when it comes to exposing people from a juvenile record):

At some point after Josh admitted the sexual abuse to his family, the police report states, a family friend apparently wrote a letter detailing the entire scandal, the family’s involvement, and the alleged victims. That letter was folded up and placed in a book, which was eventually loaned to a member of the Duggars’ church, who discovered the letter inside.

2006: A source only identified as “a 61-year-old woman” emails Harpo Studios ahead of the family’s scheduled appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show and “warns” producers about Josh’s alleged sexual misconduct. From inTouch: Josh Duggar Accused of Molesting Several Sisters as a Teen Reports

So if I wanted to completely defame a juvenile (or use the juvenile record of a person to defame them as an adult) all I'd have to do is write to the Oprah Winfrey Show anonymously and "warn" them about alleged misconduct of the target (while he was 14 years old) and that's it: destruction complete!

Yep, I think she'd be suing ASAP. What would you do if it was your son? Or you as a 14 year old?

You brought up something I was wondering also. A minors records are sealed. Just by what means did the media obtain this information?
Sil is a mistress of smear so of course recognizes it as a smear story. And would have fallen on such a story like a ravening wolf if it had been a notable lib family.

The family pretended, however, to be what it wasn't: a good Christian family.
Have you never committed a sin in your life and repented fully of it, Jake? This Christian brother has repented openly for his sin and today is serving the LORD with his whole heart. We should expect the world to respond as it has, Jake. We should not not expect those who claim to be followers of Christ to behave in such a way.

It is written:
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

and again it is written:

Love covers a multitude of sins.

Let us pray for this young man and stop condemning him for a sin which God has not only already forgiven but also forgotten! Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Not the Believers!
I also notice that there wasn't a reasonable choice in your poll, that acknowledged the pain and harm inflicted by Josh Duggar on his much younger victims, and holds him accountable for his actions.

I also note that the Duggars are completely focussed on Josh as this story has come out. Protect the male at all costs. The girls he molested are less important.

This behaviour isn't a reflection on Christians. It's a reflection on the Duggars and their parenting.

Josh should have been taught how to behave properly around little girls BEFORE he molested. Counselling and prayer doesn't undo the harm he did.
Josh wasn't experimenting sexually with girls his own age, he was molesting his sisters, some of whom were under the age of 5 at the time of these assaults, and other girls.

Sexual experimentation implies that the acts were consensual. These were assaults. The victims were not willing. He forced himself on these girls. Learn the difference.

His father didn't take him to the police, at least not until Oprah alerted the authorities. The family covered it up, and then proceeded to use their TV pulpit to attack gays and gay marriage as a danger to children. The "danger to children" was the guy making these attacks.
^ that

they will all burn in hell god willing :thup:
Sil is a mistress of smear so of course recognizes it as a smear story. And would have fallen on such a story like a ravening wolf if it had been a notable lib family.

The family pretended, however, to be what it wasn't: a good Christian family.
thank you.
Jeri, the family, if it was going to hold itself out as a Christian paragon, has to do full disclosure.

So your argument does not matter at all.

What does matter the Duggar repentance story continues in public as it should.
Correction: "In Touch" appears to have outed the boy's juvenile record. So apply all the questions and responses thusly. Moderator can/should change the title etc to reflect who is responsible.

A stunning and very alarming report has emerged involving the Duggar family.

According to a recently uncovered police report,
Josh Duggar, one of the many stars of TLC's 19 Kids and Counting, allegedly molested five girls — some of whom, were reportedly his sisters — starting in 2002. He was around 14 at the time...
So a 14 year old, a minor, was experimenting sexually with other minors around his age. And the father went to the police with the information and put his son through that and counselling too. Family ashamed, hesitant as to what to do/how to handle this boy's surging hormones and the girls who engaged with him too.. What a shocker. Newsflash, 14 year old boy can't control himself, gets in trouble with father/police. Has to go to counseling.

This is a smear story, of course. One wonders who it was who dug into the boy's juvenile record. Aren't those supposed to be sealed? I wonder who could be behind dethroning someone fighting for traditional marriage?

This will destroy the otherwise wholesome show "19 Kids and Counting" in more than just killing it on TLC, it will sully Christianity forever in the minds of millions of viewers. And this of course was the ultimate goal.

Christians aren't perfect people. In fact, they come to the church and cling to it because they know precisely that they aren't perfect and wish to improve their lives day by day under the watchful eye of God. You might have heard sermons referring to everyone as "a sinner"? That's because that's the premise that the entire religion works off of.

Meanwhile yesterday was "Harvey Milk Day" in California where millions of school kids were forced to idolize a serial pervert who, aging into his 40s, was preying on young teen boys on drugs, runaways, one after the other in a fixed and untreated, unapologetic, even boastful sexuality that's celebrated by LGBTs (the wolf pack almost certainly behind the Oprah franchise that exposed Josh Duggar) "across the nation and the world"..

If I was the family, I'd sue the Oprah Winfrey enterprise that "broke the story" for destroying Josh Duggar's reputation for what he did and was punished for/put into rehabilitation for when he was a juvenile. I wonder what Oprah did as a juvenile and how would she react if it was used to completely destroy her financial enterprise?

This is a hit while the US Supreme Court deliberates the gay marriage question IMHO. As if two wrongs make a right. Or some orchestrated "logic" to "deduce" that if any Christian has sinned in their past, that automatically makes their religion ruined by association. You cannot become a Christian unless you are a sinner. It's the direction they want to head, not the achieved goal that matters. The direction the LGBT cult wants people to head is "why bother? Just do what feels good at the time no matter what". I'm sure they'd make excellent institutionally-blessed "parents".. Much better to place a child in a family that would never turn them into police for sexual experimentation than one who would..

Interesting how all this was spurred on. Read this (it's almost always an anonymous source when this stuff happens...particularly troubling when it comes to exposing people from a juvenile record):

At some point after Josh admitted the sexual abuse to his family, the police report states, a family friend apparently wrote a letter detailing the entire scandal, the family’s involvement, and the alleged victims. That letter was folded up and placed in a book, which was eventually loaned to a member of the Duggars’ church, who discovered the letter inside.

2006: A source only identified as “a 61-year-old woman” emails Harpo Studios ahead of the family’s scheduled appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show and “warns” producers about Josh’s alleged sexual misconduct. From inTouch: Josh Duggar Accused of Molesting Several Sisters as a Teen Reports

So if I wanted to completely defame a juvenile (or use the juvenile record of a person to defame them as an adult) all I'd have to do is write to the Oprah Winfrey Show anonymously and "warn" them about alleged misconduct of the target (while he was 14 years old) and that's it: destruction complete!

Yep, I think she'd be suing ASAP. What would you do if it was your son? Or you as a 14 year old?

I don't believe Christians should bring lawsuits, Silhouette, but I understand your point. They most likely do have grounds to bring a lawsuit. I suppose for me it isn't a question of whether or not they have the grounds but whether they should or not. Whatever they feel the LORD is leading them to do I'm sure they will do it.

It is so wonderful to see you here today! Welcome! I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and that everything is going much better now. My husband and I have been keeping you in our prayers and shall continue to do so! Your name is on our prayer list. Have a blessed day!
"This is a hit while the US Supreme Court deliberates the gay marriage question IMHO.""

What? WTF does this have to do with two consenting individuals engaging in activity of their choosing as opposed to a sexual predator?
Thread fail on a massive, intergalactic scale.
Jeri, the family, if it was going to hold itself out as a Christian paragon, has to do full disclosure.

So your argument does not matter at all.

What does matter the Duggar repentance story continues in public as it should.

Abraham walked with God but lied about Sarah claiming she was his sister because he was in fear for his life. King David walked with God and committed adultery with Bathsheba and later had her husband killed. Samson walked with God and slept with Pagan women - two betrayed him and the latter one was responsible for turning him over to the Philistines which resulted ultimately in his death.

A person's walk with God is between them and God and the LORD does not require us to go on television and confess our sins when we repented of them years ago!

It is written:
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

Hear the words of David!

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4

If God forgave this young mans sin when he was a boy of 14 yrs of age - then who are you to remind others of what God has already forgave? Have you no fear of the LORD, Jake?
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God can forgive all he wants my friend, that is for the spiritual realm, render unto ceaser what is ceaser's and whatnot, there are people that are in jail for the rest of their lives because they had cannabis on their person when a police officer questioned them, these are men and women who were not hurting anyone at all, however they will spend the rest of their days in a cell while someone who claims moral superiority gets to apologize for RAPING at least five little girls and never see anything other than a counselor.
Jeri, the family, if it was going to hold itself out as a Christian paragon, has to do full disclosure.

So your argument does not matter at all.

What does matter the Duggar repentance story continues in public as it should.

Abraham walked with God but lied about Sarah claiming she was his sister because he was in fear for his life. King David walked with God and committed adultery with Bathsheba and later had her husband killed. Samson walked with God and slept with Pagan women - two betrayed him and the latter one was responsible for turning him over to the Philistines which resulted ultimately in his death.

A person's walk with God is between them and God and the LORD does not require us to go on television and confess our sins when we repented of them years ago!

It is written:
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

If God forgave this young mans sin when he was a boy of 14 yrs of age - then who are you to remind others of what God has already forgave? Have you no fear of the LORD, Jake?
he's a xstain monster and needs the death penalty :thup:
My friend is an attorney and she stated that it was clearly illegal for someone to unseal Josh Duggar's juvenile record and make it public. She said it's clear grounds for a big lawsuit against who ever did this on that fact alone.
God can forgive all he wants my friend, that is for the spiritual realm, render unto ceaser what is ceaser's and whatnot, there are people that are in jail for the rest of their lives because they had cannabis on their person when a police officer questioned them, these are men and women who were not hurting anyone at all, however they will spend the rest of their days in a cell while someone who claims moral superiority gets to apologize for RAPING at least five little girls and never see anything other than a counselor.
According to the report I read he never raped anyone. He touched his sisters. He should not have done it and he confessed his sins and sought forgiveness. He is forgiven. It's settled.
Jeri, the family, if it was going to hold itself out as a Christian paragon, has to do full disclosure.

So your argument does not matter at all.

What does matter the Duggar repentance story continues in public as it should.

Abraham walked with God but lied about Sarah claiming she was his sister because he was in fear for his life. King David walked with God and committed adultery with Bathsheba and later had her husband killed. Samson walked with God and slept with Pagan women - two betrayed him and the latter one was responsible for turning him over to the Philistines which resulted ultimately in his death.

A person's walk with God is between them and God and the LORD does not require us to go on television and confess our sins when we repented of them years ago!

It is written:
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

Hear the words of David!

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4

If God forgave this young mans sin when he was a boy of 14 yrs of age - then who are you to remind others of what God has already forgave? Have you no fear of the LORD, Jake?

When little girls, one as young as 3 or 4, are molested in the 21st Century, the rapist's walk exceeds the bounds of his personal relationship with God and enters into the realm of human responsibility and a rapist must answer to the law of the land.

Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
God can forgive all he wants my friend, that is for the spiritual realm, render unto ceaser what is ceaser's and whatnot, there are people that are in jail for the rest of their lives because they had cannabis on their person when a police officer questioned them, these are men and women who were not hurting anyone at all, however they will spend the rest of their days in a cell while someone who claims moral superiority gets to apologize for RAPING at least five little girls and never see anything other than a counselor.
According to the report I read he never raped anyone. He touched his sisters. He should not have done it and he confessed his sins and sought forgiveness. He is forgiven. It's settled.

In your mind it may be settled, but he did rape them when he violated their vaginas.
How do you know he didn't continue to rape little girls?
Jeri, the family, if it was going to hold itself out as a Christian paragon, has to do full disclosure.

So your argument does not matter at all.

What does matter the Duggar repentance story continues in public as it should.

Lilah has the spirit of God, Jeri: listen.

Abraham walked with God but lied about Sarah claiming she was his sister because he was in fear for his life. King David walked with God and committed adultery with Bathsheba and later had her husband killed. Samson walked with God and slept with Pagan women - two betrayed him and the latter one was responsible for turning him over to the Philistines which resulted ultimately in his death.

A person's walk with God is between them and God and the LORD does not require us to go on television and confess our sins when we repented of them years ago!

It is written:
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

Hear the words of David!

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4

If God forgave this young mans sin when he was a boy of 14 yrs of age - then who are you to remind others of what God has already forgave? Have you no fear of the LORD, Jake?

Jeri, I have no fear of your false understanding of the bible. You demonstrate exactly why the literal path of the Bible is wrong. Abraham put his wife into adulterous shame once, Isaac his twice. God forgave David, and I hope he will the Duggars, you, and me. Samson committed sin, so do not hold him up as an example of goodness.

You must understand, Jeri, all sin, including yours and mine, will become known at some time. The Duggars attempted wrongly to portray a public life that was indeed not whole on the inside. They made money from it for being false. That is not God's way, and for you to protect the sinner from the effects of sin is certainly not God's way either.

When and if we are on TV portraying God's way then of course public acknowledgment and repentance of sin is the right way.

Have you no understanding of God and His way, Jeri?
My friend is an attorney and she stated that it was clearly illegal for someone to unseal Josh Duggar's juvenile record and make it public. She said it's clear grounds for a big lawsuit against who ever did this on that fact alone.
You are lying that you talked to anyone. That is clear to any one with a clean spirit.

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